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Search results for: real-time simulation
Probabilistic sensitivity of limit states of structures. The Monte Carlo simulation
PublicationPraca zawiera koncepcję badania wrażliwości stanów granicznych konstrukcji na zmiany poszczególnych zmiennych podstawowych, w oparciu o procedurę symulacyjną Monte Carlo. Sformułowanie ogólne metody oparte jest na analizie stanów granicznych konstrukcji, wprowadzona metoda losowa umożliwia badania histogramu stanu granicznego oraz estymację niezawodności / prawdopodobieństwa awarii konstrukcji.
Monitoring of concrete curing in extradosed bridge supported by numerical simulation
PublicationThe paper describes a mathematical model of concrete curing taking into account kinetics of setting reactions. The numerical model is implemented in the author’s program that was used to monitor thermal effects recorded in the concrete bottom plate of the extradosed bridge. Numerical approach was verified by experimental measurements and used for assessment of the current compressive strength due to degree of hydration of fresh...
Numerical Simulation of Open Channel Flow between Bridge Piers
PublicationPrzedstawiono dwuwymiarowy model przepływu wody płytkiej, który wykorzystano do symulacji przepływu wody w kanale otwartym w rejonie przekroju mostowego. Równania przepływu rozwiązano metodą objętości skończonych. Wyniki symulacji ruchu wody pomiędzy filarami mostowymi porównano z pomiarami laboratoryjnymi przeprowadzonymi w Laboratorium Hydrauliki i Inżynierii Środowiska politechniki Gdańskiej. Zgodność uzyskanych wyników obliczeń...
Finite element simulation of cross shaped window panel supports
PublicationThe aim of the work is to verify suitability of cross-shaped window panel supports for mullion-transom wall systems. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to determine the behaviour of stainless steel elements under loading. The advanced non-linear numerical simulations are carried out using an implicit FEM software package MSC.Marc. This study is proposed to initiate the comprehensive investigation of mechanical properties...
Dynamic fracture of brittle shells in a space-time adaptive isogeometric phase field framework
PublicationPhase field models for fracture prediction gained popularity as the formulation does not require the specification of ad-hoc criteria and no discontinuities are inserted in the body. This work focuses on dynamic crack evolution of brittle shell structures considering large deformations. The energy contributions from in-plane and out-of-plane deformations are separately split into tensile and compressive components and the resulting...
PublicationWe report time-of-flight differential cross section (DCS) measurements for the electron impact excitation transition in H2. In this work, agreement between available theory and experiment is excellent overall, and marks a transition in electron molecule scattering where differential scattering of excitation is found to be in such precise agreement. We also prove that the newly built apparatus can be used for accurate measurement...
Determination of time dependence of coated metal electrical and electrochemical parameters during exposure using principal component analysis
PublicationThe use of the principal component analysis (PCA) permits the complex and quantitative analysis of the time dependence of electrical and electrochemical parameters of coated metal obtained by fitting impedance data. So far, changes in electrical and electrochemical parameters during exposure were analyzed independently. In this way, some of the information contained in the relationship between changes in parameters over time are...
Influence of the Square Wave Voltage on Dynamical Properties of a Flat Voltammetric Electrode in the Time Domain by the Electrochemical Reversible Reaction
PublicationIn this article there is a presentation of the analysis of the polarizing voltage shape influencing dynamic properties of voltammetric electrodes when on their surface reversible reaction takes place in the time domain. The electrode polarization with linearly increasing voltage and with a square component, was analyzed. The analysis that were conducted showed that the voltammetric electrode behaves like a first order transducer....
Wavelet Transform Analysis of Heart Rate to Assess Recovery Time for Long Distance Runners
PublicationThe diagnostics of the condition of athletes has become a field of special scientific interest and activity. The aim of this study was to verify the effect of a long (100 km) run on a group of runners, as well as to assess the recovery time that is required for them to return to the pre-run state. The heart rate (HR) data presented were collected the day before the extreme physical effort, on the same day as, but after, the physical...
PublicationThe microseismic monitoring is a method of monitoring of fracture propagation during hydraulic fracturing process. Hydraulic fracturing is a method of reservoir stimulation used especially for unconventional gas recovery. A matrix of several thousand geophones is placed on the surface of earth to record every little tremor of ground induced by fracturing process. Afterwards, the signal is analysed and the place of tremor occurrence...
Optimal and suboptimal algorithms for identification of time-varying systems with randomly drifting parameters
PublicationNoncausal estimation algorithms, which involve smoothing, can be used for off-line identification of nonstationary systems. Since smoothingis based on both past and future data, it offers increased accuracy compared to causal (tracking) estimation schemes, incorporating past data only. It is shown that efficient smoothing variants of the popular exponentially weighted least squares and Kalman filter-based parameter trackers can...
Real Estate Management and Valuation
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Optimization of Nuclear Power Share in the Structure of Electricity Production in Poland in Time Perspective by 2060
PublicationThe author of this paper presented the results of a system analysis using MARKAL model, aiming at the optimization of nuclear power share in power generation structure in Poland in time perspective by 2060. Optimization criterion is the minimization of the objective function, i.e. the total cost of energy system, taking into account constraints related to CO2, SOx and NOx emissions and obligatory shares of electricity from renewable...
Optical Parameters Stability Over Time of Porous Phantoms Mimicking Tissues
Open Research DataOptical phantoms are used to validate optical measurement methods. The stability of their optical parameters over time allows them to be used and stored over long-term periods while maintaining their optical parameters. The aim of the presented research was to investigate the stability of fabricated porous phantoms, which can be used as a lung phantom...
Time-dependent relaxation dynamics of remanent strain in textured PMN–PZ–PT and PMN–PIN–PT piezoceramics
PublicationCrystallographically textured lead-based piezoceramics, particularly P (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3–Pb ZrO3–PbTi O3 (PMN–PZ PT) and Pb(M1/3Nb2/3)O3–Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3–PbTiO3 (PMN–PIN–PT), play a pivotal role in electromechanical applications due to their enhanced field-induced strain responses. However, challenges in precision positioning arise from heightened remanent strain (Sr) caused by embedded templates in the textured grains impacting...
Ontological Model for Contextual Data Defining Time Series for Emotion Recognition and Analysis
PublicationOne of the major challenges facing the field of Affective Computing is the reusability of datasets. Existing affective-related datasets are not consistent with each other, they store a variety of information in different forms, different formats, and the terms used to describe them are not unified. This paper proposes a new ontology, ROAD, as a solution to this problem, by formally describing the datasets and unifying the terms...
Scalability of surrogate-assisted multi-objective optimization of antenna structures exploiting variable-fidelity electromagnetic simulation models
PublicationMulti-objective optimization of antenna structures is a challenging task due to high-computational cost of evaluating the design objectives as well as large number of adjustable parameters. Design speedup can be achieved by means of surrogate-based optimization techniques. In particular, a combination of variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations, design space reduction techniques, response surface approximation (RSA) models,...
Numerical tests of time-stepping schemes in the context of FEM for 6-field shell dynamics
PublicationThe paper deals with integration of dynamic equations of irregular shells performed with relatively long time steps. Numerical instability appearing often in this kind of analysis motivated the authors to present some studies based on numerical tests referring to convergence problems of finite element analysis as well the applied stability conditions. The analysis is carried out on simulations of shell dynamics with the where the...
Simulation of the response of base-isolated buildings under earthquake excitations considering soil flexibility
PublicationThe accurate analysis of the seismic response of isolated structures requires the incorporation of the flexibility of supporting soil. However, it is often customary to idealize the soil as rigid during the analysis of such structures. In the present paper, seismic response time history analyses of base-isolated buildings modelled as single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) and multi degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems with linear and nonlinear...
Self-Testing of Analog Parts Terminated by ADCs Based on Multiple Sampling of Time Responses
PublicationA new approach for self-testing of analog parts terminated by analog-to-digital converters in mixed-signal electronic microsystems controlled by microcontrollers is presented. It is based upon a new fault diagnosis method using a transformation of the set of voltage samples of the time response of a tested analog part to a square impulse into localization curves placed in a multidimensional measurement space. The method can be used...
Estimation of time-frequency complex phase-based speech attributes using narrow band filter banks
PublicationIn this paper, we present nonlinear estimators of nonstationary and multicomponent signal attributes (parameters, properties) which are instantaneous frequency, spectral (or group) delay, and chirp-rate (also known as instantaneous frequency slope). We estimate all of these distributions in the time-frequency domain using both finite and infinite impulse response (FIR and IIR) narrow band filers for speech analysis. Then, we present...
Efficacy of daratumumab monotherapy in real-world heavily pretreated patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma
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POEMS Syndrome: Real World Experience in Diagnosis and Systemic Therapy - 108 Patients Multicenter Analysis
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Chemistry Innovations and Ideas from the Classroom to the Real World: The Students’ Perspective on Becoming a Chemistry Entrepreneur
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Estimation of the angular position of a two-wheeled balancing robot using a real IMU with selected filters
PublicationA low-cost measurement system using filtering of measurements for two-wheeled balancing robot stabilisation purposes has been addressed in this paper. In particular, a measurement system based on gyroscope, accelerometer, and encoder has been considered. The measurements have been corrected for deterministic disturbances and then filtered with Kalman, α-β type, and complementary filters. A quantitative assessment of selected filters...
Comparative DEM calculations of fracture process in concrete considering real angular and artificial spherical aggregates
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pękania dla betonu stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy i był poddany zginaniu. Zbadano wpływ kształtu kruszywa na proces pekania i na zalezność obciązenia od ugięcia. Wyniki dwuwymiarowe i trzywymiarowe porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Wyniki pokazały duzy wpływ kształtu kruszywa na wyniki numeryczne.
Non-linear circuit model of a single doubly-fed induction machine formulated in natural axes for drive systems simulation purposes
PublicationMathematical modelling and a circuit model formulated in natural axes of a single doubly-fed induction machine, with the account of magnetic circuit nonlinearity are presented in the paper. Derivation of the model differential equations was based on Lagrange's energy method. State functions of magnetic elements in the model are non-linear and depend on all currents flowing in the machine windings and on the angle of rotor position....
Very accurate time propagation of coupled Schrödinger equations for femto- and attosecond physics and chemistry, with C++ source code
PublicationIn this article, I present a very fast and high-precision (up to 33 decimal places) C++ implementation of the semi-global time propagation algorithm for a system of coupled Schrödinger equations with a time-dependent Hamiltonian. It can be used to describe time-dependent processes in molecular systems after excitation by femto- and attosecond laser pulses. It also works with an arbitrary user supplied Hamiltonian and can be used...
Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis
PublicationWarmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...
Influence of span length and impulse front time on earthing measurement accuracy of power line towers
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of measuring and assessing the features of power line tower earthings using fast-changing waveform. The study analyses the effect of impulse front time and the line span length on errors made during these measurements using impulse meters. It has been found that the assessment conditions similar to the static measurement results occur for the use of 4 μs current impulses and such procedure is useful...
Structure, luminescent properties and FDTD simulation of TeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-Ag:Ln3+ glass-ceramics system
PublicationTeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-Ag glass systems (TBB) co-doped with terbium and europium ions have been successfully synthesized through conventional melt-quenching technique. Heat treatment procedure at 350 °C has been conducted in order to synthesize silver nanoparticles embedded in TBB glass matrix. Structural measurements involved XRD studies that revealed no crystallization of glass structure after heat treatment at elevated temperatures....
The mediational role of future and past time perspectives in the relationship between negative affectivity and sense of coherence
PublicationSense of coherence (SoC) can promote positive coping, and one of its most prominent negative correlates is negative affectivity (NA). In the current study, we hypothesized that future and past time perspectives (TPs) will mediate the relationship between sense of coherence and negative affectivity, and the inverse relationship. The study was questionnaire-based, performed online. N = 719 participants aged 25-45 from...
Electrochemical simulation of metabolism for antitumor-active imidazoacridinone C-1311 and in silico prediction of drug metabolic reactions
PublicationThe metabolism of antitumor-active 5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone (C-1311) has been investigated widely over the last decade but some aspects of molecular mechanisms of its metabolic transformation are still not explained. In the current work, we have reported a direct and rapid analytical tool for better prediction of C-1311 metabolism which is based on electrochemistry (EC) coupled on-line with electrospray...
Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem for fractional dynamic systems – linear quadratic discrete-time case
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Recent advances in rapid multiobjective optimization of expensive simulation models in microwave and antenna engineering by Pareto front exploration
PublicationPractical engineering design problems are inherently multiobjective, that is, require simultaneous control of several (and often conflicting) criteria. In many situations, genuine multiobjective optimization is required to acquire comprehensive information about the system of interest. The most popular solution techniques are populationbased metaheuristics, however, they are not practical for handling expensive electromagnetic...
A multiparameter simulation-driven analysis of ship response when turning concerning a required number of irregular wave realizations
PublicationThe growing implementation of Decision Support Systems on modern ships, digital-twin technology, and the introduction of autonomous vessels cause the marine industry to seek accurate modeling of vessel response. Despite the contemporary 6DOF models can be used to predict ship motions in irregular waves, the impact of their stochastic realization is usually neglected and remains under-investigated. Especially in the case of turning, differences...
Marek Kubale prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleDetails concerning: Qualifications, Experiences, Editorial boards, Ph.D. theses supervised, Books, and Recent articles can be found at ScholarSylwetka prof. Marka Kubalego Prof. Marek Kubale pracuje na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej nieprzerwanie od roku 1969. W tym czasie napisał ponad 150 prac naukowych, w tym ponad 40 z listy JCR. Ponadto...
World of Real Estate Journal
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Road Safety Trends at National Level in Europe: A Review of Time-series Analysis Performed during the Period 2000–12
PublicationThis paper presents a review of time-series analysis of road safety trends, aggregatedat a national level, which has been performed in the period 2000 – 12 and applied to Europeannational data sets covering long time periods. It provides a guideline and set of best practices inthe area of time-series modelling and identifies the latest methods and applications of nationalroad safety trend analysis...
Influence of YARN Schedulers on Power Consumption and Processing Time for Various Big Data Benchmarks
PublicationClimate change caused by human activities can influence the lives of everybody onthe planet. The environmental concerns must be taken into consideration by all fields of studyincludingICT. Green Computing aims to reduce negative effects of IT on the environment while,at the same time, maintaining all of the possible benefits it provides. Several Big Data platformslike Apache Spark orYARNhave become widely used in analytics and...
Systematic approach to binary classification of images in video streams using shifting time windows
Publicationin the paper, after pointing out of realistic recordings and classifications of their frames, we propose a new shifting time window approach for improving binary classifications. We consider image classification in tewo steps. in the first one the well known binary classification algorithms are used for each image separately. In the second step the results of the previous step mare analysed in relatively short sequences of consecutive...
Long-distance quantum communication over noisy networks without long-time quantum memory
PublicationThe problem of sharing entanglement over large distances is crucial for implementations of quantum cryptography. A possible scheme for long-distance entanglement sharing and quantum communication exploits networks whose nodes share Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs. In Perseguers et al. [Phys. Rev. A 78, 062324 (2008)] the authors put forward an important isomorphism between storing quantum information in a dimension D and transmission...
Tackling age-related disease: time for a step forward
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Stability by linear approximation for time scale dynamical systems
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Uniform solvability for families of linear systems on time scales
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Procedura powiadamiania o śmierci pacjenta —“In Person, In Time…”
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Equilibration Time of Solid Contact Ion-Selective Electrodes
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Time domain validation of ultracapacitor fractional order model
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The influence of the time of day on midazolam pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in rabbits