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Search results for: ACOUSTIC ACTIVITY
Application of PL-Grid Platform for Modeling of the Selected Acoustic Phenomena
PublicationDomain grids are specific computational environments, developed within the PLGrid Plus project. For the Acoustic domain grid two supercomputer grid based services were prepared. Dedicated software consists of the outdoor sound propagation module and psychoacoustical noise dosimeter. The results are presented in a form of maps of sound level and Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) values, therefore the services may play an informative...
Projekt systemu nagłośnieniowego z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania CATT-Acoustic.
PublicationW niniejszej pracy zawarto projekt modelu akustycznego sali audytoryjnej oraz weryfikację charakterystyk pola akustycznego tego modelu w oparciu o program CATT-Acoustic. W pracy przedstawiono również projekt systemu nagłośnienia modelowanej sali audytoryjnej, który z punktu widzenia właściwości akustycznych powinien zapewnić jak najlepszą zrozumiałość mowy. Dokonano analizy porównawczej pola akustycznego bez oraz z zaimplementowanym...
Time-frequency analysis of acoustic signals using concentrated spectrogram
PublicationThe paper presents improved method of time-frequency (TF) analysis of discrete-time signals. The method involves signal's local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) to purposely redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) lines. Additionally, the energy concentration index (ECI) and some histogram-like statistics are used to evaluate readability of estimated TF distributions of the energy. Recorded...
Testing OFDM Transmission Schemes for Shallow Water Acoustic Communications
PublicationLarge variability of communication properties of underwater acoustic channels, and especially strongly varying instantaneous conditions in shallow waters, is a tough challenge for the designers of underwater acoustics communication (UAC system. There is a need for developing adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize signal parameters in both physical and link layers of communication protocols. The orthogonal frequency...
Limitations of WSSUS modeling of stationary underwater acoustic communication channel
PublicationPerformances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Due to their large variability, there is a need for adaptive matching of the UAC systems signaling to the transmission properties of the channel. This requires a knowledge of instantaneous channel characteristics, in terms of the specific parameters of stochastic models. The wide-sense...
Shallow-Water Acoustic Communications in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublicationA phenomenon that has a strong impact on signal transmission conditions in Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems is multipath propagation. As a result of multipath propagation, the transmitted signal undergoes time dispersion which results in inter-symbol interference observed on the receiving side. Time dispersion is large, especially in horizontal channels in shallow waters which significantly limits the transmission...
The effect of tire aging on acoustic performance of CPX reference tires
PublicationReduction of tire/road noise is one of the biggest environmental challenges of road traffic. To reduce that noise it is necessary to perform acoustic measurements on the base of wellproven standard procedures. One method of measurements that is in common use, namely the Close Proximity Method (CPX), is described in standard ISO-DIS 11819-2. As this method is used to classify road surfaces regarding their influence on vehicle noise,...
Influence of vortices on a progressive quasi-plane acoustic wave
PublicationMetoda separacji składowych przepływu ogólnego doprowadza do powstania układów równań dla wszystkich możliwych typów ruchu. Szczególny przypadek oddziaływań dotyczy rozpraszania fali akustycznej na wirach. W rezultacie separacji układu bilansu powstają równania pierwszego rzędu względem czasu dla fal akustycznych o przeciwnych kierunkach propagacji. Zasugerowane są ilustracje.
Acoustic and Flow Aspects of Novel Synthetic Jet Actuator
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Electrochemical and acoustic emission studies of aluminum pitting corrosion
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Acoustic streaming caused by modulated sound and wave packets.
PublicationRozpatruje się powstanie pola wirowego na skutek nieliniowej propagacji fali akustycznej w środowiskach z lepkością. Teoria odwołuje się do fal akustycznych nieokresowych, w odróżnieniuod teorii klasycznej. Obliczenia numeryczne na podstawie nowych wzorów są porównywane z wynikami teorii klasycznej.
Application of acoustic emission in evaluation of pitting corrosion insteel
PublicationPrzedstawiono przegląd różnych zastosowań emisji akustycznej (AE) w badaniach korozji wżerowej stali austenitycznej. Wykorzystanie emisji akustycznej w przypadku tego rodzaju korozji nie jest przypadkowe, ponieważ korozja wżerowa jest najgroźniejszym typem korozji, atakującym różne materiały konstrukcyjne takie jak stal. Prezentowana praca przeglądowa dostarcza przydatnych informacji o naturze pomiarów akustycznych, które wykazują...
Pressure distribution and beam pattern of the parametric acoustic arrays.
PublicationPrzedstawiono model matematyczny i wyniki badań teoretycznych zjawiska oddziaływań fal dla źródeł parametrycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano zmiany ciśnienia fal wybranych częstotliwości w obrębie wiązki akustycznej oraz charakterystyki kierunkowe dla kołowych źródeł parametrycznych generujących fale różnych częstotliwości.
Procesing the complex signal in the acoustic processor of a sonobuoy system
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metody cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnału kompleksowego w procesorze akustycznym systemu radiohydroboi. Omówiono ogólną postać systemu oraz sygnału kompleksowego. Opisano dwie alternatywne metody przetwarzania sygnału: pierwszą w dziedzinie czasu, drugą w dziedzinie częstotliwości. Zaprezentowano schematy blokowe algorytmów obu sposobów przetwarzania. Omówiono problemy praktycznej realizacji poszczególnych...
Electrochemical and acoustic emission studies of aluminium pitting corrosion
PublicationBadania metodą potencjokinetyczną i emisjii akustycznej przeprowadzono w typowej trójelektrodowej celce elektrochemicznej. Elektrodę badaną przygotowano z stopu aluminium 1050A. Badania metodą cyklicznej polaryzacji i emisjii akustycznej wykonywano jednocześnie. Na podstawie wyników akustycznych i polaryzacyjnych wyznaczono potencjał korozji wzerowej.
Search for the fundamental solution to the vector acoustic wave equations
PublicationCzasowo-przestrzenna funkcja Greena pola swobodnego jest dobrze znanym rozwiązaniem podsta-wowym skalarnego niejednorodnego równania falowego. Wyraża ona odpowiedź ośrodka płynnego na punktowe zaburzenie o symetrii sferycznej. Odpowiedź ośrodka na zaburzenie wektorowe nie jest tak oczywista. Artykuł przedstawia oryginalne podejście do problemu, polegające na systematycznej, szcze-gółowej weryfikacji hipotetycznych rozwiązań skalarnych...
Acoustic emission for detecting deterioration of capacitors under aging
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów kondensatorów foliowych poddanych przyśpieszonemu procesowi starzenia na ramie trwałości. Stwierdzono, że w niektórych typach kondensatorów foliowych istnieje związek między intensywnością sygnału emisji akustycznej mierzonego w kondensatorach po ich wytworzeniu oraz rezystancji izolacji mierzonej po procesie ich starzenia.
Modelling of acoustic heating induced by different types of sound
PublicationWyprowadzono równanie dynamiczne sterujące ogrzewaniem na skutek strat energii fali akustycznej dowolnego typu, okresowej i nieokresowej, w płynie ze standardową dyssypacją i przewodnictwem ciepła. Zbadano efektywność ogrzewania w przypadku dźwięku stochastycznego i regularnego.
Modeling of the acoustic waves propagation in non-homogeneous medium
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie propagacji fal w ośrodku niejednorodnym. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki badań numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano zmiany ciśnienia i zmiany widma odpowiednio w ośrodku jednorodnym i niejednorodnym.
Signal conditioning for examination of shallow-water acoustic noise correlation properties
PublicationThe article describes the process of signal conditioning for examination of acoustic noise correlation properties in shallow water. Knowledge of these properties is very important for the design processes of passive and active hydroacoustic systems. This paper focuses on the above issue from the point of view of passive sonar. In sonar systems, signal processing algorithms operate on both useful acoustic signals, and accompanying...
Application of the corrosion tester in corrosion tests using the acoustic emission method.
PublicationThe article presents an innovative method of corrosion tests using the acoustic emission method and the corrosion tester. The problem of corrosion occurring in ballast tanks and tanks carrying petroleum products is discussed. The acoustic method is presented which, due to the use of a unique corrosion tester, is used to monitor the course of corrosion processes in steel. The principle of operation of the corrosion tester, its construction...
Investigation of Acoustic Properties of Poroelastic Asphalt Mixtures in Laboratory and Field Conditions
PublicationMeasures for the improvement of acoustic conditions in the vicinity of roads include the construction of pavement structures with low-noise surfaces with optimal macrotexture and the highest possible sound absorption coefficient. Laboratory evaluation of acoustic properties of a designed asphalt mixture before its placement in the pavement is a good solution. Currently, the most popular method for the determination of the sound...
Measurement and visualization of sound intensity vector distribution in proximity of acoustic diffusers
PublicationIn this work, we would like to present analyses and visualizations of sound intensity distribution measured in proximity of an acoustic diffuser. Such distribution may be used for estimation of basic acoustic parameters of a diffuser. Measurement is performed with the use of a logarithmic sine sweep which allows for the analysis of waves scattered by the diffuser and rejecting the direct sound signal component. Pressure and sound...
Analysis of Vibration and Acoustic Signals for Noncontact Measurement of Engine Rotation Speed
PublicationThe non-contact measurement of engine speed can be realized by analyzing engine vibration frequency. However, the vibration signal is distorted by harmonics and noise in the measurement. This paper presents a novel method for the measurement of engine rotation speed by using the cross-correlation of vibration and acoustic signals. This method can enhance the same frequency components in engine vibration and acoustic signal. After...
Suitability of acoustic power amplifiers as power amplifiers in underwater communication systems
PublicationThe paper presents selected acoustic power amplifiers from among those currently available. The results of a series of measurements characterising the amplifiers are presented. The measured amplitude and phase characteristics as a function of frequency for four selected amplifiers are analysed. The spectra of the output signal in the band from 4 kHz to 30 kHz are presented. The usefulness of the selected amplifiers in an underwater...
Self-refraction of acoustic pulses with shock fronts in some nonequilibrium media
PublicationThe nonlinear self-refraction of acoustic pulsed beams, which include shock fronts, is studied. The medium of sound propagation is a gas where thermodynamically nonequilibrium processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. Comparative analysis of the features of sound propagation over gases where pure nonlinear attenuation of the shock wave occurs, and gases...
Thermal Self-Action of Acoustic Beams Containing Several Shock Fronts
PublicationThermal self-action of an acoustic beam with one discontinuity or several shock fronts is studied in a Newtonian fluid. The stationary self-action of a single sawtooth wave with discontinuity (or some integer number of these waves), symmetric or asymmetric, is considered in the cases of self-focusing and self- defocusing media. The results are compared with the non-stationary thermal self-action of the periodic sound. Thermal self-action...
Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Technique for Underwater Acoustic Communication System
PublicationThe performance of an underwater acoustic communication (UAC) system is limited due to tough propagation conditions in the UAC channel. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technique can improve the reliability of the data transmission system, increase its speed, increase its range, and reduce the energy consumption. The paper presents an implementation method of MIMO technique in the form of coding the Space-Time Block Code and...
Impact of Boundary Conditions on Acoustic Excitation of EntropyPerturbations in a Bounded Volume of Newtonian Gas
PublicationExcitation of the entropy mode in the field of intense sound, that is, acoustic heating, is theoreticallyconsidered in this work. The dynamic equation for an excess density which specifies the entropy mode,has been obtained by means of the method of projections. It takes the form of the diffusion equation withan acoustic driving force which is quadratically nonlinear in the leading order. The diffusion coefficient isproportional...
Thermal self-action effects of acoustic beam in a vibrationally relaxing gas
PublicationThermal self-action of acoustic beam in a molecular gas with excited internal degrees of molecules’ freedom, is studied. This kind of thermal self-action differs from that in a Newtonian fluid. Heating or cooling of a medium takes place due to transfer of internal vibrational energy. Equilibrium and non-equilibrium gases, which may be acoustically active, are considered. A beam in an acoustically active gas is self-focusing unlike...
Performance of Coherent Modulation Scheme Used in Acoustic Underwater Communication System
PublicationThe development of an acoustic underwater communication system for shallow waters is still a big scientificand construction challenge. Currently, non-coherent modulations in combination with strong channel coding are used to achieve reliable communication with low rate in such a channel. To obtain transmission with a higher transmission rate, it is required to use coherent modulation. This paper presents the assumptions of such...
Decomposition of Acoustic and Entropy Modes in a Non-Isothermal Gas Affected by a Mass Force
PublicationDiagnostics and decomposition of atmospheric disturbances in a planar flow are considered in this work. The study examines a situation in which the stationary equilibrium temperature of a gas may depend on the vertical coordinate due to external forces. The relations connecting perturbations are analytically established. These perturbations specify acoustic and entropy modes in an arbitrary stratified gas affected by a constant...
Wake-Up Receiver for Underwater Acoustic Communication Using in Shallow Water
PublicationA data frame transmitted over the underwater acoustic channel usually begins with a preamble. Therefore, underwater communication systems have a dedicated receiver that constantly listens to the preamble signals. A receiver that is to work effectively in shallow waters must have solutions that effectively reduce the impact of the permanently occurring multipath propagation. The article presents a solution based on complementary...
Probe signal processing for channel estimation in underwater acoustic communication system
PublicationUnderwater acoustic communication channels are characterized by a large variety of propagation conditions. Designing a reliable communication system requires knowledge of the transmission parameters of the channel, namely multipath delay spread, Doppler spread, coherence time, and coherence bandwidth. However, the possibilities of its estimation in a realtime underwater communication system are limited, mainly due to the computational...
Modeling of performance of a AUV vehicle towards limiting the hydro-acoustic field.
PublicationSome results of research devoted to the modeling of a AUV-Stealth vehicle performance towards limiting its hydro-acoustic field are presented in the paper. At the beginning the AUV-Stealth autonomous underwater vehicle concept is described. Then the method of research is introduced. Next the key design drivers of the AUV-Stealth vehicle are presented. Between them are the AUV-Stealth hull form, arrangement of internal spaces,...
Standing Waves and Acoustic Heating (or Cooling) in Resonators Filled with Chemically Reacting Gas
PublicationStanding waves and acoustic heating in a one-dimensional resonator filled with chemically reacting gas, is the subject of investigation. The chemical reaction of A ! B type, which takes place in a gas, may be reversible or not. Governing equations for the sound and entropy mode which is generated in the field of sound are derived by use of a special mathematical method. Under some conditions, sound waves propagating in opposite...
Testing the Wide-Sense Stationarity of Bandpass Signals for Underwater Acoustic Communications
PublicationThe Underwater Acoustic Communication (UAC) systems work in communication channels characterized by a large variety of multipath propagation conditions that can additionally change over time. Designing a reliable communication system requires knowledge of the transmission parameters of the channel. There is a need for the development of adaptive signaling schemes that would dynamically optimize the signal parameters of the physical...
Extended duration running and impulse loading characteristics of an acoustic bearing with enhanced geometry
PublicationThis paper presents performance during prolonged running of the acoustic bearing when PZTs are switched off and when they are switched on. The effect of active PZT on shaft’s displacements in X and Y directions is clearly demonstrated. Performance of the acoustic bearing was also assessed when an impulse force was applied to the running shaft at speed. Once again the benefits of having PZTs active are beyond doubt. The instability...
Comparison of Lithuanian and Polish Consonant Phonemes Based on Acoustic Analysis – Preliminary Results
PublicationThe goal of this research is to find a set of acoustic parameters that are related to differences between Polish and Lithuanian language consonants. In order to identify these differences, an acoustic analysis is performed, and the phoneme sounds are described as the vectors of acoustic parameters. Parameters known from the speech domain as well as those from the music information retrieval area are employed. These parameters are...
PublicationClimate Research of the globe is a current task, in particular to confirm the general hypothesis of global warming associated with an increase in average temperature. The sea acoustic climate is derived from the concept of climate and refers to the conditions of propagation of acoustic waves in a particular basin. In this paper, the results of systematic measurements of temperature, salinity and velocity distributions of sound...
Multiple sound sources localization in real time using acoustic vector sensor
PublicationMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in real time using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
Multiple sound sources localization in free field using acoustic vector sensor
PublicationMethod and preliminary results of multiple sound sources localization in free field using the acoustic vector sensor were presented in this study. Direction of arrival (DOA) for considered source was determined based on sound intensity method supported by Fourier analysis. Obtained spectrum components for considered signal allowed to determine the DOA value for the particular frequency independently. The accuracy of the developed...
Underwater acoustic communications system with error correction and synchronization coding
PublicationNiezawodna transmisja danych w wielodrogowym i niestacjonarnym płytkim kanale podwodnym wymaga zastosowania efektywnej techniki modulacji oraz equalizacji adaptacyjnej. W zaproponowanym artykule w systemie transmisji danych zastosowano modulację OFDM oraz equalizację adaptacyjną opartą o filtrację Kalmana. Ponadto zaimplementowano dwie techniki kodowania: FEC w celu eliminacji błędów transmisji oraz kodowanie pseudoszumowe, którego...
The estimation of norwegian cod size distribution from acoustic data
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Acoustic and Flow Aspects of Synthetic Jet Actuators with Chevron Orifices
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Advanced acoustic signal analysis used for wheel-flat detection
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Investigations of pitting corrosion of magnesium by means of DEIS and acoustic emission
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Green turtle and fish identification based on acoustic target strength
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Acoustic radiation force and streaming caused by non periodic acousticsource.
PublicationTeoria i obliczenia numeryczne przepływu rotacyjnego (''streamingu'') towarzyszącemu fali akustycznej w przepływach lepkich nieliniowych. Fala wywołująca może być nieokresowa: impulsowa lub paczka falowa itd. Przykład pojedynczego pulsu rozpatrywany. Ilustracje delikatnej struktury czasowej powstania fal rotacyjnych przedstawione na rysunkach.
Liquid water. Analytical equation of state and acoustic parameters evaluation.
PublicationRównanie stanu dla ciekłej wody zaproponowane przez Jefferya - Austina zastosowano do obliczeń prędkości dźwięku oraz parametru nieliniowości B/A. Parametry akustyczne są porównywane z danymi doświadczalnymi.