Search results for: BULK INTERACTIONS
Structure and electric transport properties of Ca-doped bulk PrBa2Cu3O7−δ
PublicationThe crystal structure and electric transport properties of Pr1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7- delta (x= 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5) bulk ceramic samples, prepared by the standard solid-state reaction in air, were examined by X-ray power diffraction, resistivity measurements and room temperature thermoelectric power determination. Ca atoms introduce additional holes to the system as well as structural defects. The orthorhombic-to-tetragonal structural...
Noncentrosymmetric superconductor with a bulk three-dimensional Dirac cone gapped by strong spin-orbit coupling
PublicationThe layered, noncentrosymmetric heavy element PbTaSe2 is found to be superconducting. We report its electronic properties accompanied by electronic-structure calculations. Specific heat, electrical resistivity, and magnetic-susceptibility measurements indicate that PbTaSe2 is a moderately coupled, type-IIBCSsuperconductor (Tc = 3.72 K, Ginzburg–Landau parameter κ = 17) with an electron-phonon coupling constant of λep = 0.74. Electronic-structure...
Simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical columns
PublicationIn the paper a simplified stability analysis of steel cylindrical silos composed of corru¬gated walls and vertical open-sectional columns was proposed. The whole 3D silo was modeled as a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls. In proposed formula for the calculation of the foundation stiffness the curvature of the silo walls was taken into account. Three different analyses were carried out using...
Linear and branched polyester resins based on dimethyl-2,5-furandicarboxylate for coating applications
PublicationIn this study, novel bio-based hydroxyl-functional (co)polyesters from dimethyl-2, 5-furandicarboxylate (DMF), 2,3-butanediol, and a variety of comonomers viz. glycerol, pentaerythritol or trimethylolpropane are prepared using a solvent-free, bulk polycondensation technique. Extensive molecular and thermal characterization was performed to elucidate the properties of these materials. The materials showed suitable properties for solvent-borne...
PublicationThis paper presents a role of the Navier number (Na-dimensionless slip-length) in universal modelling of flow reported in micro- and nano-channels like: capillary biological flows, fuel cell systems, micro-electro-mechanical systems and nano-electro-mechanical systems. Similar to another bulk-like and surface-like dimensionless numbers, the Na number should be treated as a ratio of internal viscous to external viscous momentum...
Nodal fermions in the strongly spin-orbit coupled pyrochlore-lattice compound RbBi2
PublicationWe explore the topological electronic band structure of the pyrochlore lattice in the strong spin-orbit coupling regime. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, first-principles calculations, and symmetry analysis, we have investigated the bulk electronic structure of RbBi2, which has a Bi pyrochlore network. We observe the presence of 3D massless Dirac fermions enforced by nonsymmorphic symmetry, as well as a 3D quadratic...
On Effective Bending Stiffness of a Laminate Nanoplate Considering Steigmann–Ogden Surface Elasticity
PublicationAs at the nanoscale the surface-to-volume ratio may be comparable with any characteristic length, while the material properties may essentially depend on surface/interface energy properties. In order to get effective material properties at the nanoscale, one can use various generalized models of continuum. In particular, within the framework of continuum mechanics, the surface elasticity is applied to the modelling of surface-related...
Deep eutectic solvents based assay for extraction and determination of zinc in fish and eel samples using FAAS
PublicationA new assay based on effective (high recovery) extraction by means of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) was developed for ppb level determination of zinc in fishes and eel samples. Choline chloride and Phenol in a 1:2 M ratio was selected as optimal DES-based extraction solvent. 8-Hydroxy quinoline was used as a chelating agent for zinc ions. The optimized conditions were found at pH value of 8, ligand concentration of 10 mg/L, THF...
Measurements of the Hydraulic Fluids Compressibility
PublicationPerformance of the hydrostatic high-pressure drive systems is affected by the changes of working fluid’s volume. Presence of air bubbles in the fluid cause this problem to be even more serious. To study this phenomenon precise measurements of fluid’s bulk modulus are necessary. Differ-ent measurement methods are applied, but they are either limited to low pressure range or give inaccurate results. To solve the problem the new...
Propulsion and Maneuvering Systems’ Characteristics of the U.S. Flagged Great Lakes Self-Unloading Bulk Carriers
PublicationPaper contains an overview of the propulsion and maneuvering systems’ characteristics of United States flagged Great Lakes self - unloading bulk carriers. A contrast between the importance of the transport task carried by those vessels to their low number and considerable age suggests the need to review and understand their complexity as well as complexity of their operations in order to provide suitable energy- and operational...
Structures for parameterization, meshing and data exchange of topologically related surfaces of a ship hull
PublicationThis paper presents proposal of data structures for storage and processing of a parametric three-dimensional model of a midship hull sections. The model consists of coarse surfaces like: decks, frames, girders, stiffeners, brackets, partitions etc. bounded by topological relations. All workshop details are omitted as the model is intended for numeric calculations. Proposed data structures are prepared to facilitate changes in the...
Buckling Analysis of Cold Formed Silo Column
PublicationThe paper is devoted to stability analysis of different models of steel cold formed silo column. The steel cylindrical silos are often composed of corrugated walls and vertical open-sectional columns uniformly placed along the silo circumference. Both the whole 3D silo, a simplified model consisting of one column with a part of the silo walls, and a single column resting on elastic foundation provided by the silo walls were analyzed....
A grey box model of glucose fermentation and syntrophic oxidation in microbial fuel cells
PublicationIn this work, the fermentative and oxidative processes taking place in a microbial fuel cell (MFC) fed with glucose were studied and modeled. The model accounting for the bioelectrochemical processes was based on ordinary, Monod-type differential equations. The model parameters were estimated using experimental results obtained from three H-type MFCs operated at open or closed circuits and fed with glucose or ethanol. The experimental...
How the Depths of the Danish Straits Shape Gdańsk's Port and City Spatial Development
PublicationThe depths of the Danish Straits limit the drafts of ships entering the Baltic Sea. The largest ships calling the Baltic in a laden condition are called Baltimax. The article presents how the dredging works carried out in the Danish Straits in the 1970s enabled the development of the Port of Gdańsk and consequently also influenced the city, being a residential base for employees of the new port and shipyards. The analysed case...
Few-Layer Black Phosphorus/Chitosan Nanocomposite Electrodes via Controlled Electrodeposition for Enhanced Electrochemical Kinetic Performance
PublicationThis study presents the preparation and characterization of few-layer black phosphorus (FLBP) chitosan electrodes by controlled electrochemical deposition of chitosan nanoparticles on FLBP-modified glassy carbon electrodes. FLBP was prepared by solvent-assisted exfoliation of bulk BP and was further modified with chitosan forming together a nanocomposite, including easy cross-linking with nanomaterials and film-forming properties....
On effective surface elastic moduli for microstructured strongly anisotropic coatings
PublicationThe determination of surface elastic moduli is discussed in the context of a recently proposed strongly anisotropic surface elasticity model. The aim of the model was to describe deformations of solids with thin elastic coatings associated with so-called hyperbolic metasurfaces. These metasurfaces can exhibit a quite unusual behaviour and concurrently a very promising wave propagation behaviour. In the model of strongly anisotropic...
Synthesis and polymerisation techniques of molecularly imprinted polymers
PublicationMolecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) are materials that has been processed using the molecular imprinting technique which permit to obtain well-defined three-dimensional cavities, with affinity to a template molecule, in the polymer matrix. Technology involves three strategies, i.e., covalent, non-covalent and semi-covalent approach, but the most popular is non-covalent approach. The most important components for the synthesis...
Ligand-Modified Boron-Doped Diamond Surface: DFT Insights into the Electronic Properties of Biofunctionalization
PublicationWith the increasing power of computation systems, theoretical calculations provide a means for quick determination of material properties, laying out a research plan, and lowering material development costs. One of the most common is Density Functional Theory (DFT), which allows us to simulate the structure of chemical molecules or crystals and their interaction. In developing a new generation of biosensors, understanding the nature...
Modelling of elastic wave propagation in a bolted joint using a thin layer of shell elements
PublicationThere are many mathematical models describing the propagation of elastic waves through the imperfect boundary of two media. They were successfully applied to modelling of high frequency bulk waves and their interaction with local defects. On the other hand, the existing literature models of bolted connections ignore the aspect of imperfect connection between elements. Therefore, this paper presents the concept of application of...
Wide-field magnetometry using nitrogen-vacancy color centers with randomly oriented micro-diamonds
PublicationMagnetometry with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) color centers in diamond has gained significant interest among researchers in recent years. Absolute knowledge of the three-dimensional orientation of the magnetic field is necessary for many applications. Conventional magnetometry measurements are usually performed with NV ensembles in a bulk diamond with a thin NV layer or a scanning probe in the form of a diamond tip, which requires a...
Acoustic streaming caused by some types of aperiodic sound. Buildup of acoustic streaming
PublicationThe analysis of streaming caused by aperiodic sound of different types (switched on at transducer sound or sound determined by initial conditions) is undertaken. The analysis bases on analytical governing equation for streaming Eulerian velocity, which is a result of decomposition of the hydrodynamic equations into acoustic and non-acoustic parts. Its driving force (of acoustic nature) represents a sum of two terms; one is the...
Sodium alginate decreases the permeability of intestinal mucus
PublicationIn the small intestine the nature of the environment leads to a highly heterogeneous mucus layer primarily composed of the MUC2 mucin. We set out to investigate whether the soluble dietary fibre sodium alginate could alter the permeability of the mucus layer. The alginate was shown to freely diffuse into the mucus and to have minimal effect on the bulk rheology when added at concentrations below 0.1%. Despite this lack of interaction...
Pressure-induced phase transitions in LnTe (Ln=La, Gd, Ho, Yb) and AmTe
PublicationThe structural behaviour under compression of different lanthanide (La, Gd, Ho, Yb) and actinide (Am) monochalcogenides is studied by means of in situ high-pressure x-ray diffraction. All the investigated compounds crystallize at ambient conditions within a cubic (B1) NaCl-type structure but show different behaviours at high pressures. LaTe and AmTe undergo B1 to B2 (CsCl-type structure) phase transitions, starting at 9 GPa and...
PublicationIt is well-known that, nano-mechanics should take into account not only physical phenomena occuring within the bulk but, first of all, the physical phenomena appropriate for a surface of two materials contact. The huge volume density of internal surfaces as well countours lines located within the nanomaterial results in our interest in, apart from classical form of mass, momentum and entropy transport, those modes of transportation...
A first-principles study of electronic and magnetic properties of 4d transition metals doped in Wurtzite GaN for spintronics applications
PublicationWe studied the electronic and magnetic properties of wurtzite GaN (w-GaN) doped with different concentrations of the 4d transition metal ions Nb, Mo, and Ru. We incorporated spin-polarized plane-wave density functional theory within an ultrasoft pseudopotential formalism. The 4d transition metals were doped at different geometrical sites to determine the geometry with the lowest total energy and the one that induced the largest...
Superconductivity in the intermetallic compound Zr5Al4
PublicationPolycrystalline Zr5Al4 was synthesized using the arc-melting method. Powder X-ray diffraction confirms the previously reported crystal structure of the Ti5Ga4-type P63/mcm with lattice parameters: a = 8.4312(6) A , and c = 5.7752(8) A . Electrical resistivity and low-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate that Zr5Al4 exhibits superconducting behavior below 2 K. The normalized heat capacity jump at Tc= 1.82 K...
Structural changes of a simple peptide—Trpzip-1—in aqueous solutions and the corresponding hydration phenomena under the influence of temperature
PublicationTrpzip-1, a simple β-hairpin, is a rare example of peptide with stable secondary structure and can be a convenient model to study temperature-related processes that potential prion or amyloid proteins undergo. Although its sequence is simple, the exact processes which the peptide undergoes in aqueous solutions are quite complex and not well understood. The selection of well-established experimental (DSC, FTIR) and theoretical methods...
Influence of Fluid Compressibility and Movements of the Swash Plate Axis of Rotation on the Volumetric Efficiency of Axial Piston Pumps
PublicationThis paper describes the design of a swash plate axial piston pump and the theoretical models describing the bulk modulus of aerated and non-aerated fluids. The dead space volume is defined and the influence of this volume and the fluid compressibility on the volumetric efficiency of the pump is considered. A displacement of the swash plate rotation axis is proposed to reduce the dead space volume for small swash plate swing angles....
About definition of modes and magnetosonic heating in a plasma’s flow: Especial cases of perpendicular and nearly perpendicular wave vector and magnetic field
PublicationDynamics of hydrodynamic perturbations in a plasma depend strongly on an angle between the wave vector and equilibrium straight magnetic field. The case of perpendicular propagation is especial. There are only two (fast) magnetosonic modes since two (slow) ones degenerate into the stationary one with zero speed of propagation. This demands individual definition of wave modes by the links of hydrodynamic relations. These links are...
Application of linear buckling sensitivity analysis to economic design of cylindrical steel silos composed of corrugated sheets and columns
PublicationThe paper deals with global stability of steel cylindrical silos composed of corrugated walls and vertical columns with loads imposed by a bulk solid following Eurocode 1. The optimum silo design with respect to the steel weight was based on a sensitivity analysis method. The changes of silo column profiles at each design step were performed by means of influence lines for the buckling load factor due to the unit column bending...
An in situ technique for the assessment of adhesive properties of a joint under load
PublicationSlow crack propagation in adhesive bonded joints has been characterised using an asymmetric wedge test. Crack position was evaluated from strain gauge measurements, both in the debonded partof the joint and in the bonded zone. Test temperature was changed during loading, giving insight into bond evolution. The technique allows accurate, and virtually continuous, determination of crack position to be made, and therefore the evaluation...
An algorithm to generate high dense packing of particles with various shapes
PublicationDiscrete Element Method (DEM) is one of available numerical methods to compute movement of particles in large scale simulations. The method has been frequently applied to simulate the cases of grain or bulk material as the major research issue. The paper describes a new method of generating high dense packing with mixed material of two different shape used in DEM simulation. The initial packing is an important parameter to control,...
Pt-rich intermetallic APt8P2 (A = Ca and La)
PublicationThe combination of experimental and theoretical investigation of two new Pt-rich intermetallic compounds: APt8P2 (A = Ca and La) is presented, including solid-state synthesis, crystal structure determination, physical properties characterization and chemical bonding analysis. APt8P2 was obtained through the high-temperature pellet synthesis. According to both single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction results, APt8P2 crystallize...
Experimental study on single phase operation of microjet augmented heat exchanger with enhanced heat transfer surface
PublicationThe article presents experimental investigations on a prototype heat exchanger. Presented research is focused on combined active and passive enhancement techniques of surface modification and microjet impingement. The results were compared to reference plate heat exchanger without microjet impingement. The Wilson plot method was applied to determine the heat transfer coefficients in the single phase operation. The heat exchanger...
Influence of Osmolytes on Protein and Water Structure: A Step To Understanding the Mechanism of Protein Stabilization
PublicationResults concerning the thermostability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions with stabilizing osmolytes, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), glycine (Gly), and its N-methyl derivatives, N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), and N,N,N-trimethylglycine (betaine, TMG), have been presented. The combination of spectroscopic (IR) and calorimetric (DSC) data allowed us to establish a link between osmolytes’ influence on...
The importance of the shape of the protein–water interface of a kinesin motor domain for dynamics of the surface atoms of the protein
PublicationA single kinesin motor domain immersed in water has been investigated using molecular dynamics. It has been found that local properties of water in the solvation shell change along with the nature of the neighboring protein surface. However, a detailed analysis leads to the conclusion that the geometrical features of hydrogen bonds and overall structure of kinesin hydration water are not very different from bulk water. The local...
The importance of the shape of the protein-water interface of a kinesin motor domain for dynamics of the surface atoms of the protein
PublicationSingle kinesin motor domain immersed in water has been investigated using molecular dynamics. It has been found that local properties of water in solvation shell change along with the nature of neighboring protein surface. However, a detailed analysis leads to the conclusion that the geometrical features of hydrogen bonds and overall structure of kinesin hydration water is not very different from bulk water. The local values of...
Introduction to the RSC Advances themed collection on nano and microscale modifications of biomaterials
PublicationThe dramatically increasing development of novel biomaterials, their manufacturing techniques, and surface modications, as well as their application in in vivo tests and clinical trials, is evident. It is interesting to note in what a relatively short time the well-known long-term implants have become medical standard: titanium dental implants started in 1965, and total hip arthroplasty (not very successful) was rst attempted...
New σ-phases in the Nb–X–Ga and Nb–X–Al systems (X = Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt, and Au)
PublicationPreviously unreported σ-phases in the ternary niobium-based systems Nb–X–Ga for X = Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt, Au, and Nb–X–Al for X = Ir, and Pt are presented, prepared by arc-melting followed by annealing at 1000 °C for 1 week. The phases are primitive tetragonal (P42/mnm, no. 136) with lattice parameters of a = 9.8336(2)–9.9432(1) Å and c = 5.1098(1)–5.1718(1) Å. Refinements of the single crystal X-ray diffraction data for the Ru and...
Solvation of ionic liquids based on N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium cations in N,N-dimethylformamide and dimethyl sulfoxide – A volumetric and acoustic study
PublicationApparent molar volumes and molar isentropic compressibilities for N-ethyl-N-methylmorpholinium and N-decyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborates in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) have been determined from density and speed of sound measurements over the temperature range T = (298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, 318.15 and 328.15) K at experimental pressure p = 0.1 MPa. This data has been used to calculate...
WYBRANE WŁAŚCIWOŚCI FIZYCZNO-CHEMICZNE MIKROSFER I MOŻLIWOŚĆ ICH WYKORZYSTANIA W KOMPOZYTACH CEMENTOWYCH : The selected physico-chemical properties of microspheres and possibility of their use in cement composites
PublicationMicrospheres are formed during the mineral transformation stage in coal combustion. Their content in fly ashes from the combustion of different types of coals varies over a rather wide range from 0.01 to 4.8 wt.%. The microspheres have three main elements, silicon, aluminum and iron, the oxides of which account for about 89.0 wt.% of the material. Mineralogical analysis using XRD shows that microspheres mainly contain mullite and...
Gigantic electro-chemo-mechanical properties of nanostructured praseodymium doped ceria
PublicationSome oxygen defective fluorites are non-Newnham electrostrictors, i.e., the electromechanical response does not depend on their dielectric properties. Here, we show gigantic electrostriction in nanocrystalline 25 mol% praseodymium doped ceria (PCO) bulk ceramics. The material was fabricated with a fieldassisted spark plasma sintering (SPS) process from high-purity nanoscale PCO powders (<20 nm). The SPS process consolidates the...
The influence of amorphous macrodiol, diisocyanate type and l-ascorbic acid modifier on chemical structure, morphology and degradation behavior of polyurethanes for tissue scaffolds fabrication
PublicationStudies described in this work were related to the bulk synthesis and characterization of polyurethanes (PURs) obtained with the use of cyclic 4,4′-methylene bis(cyclohexyl isocyanate) (HMDI) or linear 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI), amorphous α,ω-dihydroxy(ethylene-butylene adipate) macrodiol (PEBA), 1,4-butandiol (BDO) chain extender and dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) catalyst. Obtained PURs were modified with l-ascorbic...
Thermal boundary conditions to simulate friction layers and coatings at sliding contacts
PublicationA brief review of the thermal boundary conditions specified at sliding interfaces was performed. New thermal boundary conditions were derived aimed at solving problems of sliding with account of surface layers representing friction layers and tribological coatings. Based on the assumption of linear temperature distributions in the surface layers, the proposed conditions enable one to simplify simulations by eliminating the surface...
Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)/Epoxy Coatings: A Review
PublicationEpoxy coatings are developing fast in order to meet the requirements of advanced materials and systems. Progress in nanomaterial science and technology has opened a new era of engineering for tailoring the bulk and surface properties of organic coatings, e.g., adhesion to the substrate, anti-corrosion, mechanical, flame-retardant, and self-healing characteristics. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), a subclass of coordinative polymers...
Spinning Fluids Reactor: A new design of a gas – liquid contactor
PublicationCurrent trends in chemical reactor design are based on adapting these to the requirements of a particular chemical process. Processes involving reactions between the gas and liquid phase in particular require precise adjustment of all parameters. The common denominator for most modern design solutions is enhancement of the mass transfer area and the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient. Gas – liquid contactors evolved from...
Synergistic effects in micellization and surface tension reduction in nonionic gemini S-10 and cationic RTAB surfactants mixtures
PublicationMixtures of nonionic gemini surfactant S-10 (α,α′-[2,4,7,9-tetrametyl-5-decyne-4,7-diyl]bis[ω-hydroxy -polioxyetylene] with cationic alkyltrimethylammonium bromides of different alkyl chain length (RTAB) were investigated. Basing on surface tension measurements the cmc values and other adsorption parameters were found. The Clint, Rubing’s and Rosen theories were applied for evaluation of the synergistic effects in mixed films and...
Unusual behaviour of (Np,Pu)B2C
PublicationTwo transuranium metal boron carbides, NpB2C and PuB2C have been synthesized by argon arc melting. The crystal structures of the {Np,Pu}B2C compounds were determined from single-crystal X-ray data to be isotypic with the ThB2C-type (space group R3m, a = 0.6532(2) nm; c = 1.0769(3) nm for NpB2C and a = 0.6509(2) nm; c = 1.0818(3) nm for PuB2C; Z = 9). Physical properties have been derived from polycrystalline bulk material in the...
Impact of strontium non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ on structural, electrical, and electrochemical properties for potential oxygen electrode of intermediate temperature solid oxide cells
PublicationThis work presents the results of a comprehensive study on the impact of the A-site non-stoichiometry of SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ (x = 0.90, 0.95, 1.00, 1.05) ceramics on their physicochemical properties. The materials were fabricated by the conventional solid-state reaction method and their structure was determined by X-ray diffractometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Their sintering and thermal expansion...
Physical properties and electronic structure of La3Co and La3Ni intermetallic superconductors
PublicationLa3Co and La3Ni are reported superconductors with transition temperatures of 4.5 and 6 K, respectively. Here, we reinvestigate the physical properties of these two intermetallic compounds with magnetic susceptibility χ, specific heat Cp and electrical resistivity ρ measurements down to 1.9 K. Although bulk superconductivity is confirmed in La3Co, as observed previously, only a trace of it is found in La3Ni, indicating that the...