Load carrying capacity of the eccentric joint in the truss made of open cross-sections
PublicationThe influence of eccentricity at intersections of truss members on the load carrying capacity of the truss joint is presented in the paper. The research truss elements were designed as cold-formed open cross section. Analytical calculations, numerical analysis and experimental research were conducted to reveal how the eccentricity affects the effort of material in the joint area. The results of analysis and investigations are compared...
Mechanical and structural behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel pad welded by underwater wet welding conditions
PublicationThe aim of the paper was to determine the metallurgical and mechanical behaviors of a high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel pad-welded specimen used in the structures of industrial and naval parts. Then to predict the metallurgical consequences (nature of the phases present) and the mechanical properties (hardness and impact strength) of the pad-welded steel obtained by underwater wet welding with different heat input values. The...
Problems of analysis of axially loaded steel behavior under laser welded panel
PublicationWprowadzanie do praktyki nowych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych wymaga posiadania danych wejściowych do procesu modelowania ich zachowania. Takim nowym elementem jest stalowy, spawany laserowo panel typu sandwich. W pracy pokazano wy-brane problemy towarzyszące modelowaniu zachowań takiej struktury. Pokazano podstawy teoretyczne wyznaczania sztyw-ności panelu a następnie omówiono wyniki badań wyboczenio-wych serii modeli o zmiennej geometrii.
Adaptive decision making at the managerial level in a joint venture company - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of adaptive decision making in a joint venture company based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes comprehensive approach to adaptive way of thinking in the company targeted at adaptive decision making. The publication begins with an indication of managerial role in a joint venture company in the light of current literature...
The influence of solution annealing temperature on the properties of Lean Duplex 2101 welded joints in tubes
PublicationThe article presents a technology of TIG longitudinal welding without filler material (142) of heat exchanger tubes made of Lean Duplex 2101. The results of studies on the effect of heat treatment (solution annealing) on tensile strength, plasticity, delta ferrite and the structure of smooth tubes are shown. It was found, that the change in solution annealing temperature across the tested range has an impact on mechanical properties...
Quality Testing of Welded Joints of Wind Towers with Advanced Ultrasonic Techniques – a Case Study
PublicationThe application of advanced quality control tests for welds is essential for enhancing competitiveness in thewelded construction industry. The global focus on obtaining energy from alternative sources is leading to the increased production of wind towers. Improving the method of conducting inspections is necessary as wind tower structuresare subject to 100% quality control of welded joints. The article presents the comparison of...
Kinetics of Intermetallic Phase Precipitation in Manual Metal Arc Welded Duplex Stainless Steels
PublicationThe article presents the influence of heat treatment on the kinetics of transformations in lean duplex LDX2101 steel and a weld made of standard duplex 2209 material, which was welded by manual metal arc welding. Changes in the microstructure, hardness, and magnetic phase content were analyzed after heat treatment was conducted at a temperature of 800 °C for a period ranging from 15 to 1440 min. Light and scanning microscopy, Vickers...
Effect of lag screw on stability of first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with medial plate
PublicationBackground: First metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP-1) arthrodesis is a commonly performed procedure in the treatment of disorders of the great toe. Since the incidence of revision after MTP-1 joint arthrodesis is not insignificant, a medial approach with a medially positioned locking plate has been proposed as a new technique. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of the application of a lag screw on the stability and...
Weldability of Underwater Wet-Welded HSLA Steel: Effects of Electrode Hydrophobic Coatings
PublicationThe paper presents the effects of waterproof coatings use to cover electrodes on the weldability of high-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) steel in water. With the aim of improving the weldability of S460N HSLA steel in water, modifications of welding filler material were chosen. The surfaces of electrodes were covered by different hydrophobic substances. The aim of the controlled thermal severity (CTS) test was to check the influence...
The influence of temperature on properties of the polymer flexible joint used for strengthening historical masonries
PublicationA new method of repairing damaged structures by filling the cracks with a specially prepared elastomeric polymer mass has been recently proposed. This new and innovative technique, known as the Flexible Joint Method (FJM), is mainly dedicated to masonries and historical objects, where minimum intervention is permitted. The flexible joint bonds the disrupted elements and ensures further safe exploitation of a damaged structure....
Induction Assisted Hybrid Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Materials AA5052 Aluminium Alloy and X12Cr13 Stainless Steel
PublicationThis research aimed to study the induction in-situ heated hybrid friction stir welding (IAFSW) method to join AA5052 aluminium alloy with X12Cr13 stainless steel (SS) to enhance joint strength. The potency of this method on the mechanical properties and microstructural characterizations were also investigated. The results show that the transverse tensile strength gained was 94% of the AA5052 base metal that is 229.5 MPa. This superior...
Preliminary experimental research on stability of truss' joint with positive eccentricity
PublicationRecently, a very large interest in lightweight steel structures made from cold-formed sections has been noticeable. In the design practice, a large emphasis is put on rational shaping of both the thin-walled elements and constructions designed on them. The aim of this paper is to present the methodology for preparation of experimental research that model the behaviour of members in trusses made of cold-formed sections with positive...
Preload monitoring in a bolted joint using Lamb wave energy
PublicationThe knowledge of the load in prestressed bolted connections is essential for the proper operation and safety of engineering structures. Recently, bolted joints have become an area of intensive research associated with non-destructive diagnostics, in particular in the context of wave propagation techniques. In this paper, a novel procedure of bolt load estimation based on the energy of Lamb wave signals was proposed. Experimental...
Bone & Joint Research
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Bone & Joint Journal
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Joint Commission: The Source
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Bone & Joint Open
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Effect of Linear Energy and Microstructure on the Content of Residual Hydrogen in Welded Joints made of Superduplex Steels
PublicationThe article presents tests concerning the content of retained hydrogen present in FCAW and SAW welded joints made of superduplex steel. The use of various welding technologies resulted in the obtainment of welds having different microstructures and ferrite contents. Measurements of retained hydrogen present in joints (performed using the complete combustion method) revealed various contents of hydrogen in the base material and...
Mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of dissimilar stainless steel welds
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono właściwości mechaniczne oraz odporność korozyjną doczołowych złączy różnoimiennych stali odpornych na korozję, austenitycznej 316L oraz duplex 2205. Blachy o grubości 15 mm spawano automatycznie łukiem krytyn z różnymi energiami liniowymi. Wykazano, że właściwości mechaniczne złączy spełniają wymagania okrętowych towarzystw klasyfikacyjnych, natomiast najbardziej narażoną strefą złącza na działanie korozji...
Experimental investigation of joint with positive eccentricity in CFS truss
PublicationDue to technological restrictions, in the case of trusses made of CFS open cross-sections, positive eccentricities in the truss joints have become very frequent. Therefore studies concerning the load-bearing capacity of truss joints with positive eccentricity were undertaken. It was assumed that the resistance of cold-formed steel (CFS) open cross-section truss joints located on compression chords and with positive eccentricity...
On joint order and bandwidth selection for identification of nonstationary autoregressive processes
PublicationWhen identifying a nonstationary autoregressive process, e.g. for the purpose of signal prediction or parametric spectrum estimation, two important decisions must be taken. First, one should choose the appropriate order of the autoregressive model, i.e., the number of autoregressive coefficients that will be estimated. Second, if identification is carried out using the local estimation technique, such as the localized version of...
Forming of explosively welded metal plates.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości kształtowania plastycznego poprzez walcowanie, tłoczenie, gięcie, skręcanie blach wielowarstwowych zgrzewanych wybuchowo.
Research on assessment of bolted joint state using elastic wave propagation
PublicationThe work contains results of experimental investigation of elastic wave propagation in a bolted single-lap joint. Tests were carried out for the excitation perpendicular to the connection plane. In experimental studies, PZT transducers were used for both excitation and registration of ultrasonic waves. The analyses took into account varying contact conditions between the elements of the connection depending on the value of the...
An in situ technique for the assessment of adhesive properties of a joint under load
PublicationSlow crack propagation in adhesive bonded joints has been characterised using an asymmetric wedge test. Crack position was evaluated from strain gauge measurements, both in the debonded partof the joint and in the bonded zone. Test temperature was changed during loading, giving insight into bond evolution. The technique allows accurate, and virtually continuous, determination of crack position to be made, and therefore the evaluation...
Building a marketing office in a joint venture company - the beginnings, challenges and prospects
PublicationThe article presents the foundation of the tools to build a marketing office especially in a joint venture company. The article provides a description of comprehensive competencies that can be used in marketing practice. The publication begins with an indication of marketing in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation of the characteristics of marketing and management practices....
Mechatronic Design Towards Investigation of the Temporo-Mandibular Joint Behaviour
PublicationA significant problem of the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) research is lack of data concerning geometry and position of TMJ discs. It leads to necessity of developing a driving method of the process optimization, which is based on chosen techniques of mechatronic design. In particular, the latter concerns a technique of experimentally supported virtual prototyping. On this stage, the research is characterized by well-verified...
Effect of Processing Parameters on Strength and Corrosion Resistance of Friction Stir-Welded AA6082
PublicationThe friction stir welding method is increasingly attracting interest in the railway sector due to its environmental friendliness, low cost, and ease of producing high-quality joints. Using aluminum alloys reduces the weight of structures, increasing their payload and reducing fuel consumption and running costs. The following paper presents studies on the microstructure, strength, and corrosion resistance of AA6082 aluminum alloy...
Lamb wave-based monitoring of shear failure of an adhesive lap joint
PublicationThe paper presents a study on the elastic wave propagation in adhesive joints of steel plates subjected to tensile loading. A single lap joint was chosen for analysis because of its simplicity and plurality of applications. Experimental investigations consisted of the uniaxial extension of prepared specimens. Force and displacement values were recorded by a testing machine. Simultaneously, guided Lamb waves were excited and signals...
The influence of a change in the meniscus cross-sectional shape on the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint and meniscal extrusion
PublicationObjective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a change in the meniscus cross sectional shape on its position and on the biomechanics of a knee joint. Methods One main finite element model of a left knee joint was created on the basis of MRI images. The model consisted of bones, articular cartilages, menisci and ligaments. Eight variants of this model with an increased or decreased meniscus height were then...
PublicationThis study presents the results of students’ work from Hafen City University in Hamburg and Gdansk University of Technology, carried out as part of a joint studio dealing with Nowy Port problem area. It refers to the methodology and design proposals, as well as to individual projects of students from Gdansk University of Technology - Spatial Management and Architecture. The aim of this study is to present framework project guidelines...
Joint Commission perspectives. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
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Effects of preheating on laser beam–welded NSSC 2120 lean duplex steel
PublicationDuplex stainless steels show sustainable alternative for the conventional austenitic grades, with higher strength, higher resistance against stress corrosion cracking, and lower purchase cost. Thus, duplex stainless steel gains more attention in construction, oil and gas, and chemical industries. Among duplex stainless steels, low nickel and low molybdenum alloyed lean duplex stainless steel are a cost-efective substitution of...
Manufacturing Parameters, Materials, and Welds Properties of Butt Friction Stir Welded Joints–Overview
PublicationThe modern and eco-friendly friction stir welding (FSW) method allows the combination of even such materials that are considered to be non-weldable. The development of FSW technology in recent years has allowed a rapid increase in the understanding of the mechanism of this process and made it possible to perform the first welding trials of modern polymeric and composite materials, the joining of which was previously a challenge....
Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS) - an international joint Master's double-degree program
PublicationDynamic development of the space sector of European, and especially of Polish and German economies results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. The increasing digitization, distribution and networking of technical systems leads to the necessity of a degree programme teaching “the systems view” and “interdisciplinarity” methods and skills. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the entire life cycle...
PublicationThe key requirement for the modern endoprosthesis is high durability of the friction components, which results in long and trouble-free operation in the human body. The durability of currently used endoprosthesis is often limited by tribological wear processes of friction components (e.g. between the head and the acetabular component in a hip joint endoprosthesis) [8, 19, 23, 24]. In order to compare the tribological wear, tribological...
Fatigue life of steel, laser welded panels
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące możliwości analizy trwałości zmęczeniowej stalowyxh paneli spawanych laserowo typu sandwich. Przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych w skali naturalnej a także krzywe projektowe uzyskane na podstawie systematycznych badań połączeń elementarnych spawanych laserowo. Na podstawie przedstawionych i uogólnionych wyników pokazano propozycję metodyki szacowania trwałości zmęczeniowej...
Forecasting of fatigue life of laser welded joints
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono podstawowe dane na temat stalowych paneli typu sandwich. Zaprezentowano wyniki testów zmęczeniowych elementarnych połączeń teowych spawanych laserowo. Omówiono szczegółowo te cechy, które mają istotny wpływ na statyczne i zmęczeniowe własności złącza. Na podstawie przedstawionych wyników badań zmęczeniowych elementarnych połączeń spawanych laserowo uzyskano krzywą projektową S-N dla jednego z pokazanych modeli...
Application of 3D scanning and computer simulation techniques to assess the shape accuracy of welded components
PublicationWhile traditional measurement methods prove to be insufficient when facing more complex shapes and intricate challenges, increasingly efficient solutions are emerging in their place. 3D scanners in particular exhibit versatility. They clearly represent a useful tool in many fields with diverse requirements; thus, it is advisable to explore further areas of their potential applications, e.g., in quality control or reverse engineering....
Matrix-based robust joint fingerprinting and decryption method for multicast distribution of multimedia
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of unauthorized redistribution of multimedia content by malicious users (pirates). The solution proposed here is a new joint fingerprinting and decryption method which meets the requirements for both imperceptibility and robustness of fingerprints and scalability in terms of design and distribution of fingerprinted multimedia content. The proposed method uses a simple block cipher based on matrix...
Effect of water salinity on properties of multipass underwater wet manual metal arc welded joints
PublicationThe weldability of steel under the water is limited due to the influence of the environment. Water causes limited visibility, presence of the residual stresses, increasing the cooling rate, and increasing the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal, leading to the formation of brittle microstructures in heat-affected zone (HAZ). The paper presents the results of mechanical properties testing of S420G2+M steel welded joints...
Self-Organising map neural network in the analysis of electromyography data of muscles acting at temporomandibular joint.
PublicationThe temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that via muscle action and jaw motion allows for necessary physiological performances such as mastication. Whereas mandible translates and rotates [1]. Estimation of activity of muscles acting at the TMJ provides a knowledge of activation pattern solely of a specific patient that an electromyography (EMG) examination was carried out [2]. In this work, a Self-Organising Maps (SOMs)...
Analysis of muscles behaviour. Part II. The computational model of muscles group acting on the elbow joint
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to present the computational model of muscles' group describing the movements of flexion/extension at the elbow joint in the sagittal plane of the body when the forearm is being kept in the fixed state of supination/pronation. The method ofevaluating the muscle forces is discussed in detail. This method is the basis for the quantitative and qualitative verification of the proposed computational model...
Investigation on polypropylene friction stir joint: effects of tool tilt angle on heat flux, material flow and defect formation
PublicationTool tilt angle (TTA) is a critical factor that can control material flow in polymeric materials' friction stir joining (FSJ). This study selected a TTA range between 0° to 4° for FSJ of polypropylene (PP) polymer sheet. A modified computational fluid dynamic (CFD) technique was implemented to gain a deep understanding of the effects of TTA during FSJ of PP. The PP joint's internal flow, defect formation, heat generation, and tensile...
Endometriosis and the Temporomandibular Joint—Preliminary Observations
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Impact of interface heterogeneity on joint fracture
PublicationThe effects of heterogeneities (weak zones in particular) inadhesive joints and their importance on overall fracture propertiesare relatively unknown, but doubtlessly they may be crucial inmany applications. Using a model heterogeneous adhesive bond,represented by a given mixture of regions of strong and weakadhesion, we have studied the influence of interface variabilityon overall fracture energy (global energy release rate)....
Modelling of elastic wave propagation in a bolted joint using a thin layer of shell elements
PublicationThere are many mathematical models describing the propagation of elastic waves through the imperfect boundary of two media. They were successfully applied to modelling of high frequency bulk waves and their interaction with local defects. On the other hand, the existing literature models of bolted connections ignore the aspect of imperfect connection between elements. Therefore, this paper presents the concept of application of...
Fatigue properties of laser welded steel sandwich panel.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych paneli SANDWICH, prowadzonych w Kat. TOiOO Wydz. OiO na konstrukcjach w skali rzeczywistej. Przedstawiono program badań, omówiono założenia procedur badawczych i konstrukcję stanowisk testowych. Dokonano porównania uzyskanych rezultatów z wynikami prezentowanymi w literaturze. Przedstawiono propozycję algorytmu szacowania trwałości zmęczeniowej konstrukcji spawanych laserowo.
The influence of reinforcement on load carrying capacity and cracking of the reinforced concrete deep beam joint
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental research of the spatial reinforced concrete deep beam systems orthogonally reinforced and with additional inclined bars. Joint of the deep beams in this research was composed of the longitudinal deep beam with a cantilever suspended at the transversal deep beam. The cantilever deep beam was loaded throughout the depth and the transversal deep beam was loaded at the mid-span by longitudinal...
Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases