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Brygida Mielewska dr
PeopleBorn on 1 December 1972 in Gdynia. Education and professional experience:June 1997 MSc in Physics, Gdańsk University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics; October 1997 – August 2003 – Assistant at Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Faculty of Applied Physics nad Technical Mathematics, Department of Physics of Electronic Phenomena;June 2003 – PhD in Physics, thesis advisor prof. dr hab. Mariusz Zubek; September 2003- January...
Potential energy curves and spectroscopic parameters of the diatomic silver anion and neutral silver dimer
Open Research DataThe process of a two-channel decay of the diatomic silver anion (Ag2-), namely the spontaneous electron ejection giving Ag2 + e- and the dissociation leading to Ag- + Ag is theoretically studied. The ground state potential energy curves (PECs) of the neutral silver dimer and anionic silver diatomic molecule are calculated using the single reference...
Low energy elastic scattering of electrons from hexafluoropropene (C3F6)
PublicationWe present cross sections from a joint experimental and theoretical study on elastic electron scattering from hexafluoropropene (C3F6) in the gas phase. The experimental results, using low energy electron spectroscopy, were obtained at incident electron energies of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20 eV, for scattering angles ranging from 10°to 130°. The theoretical method used in the computation of the integral, momentum...
Analysis of friction ridge evidence for trace amounts of paracetamol in various pharmaceutical industries by Raman spectroscopy
PublicationThe detection of potentially harmful substances presents a multifaceted challenge. On one hand, it can directly save lives, on the other, it can significantly aid and enhance police work, thereby increasing the effectiveness of investigations. The research conducted in this study primarily aims to identify paracetamol in fingerprints, considering situations involving direct contact of a person with paracetamol either chronically...
Foliate-Targeting Quantum Dots-β-Cyclodextrin Nanocarrier for Efficient Delivery of Unsymmetrical Bisacridines to Lung and Prostate Cancer Cells
PublicationTargeted drug delivery by nanocarriers molecules can increase the efficiency of cancer treatment. One of the targeting ligands is folic acid (FA), which has a high affinity for the folic acid receptors, which are overexpressed in many cancers. Herein, we describe the preparation of the nanoconjugates containing quantum dots (QDs) and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) with foliate-targeting properties for the delivery of anticancer compound...
Scattering Theory Summer School 2022
e-Learning CoursesSummer school on Scattering Theory at Gdańsk University of Technology. 1 - 19 August online 22 - 26 August online or in Gdańsk (you choose) Participation is for free! Attractive fellowships! More info and registration:
Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of excited states of the diazine molecules: Pyridazine
PublicationExcitation of the valence electronic states of the pyridazine molecules in the gas phase have been studied using the technique of electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Varying the electron scattering conditions, the residual electron energy and scattering angle, enabled the optically-allowed and -forbidden excitations to be differentiated. The measured energy-loss spectra enabled the vertical excitation energies of the observed states...
Theoretical study of highly-excited states of KRb molecule
PublicationSemi-empirical adiabatic potential energy curves of highly excited states of the KRb molecule are calculated as a function of the internuclear distance R over a wide range from 3 to 150 a0. The diatomic molecule is treated as an effective two-electron system by using the large core pseudopotentials and core polarization potentials. All calculations are performed by using the nonrelativistic CASSCF/MRCI method with accurate basis...
Dipole-driven dynamics for near-threshold electron/positron interactions with pyrimidinic DNA bases: a path to compound formations
PublicationCalculations are reported for electron and positron scattering from isolated cytosine and thymine, where the two pyrimidinic single-ring DNA bases, in the gas-phase at energies near the elastic threshold, they reveal the special features of the dipole-driven scattering states. All molecules examined exhibit, in fact, supercritical (>1.67 D) permanent dipoles which can therefore also support, below threshold, excited bound compound...
Elastic scattering of electrons from chloroform
PublicationWe present experimental and theoretical cross sections for elastic electron scattering from CHCl3. This is an important target because of its relevance to environmental chemistry and the plasma etching industry as a source of chlorine radicals. The experimental results were obtained at incident electron energies ranging from 0.5 to 800 eV in the 10deg-130deg scattering angle range. Theoretically, the scattering cross sections in...
The 41Σ+ electronic state of LiCs molecule
PublicationThe 41Σ+ state of LiCs molecule is observed experimentally for the first time. The inverted perturbation approach (IPA) method is used to derive the potential energy curve of the state from the measured spectra. The experiment is accompanied by theoretical calculations of adiabatic potentials for excited states in LiCs including 41Σ+, performed with the MOLPRO program package. The irregular shape of the 41Σ+ state potential predicted...
Excited states of isoxazole molecules studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy
PublicationElectron energy-loss spectra were measured in isoxazole in the excitation energy range 3.5−10 eV to investigate the valence excited states. Spectra recorded at different scattering conditions enabled the identification of the singlet and triplet states and the determination of their vertical excitation energies. The two lowest energy triplet bands, ππ* 13A' and ππ* 23A' at 4.20 and 5.30 eV, respectively show vibrational progressions....
Elastic scattering of electrons by water: An ab initio study
PublicationIn this work we devise a theoretical and computational method to compute the elastic scattering of electrons from a non-spherical potential, such as in the case of molecules and molecular aggregates. Its main feature is represented by the ability of calculating accurate wave functions for continuum states of polycentric systems via the solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, including both the correlation effects and multi-scattering...
Methylation effect in e−— scattering on methyl-substituted ethylenes
PublicationMethylation effect has been observed and studied in electron-scattering from selected hydrocarbon molecules. In measured total cross section (TCS) functions we have noticed energy shifts and changes in the intensity of observed structures.
Nanoparticle-free tissue-mimicking phantoms with intrinsic scattering
PublicationWe present an alternative to the conventional approach, phantoms without scattering nanoparticles, where scattering is achieved by the material itself: spherical cavities trapped in a silicone matrix. We describe the properties and fabrication of novel optical phantoms based on a silicone elastomer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and glycerol mixture. Optical properties (absorption coefficient µa, reduced scattering coefficient µs',...
Low energy electron mass stopping power in H2
PublicationWe present experimental mass stopping powers of electrons in gaseous H2 obtained with a newly developed electron time-of-flight spectrometer, for the incident electron energy range of 10eV to 25eV. In our procedure the average energy loss is derived from our conversion of measured electron time-of-flight spectra into equivalent electron energy loss spectra so as to obtain the values of mass stopping power for electron scattering...
Bounds on isolated scattering number
PublicationThe isolated scattering number is a parameter that measures the vulnerability of networks. This measure is bounded by formulas de- pending on the independence number. We present new bounds on the isolated scattering number that can be calculated in polynomial time.
Bounds on isolated scattering number
PublicationThe isolated scattering number is a parameter that measures the vulnerability of networks. This measure is bounded by formulas de- pending on the independence number. We present new bounds on the isolated scattering number that can be calculated in polynomial time.
Normalized Partial Scattering Cross Section for Performance Evaluation of Low-Observability Scattering Structures
PublicationThe development of diffusion metasurfaces created new opportunities to elevate the stealthiness of combat aircraft. Despite the potential significance of metasurfaces, their rigorous design methodologies are still lacking, especially in the context of meticulous control over the scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves through geometry parameter tuning. Another practical issue is insufficiency of the existing performance metrics,...
The Role of Molecular Structure in Monte Carlo Simulations of the Secondary Electron Yield and Backscattering Coefficient from Methacrylic Acid
PublicationIn this paper, we show the influence of the chemical structure of four different conformers on the secondary electron emission and backscattering of an electron beam from a gel of methacrylic acid. The conformers have different permanent dipole moments, which determines the cross sections for elastic collisions with electrons. The cross sections are used in Monte Carlo simulations of an electron beam, which enters the gel of methacrylic...
Theoretical studies of fragmentation processes of neutral and ionized furan molecule
PublicationThis PhD thesis focuses on the fragmentation mechanism of the furan molecule in the gas phase. The approach taken in this work comprised of three theoretical methodologies considering the dynamical, energetical and entropic aspects of the studied process. First, molecular dynamics simulations were performed. Next, the potential energy surfaces were explored at the DFT/B3LYP level of theory. Finally, a new statistical Microcanonical...
Charge dependence of fragmentation process induced by ion collisions with furan molecule
PublicationThe goal of this work is to describe the system evolution after ion-molecule interaction. We combine different quantum chemistry and statistical mechanics approaches in order to give extended description of the process. Herein we report on a recent study of the fragmentation mechanism of neutral, singly- and doubly-ionized furan molecule in the gas phase.
Low-energy positron collisions with water: elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering
PublicationDifferential, integral and momentum transfer cross sections for the vibrationally elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering of positrons from water at low collision energy (E ≤ 10 eV) are reported. Several models within the R-matrix method are used to compute the body-fixed T-matrices, while the scattering calculations are performed within the fixed-nuclei approximation corrected with the standard Born-closure formula. These...
Determination of energy-transfer distributions in ionizing ion-molecule collisions
PublicationThe main objective of this study is to determine the energy transfer occuring in ion-molecule collisions. In order to solve this problem, we followed two approaches; the first one by validating a purely experimental method and the second one by testing a new theoretical model M3C (Microcanonical Metropolis Monte Carlo).
The adiabatic potentials of low-lying electronic states of the NaRb molecule
PublicationAdiabatic potential energy curves and spectroscopic constants have been calculated for the NaRb molecule. The results of ten states of the symmetry Σ+, six states of the symmetry Π, and two states of the symmetry Δ are obtained by the nonrelativistic quantum chemical method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction of valence electrons with atomic cores. Analysis is based on a comparison with the results of other theoretical...
Water-mediated influence of a crowded environment on internal vibrations of a protein molecule
PublicationThe influence of crowding on the protein inner dynamics is examined by putting a single protein molecule close to one or two neighboring protein molecules. The presence of additional molecules influences the amplitudes of protein fluctuations. Also, a weak dynamical coupling of collective velocities of surface atoms of proteins separated by a layer of water is detected. The possible mechanisms of these phenomena are described....
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublicationA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...
Theoretical and experimental study on scattering of low-energy electrons by dimethyl and diethyl ethers
PublicationWe report a joint theoretical and experimental investigation on low-energy electron scattering by dimethyl and diethyl ethers. The experimental elastic differential cross sections were measured at impact energies from 1 eV up to 30 eV and scattering angle range of 10◦ to 130◦. Theoretical elastic differential, integral and momentum-transfer cross sections are calculated at impact energies up to 30 eV, employing the Schwinger multichannel...
Electronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules studied by electron collisions
PublicationElectronic states of tetrahydrofuran molecules were studied in the excitation energy range 5.5-10 eV using the technique of electron energy loss spectroscopy in the gas phase. Excitation from the two conformations, C2 and Cs, of the ground state of the molecule are observed in the measured energy loss spectra. The vertical excitation energies of the 3(no3s) triplet state from the C2 and Cs conformations of the ground state of the...
The influence of chitosan hydrogel cross-linking by agarose on coating physico-chemical properties
Open Research DataThis dataset contains various physicochemical analyses showing the effect of different concentration of chitosan and the cross-linking agent agarose. Each sample is labeled by C and A representing chitosan and agarose concentrations, respectively, while the exact amounts are depicted in the attached table. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy...
A study of the electronic states of pyrimidine by electron energy loss spectroscopy
PublicationThe electron energy loss spectra were measured in pyrimidine at the constant electron residual energy varied from 15 meV to 10 eV and in the scattering angle range 0–180°. The spectra were analysed applying an iteration fitting procedure to resolve the energy loss bands corresponding to excitation of the electronic states of pyrimidine. The vertical excitation energies of the singlet states of pyrimidine and of a number of the...
Dissociative electron attachment and anion-induced dimerization in pyruvic acid
PublicationWe report partial cross sections for the dissociative electron attachment to pyruvic acid. A rich fragmentation dynamics is observed. Electronic structure calculations facilitate the identification of complex rearrangement reactions that occur during the dissociation. Furthermore, a number of fragment anions produced at electron energies close to 0 eV are observed, that cannot originate from single electron-molecule collisions....
Electron energy-loss spectroscopy of excited states of the pyridine molecules
PublicationElectron energy-loss spectra of the pyridine, C5H5N, molecules in the gas phase have been measured to investigate electronic excitation in the energy range 3.5–10 eV. The applied wide range of residual electron energy and the scattering angle range from 10 ◦ to 180 ◦ enabled to differentiate between optically-allowed and -forbidden transitions. These measurements have allowed vertical excitation energies of the triplet excited...
PublicationCross sections for electron-impact ionization of purine and pyrimidine molecules have been calculated using binary-encounter-Bethe method for electron energies ranging from the ionization threshold up to 5 keV. Ionization cross section for purine molecules is 1.4 times higher than for pyrimidine molecules. Acceptable agreement between experimental and theoretical ionization data for pyrimidine molecule has been found.
Electron ionization and low energy electron attachment to molecules of biological interest
PublicationEthylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (TRIS) were investigated by electron impact ionization and low energy electron attachment. Both compounds are components of biological buffers and often are used as DNA stabilizers in irradiation studies. hus it is of a great importance to understand their potential interactions with radiation. Our results revealed that at least one of them, EDTA, may...
Electron ionization and low energy electron attachment to molecules of biological interest
PublicationEthylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-propanediol (TRIS) were investigated by electron impact ionization and low energy electron attachment. Both compounds are components of biological buffers and often are used as DNA stabilizers in irradiation studies. hus it is of a great importance to understand their potential interactions with radiation. Our results revealed that at least one of them, EDTA, may...
Application of the J-matrix method to multichannel scattering
PublicationIn this contribution we describe the multichannel extension to the nonrelativistic J-matrix method, and present differential cross sections for scattering of slow electrons from Argon atoms. Nonrelativistic phase shifts, then the S-matrix and the cross sections have been calculated using newly developed Fortran code, JMATRIX-MULTI.We applied the model Hartree-Fock potential as the scattering potential, which was truncated in the...
Magnetic switching of Kerker scattering in spherical microresonators
PublicationMagneto-optical materials have become a key tool in functional nanophotonics, mainly due to their ability to offer active tuning between two different operational states in subwavelength structures. In the long-wavelength limit, such states may be considered as the directional forward- and back-scattering operations, due to the interplay between magnetic and electric dipolar modes, which act as equivalent Huygens sources. In this...
Journals -
Experimental and Theoretical Study on Electron Interactions with Acetic Acid Molecules
PublicationThe absolute total cross section for electron collisions with acetic acid has been measured using an electrostatic electron spectrometerand linear transmission method for collision energies ranging from 0.4 to 300eV. Elastic electron scattering from acetic acid within a low-energy range has also been studied theoretically using the Schwinger multichannel and R-matrix methods, in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization...
Maciej Wróbel dr inż.
PeopleReceived PhD from Gdańsk University of Technology in 2019. Research interests involve non-invasive applications of Raman spectroscopy for tissue analysis, specifically blood parameters measurements. Tissue mimicking phantoms, measurement of optical properties (scattering, absorption), as well as other optical sensing methods. Raman spectroscopy and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) utilized for measurements of biological...
Positron Scattering and Annihilation in Organic Molecules
PublicationIn this paper, we address the problem of connecting positron lifetimes in liquids with collision cross sections in gases. We present the analyses of annihilation lifetime spectra of positrons in the liquid benzene, c-hexane, n-hexane, methanol and ethanol and calculations of scattering cross sections of positrons with benzene and c-hexane in the gas phase.
A Stand for Measurement and Prediction of Scattering Properties of Diffusers
PublicationIn this paper we present a set of solutions which may be used for prototyping and simulation of acoustic scattering devices. A system proposed is capable of measuring sound field. Also a way to use an open source solution for simulation of scattering phenomena occurring in proximity of acoustic diffusers is shown. The result of our work are measurement procedure and a prototype of the simulation script based on FEniCS - an open source...
Possible schemes of photoassociation processes in the KLi molecule with newly calculated potential energy curves
PublicationWe present four promising schemes for photoassociative formation of KLi molecule in its ground electronic state. Analysis is based on newly calculated adiabatic potentials supported by transition dipole moments and Franck-Condon factors.
Long-range, water-mediated interaction between a moderately active antifreeze protein molecule and the surface of ice
PublicationUsing molecular dynamics simulations, we show that a molecule of moderately active antifreeze protein (type III AFP, QAE HPLC-12 isoform) is able to interact with ice in an indirect manner. This interaction occurs between the ice binding site (IBS) of the AFP III molecule and the surface of ice, and it is mediated by liquid water which separates these surfaces. As a result, the AFP III molecule positions itself at a specific orientation...
Carboxylation Enhances Fragmentation of Furan upon Resonant Electron Attachment
PublicationWe report a dissociative electron attachment study to 2-furoic acid (C5H4O3) isolated in a gas phase, which is a model molecule consisting of a carboxylic group and a furan ring. Dissociation of furan by low energy electrons is accessible only via electronic excited Feshbach resonances at energies of incident electrons above 5 eV. On the other hand, carboxylic acids are well- known to dissociate via attachment of electrons at subexcitation energies....
Journals -
Low-energy positron scattering from gas-phase benzene
PublicationIn this paper we are presenting calculations of the elastic cross section of positrons with gas-phase benzene for the energy range from 0.25 eV to 9.0 eV. The calculations are done with the molecular R-matrix method for positron-scattering from poly-atomic molecules using a scaling factor to scale the electron-positron interaction. The scaling factor influences the position of the poles of the R-matrix. We adjust the scaling factor...
Anionic states of C6Cl6 probed in electron transfer experiments
PublicationThis is the first comprehensive investigation on the anionic species formed in collisions of fast neutral potassium (K) atoms with neutral hexachlorobenzene (C6Cl6) molecules in the laboratory frame range from 10 up to 100 eV. In such ion-pair formation experiments, we also report a novel K+ energy loss spectrum obtained in the forward scattering giving evidence of the most accessible electronic states. The vertical electron affinity...
Spin-Orbit Coupling Matrix Elements in the KRb Molecule
Open Research DataThe allowed 190 spin-orbit coupling (SOC) matrix elements have been calculated for the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+ (S+), Pi (P), and Delta (D) electronic states of the KRb molecule. These SOCs are needed for investigations of areas connected with classical spectroscopy, deperturbation analysis of the observed spectra, atom-molecule and molecule-molecule...