Piotr Jaskuła dr hab. inż.
PeopleI am a Faculty member (Associate Professor, Highway and Transportation Research Department) at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland).My main research interests include: pavement structures, interlayer bonding, pavement materials, recycling of road pavements, asphalt mixtures, bitumens, construction and maintenance of pavement structures.My lectures at the University include:...
Machine-learning methods for estimating compressive strength of high-performance alkali-activated concrete
PublicationHigh-performance alkali-activated concrete (HP-AAC) is acknowledged as a cementless and environmentally friendly material. It has recently received a substantial amount of interest not only due to the potential it has for being used instead of ordinary concrete but also owing to the concerns associated with climate change, sustainability, reduction of CO2 emissions, and energy consumption. The characteristics and amounts of the...
Evaluation of thermal cracking probability for asphalt concretes with high percentage of RAP
PublicationThe paper presents determination of the probability of thermal cracking of asphalt mixtures with different reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) content on the basis of laboratory tests and analytical evaluation using thermal stress development method. Probability was evaluated taking into consideration: the type and gradation of the mixture and the quality and content of RAP. Thermal stresses were determined using two models: elastic and...
Grey wolf optimizer integrated within boosting algorithm: Application in mechanical properties prediction of ultra high-performance concrete including carbon nanotubes
PublicationNowadays, the construction industry has increasingly recognized the superior performance characteristics of ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC). Known for its exceptional durability and high tensile strength, UHPC material is revolutionizing structure standards subjected to extreme environmental conditions and heavy loads. This paper explores the enhancement of UHPC with nano- and micromaterials, employing advanced machine-learning...
High Rise Building: The Mega Sculpture Made Of Steel, Concrete and Glass
PublicationHigh rise building has transformed from providing not only the expansion of floor space but functioning as mega sculpture in the city. The shift away from economic efficiency driven need is only expected to grow in the future. Based on literature studies; after analysing planning documents and case studies, it was examined whether the presumption that gaining the maximum amount of usable area is the only driving factor; or if the...
Active learning on stacked machine learning techniques for predicting compressive strength of alkali-activated ultra-high-performance concrete
PublicationConventional ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) has excellent development potential. However, a significant quantity of CO2 is produced throughout the cement-making process, which is in contrary to the current worldwide trend of lowering emissions and conserving energy, thus restricting the further advancement of UHPC. Considering climate change and sustainability concerns, cementless, eco-friendly, alkali-activated UHPC (AA-UHPC)...
Effect of Nano-SiO2 on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Concrete under High Temperature Conditions
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Mechanical properties, high temperature resistance and microstructure of eco-friendly ultra-high performance geopolymer concrete: Role of ceramic waste addition
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Potential use of granite waste sourced from rock processing for the application as coarse aggregate in high-performance self-compacting concrete
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Badania mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych w niskiej temperaturze
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metody badań w niskiej temperaturze betonu asfaltowego przeznaczonego do warstwy ścieralnej. Przedstawione zostały wyniki badań dla 4 różnych metod badawczych: zginania, pełzania, pośredniego rozciągania oraz rozciągania termicznego przy ograniczonym odkształceniu (test TSRST). Próbki betonu asfaltowego były przygotowywane w laboratorium z wykorzystaniem 3 rodzajów asfaltów: asfaltu zwykłego, asfaltu modyfikowanego...
Influence of selected WMA additives on viscoelastic behaviour of asphalt mixes and pavements
PublicationWarm mix asphalt additives are effective in decreasing production, laying and compaction temperatures of asphalt mixes. However, there are still questions concerning influence of warm mix additives on properties of asphalt mixes and pavement performance. This paper presents results of the comprehensive research of viscoelastic behaviour of asphalt mixes and pavement structures with layers made with warm mix asphalt additives at...
Influence of bitumen type on cracking resistance of asphalt mixtures used in pavement overlays
PublicationCracking is one of the predominant distresses occurring in flexible pavements, especially in old pavements that were rehabilitated with an asphalt overlay. In such cases asphalt mixtures should be designed to ensure high resistance to reflective cracking because new asphalt layers are exposed to existing cracks of the old pavement. The nature of these cracks can be various (transverse, longitudinal as well as crazy cracking). One...
Evaluation of Low Temperature Properties of Rubberized Asphalt Mixtures
PublicationThe paper presents low-temperature test results of asphalt mixtures designed with use of bitumen modified by crumb rubber and also SBS polymer. Laboratory tests were conducted on two types of asphalt mixtures for wearing course – stone matrix asphalt (SMA 8) and porous asphalt (PA 8). This paper presents results of the following laboratory tests at low temperatures: TSRST test, three point bending creep test, fracture toughness...
Structural design and sensitivity analysis of semi-rigid pavement of a motorway
PublicationThis paper presents application of mechanistic-empirical methods in design of semi-rigid pavement for a section of a motorway in Poland. The stage construction was assumed. Three fatigue criteria were applied in the design. For asphalt fatigue cracking and subgrade soil the criteria from the Asphalt Institute (USA) were applied. For fatigue cracking of cement stabilized bases the Dempsey (USA) and De Beer (South Africa) criteria...
Impact and stretching standardized tests as useful tools for assessment of viscoelastic behavior for highly rubberized asphalt binder
PublicationAsphalt binder is generally identified as a brittle material at low service temperature or under high-speed load, and the brittleness becomes serious after weathering aging. Improving the toughness of asphalt binder through adding high-content of crumb tire rubber is an efficient method to solve this problem. Devulcanized rubber modified asphalt binder (DRMA) with different contents (15–40%) of devulcanized rubber (DR) were prepared...
Young’s modulus distribution in the FEM models of bone tissue
PublicationThis paper presents how differences of Young’s modulus in adjacent finite elements typical for organic materials such as bone tissue, influence stress calculating. Emphasizing high computational cost of variable Young’s modulus in parts of the model, where the number of finite elements has been raised, the authors wants to prove that new model of finite element which has variable Young’s modulus in its volume needs to be created....
Structural Design and Sensitivity Analysis of Semi-Rigid Pavement of a Motorway
PublicationThis paper presents application of mechanistic-empirical methods in design of semi-rigid pavement for a section of a motorway in Poland. The stage construction was assumed. Three fatigue criteria were applied in the design. For asphalt fatigue cracking and subgrade soil the criteria from the Asphalt Institute (1981) were applied. For fatigue cracking of cement stabilized bases the Dempsey (1984) and De Beer (1992) criteria were...
Karol Grębowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded by struck or explosion in the context...
Advanced fatigue and rutting characterisation of Polish asphalt mixtures based on the VECD model and viscoplastic shift model
PublicationThe advanced asphalt mixture performance-related specifications (AM-PRS) recently developed in USA can allow an optimisation of the design process of asphalt pavements thanks to the possibility to fully take into account the intrinsic material properties. In this study, four typical Polish mixtures, i.e. a Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) for wearing course, two mixtures for binder course with neat bitumen or Polymer modified Bitumen...
Determination of Thermophysical Parameters Involved in The Numerical Model to Predict the Temperature Field of Cast-In-Place Concrete Bridge Deck
PublicationThe paper dealswith a concept of a practical computationmethod to simulate the temperature distribution in an extradosed bridge deck. The main goal of the study is to develop a feasible model of hardening of concrete consistent with in-situ measurement capabilities. The presented investigations include laboratory tests of high performance concrete, measurements of temperature evolution in the bridge deck and above all, numerical...
Laboratory Determination of Burger's Model Parameters for Visco-elastic Analysis of Road Pavement Materials
PublicationBurger's Model is one of those models that describes performance of asphalt mixtures. Its parameters can be used in road construction analysis based on visco-elastic properties in wide variety of temperatures using dedicated programs (e.g. Veroad) or in Finite Element Method (FEM). Parameters of Burger's Model can be used for example in prediction of low temperature cracking in low winter temperatures or permanent deformation...
Three dimensional simulations of FRC beams and panels with explicit definition of fibres-concrete interaction
PublicationHigh performance concrete (HPC) is a quite novel material which has been rapidly developed in the last few decades. It exhibits superior mechanical properties and durability comparing to normal concrete. HPC can achieve also superior tensile performance if strong fibres (steel or carbon) are implemented in the matrix. Thus, there exist the unabated interest in studying how the addition of different types of fibres modifies the...
PublicationArtykuł opisuje przeprowadzoną analizę statyczno-wytrzymałościowa 95-letniego betonowego mostu łukowego zlokalizowanego w Jagodniku w północnej Polsce. Trwałość i wytrzymałość starego betonu są określane na podstawie wybranych właściwości mechanicznych, fizycznych i chemicznych. Program badań laboratoryjnych składał się z następującego zestawu badań: pomiary głębokości strefy skarbonatyzowanej i gęstości w stanie suchym, badania...
Optimisation and field assessment of poroelastic wearing course bond quality
PublicationCompared to typical asphalt mixtures, poroelastic mixtures are characterised by high porosity and high flexibility, which are desirable for traffic noise reduction. However, the same properties increase the risk of debonding from the lower layer, which is a significant source of premature damage. The study investigates which of the factors – tack coat agent, type and texture of the lower layer – have the greatest impact on interlayer...
Application of advanced spectroscopic methods in the assessment of the leachability degree of hazardous elements from the matrix of cellular concretea
PublicationDue to its structure, autoclaved cellular concrete exhibits good insulating properties with relatively high compressive strength values. It is increasingly used in construction because of its economic attractiveness. Autoclaved cellular concrete is mainly used in interior structure layers, and therefore its potential exposure to heavy metal leaching from the matrix may be related to the presence of a high pH medium from other materials...
A concept of heterogeneous numerical model of concrete for GPR simulations
PublicationThe Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, which is increasingly being used in the non-destructive diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, often needs more accurate interpretation tools for analysis of experimental data. Recently, there has been growing interest in developing of various numerical models for exhaustive understanding of GPR data. This paper presents the concept of a heterogeneous numerical model of concrete,...
A Proposed Soft Computing Model for Ultimate Strength Estimation of FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders
PublicationIn this paper, the feed-forward backpropagation neural network (FFBPNN) is used to propose a new formulation for predicting the compressive strength of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-confined concrete cylinders. A set of experimental data has been considered in the analysis. The data include information about the dimensions of the concrete cylinders (diameter, length) and the total thickness of FRP layers, unconfined ultimate concrete...
Ocena odporności na pękanie podbudów drogowych z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE)
PublicationPodbudowy z mieszanek mineralno-cementowo-emulsyjnych (MCE) są jednym z wielu materiałów stosowanych do wykonywania warstw nawierzchni w ramach przebudów dróg w Polsce. Mieszanki MCE pozwalają na maksymalne powtórne wykorzystanie istniejących warstw konstrukcyjnych do budowy lub przebudowy nawierzchni. Do wykonania podbudów z MCE stosuje się materiał pochodzący z rozbiórki istniejących warstw (destrukt) bitumicznych, warstw związanych...
3D X-ray Micro-CT Analysis of Rebar Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Subjected to a Chloride-Induced Environment
PublicationThe paper presents experimental investigations of the concrete cover protective ability to coun-teract rebar corrosion in reinforced concrete cubes. To study and quantify the consequences of corrosion a reinforced concrete sample was subjected to chloride-induced environment in order to get corroded and combined with un-corroded sample. Chloride-accelerated technique can in-duce a high degree of corrosion within at a controlled...
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Insulation Properties of Lightweight Concrete
PublicationPredicting the properties of concrete before its design and application process allows for refining and optimizing its composition. However, the properties of lightweight concrete are much harder to predict than those of normal weight concrete, especially if the forecast concerns the insulating properties of concrete with artificial lightweight aggregate (LWA). It is possible to use porous aggregates and precisely modify the composition...
Prediction of cast-in-place concrete strength of the extradosed bridge deck based on temperature monitoring and numerical simulations
PublicationThe work is devoted to the implementation of a monitoring system for high performance concrete embedded in the span of an extradosed bridge deck using a modified maturity method augmented by numerical simulations conducted by the authors’ FEM code. The paper presents all research stages of bridge construction and considers the conclusions drawn from the results of laboratory tests, field measurements, and numerical calculations....
Flow cytometric approach to evaluate the impact of hydro-technical concrete compounds’ release to the freshwater microbiome
PublicationThe aim of this research was to test the potential of applying a flow cytometric procedure to evaluate the impact of concrete compounds’ release to the freshwater microbiome. Cells from the collected samples were stained with a fluorogenic redox indicator dye that measures the redox potential of microbial cells. This novel approach was combined with the assessment of microorganisms’ penetration into the internal structures of concrete...
The influence of core material on strength properties of hybrid sandwich panels
PublicationAlong with high prices of fuels and more restrictive safety and environmental regulations (including environment protection) increased interest in sandwich structures is being observed. One of the solution having growing application potential is steel sandwich panel. The construction consist of very thin steel plates (about 2mm) and stiffeners between them. The main advantage of using such solution is very high strength to weight...
FEM and experimental investigations of concrete temperature field in the massive stemwall of the bridge abutment
PublicationThe paper deals with the prediction of early-age concrete temperature of cast-in-place stemwall of the bridge abutment. The considered object is an arch bridge located in Gda´nsk. In the case of massive structures, it is particularly important to not exceed the temperature difference between the core and the concrete surface. Too high temperature gradient generates an increase in thermal stresses, what could be the reason of exceeding...
Testing high impedance analyzer in the field on high-voltage line pylon cell 1 exposition 1
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of anticorrosion coating on high-voltage line pylon presented in the figure below. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The dataset contains comparative measurements with Atlas-Sollich ATLAS98HI analyser....
Testing high impedance analyzer in the field on high-voltage line pylon cell 1 exposition 2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of anticorrosion coating on high-voltage line pylon presented in the figure below. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The dataset contains comparative measurements with Atlas-Sollich ATLAS98HI analyser....
Testing high impedance analyzer in the field on high-voltage line pylon cell 2 exposition 1
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of anticorrosion coating on high-voltage line pylon presented in the figure below. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The dataset contains comparative measurements with Atlas-Sollich ATLAS98HI analyser....
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Tensile and Flexural Behavior of Nanoclay Wood-Plastic Composite
PublicationIn this study, the effect of wood powder and nanoclay particle content on composites’ mechanical behavior made with polyethylene matrix has been investigated. The wood flour as a reinforcer made of wood powder was at levels of 30, 40, and 50 wt.%, and additional reinforcement with nanoclay at 0, 1, 3, and 5 wt.%. Furthermore, to make a composite matrix, high-density polyethylene was used at levels of 70, 60, and 50% by weight....
Experimental Study of the Resistance to Influence of Aggressive Liquids on Lightweight Concrete
PublicationIn light of the scientific research, the corrosion of concrete structures is one of the main problems that may reduce their durability due to the negative impact of the natural environment. The paper analyzes the influence of the type of component on the selected properties of lightweight concrete subjected to the influence of aggressive liquids. Four concrete mixes were prepared with a granular aggregate made of foamed glass (GEGA)...
Palm Oil Fuel Ash-Based Eco-Efficient Concrete: A Critical Review of the Short-Term Properties
PublicationThe huge demand for concrete is predicted to upsurge due to rapid construction developments. Environmental worries regarding the large amounts of carbon dioxide emanations from cement production have resulted in new ideas to develop supplemental cementing materials, aiming to decrease the cement volume required for making concrete. Palm-oil-fuel-ash (POFA) is an industrial byproduct derived from palm oil waste’s incineration in...
Effect of Particle Size of Fly Ash Microspheres (FAMs) on the Selected Properties of Concrete
PublicationThis paper presents the investigations of selected properties of concrete containing two fractions of fly ash microspheres (FAMs) with grain size up to 200 μm and up to 500 μm. Concrete mixtures with ordinary Portland cement and three substitution rates of cement by FAMs, 1.3%, 2.0%, and 2.6%, were investigated. For all concrete mixes, the constant water–binder ratio (w/b) equal to 0.50 was used. The research program included the...
Testing high impedance analyzer in the field on high-voltage line pylon cell 2 exposition 2
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of anticorrosion coating on high-voltage line pylon presented in the figure below. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The dataset contains comparative measurements with Atlas-Sollich ATLAS98HI analyser....
Numerical simulation of hardening of concrete plate
PublicationThe paper presents a theoretical formulation of concrete curing in order to predict temperature evolution and strength development. The model of heat flow is based on a well-known Fourier equation. The numerical solution is implemented by means of the Finite Difference Method. In order to verify the model, the in situ temperature measurements at the top plate of a road bridge were carried out. A high agreement between numerical...
An experimental study of self-sensing concrete enhanced with multi-wall carbon nanotubes in wedge splitting test and DIC
PublicationConcrete is the worldwide most utilized construction material because of its very good performance, forming ability, long-term durability, and low costs. Concrete is a brittle material prone to cracking. Extensive cracking may impact durability and performance over time considerably. The addition of a small amount of carbon nanotubes (CNT) increases the concrete’s overall electrical conductivity, enabling internal structure...
A study on microcrack monitoring in concrete: discrete element method simulations of acoustic emission for non-destructive diagnostics
PublicationThe research is focused on the monitoring of fracture evolution in concrete beams under three-point bending using the acoustic emission technique and the discrete element method. The main objective of the study was to numerically and experimentally investigate the mechanism behind the generation of elastic waves during acoustic emission events and their interaction with micro- and macro-cracking in concrete beams under monotonic...
Assessment of the application of CEM III with exposed aggregate as an alternative to CEM I for road pavements
PublicationThe article presents a results of study on the impact of replacing CEM I SR3/NA by CEMIII/A LH/HSR/NAon the mechanical properties and durability of pavement concrete with exposed aggregate. Was used granite aggregate and washed sand. Water/cement () ratio in the tested concretes constituted 0.35 and 0.4 and part of the cement was replaced with a 5% addition of natural pozzolana – zeolite. Compressive strength tests were performed...
Force transfer and stress distribution in short cantilever deep beams loaded throughout the depth with a various reinforcement
PublicationDeep beams used as the main reinforced concrete structural elements which taking over the load and stiffening construction are often found in high-rise buildings. The architecture of these buildings is sometimes sophisticated and varied, arouse the admiration of the majority of recipients, and thus causing an engineering challenge to correctly design the structural system and force transfer. In such structures is important to shape...
A study on fibre-reinforced concrete elements properties based on the case of habitat modules in the underwater sills
PublicationHydrotechnical constructions are mostly objects functioning in extreme conditions and requiring a custom-made construction project. In the case of using prefabricated elements, it is required to develop production, transport, assembly, conservation and repair technology. Concerning the problem of concrete cracks, modern repair systems allow positive effects to be achieved in many cases of concrete elements repair. In this work...
Testing HIADAC high impedance analyzer in Trento University laboratory on Baunier's RC model using 2 wire probe
Open Research DataThe dataset presents impedance spectrum of Baunier's RC model. This object was used to test high-impedance analyzer for diagnostic of anticorossion coatings (HIADAC) realized in the frame of Eureka project E!3174. The impedance spectrum frequency range (1 mHz – 100 kHz) was selected in order to test the whole measureement range of the analyzer. In...
Guided Wave Propagation in Detection of Partial Circumferential Debonding in Concrete Structures
PublicationThe following article presents results of investigating the damage detection in reinforced concrete beams with artificially introduced debonding between the rod and cover, using a non-destructive method based on elastic waves propagation. The primary aim of the research was to analyze the possible use of guided waves in partial circumferential debonding detection. Guided waves were excited and registered in reinforced concrete...