Search results for: HUMAN PERCEPTION
The Method of Selecting the Interval of Functional Tests Taking into Account Economic Aspects and Legal Requirements
PublicationThe article discusses the problem of choosing the optimal frequency of functional tests, taking into account the reliability and law requirements, but also the impact of business aspects in the company. The subject of functional test interval is well described for purposes of the process industry. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the machinery safety functions with low demand mode. This is followed by a presentation of the...
A method of Functional Test interval selection with regards to Machinery and Economical aspects
PublicationThis paper discusses the problem of choosing the optimal frequency of functional test, including the reliability calculations and production efficiency, but also the effect of company risk management. The proof test as a part of the functional test interval is well described for the process industry. Unfortunately, this situation is not the case for the machinery safety functions with low demand mode. Afterwards, it is presented...
Pawlak's flow graph extensions for video surveillance systems
PublicationThe idea of the Pawlak's flow graphs is applicable to many problems in various fields related to decision algorithms or data mining. The flow graphs can be used also in the video surveillance systems. Especially in distributed multi-camera systems which are problematic to be handled by human operators because of their limited perception. In such systems automated video analysis needs to be implemented. Important part of this analysis...
Identification of acoustic event of selected noise sources in a long-term environmental monitoring systems
PublicationABSTRACT Undertaking long-term acoustic measurements on sites located near an airport is related to a problem of large quantities of recorded data, which very often represents information not related to flight operations. In such areas, usually defined as zone of limited use, often other sources of noise exist, such as roads or railway lines treated is such context as acoustic background. Manual verification of such recorded data...
Filozofować z głębi człowieczeństwa. O fenomenologii Andrzeja Półtawskiego.
PublicationDokonując krytyki tradycji nowożytnego empiryzmu i kartezjańskiego dualizmu Półtawski tworzy realistyczną i dynamiczną interpretację bytu ludzkiego. Przeżywanie, odczuwanie zmysłowe nie jest poślednią odmianą poznania jak i operacją dostarczania jedynie elementów, budulca poznaniu, ale odrębnym sposobem bycia w świecie, jest symbiotycznym kontaktem z otoczeniem, formą życia. Zrywa on radykalnie z tradycją brentanowsko-husserlowską...
Two-photon perimetry utilizing picosecond laser
PublicationAge-related impairments are becoming more and more severe for aging societies. The sensory organ diseases are particularly troublesome as they exclude seniors from their everyday activity. Therefore, maintaining good quality eyesight is essential for normal functioning. New medical therapies help restrain age-related changes, but still, monitoring is essential to the treatment process. Humans do not have the natural ability to...
Colour Terms in Five Linguistic Images of the World: The Semantic Perspective
PublicationSocial and cultural factors shape the linguistic perception of colour. At the same time, colour terms co-create the linguistic image of the world, which allows us to interpret reality and profile our statements and beliefs. This paper presents six basic colour terms: white, black, red, green, yellow, and blue (both as adjectives and as nouns) in the five different linguistic images of the world of the following languages: English,...
Experimental study on effectiveness of polymer dampers in reduction of structural vibrations
PublicationVibrations of civil engineering structures, generated by dynamic loads, may be very dangerous to the structures themselves as well as may have significant influence on human perception and comfort. A number of different methods have been proposed in order to minimize such situations. This concern newly designed structures as well as those which dynamic properties have to be modified due to problems with excessive vibrations. One...
Experimental study on the effectiveness of polymer dampers in reduction of structural vibrations
PublicationVibrations of civil engineering structures, generated by dynamic loads, may be very dangerous to the structures themselves as well as may have significant influence on human perception and comfort. A number of different methods have been proposed in order to minimize such situations. This concern newly designed structures as well as those which dynamic properties have to be modified due to problems with excessive vibrations. One...
A Novel Method for Intelligibility Assessment of Nonlinearly Processed Speech in Spaces Characterized by Long Reverberation Times
PublicationObjective assessment of speech intelligibility is a complex task that requires taking into account a number of factors such as different perception of each speech sub-bands by the human hearing sense or different physical properties of each frequency band of a speech signal. Currently, the state-of-the-art method used for assessing the quality of speech transmission is the speech transmission index (STI). It is a standardized way...
Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings
PublicationThe stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...
PublicationGrandstands are types of structures commonly used during sport events or music concerts. Dynamic loads generated by crowd movement may have significant influence on human perception as well as may lead to the destruction of a structure. Lighter and more slender structural steel members are more easily excitable by spectators. If the synchronized movement is tuned with the natural frequency of the affected part of the structure,...
Literature review of user needs, toward user requirements
PublicationThis report has been developed in the frame of the IEA SHC Task 61 Subtask A “User requirements”. The main objective was to rethink and reformulate user requirements to lighting (daylighting and electric lighting) in public buildings on the basis of a thorough literature study. The work is a joint effort of a number of scientists and represents collective knowledge in this topic. The concept of Lighting quality is the one, among...
Daylighting Education in Practice Verification of a new goal within a European knowledge investigation
PublicationTwo independent surveys were conducted in 2017 and in 2018 among architecture students across Europe to investigate their knowledge on daylighting and the impact of that knowledge on the visual perception of daylit spaces. A total of 600 responders were involved. This paper presents findings from the second survey, which was distributed in six European countries. Based on the findings from the first survey, a new goal was set for...
Skills mismatch in the context of technological change
PublicationThe main purpose of this dissertation is to assess the perception asymmetry of smart skills and formal education in ICT based economy. In other words, the goal of this research is to assess perceptions of smart skills and competences in the context of technological change from the perspectives of employers and students in Poland. Determining the fore-mentioned relationship gives insight into the hypothetical perception asymmetry...
The image of the City on social media: A comparative study using “Big Data” and “Small Data” methods in the Tri-City Region in Poland
Publication“The Image of the City” by Kevin Lynch is a landmark planning theory of lasting influence; its scientific rigor and relevance in the digital age were in dispute. The rise of social media and other digital technologies offers new opportunities to study the perception of urban environments. Questions remain as to whether social media analytics can provide a reliable measure of perceived city images? If yes, what implication does...
Daylight evaluation for multi-family housing in Poland
PublicationThis PhD dissertation focuses on methods of daylight appraisal useful in the design of the contemporary multifamily housing. The theoretical part of the thesis offers a review of daylight indicators, evaluations methods and tools within the built environment. It covers a review of daylight recommendations found in building standards and other normative documents affecting the design of the residential spaces. A pilot work survey...
Introduction to the special issue on machine learning in acoustics
PublicationWhen we started our Call for Papers for a Special Issue on “Machine Learning in Acoustics” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, our ambition was to invite papers in which machine learning was applied to all acoustics areas. They were listed, but not limited to, as follows: • Music and synthesis analysis • Music sentiment analysis • Music perception • Intelligent music recognition • Musical source separation • Singing...
How does institutional and natural social support shape the beliefs about psychological help among policemen?
PublicationEffectiveness of social support mechanisms results from interacting subjective factors (beliefs about help from others) and context (social network available). Organized institutional support and perception of natural support reduce barriers in obtaining psychological help.
Underdiagnosis of Major Depressive Episodes in Hemodialysis Patients: The Need for Screening and Patient Education.
PublicationThis article aims to identify the reasons why patients with major depressive episode (MDE) do not seek treatment for their mental disorder. 89 out of 208 persons screened were diagnosed with major depressive episode using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. 85 individuals with untreated depression filled out the following questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory, List of Explanations of Well-Being (LEWB), Brief...
Corporate social responsibility practices incomes and outcomes: Stakeholders' pressure, culture, employee commitment, corporate reputation, and brand performance. A Polish–German cross‐country study
PublicationThis study aims to compare employee perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practice incomes and outcomes in the construction industry in Poland and Germany. It proposes a model that examines the influence of stakeholder pressure, culture, and CSR practices on company brand performance, reputation, and employee identification. The findings suggest that the structure of relationships varies for project‐managed construction...
Difference in Perceived Speech Signal Quality Assessment Among Monolingual and Bilingual Teenage Students
PublicationThe user perceived quality is a mixture of factors, including the background of an individual. The process of auditory perception is discussed in a wide variety of fields, ranging from engineering to medicine. Many studies examine the difference between musicians and non-musicians. Since musical training develops musical hearing and other various auditory capabilities, similar enhancements should be observable in case of bilingual...
The effect of environmental turbulence on cyber security risk management and organizational resilience
PublicationEven though there is a plethora of research on the role of environmental turbulence in organizational performance in general, little attention has been paid to the effect of environmental turbulence on cyber security risk management and further - organizational resilience. Drawing on the resource-based view and contingency theory, this study investigates how technological and market turbulence influence organizational cyber security...
User-generated images and its impact on consumer-based brand equity and on purchase intention
PublicationResearchers and brand managers have limited knowledge of the effects that different types of user-generated content (UGC) have on consumers’ perception of brands and behavior. In this study we investigated 301 authors of a specific category of UGC, i.e., user-generated images (UGI) on a social networking site to confirm the relationships of four drivers reported in literature (co-creation, empowerment, community, and self-concept)...
PublicationThe article substantiates that the level of company’s financial security depends not so much on the indicators of its activity, but on its perception of decision-makers and other stakeholders. At the same time, this perception is formed due to the continuous participation of the stakeholder in operations, constant monitoring of financial indicators, the study of current approaches to enterprise management, changes in the environment,...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...
Binocular Vision Impairments Therapy Supported By Contactless Eye-gaze Tracking System
PublicationBinocular vision impairments often result in partial or total loss of stereoscopic vision. The lack of binocular vision is a serious vision impairment that deserves more attention. Very important result of the binocular vision impairments is a binocular depth perception. This paper describes also a concept of a measurement and therapy system for the binocular vision impairments by using eye-gaze tracking system.
PublicationThis article raises the issue of designing and adapting correctional facilities to the new perception of prisoners as well as comprehension of punishment. For research purposes, several European prisons which came into service over recent years were selected. A study of such facilities revealed design solutions that may significantly affect the process of rehabilitation for inmates and make such buildings an accepted part of society.
Performance Analysis of Multicast Video Streaming in IEEE 802.11 b/g/n Testbed Environment
PublicationThe aim of the work is to analyse capabilities and limitations of different IEEE 802.11 technologies (IEEE 802.11 b/g/n), utilized for both multicast and unicast video streaming transmissions directed to mobile devices. Our preliminary research showed that results obtained with currently popular simulation tools can be drastically different than these possible in real-world environment, so, in order to correctly evaluate performance...
Color transformation methods for dichromats
PublicationColor blindness is a serious perception problem. Suffering individuals cannot understand messages, which are carrying by many images, especially those, distributed by WWW. In this paper we are proposing three image processing methods to enhance image recognition and understanding by persons with dichromacy. Color difference image is introduced to represent color perception dissimilarity. Two color transformation methods are presented....
Superheroes or Super Spreaders? The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Attitudes towards Nurses: A Qualitative Study from Poland
PublicationThe social perception of the nursing profession in Poland is profoundly affected by social stereotypes that may discourage young people from entering the profession and lead to prejudice towards nurses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses gained visibility, which caused the social image of nurses to likewise grow. In this study, we explore nurses’ experiences with respect to how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the social image...
Working conditions in small companies in the eyes of the employees. [Warunki pracy w małych firmach w ocenie pracowników]
PublicationThe article presents the results of the study concerning the employees' awareness of working conditions. 157 employees from small production and service companies took part in the research. The research showed differences in the employees' perception of their working conditions. The employees were more often dissatisfied with working conditions than managers. A significant number of respondents (more than 75%) believe that the...
Dataset Relating Collective Angst, Identifications, Essentialist Continuity and Collective Action for Progressive City Policy among Gdańsk Residents
PublicationThis dataset contains the individual responses of 456 residents of Gdańsk who participated in the study. The study was conducted before the second term of the presidential election in Poland in 2020. Demographic variables as well as psychological measures of angst, place attachment, identification in-group continuity and willingness to engage in collective action were collected. We also measured the perception of the risk of...
Emotions Embodied in the SVC of an Autonomous Driver System
PublicationA concept of embodied intelligence (EI) is considered. None of such implementations can be fully identified with artificial intelligence. Projects that dare to approach AI and EI should be based on both the AI concepts (symbolic and sub-symbolic), in solving real problems of perception and decision-making. Therefore, the EI, in this paper, is understood as a methodology that uses all available resources and algorithms from the...
How do personality traits influence Open Government Data (OGD) adoption and usage? Investigating the indirect and moderating effects
PublicationOpen Government Data (OGD) research has focused for a long on the adoption and usage from the perspectives of users across different contexts. The underlying rationale for this specific focus is that OGD initiatives are undertaken to further citizen engagement with OGD for value generation and innovation purposes. Conceding that usage propensity is different across individuals, it is important to understand the influence of personality...
The relationship between architectural detail and light in contemporary architecture
PublicationThe paper deals with the influence of modern artificial and natural lighting technology on contemporary architecture, especially in relation to architectural detail. Advanced complex lighting systems have an increasing importance in contemporary design solutions. Light itself, and the effect of its actions, and characteristic parts of the sophisticated lighting systems, play an essential role as independent architectural elements,...
Perceptual and Motor Effects of Muscle Co-activation in a Force Production Task
PublicationWe tested several predictions of the theory of motor control with spatial referent coordinates related to effects of muscle coactivation on force production and perception. In particular, we predicted that subjects would produce unintentional force increase by finger flexors and be unaware of this force increase. Healthy subjects performed steady force production task in isometric conditions with visual feedback on the force level....
Evaluating calibration and robustness of pedestrian detectors
PublicationIn this work robustness and calibration of modern pedestrian detectors are evaluated. Pedestrian detection is a crucial perception com- ponent in autonomous driving and here we study its performance under different image corruptions. Furthermore, we provide analysis of classifi- cation calibration of pedestrian detectors and we show a positive effect of using style-transfer augmentation technique. Our analysis is aimed as a step...
A study on signal processing methods applied to hearing aids
PublicationThis paper presents a short survey on current technology available in hearing aids with a focus on digital signal processing techniques used. First, factors influencing the hearing aid effectiveness are introduced. Then, examples of the present DSP methods and strategies are provided. Also, a description of current limitations of hearing aids and future trends of development are shown. Finally, the notion of computational auditory...
Sound Art and Architecture: New Horizons for Architecture and Urbanism
PublicationThe article discusses the crossroad between art and architecture. It sketches out the theoretical and practical aspects of involving art into architecture and multisensory dimensions of space. The analysis is based on examples of innovative experimental activities for architecture: educational projects such as workshops, seminars and courses, combining art and architecture, with special emphasis on sound art, and the consequences...
How IT Professionals Perceive Artificial Intelligence Myths
PublicationArtificial Intelligence (AI) has been recently attracting a lot of attention despite its long history. A good part of its presence in media and non-technical conversations is linked to existing myths and fears about its effects on humans and society. Literature has already analyzed how this type of information influences the general public and non-technical professionals but not how IT professionals react to AI myths. This article...
Cartographic Representation of Route Reconstruction Results in Video Surveillance System
PublicationThe video streams available in a surveillance system distributed on the wide area may be accompanied by metadata are obtained as a result of video processing. Many algorithms applied to surveillance systems, e.g. event detection or object tracking, are strictly connected with localization of the object and reconstruction of its route. Drawing related information on a plan of a building or on a map of the city can facilitate the...
Color Processing for Color-Blind Individuals Using Smart Glasses
PublicationIn this paper we investigated image processing methods for color-blind individuals. In particular we experimentally verified color naming procedure, generation of maps with color perception differences for average observers and for dichromats, and two color transformation methods. In experiments 7 mobile devices were used: 3 smart glasses and 4 smartphones. User studies were performed with 38 average observers and 9 dichromats....
Do personality traits influence the user’s behavioral intention to adopt and use Open Government Data (OGD)? An empirical investigation
PublicationThe academic interest in the Open Government Data (OGD) domain has been burgeoning over the years. Conceding that the prime focus of an OGD initiative is its further re-use for value creation and innovation by stakeholders, the present study seeks to underscore the role of HEXACO personality traits on behavioral intention (BI) to adopt and use OGD in developing countries' context. We investigate the direct, indirect, and moderating...
Individual Characteristics and Cognitions of Students with Different Levels of Entrepreneurial Intensity
PublicationRESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of the current paper is to verify in what way university students who declare high individual level of entrepreneurial intensity differ from those who are characterized by its intensity level. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: A statistical analysis of obtained survey results was conducted. The group of research participants included 413 business students. Following statistical methods were used...
PublicationThis work aims to present the recovery potential of the Chilean Sacrifice Zones, urban areas affected by high amounts of pollution caused by industrial activities. It centers in the case of “Bocamina I & II”, two Thermoelectric based in the city of Coronel, southern Chile. A settlement historically related to the mining processes. These plants operated for decades supplying the national energy grid and are seen as both symbols...
Fragility analysis of structural pounding between adjacent structures arranged in series with various alignment configurations under near‑field earthquakes
PublicationA major cause of local to total damages is related to structural pounding in a large number of past earthquakes. In general, these collisions take place as a result of differences in the dynamic characteristics of the colliding structures. To acquire a better perception of the behavior of structures, in this paper, three structures featuring different heights are modeled in series and with various configurations next to each other...
Action-reaction based synthesis of acoustic wavefield equations
PublicationThe analysis of acoustic fields is usually based on the well-known mathematics of second order partial differential equations called wave equations. The author explores the duality and symmetry of linear fluid mechanics and develops two distinct equations of acoustics on the basis of a causal approach to local small-scale phenomena. Wavefields that are solutions of these equations have different composition, the spherical pressure...
Entrepreneurial Education and Attitude among Young Generations in a Gender perspective: the Case of Polish Education System
PublicationThis article is an attempt to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of young people: male and female students of Polish high schools and universities. The author makes an effort to verify the impact of the exposure to the business education and entrepreneurs on the decision to start-up. Special emphasis will be placed on the gender differences when discussing a respective factors’...
Entrepreneurial education and attitudes among young generations in a gender perspective: the case of Polish educational system
PublicationThis paper is an attempt to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of young people: male and female students of Polish high schools and universities. The author makes an effort to verify the impact of the exposure to the business education and entrepreneurs on the decision to start-up. Special emphasis will be placed on the gender differences when discussing a respective factors’...