Search results for: INTERFERENCE
Non-Contact Temperature Measurements Dataset
PublicationThe dataset titled The influence of the distance of the pyrometer from the surface of the radiating object on the accuracy of measurements contains temperature measurements using a selection of four commercially available pyrometers (CHY 314P, TM-F03B, TFA 31.1125 and AB-8855) as a function of the measuring distance. The dataset allows a comparison of the accuracy and measuring precision of the devices, which are very important...
Metody usuwania zakłóceń podczas pomiarów polowych widm Ramana
PublicationW pracy zostały scharakteryzowane źródła zakłóceń występujące podczas pomiarów widm Ramana w warunkach polowych. Zaprezentowano wpływ czasu integracji na jakość rejestrowanych widm w przypadkach, gdy szumy własne spektrometru mają składową typu 1/f, dominującą w zakresie małych częstotliwości. Przedstawiono także wyniki uzyskane podczas pomiarów z detekcją synchroniczną, stosowaną w przenośnych spektrometrach Ramana, w pomiarach...
Optical profilometer
PublicationThe profilometry plays a huge role in the most fields of science and technology. It allows to measure the profile of the surface with high-resolution. This technique is used in the fields like optic, electronic, medicine, automotive, and much more. The aim of the current work was to design and build optical profilometer based on the interference phenomena. The developed device has been working with He-Ne laser (632.8 nm). The optical...
Accuracy of a low-cost autonomous hexacopter platforms navigation module for a photogrammetric and environmental measurements
PublicationA photogrammetry and environmental measurements from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are a low-cost alternative for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS) offers a variety of cheap components that a suitable to be used on board a UAV. In this paper a low-cost navigation module based on Ublox NEO-M8N GPS and Pixhawk flight controller have been described, as a main extrinsic parameters source...
Low-Coherence Interferometer with Nanocrystalline Diamond Films with Potential Application to Measure Small Biological Samples
PublicationThe study investigates a case of a low-coherence fiber-optic Fabry–Prerot interferometer with a nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) mirror. The method of achieving double density of interference fringes is proposed by the application of birefringent material in the cavity of the interferometer. It can be used to reduce sample volume in comparison to conventional interferometers. The use of a biocompatible diamond mirror makes it specifically...
Tuning transfer function of fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer via introduction of birefringence in the cavity
PublicationThe study investigates the impact of birefringence exhibited by the cavity material of a fiber-optic Fabry-Pérot interferometer on its transfer function. The theoretical approach to analyze the effect of birefringence in the cavity of a plane Fabry-Pérot interferometer is described. The case of high- and low-finesse interferometer is investigated. It is shown that introduction of a birefringent medium of optimized parameters can...
Application of IR UWB Spectrum Shaping to IEEE 802.15.4a Standard
PublicationCoexistence of existing narrowband systems and new ultra wideband devices in the same frequency range requires using some interference mitigation techniques, for example based on spectrum shaping. This paper presents efficiency of impulse radio spectrum shaping methods, applied to IEEE 802.15.4a UWB alternate physical layer signals. Basic parameters of 802.15.4a signal structure and outline of proposed spectrum shaping methods...
Towards Emotion Acquisition in IT Usability Evaluation Context
PublicationThe paper concerns extension of IT usability studies with automatic analysis of the emotional state of a user. Affect recognition methods and emotion representation models are reviewed and evaluated for applicability in usability testing procedures. Accuracy of emotion recognition, susceptibility to disturbances, independence on human will and interference with usability testing procedures are...
Odbiór zbiorczy z filtracją adaptacyjną RLS w transmisji danych w kanale hydroakustycznym
PublicationTransmisja danych w kanale hydroakustycznych realizowana jest w trudnych warunkach propagacyjnych. Jednym z problemów podczas takiej transmisji są zakłócenia międzysymbolowe (ISI – intersymbol interference) spowodowane głównie przez efekt wielodrogowości. To zjawisko utrudnia, bądź uniemożliwia transmisję danych w takim kanale. Stąd podjęto analizę wpływu zastosowania odbioru zbiorczego oraz filtracji adaptacyjnej RLS (Recursive...
Multiple jets impingement – numerical analysis by the ζ-f and hybrid VLES turbulence models
PublicationPresented paper summarizes the Authors findings referring to the numerical analyses of the jet impinging phenomena in the case of complex jets configurations in various applications e.g. in the heat exchangers. Multiple jets interference resulting in the cross-flow and the surface curvature are the factors which impose the need of advanced turbulence models utilization. The outcome of the research based on the ζ-f turbulence model...
Boron-doped diamond nanosheet volume-enriched screen-printed carbon electrodes: a platform for electroanalytical and impedimetric biosensor applications
PublicationThis paper focuses on the development of a novel electrode based on boron-doped diamond nanosheet full-volume-enriched screen-printed carbon electrodes (BDDPE) for use as an impedimetric biosensor. Impedimetric biosensors offer high sensitivity and selectivity for virus detection, but their use as point-of-care devices is limited by the complexity of nanomaterials’ architecture and the receptor immobilisation procedures. The study...
Ferromagnetic nanoparticles imaging by means of Magnetic Force Microscopy
Open Research DataFerromagnetic nanoparticles can be used as building blocks for advanced thin film magnets, and can also be used in data storage and biomedical technologies. Nano-crystalline ferrites with the chemical formula NixZn (1 - x) Fe2O4, where x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 show anti-corrosion properties and suppress electromagnetic interference, in the case...
A role of an Enterprise Identification Card in a building process of water tourist investments
PublicationAn essential element of a building process for water tourist investments in Poland is a document called the Enterprise Identification Card. It is required for the investments, which are classified according to the Regulation [1] as the ones that could potentially impact the environment. It is assumed that KIP is there to protect the environment against the excessive human interference and it just provides the guidelines regarding...
Generalized adaptive notch smoothing revisited
PublicationThe problem of identification of quasi-periodically varying dynamic systems is considered. This problem can be solved using generalized adaptive notch filtering (GANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of parameter estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from GANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting generalized adaptive notch smoothing (GANS) algorithm...
Celowe zanieczyszczanie pilotów w łączu w górę w interfejsie 5G NR
PublicationReferat poświęcono zagadnieniu zakłócania sygnałów pilotowych w interfejsie radiowym 5G NR. Przedstawiono charakterystykę sygnału referencyjnego DMRS oraz uwarunkowania możliwości jego selektywnego zakłócenia. Opisano schemat transmisji w kanale fizycznym PUSCH, zaimplementowany w oprogramowaniu Sionna. Zaprezen-towano model symulacyjny oraz założenia badań wpływu zanieczyszczenia pilotów na jakość transmisji. Przedsta-wiono wyniki...
Investigation of educational processes with affective computing methods
PublicationThis paper concerns the monitoring of educational processes with the use of new technologies for the recognition of human emotions. This paper summarizes results from three experiments, aimed at the validation of applying emotion recognition to e-learning. An analysis of the experiments’ executions provides an evaluation of the emotion elicitation methods used to monitor learners. The comparison of affect recognition algorithms...
Induction machine behavioral modeling for prediction of EMI propagation.
PublicationThis paper presents the results of wideband behavioral modeling of an induction machine (IM). The proposed solution enables modeling the IM differential- and common-mode impedance for a frequency range from 1 kHz to 10 MHz. Methods of parameter extraction are derived from the measured IM impedances. The developed models of 1.5 kW and 7.5 kW induction machines are designed using the Saber Sketch scheme editor and simulated in the...
Self-Optimizing Adaptive Vibration Controller
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to rejection of sinusoidal disturbances acting at the output of a discrete-time linear stable plant with unknown dynamics. It is assumed that the frequency of the sinusoidal disturbance is known, and that the output signal is contaminated with wideband measurement noise. The proposed controller, called SONIC (self-optimizing narrowband interference canceller), combines the coefficient fixing technique,...
In-situ optical diagnostics of boron-doped diamond films growth
PublicationInterferometry is a desirable method for in-situ measurement of thin, dielectric film growth, as it don't modify conditions of film deposition. Here we present interferometrical measurements of thickness of doped diamond films during Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process. For this purpose we used a semiconductor laser with a 405nm wavelength. Additional ex-situ measurement using spectral interferometry and ellipsometry...
Vapor correction of FTIR spectra – A simple automatic least squares approach
PublicationFTIR spectroscopy is one of the best techniques to study intermolecular interactions. However, such an application requires high quality spectra with as little noise as possible, which are often difficult to obtain. One of the main sources of unwanted interference is water vapor. Here a robust method is proposed for automatic, fast and reliable vapor correction of FTIR spectra. The presented least squares approach of vapor subtraction...
Metody usuwania zakłóceń podczas pomiarów polowych widm Ramana
PublicationW pracy zostały scharakteryzowane źródła zakłóceń występujące podczas pomiarów widm Ramana w warunkach polowych oraz sposoby redukcji ich wpływu na jakość rejestrowanych widm. Zaprezentowano wpływ czasu integracji na jakość rejestrowanych widm w przypadkach, gdy szumy własne spektrometru mają składową typu 1/f, dominującą w zakresie małych częstotliwości. Przedstawiono także wyniki uzyskane podczas pomiarów z detekcją synchroniczną,...
Detekcja osoby w wannie
PublicationStarzenie się społeczeństwa powoduje narastanie problemów chorób wieku starczego. Częstym problemem są zasłabnięcia w wannie podczas kąpieli. Celem publikacji jest przedstawienie metody identyfikacji tkanki ożywionej w wodzie z wykorzystaniem technik elektromagnetycznych. Obserwując zmiany amplitudy i częstotliwości pracy generatorów, pracujących w pętli sprzężenia zwrotnego z cewką, istnieje możliwość scharakteryzowania i określenia...
UWB-Based Indoor Navigation in a Flexible Manufacturing System Using a Custom Quadrotor UAV
PublicationA novel solution for indoor navigation of a transportation drone in flexible manufacturing is presented in this paper. To address the challenges of accurate and robust drone navigation in occluded environments, an ultra-wideband (UWB) navigation system has been integrated with a commercially available open source control platform. The system offers high accuracy (± 20 mm), low power consumption, resistance to electronic interference,...
Numerical investigation on the performance of a small counter-rotating wind turbine
PublicationThe article presents the results of the investigation on the performance of a small counter-rotating wind turbine. The wind turbine has been simulated using Computational Fluid Dynamics methods. Actuator Line Model has been successfully used to represent rotors in the computational domain. A parametric study has been carried out, taking into account changes in the tip speed ratio of the rotors while maintaining a constant distance...
The surface of the sensor used in the analysis of odorous substances
Open Research DataHuman industrial activity usually leads to smaller or larger interference with the ecosystem, contributing to changes affecting the quality of life. An example may be the emission of gaseous substances, not necessarily toxic, but due to their intense smell, they can cause discomfort to people exposed to their inhalation. The problem is so important...
A digital implementation of the PSK transmitter and receiver as multirate algorithms of the digital signal processing
PublicationIn this paper designs of the transmitter and the receiver of PSK signals as three-rate algorithms of the digital signal processing are described. Additionally we show the examples of the transmitter and the receiver of the following signals: BPSK, QPSK. We discussed also an influence of the cascade of the shaping filter and the receiving filter on the intersymbol interference in the received complex envelope.W pracy opisano projektowanie...
Optimization of a Fabry-Perot Sensing Interferometer design for an optical fiber sensor of hematocrit level
PublicationContinuous measurement of the hemato crit level in blo o d can p otentially b e p erformed using optical bre sensors. The FabryPerot interferometric sensors are a promising candidate in this application. The most imp ortant step in the design of the sensor is design of the sensing interferometer. Adequate cavity length and high interference contrast are two most imp ortant requirements in this application. The design metho d of...
Square Root Raised Cosine Fractionally Delaying Nyquist Filter - Design and Performance Evaluation
PublicationIn this paper we propose a discrete-time FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter which is applied as a square root Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter simultaneously. The filter enables to substitute for a cascade of square root Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter in one device/algorithm. The aim is to compensate for transmission delay in digital communication system. Performance of the filter as a matched filter is...
Properties of Nasicon-based CO2 sensors with Bi8Nb2O17 reference electrode
PublicationPotentiometric CO2 sensors based on Nasicon (Na+ conductor, Na3Zr2Si2PO12) electrolyte, Bi8Nb2O17/Pt reference electrode and different sensing electrodes have been prepared. Besides the sensing electrode material, sensors differ from each other in the reference electrode preparation technique. The main aim of this study is to investigate sensor construction and electrode fabrication process influence on sensor properties. The optimal...
Energy efficient indoor localisation for narrowband internet of things
PublicationThere are an increasing number of Narrow Band IoT devices being manufactured as the technology behind them develops quickly. The high co-channel interference and signal attenuation was seen in edge Narrow Band IoT devices make it challenging to guarantee the service quality of these devices. To maximize the data rate fairness of Narrow Band IoT devices, a multi-dimensional indoor localization model is devised, consisting of...
pH -Tunable equilibria in azocrown ethers with histidine moieties, Bioelectrochemistry
PublicationThe crown ethers with electro- and photoactive azo moieties containing substituents with mobile protons such as in the –COOH groups of histidine, show unique effect of pH switched on/off presence of the azo form. The differences observed for the electrochemical behavior of azocrown ethers with N-acetylhistidine and imidazole moieties reveal the interference of a chemical reduction pathway in strongly acidified solutions. This...
Enhanced method of DS-CDMA low level singnals detection
PublicationThe following article comprises three main parts. The first one generally describes two methods of low level signals detection which are in the interest of this study. The signal spectrum averaging technique is shown as well as the method exploiting averaged spectrum of the signal raised to the power of 2n (nN). Additionally, this section briefly presents proposed enhancements and modifications of these two solutions, which allow...
CM Voltage Compensators for Power Electronic Interfaces
PublicationThe experimental results presented in the paper have shown that the application of the PEIs might cause EMC related problems, especially in the case of the application of a group of connected converters. The most convenient way to reduce EMI currents and prevent aggregation of EMI currents introduced by a group of converters is through passive compensation of voltage interference sources inside of the single converters. In the...
Measurements of photoionization of mercury atoms into the 6s 2S1/2, 5d96s2 2D5/2 and 5d96s2 2D3/2 ionic states over the energy range from 10.5 eV to 18.7 eV
PublicationPhotoionization of mercury atoms into the three lowest ionic states, 5d106s 2S1/2, 5d96s2 2D5/2 and 5d96s2 2D3/2 has been studied in the photon energy ranges from their respective thresholds to 18.7 eV. The photoionization spectra were obtained with high energy resolution at an angle of 0° with respect to the polarization vector of the photon beam. The high energy resolution and sensitivity achieved in the measurements permitted...
Measuring the density of DNA films using ultraviolet-visible interferometry
PublicationIn order to determine a proper value for the density of dry DNA films we have used a method based upon the measurement of interference effects in transmission spectra of thin DNA layers. Our results show that the methodology is effective and the density of DNA in this state, 1.407 g/cm3, is much lower than the commonly used 1.7 g/cm3. Obtaining accurate values for the DNA film density will allow the optical constants for DNA to...
Application of Diversity Combining with RLS Adaptive Filtering in Data Transmission in a Hydroacoustic Channel
PublicationWhen transmitting data in a hydroacoustic channel under difficult propagation conditions, one of the problems is intersymbol interference (ISI) caused mainly by the effect of multipath propagation. This phenomenon leads to a decrease in transmission parameters, and sometimes completely prevents it. Therefore, we have made an attempt to use diversity combining with Recursive Least Squares (RLS) adaptive filtering to improve the...
Analysis of the Application of Horizontal Directional Drilling
PublicationConstruction works are often considered to be very intrusive for the environment. Project designers assume deep excavations, or a complete replacement of the ground within the investment, which sometimes changes the initial conditions drastically. The problem started to appear in places, where the terrain is complicated and the excavation is burdensome. Some of state authorities...
EMI attenuation in a DC-DC buck converter using GaN HEMT
PublicationA dc-dc buck converter using gallium nitride (GaN) high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) is experimentally investigated at the discontinuous current mode (DCM) and at the triangular current mode (TCM) operation. The paper objective is to specify the power conversion efficiency and attenuation of common mode (CM) and differential mode (DM) noise voltage, measured at the line impedance stabilization network (LISN) for compared...
PARP inhibition potentiates the cytotoxic activity of C-1305, a selective inhibitor of topoisomerase II, in human BRCA1-positive breast cancer cells
PublicationTwo cellular proteins encoded by the breast and ovarian cancer type 1 susceptibility (BRCA1 and BRCA2) tumor suppressor genes are essential for DNA integrity and the maintenance of genomic stability.Approximately 5-10% of breast and ovarian cancers result from inherited alterations or mutations in these genes.Remarkably, BRCA1/BRCA2-deficient cells are hypersensitive to selective inhibition of poly(ADPribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1),...
Advances in CSI-fed induction motor drives
PublicationThe application of current source inverters (CSI)in induction motor (IM) drives offers a number of advantages,including: voltage boosting capability, natural shoot-throughshort-circuit protection and generation of sinusoidal voltages.The exact generation of sinusoidal voltages is possible thanks tothanks to the effect of the output ac filter capacitors and mayimprove the accuracy of sensorless IM control. The eliminationof high...
Statistically efficient smoothing algorithm for time-varying frequency estimation
PublicationThe problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary sinusoidal signal from noisy measurements is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF) algorithms. It is shown that the accuracy of frequency estimates can be significantly increased if the results obtained from ANF are backward-time filtered by an appropriately designed lowpass filter. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithm...
Perspectives of Transport Systems Development in the Light of Radio Communication Systems Evolution Towards 5G
PublicationIn the paper conditions of development and implementation of transport systems with reference to the development of radio communication networks towards 5G are presented. First, general properties of next generation systems are mentioned and their architecture. Moreover, planned characteristics of B4G and 5G systems are depicted which can significantly contribute to the promotion and development of transport systems. In particular...
Dynamic Signal Strength Mapping and Analysis by Means of Mobile Geographic Information System
PublicationBluetooth beacons are becoming increasingly popular for various applications such as marketing or indoor navigation. However, designing a proper beacon installation requires knowledge of the possible sources of interference in the target environment. While theoretically beacon signal strength should decay linearly with log distance, on-site measurements usually reveal that noise from objects such as Wi-Fi networks operating in...
PublicationThe article presents a comparative numerical analysis of various ways to strengthen historical brick arches. Five ways of strengthening brick arches with steel tie-rods have been proposed. Two of these involve the use of braces wrapped around pillars supporting the arch connected with a tie-rod; another two ways involve the use of the tie-rods with welded metal sheets of different sizes; the last way involves the use of the tie-rod...
A modelling approach to the transport support for the harvesting and transportation complex under uncertain conditions
PublicationThe article proposes a modelling approach based on structural and parametric identification of the transport support of the harvesting and transportation complex. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methods of structural and parametric identification for the development of a system for harvesting and transportation complex operation has been proved. A mathematical model based on fuzzy logic has been developed. It reflects...
An Implementation of a Compact Smart Resistive Sensor Based on a Microcontroller with an Internal ADC
PublicationIn the paper a new implementation of a compact smart resistive sensor based on a microcontroller with internal ADCs is proposed and analysed. The solution is based only on a (already existing in the system) microcontroller and a simple sensor interface circuit working as a voltage divider consisting of a reference resistor and the resistive sensor connected in parallel with an interference suppression capacitor. The measurement...
Study on the Influence of an Axial Distance Between Rotors on a Performance of a Small Counter-Rotating Wind Turbine
PublicationIn this paper, results of the investigation on the performance of a small counter-rotating wind turbinehas been presented. Computational Fluid Dynamics methodshave been used forwind turbine simulations. Rotors representation were introduced into computational domain by means of Actuator Line Model. Influence of an axial distance of CRWTrotorshas been investigated. In all studied configurations rotors were counter-rotating...
Non-isolated resonant quasi-Z-source network DC–DC converter
PublicationA novel non-isolated resonant quasi-impedance (quasi-Z)-source network DC–DC converter is proposed. The resonant impedance source network is derived from the quasi-Z-source network by including the autotransformer-based resonant cell instead of the second inductor of the quasi-Z-network. The leakage inductance of the autotransformer and two resonant capacitors connected in series with the autotransformer windings constitute a high-frequency...
Hydrographic Multisensory Unmanned Watercraft
PublicationThis article describes the design of the unmanned surface vessel (USV) and the algorithms for planning the trajectories to be followed on measurement missions. The algorithms take account of the dynamically varying impacts of external forces (wind and surface current) on the vessel's motion. Feedback loops enable the counteraction of external factors that cause disturbance to the desired trajectory. The sensors installed on the...
The use of plate springs for preloading of a system of tapered roller bearings of a wind turbine gearbox
PublicationThe use of preloaded tapered roller bearings in wind turbine drive systems allows a transfer of load in the case of high variations of axial forces. The examined bearing system, a modification of a current design, consists of a pair of different sized bearings. Previous study showed the high sensitivity of tapered roller bearings on the existing radial interference. Dimensional tolerances used in the original design do not allow...