Search results for: INVESTMENTS - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: INVESTMENTS

Search results for: INVESTMENTS

  • Developing the Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure as a Tool for Urban Air Quality Management


    Urban structure is an important factor that shapes the process of urban ventilation and pollution dispersion. With proper planning of the urban spatial layout, city breathability can be effectively regulated, contributing to urban air quality improvement. This paper investigates the development and current management of urban systems of green and open spaces in four Polish cities: Gda ´nsk, Warsaw, Pozna ´n and Wrocław, with a...

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  • Assessment of Environmental Loads in the Life Cycle of a Retail and Service Building


    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    In order to achieve the European Union’s climate and energy goals, investments are required, mainly in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and infrastructure. Buildings are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption, and nearly 80% of them are energy and ecologically inefficient. The policy of European countries is increasingly more focused on facilities with the highest potential in the areas...

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  • Elective design II Reinventing Gdańsk / Reinventing Gdynia

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    The workshop will examine important modern architectural buildings in Gdańsk/ Gdynia in different political, cultural, economic and environmental contexts. The students will be divided into groups. Each group will be led by the curator of the exhibition. They will identify and evaluate the architectural values of the building through analyses, deconstructions and syntheses, focusing on understanding the basic principles of architecture...

  • Przejazdy kolejowe na modernizowanych i rewitalizowanych liniach kolejowych - przepisy a rzeczywistość


    - Logistyka - Year 2014

    Przy modernizacji i rewitalizacji dróg szynowych jednym z elementów infrastruktury, wymagającym szczególnej uwagi już na etapie planowania inwestycji, są przejazdy i przejścia w poziomie szyn. Obowiązujące przepisy krajowe pochodzą z lat 90. ubiegłego wieku i w wielu aspektach nie uwzględniają specyfiki najczęściej obecnie występujących na liniach kolejowych inwestycji modernizacyjnych i rewitalizacyjnych. W przypadku linii należących...



    ABSTRACT: ETS (CO2 Emissions Trading Scheme) is one of the mechanisms that allow for controlling and striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. However, it is also another cost for CO2 emission producers, affecting the final price of energy. The aim of the article is to enrich the discussion by explaining the relationship between ETS prices and the level of share of renewable energy sources in the overall energy...

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  • Coordination of planning regulations at the edge of water and land. Conflicts within planning policy for urban blue space in small and medium-sized Polish port cities and possible directions of change


    - MARINE POLICY - Year 2025

    Land-sea integration is crucial for effective marine spatial planning and coastal zone management. Coordination of marine and land planning should ensure ecological sustainability of the coastal area, enable cross-coast investments and promote well-being of the society. A critical element for achieving sustainable development of marine and coastal area is the integration of marine and land planning on the verge of sea waters and...

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  • How to teach architecture? – Remarks on the edge of Polish transformation processes after 1989


    The political changes in Poland after 1989 have resulted in a whole range of dynamic processes including the transformation of space. Until that time the established institutional framework for spatial, urban and architectural planning policy was based on uniform provisions of the so-called planned economy. The same applied to the training of architects, which was based on a unified profile of education provided at the state’s...

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  • City scan as a tool to assess resilience challenges and vulnerabilities at the community level


    - Year 2021

    The majority of the world’s population lives in cities and cities are the key to achieving resilience. Local governments own only part of the land and can only partially decide about measures that should be taken ‘on the ground’. Local governments are therefore highly dependent on individuals, communities, and businesses to adapt and transform and take action in their own backyards or neighbourhoods. Since, for many people, climate...

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  • Agile Methods In Formation of Metropolis Neighbourhood


    - Year 2017

    A study of the zone adjoining the metropolis area of Tricity (Poland) was conducted on the basis of analyses of changes in spatial development, outline planning decisions and local plans of spatial development. Localities placed at several dozen kilometres from strongly urbanized areas do not constitute metropolis outskirts. The vicinity of large urban centres is an obstacle to the development of localities as self-sufficient units...

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  • Nadzór inwestorski - rodzaje i wpływ na jakość procesu wykonawczego

    Sprawowanie nadzoru inwestorskiego nad inwestycją jest jednym z aspektów przeprowadzania procesu inwestycyjnego na określonych przez ustawodawcę rodzajach obiektów. Jakość sprawowania nadzoru w dużej mierze definiuje poziom wykonawstwa i architektury, czyli uzyskanie zamierzonych i zakładanych w projekcie i specyfikacjach wartości użytkowych i parametrów technicznych dotyczących realizowanego obiektu, dlatego tak ważne jest, aby...

  • Analiza odcinków generujących straty czasu w transporcie tramwajowym


    W czasie analiz i studiów przedwykonawczych dotyczących budowy nowych i modernizacji istniejących tras tramwajowych, bardzo często zakładane są nierealne czasy przejazdów, które weryfikuje się już po oddaniu linii do eksploatacji i przeprowadzeniu badań obserwacyjnych. Problematyczne wydaje się określenie, przed zakończeniem inwestycji, rzeczywistej prędkości jazdy, jak również strat czasu powstających w miejscach potencjalnych...

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  • Uczenie maszynowe do samoorganizacji systemów rozproszonych w zastosowaniach gospodarczych


    - Współczesna Gospodarka - Year 2017

    W pracy omówiono uczenie maszynowe do samoorganizacji systemów rozproszonych w zastosowaniach gospodarczych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sieci neuronowych do predykcji finansowych oraz szacowania ratingu przedsiębiorstw. Oprócz sieci neuronowych, istotną rolę w przygotowaniu i testowaniu informatycznych systemów finansowych może pełnić programowanie genetyczne. Z tego powodu omówiono uczenie maszynowe w aplikacjach konstruowanych...

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  • Problemy planowania rozwoju systemu transportowego w obszarach metropolitalnych – przykład Obszaru Metropolitalnego G-G-S


    Problemy rozwoju systemów transportowych w metropoliach wynikają ze specyfiki tych obszarów, ich skali i struktury przestrzennej. Obszary te charakteryzują się dużą wewnętrzną integracją funkcjonalną oraz dobrze rozwiniętą siecią transportową. Dynamicznie rozwijające się obszary metropolitalne mają odrębne systemy zarządzania finansami, rozwią- zania prawne oraz administrację, a także własne organy planowania i zarządzania, które...

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  • 2023_Reinventing Gdansk_Elective seminar

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    The workshop will examine important modern architecturalbuildings in Gdansk in different political, cultural, economicand environmental contexts. The students will be dividedinto groups. Each group will be led by the curator of theexhibition. They will identify and evaluate the architecturalvalues of the building through analyses, deconstructions andsyntheses, focusing on understanding the basic principles ofarchitecture and establishing...

  • Role of Sports Facilities in the Process of Revitalization of Brownfields


    The paper gives an evidence that building a large sports facility can generate beneficial urban space transformation and a significant improvement in the dilapidated urban areas. On the basis of theoretical investigations and case studies it can be proved that sports facilities introduced to urban brownfields could be considered one of the best known large scale revitalization methods. Large urban spaces surrounding sport facilities...

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  • Licht, Luft, Sonne und Farbe. Ucząc się dziś od Gustava Oelsnera

    Artykuł przedstawia główne przesłanki podjęcia tematu całego tomu. Jest kluczem do powiązania wszystkich zamieszczonych w tomie prac, poruszających temat współczesnych interpretacji miasta, czerpiących z dorobku modernistycznych planistów i architektów - reformatorów miasta, oraz modernistycznej myśli architektonicznej i urbanistycznej. Główną postacią nie tylko tego artykułu, ale i całego tomu, jest Gustav Oelsner, architekt miejski...

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  • Design centering of compact microwave components using response features and trust regions


    Fabrication tolerances, as well as uncertainties of other kinds, e.g., concerning material parameters or operating conditions, are detrimental to the performance of microwave circuits. Mitigating their impact requires accounting for possible parameter deviations already at the design stage. This involves optimization of appropriately defined statistical figures of merit such as yield. Alt-hough important, robust (or tolerance-aware)...

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    - Archives of Transport - Year 2021

    The night time, based on many world studies, generates an increased risk of serious accidents (with fatalities and serious injuries). This is especially true for accidents with pedestrians. Pedestrian crossings are very sensitive to the influence of the time of day in terms of pedestrian safety, elements of road infrastructure. This is visible on the example of Poland, where numerous accidents at crosswalks are recorded, characterized...

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  • Revitalization of Residential Buildings Dating Back to the Late19th and Early 20th Century on the Example of “Willa Halina” in Sopot (Poland)


    - Buildings - Year 2021

    Residential buildings dating back to the late 19th and early 20th century constitute an important element of the urban composition of many European cities, often determining their overall spatial expression. These buildings often require revitalization and sometimes also reconstruction or extension. Such activities make it possible to restore historical buildings to their former glory, but also to create new architecture, inscribed...

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  • Balkan Stock Exchanges – Consideration of the Length of the Estimation Window in Similar Markets

    Purpose: We study if capital markets in the Balkan are closely and positively related in terms of rate of return, risk, efficiency, and maximum cumulative loss in relation to different lengths of the estimation window. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was carried out for the period from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2019 using portfolio analysis. It was divided into an estimation window (01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019) and another with...

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  • Jakub Jabłoński inż.

    Education In 2016 Jakub Jabłoński finished Zbigniew Herbert XX High School in Gdańsk (math-physics-IT profile). In 2017 he started an undergraduate course in Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology, which he graduated in 2021 with the title of Bachelor of Science in Engineering. During his studies he took active part in the scientific association "Hevelius". Employment About...



    - Year 2013

    Nowadays, fossil fuels are the main sources of energy from which electricity is obtained. But these sources will not last forever, so in due course renewable energies will have to replace them in this role. One of these new sources is solar energy. To generate electricity from sunlight, solar (photovoltaic - PV) cells and modules are used. The increasing interest in PV cells and modules worldwide is due mainly to the fact that...

  • Technical and Economic Analysis of the Supercritical Combined Gas-Steam Cycle


    Combined cycle power plants are characterized by high efficiency, now exceeding 60%. The record-breaking power plant listed in the Guinness Book of World Records is the Nishi-Nagoya power plant commissioned in March 2018, located in Japan, and reaching the gross efficiency of 63.08%. Research and development centers, energy companies, and scientific institutions are taking various actions to increase this efficiency. Both the gas...

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  • Architectural Symbols of a City – Case Study

    The identity of a city is understood as a collection of individual features, which give the city its individual character and distinguish it from other places; it undoubtedly constitutes a cultural value, which should be cherished. In the case of Sopot – a spa located on the Bay of Gdansk, the mosaic of its geographical location, landscape values, urban layout and historic architecture has created a unique image of a seaside resort....

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  • Entrepreneurship Today: Selected Aspects

    • M. Byczkowska
    • Z. Poplavska
    • S. Komarynets
    • Y. Stukalina
    • A. Majzel
    • K. Zięba

    - Year 2020

    At its very beginning, entrepreneurship was a purely economic notion. However, this growing interest in entrepreneurship-related problems prompted other sciences to participate in explaining the entrepreneurship phenomenon. Nowadays, entrepreneurship is analyzed through multiple theoretical lenses of economics, management, psychology, sociology – just to name a few. Therefore, it would be difficult to find a notion that could be...

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  • Medieval Bourgeois Tenement Houses as an Archetype for Contemporary Architectural and Construction Solutions: The Example of Historic Downtown Gdańsk

    The basic urban tissue of medieval European cities consisted of brick townhouses. In the cities of northern Europe, these tenements were characterised by a block based on an elongated rectangular plan, covered with a gable roof with a ridge oriented perpendicularly to the street. The side walls of the tenement house were common for both neighbours and constituted a basic structural element. The gable façades were not loaded with...

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  • Factors of successful client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services


    Purpose This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Design/methodology/approach The paper is based on an in-depth...

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  • Client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS): Case study analysis


    Purpose: This paper aims to explore the topic of client co-production in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). The paper first sketches a theoretical background and reviews previous studies on factors affecting successful client co-production in such companies and then examines these factors via case study research among a small KIBS company and its five customers. Methodology: The paper is based on an in-depth analysis...

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    Problematyka planowania rozwoju systemów elektroenergetycznych jest zagadnieniem często podejmowanym w badaniach optymalizacyjnych ze względu na wagę i zasięg problemu. Rozwój techniki komputerowej pozwolił na połączenie tematyki optymalizacji struktury wytwarzania i planowania sieci elektroenergetycznej, co jest zagadnieniem wielowątkowym oraz wielowymiarowym. W prezentowanym artykule przedstawiono kryteria stosowane w analizach...

  • Nanotechnologia w architekturze – korzyści i problemy wynikające z zastosowania nanotechnologii w aspekcie cyklu życia budynku


    - Year 2014

    Dynamiczny rozwój technologii zawsze odgrywał ważną rolę w procesie kształtowania architektury. Postęp w dziedzinie inżynierii materiałowej już od Rewolucji Przemysłowej pozwalał na osiąganie co raz bardziej skomplikowanych i jednocześnie wytrzymałych konstrukcji budynków. Obecnie, w dziedzinie architektury, zaczyna pojawiać się pojęcie nanotechnologii, która pozwala zmieniać stosowane materiały w bardziej wydajne i odporne....

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  • Selected issues on inovativeness of enterprises in Poland

    The article presents the issue of innovative activities in company processes. The forms of innovative activity important from the point of view of industrial, trade and service enterprises were described. The influence of different types of implemented innovations on the possible benefits obtained by enterprises was also described.

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  • state aid for broadband infrastructure

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompasses a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected bibliography, and a list of important individual sentences issued on the topic of state aid for building the infrastructure and rendering of broadband services during the period 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, as well as beyond, in the EU Member States. Thanks to that the reader gets...

  • state aid for entrepreneurs - access to finance

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset encompasses a choice of important legal acts, a list of selected Polish  bibliography and a list of important individual sentences issued on the topic of state aid for entreprenuers in the form of better access to finance their development and filling the capital gap. It emcompasses the period 2004-2020 Thanks to that the reader gets the...