Changes in heat flow of V2O5 nanorods under inert atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC curves of V2O5 nanorods obtained at 650°C. The information about nanorods synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Determination of Chemical Diffusion Coefficient of Lithium Ions in Ceramics Derived from Pyrolysed Poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) and Starch
PublicationThe apparent chemical diffusion coefficient Li+ (DappLI+) in pyrolysed poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane)/starch (PSN/S) (weight ratio: 30/70) ceramic anode composite is determined by galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT). The electrode material composition is C6.00N0.14H0.47O0.12Si0.13. The calculated values of DappLI+, depend on the applied potential, vary from 10-14 to 10-9 [cm2/s]. The diffusion coefficient of lithium...
Changes in heat of vanadium xerogel powder under different atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC curves of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Juices from non-typical edible fruits as health-promoting acidity regulators for food industry
PublicationThe study verifies the possibility of application of juices from selected fruits characterized by the high antioxidant potential as natural acidity regulators with improved nutritional properties. The tested non-typical fruits included mirabelle plum, sea buckthorn and blue-berried honeysuckle. Beetroot juice whose pH is about 6.0 served as a model food product. Potentiometric titration was used to compare the efficacy of tested...
Effects of Basalt and Carbon Fillers on Fire Hazard, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of EPDM Rubber Composites
PublicationDue to growing restrictions on the use of halogenated flame retardant compounds, there is great research interest in the development of fillers that do not emit toxic compounds during thermal decomposition. Polymeric composite materials with reduced flammability are increasingly in demand. Here, we demonstrate that unmodified graphene and carbon nanotubes as well as basalt fibers or flakes can act as effective flame retardants...
Dariusz Mikielewicz prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Dariusz Mikielewicz – born on February 6, 1967. in Gdansk. Here in 1974 he enrolled first to the Elementary School No. 17, and then in the Grammar School No. 5, named after Stefan Żeromski in Gdansk-Oliwa. After graduating from the Secondary School, with honors, in 1985 he successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Technical University of Gdansk, where he graduated with a very good...
Cure kinetics of epoxy/MWCNTs nanocomposites: Nonisothermal calorimetric and rheokinetic techniques
PublicationNonisothermal calorimetric and isothermal rheokinetic analyses were used to study cure kinetics of epoxy/anhydride systems containing very low concentration of pristine and amine-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Isoconversional methods were applied in calorimetric modeling of cure kinetics. Eα vs. α dependency and autocatalytic nature of curing were identified for both types of nanocomposites by isoconversional...
DSC measurments of ammonium vanadate nanocrystals
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the thermal behavior of the ammonium vanadate nanostructures obtained by the hydrothermal method with different conditions. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurement was carried out under an argon atmosphere from 40C to 560C (with a heating rate of 10 C/min) using Netzsch STA 449 F1. The results reveal the differences...
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder and V2O5 nanorods under helium atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder and V2O5 nanorods obtained at 650C. The information about xerogel powder and V2O5 nanorods synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal stability analysis of poly(lactic acid)-carbon black-nanodiamond composite
Open Research DataThis dataset contains thermal stability tests carried out on new 3D printing-dedicated composites with poly-lactic acid (PLA), carbon black (CB) and nanodiamond fillers. Two types of nanodiamonds were studied: detonation nanodiamonds (DND) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (BCNW). The investigated techniques include: thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)...
Thermal properties of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the DSC and TG curves of VO2 and V2O3 nanostructures obtained by the sol-gel with different reaction conditions. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials. The xerogel powder was annealing under argon atmosphere at the selected temperature: 500C, 600C, and 1000C.
FTIR spectra and IGC chromatograms for chemically reduced graphene oxide aerogels (rGOA)
Open Research DataThe effect of selected synthesis parameters on reduced graphene oxide aerogels properties was investigated using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and dynamic adsorption method (Inverse Gas Chromatography, IGC). Samples were synthesized by sol-gel method by reduction induced self-assembly of graphene oxide. As a reductant l-ascorbic acid was used....
Correlation between Compressive Strength and Heat of Hydration of Cement Mortars with Siliceous Fly Ash
PublicationThis paper presents the results of calorimetric and strength tests of mortars with ordinary Portland cement and two substitution rates (10 and 20%) of cement by siliceous fly ash. The prepared samples were cured under isothermal conditions at four different temperatures: 23, 33, 43 and 53 °C. Heat of hydration was measured using an isothermal calorimeter dedicated to monitor the hydration process of cementitious composites such...
Determination of Sodium Ion Diffusion Coefficient in Tin Sulfide@Carbon Anode Material Using GITT and EIS Techniques
PublicationThe electroanalytical behavior of SnSx (x = 1, 2) encapsulated into a carbon phase was studied using the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). These techniques are widely utilized in battery systems to investigate the diffusion of alkali metal cations in anode and cathode materials depending on the concentration of ions in the host material. Here, we report different...
Method of reconstructing two-dimensional velocity fields on the basis of temperature field values measured with a thermal imaging camera
PublicationThis paper describes a novel numerical reconstruction procedure (NRP) of the velocity field during natural convective heat transfer from a two-sided, isothermal, heated vertical plate based only on the known temperature field obtained, e.g. with a thermal imaging camera. It has been demonstrated that with a knowledge of temperature distributions, the NRP enables the reconstruction of velocity fields by solving the Navier-Stokes...
Numerical analysis of vacuum drying of a porous body in the integrated domain
Publicationn the present study, the vacuum drying process of an apple slice is numerically modeled based on a control volume method. Transient two-dimensional Navier– Stokes, energy, moisture, and Luikov equations are solved by numerical coding (Fortran) to simulate the simultaneous heat and mass transfer in the ambient and apple slice, respectively. The privilege of using Luikov's model is that the capillary forces are considered, and a...
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of pre- PXBS (0 h) and PXBS during the crosslinking process (24 h–288 h)
Open Research DataThe goal of this research was developing biodegradable and biocompatibile xylitol-based copolymers with improved mechanical properties, and investigating the change in their thermal and chemical properties withprogress of the cross-linking process. Using a raw material of natural origin such as xylitol, a prepolymer wasobtained by esterification and...
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder under oxidizing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behaviour of vanadium xerogel powder under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the vanadium xerogel powder. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Juices from untypical edible fruits as acidity regulators for food industry. Verification of health promoting properties. Comparison with typical acidity regulators.
PublicationNowadays all kind of food additives, and among them acidity regulators, have become necessary components of most food products. Their role is lengthening shelf-life, improving the sensory properties and protecting food products from microbial contaminations. However, despite advantages, there are also some undesirable effects of use of food additives that have raised public concern recently. Therefore, food industry considers the...
High temperature corrosion evaluation and lifetime prediction of porous Fe22Cr stainless steel in air in temperature range 700–900 °C
PublicationThis work describes a high temperature corrosion kinetics study of ~30% porous Fe22Cr alloys. The surface area of the alloy (~0.02 m2 g-1) has been determined by tomographic microscopy. The weight gain of the alloys was studied by isothermal thermogravimetry in the air for 100 hours at 700 - 900 °C. Breakaway oxidation was observed after oxidation at 850 °C (~100 hours) and 900 °C (~30 hours). The lifetime prediction shows the...
On the Possibility of Improving the Oxidation Resistance of High-Chromium Ferritic Stainless Steel Using Reactive Element Oxide Nanoparticles
PublicationHigh-chromium ferritic steels are current the only viable candidates for cheap interconnect materials for application in high-temperature solid oxide fuel and electrolyzer cells (HT-SOFCs/SOECs). The durability and operating characteristics of interconnects manufactured using these materials may be improved significantly by applying a protective-conducting MoCo2O4 coating and depositing an intermediate layer consisting of nanoparticles...
Thermal behavior of TeOx xerogel powder under different atmospheres
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the TeOx xerogel powder measured under different atmospheres. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. The sol was obtained by vigorously stirring precursor solution...
Novel Analytic-Numerical Model of Free Convection: with Leading Edge Considered
PublicationA novel solution of the free convection boundary problem is represented in analytical form for velocity and temperature for an isothermal vertical plate, as an example. These fields are built as a Taylor Series in the x coordinate with coefficients as functions of the vertical coordinate (y). We restrict ourselves by cubic approximation for both functions. The basic Navier-Stokes and Fourier-Kirchhoff equations and boundary conditions...
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 1000°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 1000°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of TeOx powder
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the TeOx powder. The material was obtained by the sol-gel method. The starting solution was prepared by mixing telluric acid (precursor) with thetraetylene glycol, water, and ethanol. The sol was obtained by vigorously stirring precursor solution at 50°C for 2h, then the temperature was raised...
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 800°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 800°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 500°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 500°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 600°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 600°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 400°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 400°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 650°C under reducing atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 650°C under a reducing atmosphere (95% Ar 5% H2). The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
Thermal behavior of VO2/V2O3 nanostructures obtained at 700°C under argon atmosphere
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the thermal behavior of the VO2/V2O3 nanostructures. The vanadium oxides nanostructures were synthesized by the sol-gel method, where obtained xerogel powder was annealing at 700°C under an argon atmosphere. The information about xerogel powder synthesis is described in the Journal of Nanomaterials.
PublicationThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for the potential methods of their utilization. Nevertheless, for the efficient application of recycled materials it is crucial to analyze their performance. Therefore, in presented paper we investigated the processing (melt flow index),...
Measurements of the Hydraulic Fluids Compressibility
PublicationPerformance of the hydrostatic high-pressure drive systems is affected by the changes of working fluid’s volume. Presence of air bubbles in the fluid cause this problem to be even more serious. To study this phenomenon precise measurements of fluid’s bulk modulus are necessary. Differ-ent measurement methods are applied, but they are either limited to low pressure range or give inaccurate results. To solve the problem the new...
Oxidation kinetics and electrical properties of oxide scales formed under exposure to air and Ar–H2-H2O atmospheres on the Crofer 22 H ferritic steel for high-temperature applications such as interconnects in solid oxide cell stacks
PublicationA 100 h isothermal oxidation kinetics study for Crofer 22H was conducted in air and the Ar–H2-H2O gas mixture (p(H2)/p(H2O) = 94/6) in the range of 973–1123 K. The parabolic rate constant was independent of oxygen partial pressure in the range from 6.2 × 10−24 to 0.21 atm at 1023 and 1073 K, while at 973 and 1123 K it was higher in air than in Ar–H2-H2O. The scales consisted of Cr2O3 and manganese chromium spinel with an Mn:Cr...
On analytical solution of stationary two dimensional boundary problem of natural convection
PublicationApproximate analytical solution of two dimensional problem for sta- tionary Navier-Stokes, continuity and Fourier-Kirchho equations describ- ing free convective heat transfer from isothermal surface of half innite vertical plate is presented. The problem formulation is based on the typ- ical for natural convection assumptions: the uid noncompressibility and Boussinesq approximation. We also assume that orthogonal to the plate component...
Electric and magnetic properties of Lanthanum Barium Cobaltite
PublicationThe cubic Ba0.5La0.5CoO3‐δ was synthesized using solid state reaction. The structural properties were determined by the simultaneous refinement of Synchrotron Powder X‐ray Diffraction and Neutron Powder Diffraction data. Iodometric titration was used to examine the oxygen stoichiometry and average cobalt oxidation state. Low‐temperature magnetic studies show soft ferromagnetic character of fully oxidized material, with θP = 198(3)...
Recovery of silver metallization from damaged silicon cells
PublicationMetallization is one of the key process steps to fabricate solar cells with high performance in a cost-effective way. Majority of photovoltaic solar cell manufacturing uses thick film screen print metallization with Ag containing paste to produce solar cells. The average lifetime of PV modules can be expected to be more than 25 years. The disposal of PV systems will become a problem in view of the continually increasing production...
Enthalpies of formation of rare earth niobates, RE3NbO7
PublicationHigh-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry was used to investigate energetics of a series of rare earth niobates RE3NbO7. All of investigated compounds were found to be stable in enthalpy in respect to their oxides. The enthalpy of formation from oxides becomes more exothermic as the size of the RE cation increases, a trend seen previously in other RE compounds including pyrochlores, perovskites, and phosphates. For smaller...
The Effect of Surface Treatment with Isocyanate and Aromatic Carbodiimide of Thermally Expanded Vermiculite Used as a Functional Filler for Polylactide-Based Composites
PublicationIn this work, thermally expanded vermiculite (TE-VMT) was surface modified and used as a filler for composites with a polylactide (PLA) matrix. Modification of vermiculite was realized by simultaneous ball milling with the presence of two PLA chain extenders, aromatic carbodiimide (KI), and 4,4’-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) (MDI). In addition to analyzing the particle size of the filler subjected to processing, the efficiency...
Analysis of the chemical composition of MnO-B2O3 glass
Open Research DataStructural and thermal properties of xMnO−(100−x)B2O3 (where x = 40, 50 and 60 mol%) glass samples have been investigated with the employment of various techniques. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results revealed the influence of MnO on glass matrix. Decrease of B–O bond-related band intensities has been observed. MnO addition was found to...
Superconductivity–Electron Count Relationship in Heusler Phases─the Case of LiPd2Si
PublicationWe report superconductivity in the full Heusler compound LiPd2Si (space group Fm3̅m, No. 225) at a critical temperature of Tc = 1.3 K and a normalized heat capacity jump at Tc, ΔC/γTc = 1.1. The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves imply type-I superconductivity, as previously observed in LiPd2Ge. We show, based on density functional theory calculations and using the molecular orbital theory approach, that while LiPd2Si...
A model of liquid film breakdown formed due to impingement of a two-phase jet on a horizontal surface
PublicationThe present work aims to provide an explanation to the phenomenon of breakdown of the thin liquid film created by impinging two-phase, liquid-gas jet. Existing in the literature models describe merely thebreakdown of single phase liquid films. The model presented here is based on examination of mass and energy equations under the applied criterion of the minimum of total energy. That allows to determinethe minimum thickness of...
Effects of subfilter velocity modelling on dispersed phase in LES of heated channel flow
PublicationA non-isothermal turbulent flow with the dispersed phase is modelled using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach for fluid, one-way coupled with the equations of point-particle evolution. The channel is heated at both walls and isoflux boundary conditions are applied for fluid. Particle velocity and thermal statistics are computed. Of particular interest are the r.m.s. profiles and the probability density function of particle...
Preparation and characterization of bis‐phosphonated polycarbohydrates
PublicationA simple, cost-effective, one-pot method was proposed to introduce bis-phosphonic groups onto alginic acid and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). New derivatives were characterized by means of nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray photoelectron, and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. These analyses confirmed the successful transformation of carboxylic groups present in alginic acid and CMC into bis-phosphonic...
Interactions in aqueous solutions of K-peptide and DMSO – spectroscopic and calorimetric studies
PublicationIntroduction K-peptide (GILQINSRW) – short 9 amino acid fragment of the hen egg white lysozyme has the ability to form amyloid structures. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an osmolyte which can alter this ability. Our goal was to get an insight into the mechanism of Kpeptide-DMSO interactions in aqueous solutions. Such a knowledge can be helpful to understand processes leading to various neurodegenerative diseases. Methods ATR-FTIR...
The lanthanide influence on selected properties of BaLnCo2O6-δ
PublicationThe subject of research of this dissertation are cobalt oxides with a double perovskite structure with a general formula BaLnCo2O6-δ, where Ln stands for La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy. The aim of the study was to verify the ability of these materials to form the protonic defects, as well as to identify the factors determining this ability. As part of the work, materials from the proposed group were synthesised and characterized. To...
Rigid polyurethane foams modified with ground tire rubber - mechanical, morphological and thermal studies
PublicationRigid polyurethane foams, prepared by a single step method, were modified with the two types of ground tire rubber particles, i.e. untreated and thermo-mechanically reclaimed by using a co-rotating twin screw extruder. The foaming process as well as the structure and the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of the resulting foams were investigated. The presence of ground tire rubber decreased the velocity of polymerization....
Waterborne polyesters partially based on renewable resources
PublicationA new experimental approach for preparing biobased, water-soluble polyesters via titanium(IV) n-butoxide-catalyzed bulk polycondensation is presented. In the described method polymers were obtained from isosorbide, maleic anhydride and poly(ethylene glycol). The chemical structure of the synthesized polyesters was confirmed using 2D NMR spectroscopy and by titration methods. Careful analysis of 2D NMR spectra viz. Correlation Spectra...
Study of the Anti-Staphylococcal Potential of Honeys Produced in Northern Poland
PublicationThe antimicrobial activity of 144 samples of honeys including 95 products from apiaries located in Northern Poland was evaluated. The antibacterial activity of those natural products, their thermal stability, and activity in the presence of catalase was investigated by microdilution assays in titration plates. The MTT assay was performed for the determination of anti-biofilm activity. Spectrophotometric assays were used for the...