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Interactions of N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium based ionic liquids with acetonitrile studied by density and velocity of sound measurements and molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationMorpholinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) and their mixtures with polar co-solvents are an interesting class of emerging electrolytes in electrochemistry that is relatively poorly studied. In this work, densities and sound velocities of four ILs, N-ethyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate, N-butyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate, N-octyl-N-methylmorpho-linium tetrafluoroborate and N-decyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate...
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Optimized Computational Intelligence Model for Estimating the Flexural Behavior of Composite Shear Walls
PublicationThis article presents a novel approach to estimate the flexural capacity of reinforced concrete-filled composite plate shear walls using an optimized computational intelligence model. The proposed model was developed and validated based on 47 laboratory data points and the Transit Search (TS) optimization algorithm. Using 80% of the experimental dataset, the optimized model was selected by determining the unknown coefficients of...
Electron-Induced Decomposition of Uracil-5-yl O-(N,N-dimethylsulfamate): Role of Methylation in Molecular Stability
PublicationThe incorporation of modified uracil derivatives into DNA leads to the formation of radical species that induce DNA damage. Molecules of this class have been suggested as radiosensitizers and are still under investigation. In this study, we present the results of dissociative electron attachment to uracil-5-yl O-(N,N-dimethylsulfamate) in the gas phase. We observed the formation of 10 fragment anions in the studied range of electron...
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K3,Km-e;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(K3,Km-e).
Open Research DataFor K3 and Km-e graphs, a coloring type (K3,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K3,Km-e)...
(S)-N-Nitrosoazetidine-2-carboxylic acid.
PublicationAnaliza rentgenograficzna monokryształów kwasu (S)-N-nitozoazetydyno-2-karboksylowego wykazała, że reszta N-nitrozoaminowa przyjmuje konfigurację E. Azetydynowy atom azotu jest nieznacznie piramidalny. Cząsteczki w sieci krystalicznej oddziałują ze sobą poprzez wiązania wodorowe pomiędzy atomem tlenu grupy nitrozowej i atomem wodoru grupy karboksylowej, tworząc polimeryczny łańcuch.
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (Km,K3-e;n), 4<m<8, 1<n<R(Km,K3-e)
Open Research DataFor Km and K3-e graphs, a coloring type (Km,K3-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the Km subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the K3-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). K3-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(Km,K3-e)...
Synthesis and Structure of Novel Copper(II) Complexes with N,O- or N,N-Donors as Radical Scavengers and a Functional Model of the Active Sites in Metalloenzymes
PublicationToevaluatetheantioxidantactivityofpotentialsyntheticenzymemimetics,wepreparednewfivecopper(II)complexesviaaself‐assemblymethodandnamedthem[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)3](ClO4)2(1),[Cu(2‐(HOCH2)py)2(H2O)2]SiF6(2),[Cu2(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py)2(2‐(OCH2CH2)py)2](ClO4)2(3),[Cu(pyBIm)3](BF4)2∙1.5H2O(4)and[Cu(py2C(OH)2)2](ClO4)2(5).ThesyntheticprotocolinvolvedN,O‐ orN,N‐donors:2‐(hydroxymethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2)py),2‐(hydroxyethyl)pyridine(2‐(HOCH2CH2)py),2‐(2‐pyridyl)benzimidazole(pyBIm),di(2‐pyridyl)ke‐tone(py2CO).TheobtainedCu(II)complexeswerefullycharacterisedbyelementalanalysis,FTIR,EPR,UV‐Vis,single‐crystalX‐raydiffractionandHirshfeldsurfaceanalysis.Crystallographicandspectroscopicanalysesconfirmedchromophoresofbothmonomeric({CuN3O3}(1),{CuN2O4}(2),{CuN6}(4),{CuN4O2}(5))anddimericcomplex({CuN2O3}(3)).Mostoftheobtainedspeciespos‐sessedadistortedoctahedralenvironment,exceptdimer3,whichconsistedoftwocoppercentreswithsquarepyramidalgeometries.Thewater‐solublecompounds(1,3and5)wereselectedforbiologicaltesting.Theresultsofthestudyrevealedthatcomplex1insolutionsdisplayedbetterradicalscavengingactivitythancomplexes3,5andfreeligands.Therefore,complex1hasbeenselectedforfurtherstudiestotestitsactivityasanenzymemimetic.Thechosencompoundwastestedontheerythrocytelysateoftwogroupsofpatientsafterundergoingchemotherapyandchemoradiotherapy.Theeffectofthetestedcompound(1)onenzymeactivitylevels(TAS,SODandCAT)suggeststhattheselectedcomplexcanbetreatedasafunctionalmimeticoftheenzymes.
Determination of phenol biodegradation pathways in three psychrotolerant yeasts, Candida subhashii A011, Candida oregonensis B021 and Schizoblastosporion starkeyi-henricii L012, isolated from Rucianka peatland
PublicationIn this study, three psychrotolerant phenol-degrading yeast strains Candida subhashii (strain A011), Candida oregonenis (strain B021) and Schizoblastosporion starkeyi-henricii (strain L012) isolated from Rucianka peatland were examined to determine which alternative metabolic pathway for phenol biodegradation is used by these microorganisms. All yeast strains were cultivated in minimal salt medium supplemented with phenol at 500,...
New examples of N^(+)-H···^(-)S hydrogen bonds: Synthesis and X-ray study of selected secondary ammonium tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates
PublicationTri-tert-butoksysilanotiol reagując z aminami drugorzędowymi: Et2NH, morfoliną, dicykloheksyloaminą i 2,2,4,4-tetrametylopiperydyną daje odpowiednie sole amoniowe. Jak wykazują rentgenowskie badania strukturalne wszystkie te związki tworzą w ciele stałym jednostki dimeryczne {RS(-), R'NH2(+)}2, powiązane wiązaniami wodorowymi typu: N(+)-H···(-)S.
Glass transition temperatures of polyurethane-urea elastomers based on N, N′-ethylenethiourea and N, N′-ethyleneurea as chain extenders
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Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs of the coloring types (K4,Km-e;n), 2<m<5, 1<n<R(K4,Km-e)
Open Research DataFor K4 and Km-e graphs, a coloring type (K4,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K4 subgraph in the first color (representing by no edges in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (representing by edges in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K4,Km-e)...
Biodegradation of nodularin and effects of the toxin on bacterial isolates from the Gulf of Gdańsk
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Mathematical Modeling of Dissolved Matter Transport with Biodegradation in Activated-Sludge Systems
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problem matematycznego modelowania transportu substancji rozpuszczonej z biodegradacją w systemach z osadem czynnym. Przedstawione zostały główne równania opisujące proces transportu adwekcyjno-dyspersyjnego wraz z modelem biokinetycznym ASM2d, opisującym procesy przemian pod wpływem osadu czynnego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych odtwarzających testy laboratoryjne przeprowadzone w nieprzepływowych...
Vibrational spectroscopic studies of N,N'-dimethylpropyleneurea-water system: Affected solvent spectra and factor analysis
PublicationZmierzono widma FT-IR układu N,N'-dimetylopropylenomocznik (DMPU) - woda w całym zakresie składów w zakresie 4000-500 cm-1 przy użyciu techniki całkowitego wewnętrznego odbicia (ATR). Hydratacja DMPU została dodatkowo zbadana przy pomocy transmisyjnej spektroskopii FT-IR izotopowo rozcieńczonej HDO w H2O. Widma zanalizowano przy użyciu ilościowej wersji metody widm różnicowych, prowadzącej do wyizolowania widma rozpuszczalnika...
Związek wielonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych z rodziny n-3 i n-6 z ciśnieniem tętniczym u zdrowych mężczyzn
PublicationRegularne spożycie ryb i długołańcuchowych kwasów tłuszczowych (LC-PUFA) pochodzenia morskiego może obniżać ciśnienie tętnicze i zmniejszyć ryzyko choroby wieńcowej. Jednakże wpływ poszczególnych kwasów tłuszczowych z rodzinyn-3 i n-6 PUFA jest nadal kontrowersyjny. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają hipotezę o wpływie składu wielonienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych (PUFA) z rodzin n-3 i n-6 w surowicy i w erytrocytach na wysokość ciśnienia...
Coordination states and apparent molar volumes of cobalt(II) perchlorate and cobalt(II) chloride in N,N-diethylacetamide at 25 C
PublicationWyznaczono pozorne objętości molowe Co(ClO4)2 i CoCl2 oraz elektronowe widma absorpcyjne w zakresie widzialnym roztworów Co(ClO4)2, CoCl2, Co(ClO4)2 - CoCl2, CoCl2 - LiCl w N,N-dietyloacetamidzie. Analiza pozornych objętości molowych, oraz wpływu temperatury i składu roztworów umozliwiła zidentyfikowanie kompleksów chlorkowych kobaltu(II) powstających w układzie Co(2+)-Cl(-)-DEA. Wyznaczono stałe trwałości.
Configurations of H 3 + (H2)n clusters and their energies
PublicationThe H-3(+) ion plays an important role in low temperature astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. It is considered as the initiator of many ion-molecule chemistries. Also its clusters with H-2 are quite interesting. We study configurations of the H-3(+)(H-2)(n) clusters for n = 1 up to n = 12 as a simple test system. Total energies for these structures, with zero point vibration corrections have been calculated. Stabilization energies...
Synthesis, crystal structure and cytotoxic activity of ruthenium(II) piano-stool complex with N,N-chelating ligand
PublicationA mononuclear compound of the general formula [(η6-p-cymene)RuIICl(2,2′-PyBIm)]PF6 has been synthesized from a bidentate N,N-donor ligand, viz. 2,-(2′-pyridyl)benzimidazole (2,2′-PyBIm) and the corresponding chloro-complex [(η6-p-cymene)Ru(μ-Cl)Cl]2 (precursor). The isolated coordination compound was characterized by IR, UV–vis and 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopies. The single crystal X-ray analysis of the complex reveals that the asymmetric...
Volumes of N,N-dimethylacetamide solvated metal cations. Variation within the manganese(II) to zinc(II) series
PublicationDensities and apparent molar volumes for Mn(ClO4)2,Co(ClO4)2 , Ni(ClO4)2,Cu(ClO4)2 , and Zn(ClO4)2 in N, N -dimethylacetamide (DMA) solutions at T = 298.15 K are reported. Densities and apparent molar volumes of tetrabutylammonium tetraphenylborate...
Structural motifs in the Cu(II), Mn(II) and Zn(II) complexes based on N,N,N-donor dipodal or N,N,N,N-donor tripodal ligands obtained in situ: Synthesis, crystal structures and xanthine oxidase inhibition properties
PublicationA series of four novel transition metal complexes, [Cu(NCS)2L1] (1), [Mn(NCS)2L1] (2) where L1 = bis(1-(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methyl)amine, [Mn(NCS)2L2] (3) and [Zn(NCS)L2]2[Zn(NCS)4] (4) where L2 = tris(1-(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)methyl)amine, has been obtained in situ by a one-step, one-pot synthetic path starting from 1-hydroxymethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazole (L). The isolated complexes were fully characterised by elemental analysis,...
The interaction parameters for solutions of n-butylurea in aqueous solutions of N-methylacetamide – The volumetric and compressibility studies between 288.15 K and 308.15 K
PublicationDensities and speed of sound were measured for solutions of n-butylurea in aqueous solution of Nmethylacetamide 2, 4, 6 and 8 (mol/kg) at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K. From these data the apparent molar volumes, Vf, the apparent molar isentropic compressions, KSf, of the solute were determined. The concentration dependencies of the calculated quantities have been used to obtain the standard partial molar parameters. The latter...
Synthesis and structural investigation of N-acyl selenophosphoramides
PublicationN-acylowane amidy kwasu O,O-neopentylidenomonoselenofosforowego, w zależności od podstawnika na atomie azotu, krystalizują jako konformery zawierające selen w pozycji ekwatorialnej bądź aksjalnej. Wyniki tych eksperymentów wyjaśniono działaniem efektu anomerycznego.
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K3-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<8, 1<n<R(K3-e,Km-e)
Open Research DataFor K3-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K3-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K3-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K3-e,Km-e) is the smallest...
Thermodynamic properties of inorganic salts in nonaqueous solvents. I. Apparent molar volumes and compressibilities of divalent transition-metal perchlorates in N,N-dimethylformamide.
PublicationZmierzono gęstości i szybkość dźwięku dla roztworów nadchloranów dwuwartościowych metali przejściowych w N,N-dimetyloformamidzie. W oparciu o uzyskane wyniki wyznaczono pozorne objętości molowe, cząstkowe objętości molowe, rozszerzalności izobaryczne oraz ściśliwości adiabatyczne. Dokonano analizy oraz zbadano wpływ rodzaju kationu metalu.
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K4-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<7, 1<n<R(K4-e,Km-e)
Open Research DataFor K4-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K4-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K4-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K4-e,Km-e) is the smallest...
[(N-benzamidomethyl)(N-benzoyl)amino]methyltriphenylphosphonium Tetrafluoroborate
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Manganese(III) Promoted Cyclization of N-alkenyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl) amides to Iso-Oxacepham Potent β-Lactamase Inhibitors
PublicationBackground: β-Lactams are still a subject of interest of organic chemists. The main reason for this interest is due to their application as a chemotherapeutic. β-Lactam antibiotics are still the most commonly used drugs in bacterial infections. Method: Methods using 4-exo-trig radical cyclization leading to β-lactams are an alternative to classical Staudinger`s β-Lactams formation. We prepared N-alkenyl-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)amides...
N-alkyl derivatives of 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose
PublicationMono- i di-N-alkilowe pochodne 1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetylo-2-amino-2-deoksy-beta-D-glukozy (alkil = metyl, etyl, propyl, butyl, pentyl, heksyl, benzyl) otrzymano w wyniku redukcyjnej alkilacji per-O-acetylo-D-glukozaminy. (N-etylo, N-propylo, N-butylo, N-pentylo, N-heksylo)-1,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetylo-2-amino-2-deoksy-beta-D-glukozy deacetylowano w celu podjęcia prób enzymatycznej fosforylacji. Wszystkie produkty scharakteryzowano za pomocą...
The Arnold conjecture in $ \mathbb C\mathbb P^n $ and the Conley index
Publicationn this paper we give an alternative, purely Conley index based proof of the Arnold conjecture in CP^n asserting that a Hamiltonian diffeomorphism of CP^n endowed with the Fubini-Study metric has at least (n+1) fixed points.
Advanced Sensor for Non-Invasive Breast Cancer and Brain Cancer Diagnosis Using Antenna Array with Metamaterial-Based AMC
PublicationMicrowave imaging techniques can identify abnormal cells in early development stages. This study introduces a microstrip patch antenna coupled with artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) to realize improved sensor for non-invasive (early-stage) breast cancer and brain cancer diagnosis. The frequency selectivity of the proposed antenna has been increased by the presence of AMC by creating an additional resonance at 2.276 GHz associated...
The hydration properties of protein stabilizer, trimethylamine-N-oxide in aqueous solutions of N-methylacetamide – The volumetric and compressibility studies between 288.15 and 308.15 K
PublicationApparent molar volumes and apparent molar isentropic compressions of the protein stabilizer, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) were determined from the densities and speed of sound measured at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K in aqueous solutions of N-methylacetamide (NMA) at four different concentrations (2, 4, 6 and 8 mol/kg). The concentration dependencies of the calculated quantities extrapolated to the infinite dilution lead...
Advances in the degradation and recycling of polyurethanes: biodegradation strategies, MALDI applications, and environmental implications
Publicationolyurethanes pose significant environmental challenges due to their limited recyclability and slow biodegra- dation. This review highlights recent advancements in polyurethanes degradation and recycling, with a partic- ular focus on the application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization techniques. This methods have made significant progress in analyzing environmental contamination by polyurethanes, offering a detailed...
Screening of Microorganisms for Biodegradation of Simazine Pollution (Obsolete Pesticide Azotop 50 WP)
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Organic micropollutants paracetamol and ibuprofen—toxicity, biodegradation, and genetic background of their utilization by bacteria
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Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K5-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<5, 1<n<R(K5-e,Km-e)
Open Research DataFor K5-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K5-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K5-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed.The Ramsey number R(K5-e,Km-e) is the smallest...
Dataset of non-isomorphic graphs being coloring types (K6-e,Km-e;n), 2<m<5, 1<n<R(K6-e,Km-e)
Open Research DataFor K6-e and Km-e graphs, the type coloring (K6-e,Km-e;n) is such an edge coloring of the full Kn graph, which does not have the K6-e subgraph in the first color (no edge in the graph) or the Km-e subgraph in the second color (exists edge in the graph). Km-e means the full Km graph with one edge removed. The Ramsey number R(K6-e,Km-e) is the smallest...
Wartości współczynnika N-gamma uzyskane z badań modelowych.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań modelowych nośności jednorodnego podłoża gruntowego ograniczonego warstwą nieodkształcalną i obciążonego fundamentem pasmowym. Wyznaczono wartości współczynnika nośności N-gamma oraz skorygowanego N-gamma, prim, które porównano z istniejącym rozwiązaniem teoretycznym Mandela i Salencona.
1-(N-Acylamino)alkyl Sulfones from N-Acyl-α-amino Acids or N-Alkylamides
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Chemical reactivity and antimicrobial activity of N-substituted maleimides
PublicationZsyntezowano kilkanaście N-podstawionych maleimidów, zawierających w swojej strukturze podstawniki o różnej wielkości i polarności.Maleimidy o charakterze obojętnym wykazywały silny efekt przeciwgrzybowy; ich aktywność przeciwbakteryjna była zróżnicowana. Niską aktywność przeciwbakteryjną, ale wysoką aktywność cytostatyczną stwierdzono dla maleimidów o charakterze zasadowym. Reaktywność chemiczna i lipofilowość miały wpływ na aktywność...
Fatal N-Ethylhexedrone Intoxication
PublicationN-Ethylhexedrone [2-(ethyloamino)-1-phenylhexan-1-one; α-ethylaminohexanophenone; NEH] is one of the most recent synthetic cathinones that appeared on the illegal market in late 2015. The majority of information concerning the model of consumption of NEH and its impact on the body originates only from self-reports from grey literature websites and drug forums. There are only limited data associated with the concentrations of NEH...
Convenient Syntheses of N-Methylthioamides: A Migration of the H2S Molecule in the Thioamide-nitrile System
PublicationThe reaction of thioamides with the R1R2N-ZnCl ammoniates leads to N-mono-, N,N'-di-, N,N-disubstituted, and unsubstituted amidines with high concns. of amines in abs. ethanol. The efficient direct formation of the N,N'-dimethylamidine can be explained by a greater reactivity of methylamine compared with dimethylamine. Discovery of a new zwitterion (induced by a carbonyl oxygen) suggests that the stabilization in the thymine...
Pressure-Dependence of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Mesoglobule Formation in Aqueous Solution
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N-Alkyl Derivatives of L-Glutamine As Inhibitors of Glutamine - Utilizing Enzymes
PublicationA general facile method to synthesize the N-gamma-alkyl and N-gamma,N-gamma-dialkyl derivatives of L-glutamine (1a-d) from L-glutamic acid as a starting substrate is presented. The obtained compounds are shown to inhibit three diferent glutamine-utilizing enzymes, namely: glutaminase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase, with inhibitory constants within the milimolar range.
N-point estimators of the Instantaneous Complex Frequency
PublicationIn this paper estimators of the instantaneous complex frequency (ICF) are presented and discussed. The differential approach for the estimation of the ICF is used, therefore the estimators are based on maximally flat N-point FIR filters: differential and delay. The investigation of the filter performance includes static characteristics of ICF estimation and the error of the ICF estimation in the discrete frequency domain.W pracy...
Rearrangeable clos networks C(n,r_1,n^2-1,n,r_2) with certain restrictions for connections
PublicationW pracy została zaproponowana nowa metoda sprawdzania przestrajalności pól Closa dla połączeń jeden do wiele. W rozważaniach zakładamy grupowanie połączeń.In the article we will propose new method of checking rearrangeability of multicast Clos networks. In the literature there is no precise method for checking rearrangeability. We focused on three-stage Clos networks without any constraints about fan-out capability. We show the...
Comparative in vitro studies on liposomal formulations of amphotericin Band its derivative, N-methyl-N-D-fructosyl amphotericin B methyl ester (MFAME)
PublicationMFAME, ester metylowy N-metylo-N-D-fruktozylo amfoterycyny B jest półsyntetyczną pochodną antybiotyku przeciwgrzybowego amfoterycyny B (AMB). W przeciwieństwie do wyjściowego antybiotyku pochodna ta jest nietoksyczna dla komórek zwierzęcych oraz tworzy rozpuszczalne sole rozpuszczalne w wodzie. Przeprowadzono badania porównawcze aktywności biologicznej wolnego antybiotyku i wolnej pochodnej oraz ich preparatów liposomalnych. Stosowano...
N-alkilowe pochodne ADGP jako potencjalne chemoterapeutyki przeciwgrzybowe
PublicationOpracowanie przedstawia sposoby syntezy i ewentualne zastosowanie, poparte wstępnymi badaniami biologicznymi nowych N-alkilowanych pochodnych ADGP jako potencjalnych związków o właściwościach przeciwgrzybowych.