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Search results for: ONLINE MONITORING

Search results for: ONLINE MONITORING

  • Open-Phase Fault Detection Method for Sensorless Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives with an Inverter Output Filter

    The paper presents the sensorless five-phase induction motor drive implementation with an inverter output filter with third harmonic injection. For the sensorless operation, the required observers are presented for the first and third harmonics with consideration of the inverter output filter. Moreover, the interaction of the observers and the control system is capable to handle a deactivation of one or two phases, which improves...

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  • Subiektywny pomiar jakości programów radiowych strumieniowanych w sieci metodą crowdsourcingu

    Obecnie słuchacze mają dostęp do swoich ulubionych programów i audycji radiowych za pośrednictwem naziemnego standardu analogowego FM (Frequency Modulation) oraz cyfrowego DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus). Należy podkreślić, że ten sam materiał nadawany jest jednocześnie w kilku technikach (tzw. simulcast), a znaczna większość rozgłośni udostępnia swoje programy także online. Niniejsza praca przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących...

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  • A shared curriculum for daylighting education to meet the educational needs of society

    • N. Gentile,
    • F. Giuliani
    • M. Khanie, Sarey
    • N. Sokół
    • V. R. M. Lo Verso
    • F. Caffaro
    • M. K. Pedersen
    • F. Pompili
    • P. Mattsson

    - Year 2022

    This article describes the collaborative creation of the curriculum for a new eLearning programme on daylighting design of buildings targeting both traditional and lifelong learners. The programme consists of an online platform integrated with a summer school for practical applications. The process was conducted through several workshops with professionals, representatives of national bodies on building regulations, academics,...

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  • UK travel agents’ evaluation of eLearning courses offered by destinations: an exploratory study.


    - Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education - Year 2013

    This study aims to develop an understanding of the use of e-learning courses created for travel agents by Destination Management Organizations (DMOs). It explores agents’ perceptions of such courses. The research examines the views of 304 UK-based travel agents using online survey and investigates whether age, sex, type of agency, work experience, and educational level have influence on e-learning uptake. The satisfaction of travel...

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  • In Search for Answers: Light4Health Online Course of Health Research for Interior Lighting Design

    Three years ago, when I wrote an article in arc called: Human Centric Lighting. The New X Factor? (arc no. 108 Feb/Mar 2019), my intention was to raise questions in relation to the new topic and to find solid, research-based answers in the years to come. Today, I am happy to report that the lighting community, with the Light4Health Online Course of Health Research for Interior Lighting Design, has a useful tool, and consortium...

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  • Panel obywatelski z perspektywy obserwatora – przypadek Warszawskiego Panelu Klimatycznego - Citizen Assembly from observer perspective – case of Warsaw Climate Assembly


    - Year 2021

    Panele obywatelskie są coraz częściej stosowanym w polskich miastach instrumentem demokratycznym. Przykładem tej deliberacyjnej fali był Warszawski Panel Obywatelski, który odbył się jesienią 2020 r. Autor artykułu pełnił rolę obserwatora przy WPK i miał okazję zapoznać się dokładnie z przebiegiem panelu i jego pracami. Praca obejmuje ana-lizę pięciu kluczowych aspektów dla funkcjonowania panelu obywatelskiego, tzn. dobór tematu,...

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  • Instructor Presence in Video Lectures: Preliminary Findings From an Online Experiment


    - IEEE Access - Year 2021

    Motivation. Despite the widespread use of video lectures in online and blended learning environments, there is still debate whether the presence of an instructor in the video helps or hinders learning. According to social agency theory, seeing the instructor makes learners believe that s/he is personally teaching them, which leads to deeper cognitive processing and, in turn, better learning outcomes. Conversely, according to cognitive...

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  • Multidimensional Scaling Analysis Applied to Music Mood Recognition


    - Year 2013

    The paper presents two experiments aimed at categorizing mood associated with music. Two parts of a listening test were designed and carried out with a group of students, most of whom where users of online social music services. The initial experiment was designed to evaluate the extent to which a given label describes the mood of the particular music excerpt. The second subjective test was conducted to collect the similarity data...

  • New Algorithms for Adaptive Notch Smoothing

    The problem of extraction/elimination of a nonstationary complex sinusoidal signal buried in noise is considered. This problem is usually solved using adaptive notch filtering (ANF)algorithms. It is shown that accuracy of signal estimation can be increased if the results obtained from ANF are further processed using a cascade of appropriately designed filters. The resulting adaptive notch smoothing (ANS) algorithms can be employed...

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  • Classification of Music Genres by Means of Listening Tests and Decision Algorithms

    The paper compares the results of audio excerpt assignment to a music genre obtained in listening tests and classification by means of decision algorithms. A short review on music description employing music styles and genres is given. Then, assumptions of listening tests to be carried out along with an online survey for assigning audio samples to selected music genres are presented. A framework for music parametrization is created...

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  • 4D Models in World Wide Web


    - Year 2018

    The paper presents some results of research curried out within the framework of the European project named "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2). One of the main project aims were to develop a methodology for sharing multi-temporal information via the Internet (webGIS) for remote analysis of structures and landscapes over time. Reported in this paper results are focused on testing two technologies (Hexagon and Esri) for online...

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  • Parallelization of video stream algorithms in kaskada platform


    - Year 2011

    The purpose of this work is to present different techniques of video stream algorithms parallelization provided by the Kaskada platform - a novel system working in a supercomputer environment designated for multimedia streams processing. Considered parallelization methods include frame-level concurrency, multithreading and pipeline processing. Execution performance was measured on four time-consuming image recognition algorithms,...

  • S’attaquer à la suprématie du masculin sur le féminin : le français inclusif dans les publications des universités françaises dans les réseaux sociaux

    This paper aims to examine the use of inclusive French in the Internet publications of Paris universities on their social media. Three higher education institutions were selected: Paris Dauphine-PSL University, Gustave Eiffel University, and Sorbonne Paris North University. The publications were obtained from Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Firstly, the groups of people to whom the use of inclusive French referred...

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  • System zdalnego monitoringu parametrów pracy siłowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu

    W artykule przedstawiono układ do zdalnego monitorowania parametrów pracy elektrowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu. Do budowy systemu wykorzystano mikrokomputer klasy Raspberry PI 3 z zainstalowanym systemem operacyjnym Raspbian oraz kartę pomiarową MicroDAQ E2000. Opracowanysystem umożliwia monitorowanie mocy na wyjściu generatora, momentu na wale turbiny, prędkości obrotowej turbiny oraz prędkości wiatru. Wartości monitorowanych...

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  • Dataset Characteristics and Their Impact on Offline Policy Learning of Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits


    The Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits (CMAB) framework is pivotal for learning to make decisions. However, due to challenges in deploying online algorithms, there is a shift towards offline policy learning, which relies on pre-existing datasets. This study examines the relationship between the quality of these datasets and the performance of offline policy learning algorithms, specifically, Neural Greedy and NeuraLCB. Our results...

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  • Measuring Consumers' Engagement With Brand-Related Social-Media Content. Development and Validation of a Scale that Identifies Levels of Social-Media Engagement with Brands



    The purpose of the current study was to develop a scale to measure the consumer's engagement with brand-related social-media content, based on three dimensions established in the framework of an earlier theoretical construct, “Consumer's Online Brand-Related Activities” (Muntinga, Moorman, and Smit, 2011). Qualitative techniques were used to generate an initial pool of items that captured different levels of consumer engagement...

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  • E-textbook technologies for academics in medical education


    - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric - Year 2018

    Public universities in Poland receive fairly limited financial support for creating e-textbooks and lack the appropriate ICT competences among teaching staff, especially in the case of non-technical universities. The authors propose a pedagogical and technological paradigm for e-textbooks in medical education using open source software with minimal IT skills required. Technologies used to develop e-textbooks are connected with:...

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  • Celebrities’ personal brand authenticity in social media: an application in the context of football top-players. The Robert Lewandowski case


    - Year 2018

    The aim of the study is to explore personal brand authenticity in social media through sentiment analysis. A survey has been conducted in the context of football players with respect to Robert Lewandowski – the most valuable Polish football-celebrity brand. Authors first assess antecedents of his brand authenticity basing on an international sample of social media users, made of 219 cases from 22 countries (intentionally excluding...

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  • Massive Open Online Courses: strategies and research areas

    • J. Murphy
    • N. Sabatini
    • A. Williams
    • P. Ryan
    • L. Cantoni
    • L. Horton-tognazzini

    - Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education - Year 2014

    The latest education revolution, the massive open online courses (MOOCs), is gaining momentum, accolades, and participation across industry and academia. These learning laboratory behemoths host and assess tens to hundreds of thousands of students in a single class, for free. Similar to their scope, MOOCs’ short- and long-term educational implications seem massive. Immediate MOOC educational outcomes vary widely from roaring successes...

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  • Defense mechanisms and borderline personality organization among COVID-19 believers and non-believers during complete lock-down

    • A. Zajenkowska
    • I. Nowakowska
    • M. Bodecka-Zych
    • J. Rajchert
    • I. Kaźmierczak
    • A. Jakubowska
    • A. E. Pinkham

    - Frontiers in Psychiatry - Year 2021

    The aim of the current study was to investigate whether a specific social perception of the pandemic—believing or not in COVID-19—predicts borderline personality organizations and whether this relationship is mediated by more primitive maladaptive mechanisms—splitting, denial, and dissociation. The online study included 720 organization aged 25–45. Participants were diverse in terms of place of residence, being in a relationship,...

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  • Motywowanie uczestników MOOC-ów

    Od roku 2012, tj. od czasu powstania masowych otwartych kursów online (MOOC), uczestniczyło w nich kilkadziesiąt milionów osób. Wiele czynników wpływa na ich popularność. Jednym z nich jest na pewno to, że kursanci mogą za darmo uczyć się z materiałów przygotowanych przez wykładowców najsławniejszych szkół wyższych. Kolejnym, prawdopodobnie najistotniejszym, jest motywujące środowisko edukacyjne, zbudowane z założeniami...

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  • Selfie and Personal Branding Phenomena in the Context of the Network Economy. A Literature Review


    - Handel Wewnętrzny - Year 2017

    Self-taken pictures called “selfies” shared in social media have become a worldwide phenomenon. This is due to the increased need of human being to share to other people their daily lives and to build their own personal brand in the networked world. Despite that, the subject of personal branding has not been sufficiently discussed in academic marketing literature over the past decade. The objective of the study is to present the...

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  • Event-Triggered Communication in Cooperative, Adaptive Model Predictive Control of a Nuclear Power Plant’s Turbo–Generator Set


    - ENERGIES - Year 2023

    This paper discusses the issue of optimizing the communication between the components of a cooperating control system formed by a pair of MPC controllers of a nuclear power plant turbine set using online recursive least squares identification. It is proposed to use event-triggered communication, i.e., sending information only at selected time instants, as opposed to the standard approach where communication is triggered by time...

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  • Development of proximity in cluster organizations

    Sustainable development in cluster organizations (COs) is most fully manifested in the synergy effect. In turn, the synergy effect is achieved thanks to the development of proximity among cluster entities. The purpose of the paper is to test two conceptual models reflecting relations between selected dimensions of proximity in cluster organizations. The author reports the findings of a quantitative study conducted in four COs....

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  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in hospitality and tourism

    • J. Murphy
    • N. Kalbaska
    • L. Cantoni
    • L. Horton-Tognazzini
    • P. Ryan
    • A. Williams

    - Year 2018

    The tourism industry, interesting and challenging, faces structural human resource problems such as skills shortages and staff turnover, seasonality and a high percentage of small to medium enterprises whose employees have limited time for training or education. Large tourism enterprises often span countries and continents, such as hotel chains, airlines, cruise companies and car rentals, where the employees need similar training...

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  • E-learning in tourism and hospitality: A map


    The impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on tourism and hospitality industries has been widely recognized and investigated as a one of the major changes within the domains in the last decade: new ways of communicating with prospective tourists and new ways of purchasing products arisen are now part of the industries’ everyday life. Poor attention has been paid so far to the role played by new media in education...

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  • Exploring music listening patterns: an online survey


    An online survey was carried out to explore how respondents listen to music recordings. It was anticipated that the listener’s preferences would be influenced by various factors, such as age, music genre, the contexts in which they listen, and their favored methods of music consumption. Consequently, the data were collected to analyze these relationships. The survey, structured as a web application, encompassed 23 questions,...

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  • Marketing relacji we współczesnym świecie


    - Year 2020

    Teoria i praktyka marketingu ulegają ciągłej ewolucji, podążając za zmianami gospodarczymi, społecznymi oraz technologicznymi i dostosowując się do nich. Obecne trendy, które napędzają zmiany w globalnym świecie biznesu powodują, że silne relacje z klientami są bardziej niż kiedykolwiek, niezbędne dla strategii firm, które chcą osiągać przewagę konkurencyjną. Nowe warunki działania przedsiębiorstw to również świat, w którym miesza...

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  • English, French, and Polish Aliases of Criminals: Diversity of Inspirations in their Creation and Typical Nicknaming Schemes


    The present paper examines the topic of aliases of criminals, which seems to be understudied in linguistic research. Therefore, this article’s primary goal is to describe how criminals’ aliases are created and what are the differences and similarities in that process in English, French, and Polish. Firstly, the theoretical background concerning the topic of pseudonyms is presented. Then, the corpus gathered for this paper (available...

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  • Side Effects of National Immunization Program: E-Governance Support Toward Elders' Digital Inclusion


    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Union (EU) governments develop policies to regulate exclusive health protection actions that consider societal needs with the emphasis on elders. Given that the EU vaccination strategy uses a centralized ICT-based approach, there is little guidance on how seniors are included in national immunization programs (NIP). In this paper, we addressed a knowledge gap of the side effects...

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  • A Study on Audio Signal Processed by "Instant Mastering"


    - Year 2018

    An increasing amount of music produced in home- and project-studios results in development and growth of "automatic mastering services". The presented investigation explores changes introduced to audio signal by various online mastering platforms. A music set consisting of 10 songs produced in small facilities was processed by eight on-line automatic mastering services. Additionally, some laboratory-constructed signals were tested....

  • Nauczanie zagadnień cyberbezpieczeństwa w Unii Europejskiej – trendy, wyzwania

    Znaczenie edukacji, szkoleń i podnoszenia świadomości zagadnień cyberbezpieczeństwa jest dziś, w erze społeczeństwa informacyjnego powszechnie uznane. W ostatnich latach w Unii Europejskiej pojawiło się wiele nowych inicjatyw związanych między innymi z rozwijaniem programów uniwersyteckich, przygotowywaniem specjalistycznych i profilowanych szkoleń, uruchamianiem masowych otwartych kursów online, a także badaniami opinii publicznej...

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  • Digital Processing of Frequency–Pulse Signal in Measurement System


    - Year 2018

    The work presents the issue of the use of multichannel measurement systems of sensors processing input value to impulse signal frequency. The frequency impulse signal obtained from such sensors is often required to be processed at the same time with a voltage signal which is obtained from other sensors used in the same measurement system. In such case, it is usually necessary to sample the output signals from all sensors in the...

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  • Dynamic Signal Strength Mapping and Analysis by Means of Mobile Geographic Information System

    Bluetooth beacons are becoming increasingly popular for various applications such as marketing or indoor navigation. However, designing a proper beacon installation requires knowledge of the possible sources of interference in the target environment. While theoretically beacon signal strength should decay linearly with log distance, on-site measurements usually reveal that noise from objects such as Wi-Fi networks operating in...

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    - Year 2018

    There a few important factors, that nowadays, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are used by wider community, and for cases and applications, that cannot be performed never before. Small UAVs, as a photogrammetry measurement tool provide flexibility, reliability, are safe and easy to use, can be deployed in minutes, initial measurement can be delivered yet on the field, and final accurate measurements are calculated in a very short...

  • A Web-GIS tool for diagnosing spatial orientation of young adults: design and evaluation of Geo-Survey


    - Scientific Reports - Year 2023

    Spatial orientation is the effectiveness with which one is able to assess the mutual location of objects relative to a point of reference or a system of coordinates. Traditionally, this ability has been evaluated through field navigation tests, which do not take into account the prevailing influence of free online maps and virtual walks on a person’s interpretation of space. In this context, this study presents a Web-GIS tool designed...

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  • Effects of social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention


    - Year 2013

    The author studied the effect of two different social media communication on brand equity and brand purchase intention. A total of 504 data sets were generated through a standardized online-survey and analysed with structural equation modeling. The results of the empirical study showed that both firm-created and user-generated social media communication influenced brand equity, consequently impacting brand purchase intention. This...

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  • Application of deep eutectic solvents in bioanalysis



    The application of deep eutectic solvents (DESs) is sharply surging as a green alternative to conventional solvents due to their unique properties in terms of simplicity of preparation, designability and low cost. A great deal of attention has been paid to the application of these green solvents in analytical chemistry in recent years, and a lot of interesting work has been reported. This review summarizes the most relevant applications...

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  • The consideration to the dynamic systems parameter identification

    In this paper, a concept for continuous-time dynamic systems parameter identification using modulating function approach is presented. It refers to linear as well as selected non-linear systems. It shows the possibility of direct application without converting differential equation. In particular cases direct application can decrease the amount of computation in non-linear system identification, which generally requires Fourier...

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  • Novel Desorber for Online Drilling Mud Gas Logging

    This work presents the construction solution and experimental results of a novel desorber for online drilling mud gas logging. The traditional desorbers use mechanical mixing of the liquid to stimulate transfer of hydrocarbons to the gaseous phase that is further analyzed. The presented approach is based on transfer of hydrocarbons from the liquid to the gas bubbles flowing through it and further gas analysis. The desorber was...

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  • TeleCAD w kształceniu studentów Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej Politechniki Gdańskiej

    Przedstawiono system TeleCAD opracowany w ramach projektu Leonardo da Vinci - Teleworkers Training for CAD Systems Users (1998-2001). Głównym celem projektu było stworzenie środowiska obsługi kursów programu AutoCAD bazującego na Internecie jako medium do komunikacji między uczestnikami oraz do dostarczania materiałów kursowych. W artykule zaprezentowano również system służący do oceny jakości szkoleń na odległość. Szkolenie TeleCAD...

  • Emotional experiences of family caregivers of children with Dravet syndrome


    Background: Since the psychosocial implications of Dravet syndrome (DS) are much more serious and far-reaching than in other types of epilepsy, caring for a DS child seriously affects the entire family. This study describes the emotional experiences of family caregivers of DS children and evaluates the way caregiving affects their perceived quality of life. Methods: An anonymous, self-administered...

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    - Year 2015

    With 27 million people playing League of Legends every day, e-sports became more and more important part of our everyday life. Rise of its popularity builds a demand for better understanding e-sports mechanics on a deeper level. In the article, we test a hypothesis that it is possible to predict an outcome of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game based on topological clues only (such as area of polygon where vertices are players...

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  • The linkage between knowledge risk management and organizational performance



    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of knowledge risk management (KRM) on organizational performance, with measures considered as “softer” measures of performance, i.e. innovativeness, responsiveness, sustainability, and agility. Data were collected using an online questionnaire sent to private and public orga- nizations located all over the world. The analysis and hypotheses testing were performed using structural...

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  • Focus on Misinformation: Improving Medical Experts’ Efficiency of Misinformation Detection


    - Year 2021

    Fighting medical disinformation in the era of the global pandemic is an increasingly important problem. As of today, automatic systems for assessing the credibility of medical information do not offer sufficient precision to be used without human supervision, and the involvement of medical expert annotators is required. Thus, our work aims to optimize the utilization of medical experts’ time. We use the dataset of sentences taken...

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  • Antecedents to Achieve Kanban Optimum Benefits in Software Companies

    • M. Ahmad
    • A. Rohunen
    • P. Raulamo-jurvanen

    - Year 2019

    In 2004, Kanban successfully entered into the Agile and Lean realm. Since then software companies have been increasingly using it in software development teams. The goal of this study is to perform an empirical investigation on antecedents considered as important for achieving optimum benefits of Kanban use and to discuss the practical implications of the findings. We conducted an online survey with software professionals from...

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  • Multi-objective weather routing of sailing vessels

    The paper presents a multi-objective deterministic method of weather routing for sailing vessels. Depending on a particular purpose of sailboat weather routing, the presented method makes it possible to customize the criteria and constraints so as to fit a particular user’s needs. Apart from a typical shortest time criterion, safety and comfort can also be taken into account. Additionally, the method supports dynamic weather data:...

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  • A new approach to β-decays studies impacting nuclear physics and astrophysics: The PANDORA setup

    • D. Mascali
    • D. Santonocito
    • M. M. Busso
    • L. Celona
    • A. Galatà
    • M. La Cognata
    • G. S. Mauro
    • A. Mengoni
    • E. Naselli
    • F. Odorici... and 5 others

    - EPJ Web of Conferences - Year 2023

    Theory predicts that lifetimes of β-radionuclides can change dramatically as a function of their ionization state. Experiments performed in Storage Rings on highly ionized atom have proven nuclei can change their beta decay lifetime up to several orders of magnitude. The PANDORA (Plasmas for Astrophysics, Nuclear Decay Observation and Radiation for Archaeometry) experiment is now conceived to measure, for the first time, nuclear...

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  • A new concept of contemporary marketing


    - Year 2021

    Purpose: This conceptual paper aims to propose a new concept of marketing that responds well to the needs of a changing world, taking into account the continuous development of the service economy and the revolution in the development of the Internet and related tools. Methodology/Approach: The proposed concept is based on well-researched theories: service marketing, experience marketing, relationship marketing and digital marketing...

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  • Zintegrowane działania komunikacyjne w internecie na przykładzie marki Żywiec Zdrój Smako-Łyk

    Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie przykładów angażowania polskich internautów w kampanie komunikacji marketingowej realizowane dla marki Żywiec Zdrój Smako-Łyk. Analizie poddano treści odnoszące się bezpośrednio do marki oraz wybranych kampanii online prowadzonych w latach 2009–2015. W ostatnich latach w Polsce można obserwować coraz więcej kampanii wykorzystujących potencjał, jaki mają w sobie internauci. Cenne pomysły można pozyskać...

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