Search results for: POWER ELECTRONICS
Piotr Chrzan prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleUrodził się w 1954 r. w Sopocie. Jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektroniki Politechniki Gdańskiej (1978). W 1980 r. podjął pracę na Wydziale Elektrycznym w zespole prof. Jerzego Jaczewskiego. W 1988 r. uzyskał stopień naukowy doktora nauk technicznych, habilitację w 1999 r., w zakresie elektrotechniki: energoelektroniki i automatyki napędu, a tytuł profesora w 2017 r. Był promotorem 6 obronionych prac doktorskich (w tym 3 z wyróżnieniem)....
Cascaded Buck Hybrid Interlink Converter for Multiple-Input / Multiple-Output Operation
PublicationThe provision of isolated- and non-isolated DC output voltages by Power electronics power-conditioning devices in the recent ‘green-energy-revolution’ era is on course. In this paper, a structure for multi-input multi-output(MIMO) DC–DC buck converter is proposed to generate output voltages of varying levels with fewer component-count. The DC output voltage of each of the constituting buck converters can be used independently or...
Filip Kutt dr inż.
PeopleFilip Kutt was born in Gdansk, Poland. He received the M.Sc., PhD, degrees in electrical engineering in 2007 and 2013, respectively, all from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) Poland. He is with GUT since 2007, currently as an Assistant Professor. His main scientific and research interests cover a wide spectrum of mathematical modelling of electrical machines using analytical modelling and FEM-based computations.
Conducted EMI Propagation Paths in DC-AC Hard Switching Converter
PublicationIn order to limit the electromagnetic interference (EMI) in power electronics devices, knowledge about the phenomena connected with EMI generation and propagation is necessary. This papers describes the propagation paths in the 3 phase voltage source inverter using wide-band simulation and laboratory test with the signal processing method Wiener filtering, where the transfer functions between voltage across switches and the perturbation...
Piotr Musznicki dr hab. inż.
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Przekształtnik prądu jako sterownik w układach napędowych z silnikami indukcyjnymi
PublicationThe circuits used for power conversion applied in drives with electric machines are classified into two groups: voltage source inverters (VSI) and current source inverters (CSI). Application of the current source inverter results in better properties of drive than application of voltage source inverter because there is no output filter. The development of power electronics and especially the IGBTs, in which on/off-times are very...
Static Shunt PE Voltage-Quality Controllers
PublicationThis chapter focuses on power electronics (PE)-based solutions used in distribution networks for reduction of supply-voltage-quality deterioration, from long interruptions to the harmonics. Various PE devices and their combinations are addressed for particular or a range of voltage disturbances. A particular solution is applied taking into account demands for voltage quality and network configuration. In general, there are three...
Marek Turzyński dr hab. inż.
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Ireneusz Mosoń dr inż.
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Tripping limitations of residual current devices in photovoltaic installations
PublicationIn electrical installations with photovoltaic sources of energy, earth fault current may comprise alternating current component and direct current component. The waveform shape of this earth fault current mainly depends on the point of the fault and the properties of a photovoltaic power electronics converter. The waveform shape of the current influences operation of protection devices, especially tripping threshold of residual...
Roland Ryndzionek dr inż.
PeopleI received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Gdańsk, Poland, in 2010, the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from INP ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France, in 2012, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Gdańsk Tech and INP, in 2015. From 2015 to 2017. I was a postdoctoral research engineer at the SuperGrid Institute Lyon, France. Since 2017, I have been working...
A Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Generator with Modulated Magnetic Flux
PublicationIn this work, the concept of an energy conversion system for wind turbines based on the modified permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is presented. In the generator, a pair of three-phase windings is used, one of which is connected in a “star” and the second in a “delta” configuration. At the outputs of both windings, two six-pulse uncontrolled (diode) rectifiers are included. These rectifiers are mutually coupled by a...
Horyzont energoelektroniczny obiektów morskich
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowano współczesne kierunki rozwoju energoelektroniki, w tym w szczególności dotyczące obiektów morskich. Przedstawiono podstawowe parametry aktualnie stosowanych w energoelektronice przyrządów półprzewodnikowych, jak również wykazano interdyscyplinarny charakter rozwoju tej dziedziny. Na przykładzie wybranych urządzeń energoelektronicznych przedstawiono ich komercyjne zastosowania oraz podział i miejsce w łańcuchu...
Accurate electrothermal modelling of high frequency DC-DC converters with discrete IGBTs in PLECS software
PublicationIn the paper, a novel, improved method of the IGBT junction temperature computations in the PLECS simulation software is presented. The developed method aims at accuracy of the junction temperature computations in PLECS by utilising a more sophisticated model of transistor losses, and by taking into account variability of transistor thermal resistance as a function of its temperature. A detailed description of the proposed method,...
Oleksandr Husev Dr
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Grzegorz Lentka dr hab. inż.
PeopleGrzegorz Lentka obtained his MSc title in electronics, specialization Measurement Systems at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics in 1996. He obtained the PhD title in 2003 and habilitation in 2014, respectively. Currently he is an professor in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics. His main scientific interests are focused on digital signal processing for metrology,...
Krzysztof Iwan dr inż.
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Łukasz Sienkiewicz dr inż.
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The control software of the portable raman spectrometer
PublicationThe paper contains a description of the control software of a portable Raman spectrometer which was built in the Department of Optoelectronics and Electronic Systems Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics Gdansk University of Technology. The software has modular structure, which includes the laser control module and the spectrum acquisition module (laser power selection, working mode and data acquisition time)...
Computer System for Evaluation of Shock Hazard in Circuits with Non-sinusoidal Earth Currents
PublicationEffects of current on people are mainly considered for 50/60 Hz sinusoidal current and smooth direct current. However, modern low voltage circuits are very often equipped with power electronics converters – rectifiers, frequency converters, therefore non-sinusoidal earth currents (touch currents) occur. For non-sinusoidal currents safety criteria should be modified. This paper presents a computer system, based on LabVIEW environment,...
Accurate Computation of IGBT Junction Temperature in PLECS
PublicationIn the article, a new method to improve the accuracy of the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) junction temperature computations in the piecewise linear electrical circuit simulation (PLECS) software is proposed and described in detail. This method allows computing the IGBT junction temperature using a nonlinear compact thermal model of this device in PLECS. In the method, a nonlinear compact thermal model of the IGBT is...
Conducted emi propagation modelling in the wound components.
PublicationThe modelling of EMC behaviour of power electronics converters require specific models of devices which are adequate in a wide frequency range. A novel equivalent-circuit model of the inductor, suitable for EMC applications, has been developed and validated. The model can be used for the analyses of wounded components' behaviour in the conducted-EMI frequency range. The parameters of the proposed model can be evaluated based on...
Artur Cichowski dr inż.
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Suitability of acoustic power amplifiers as power amplifiers in underwater communication systems
PublicationThe paper presents selected acoustic power amplifiers from among those currently available. The results of a series of measurements characterising the amplifiers are presented. The measured amplitude and phase characteristics as a function of frequency for four selected amplifiers are analysed. The spectra of the output signal in the band from 4 kHz to 30 kHz are presented. The usefulness of the selected amplifiers in an underwater...
Tuning the Laser-Induced Processing of 3D Porous Graphenic Nanostructures by Boron-Doped Diamond Particles for Flexible Microsupercapacitors
PublicationCarbon (sp3)-on-carbon (sp2) materials have the potential to revolutionize fields such as energy storage and microelectronics. However, the rational engineering and printing of carbon-on-carbon materials on flexible substrates remains a challenge in wearable electronics technology. This study demon-strates the scalable fabrication of flexible laser-induced graphene (LIG)-boron doped diamond nanowall (BDNW) hybrid nanostructures...
Mykola Lukianov mgr
PeopleMykola Lukianov received a B.Sc. and M.Sc degree in Electronics and Communications from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” in 2018 and 2020 respectively. He is currently a PhD student at the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland and a researcher group member in project SMARTGYsum “Research and Training Network for Smart and Green Energy Systems and Business Models”. His research...
Medium-Voltage Drives: Challenges and existing technology
PublicationThe article presents an overview of state-of-art solutions, advances, and design and research trends in medium-voltage (MV) drive technologies - and also discusses the challenges and requirements associated with the use of such drives. The choice and deployment of MV drives in industries are associated with numerous requirements related to the front-end converter (grid side) and inverter (machine side). The focus is on solutions...
Początki i rozwój Katedry Automatyki na Wydziale Elektrycznym Politechniki Gdańskiej
PublicationNiniejszy artykuł obejmuje historię powstawania i rozwoju Katedry Automatyki na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz związanego z tym powstawania i rozwoju na Wydziale kierunku studiów automatyka i robotyka. W kształceniu studentów tego kierunku studiów uczestniczyły także i inne katedry Wydziału. Zajęcia dydaktyczne z zastosowań automatyki prowadzili również pracownicy: Katedry Miernictwa Elektrycznego,...
Zdzisław Kowalczuk prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleZdzislaw Kowalczuk received his M.Sc. degree in 1978 and Ph.D. degree in 1986, both in Automatic Control from Technical University of Gdańsk (TUG), Gdańsk, Poland. In 1993 he received his D.Sc. degree (Dr Habilitus) in Automatic Control from Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland, and the title of Professor from the President of Poland in 2003. Since 1978 he has been with Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics...
An Overview of Bidirectional EV Chargers: Empowering Traction Grid-Powered Chargers
PublicationIn recent years, the number of electric vehicles has been at least doubling year after year. As a result, today electric vehicles already account for approximately 10% of the global automotive market, which positively affects environment in urbanized areas. However, to take full advantage of the EV integration it is necessary to use renewable sources for their charging; optimally place charging stations/terminals; optimally manage...
Fractional Order Circuit Elements Derived from Electromagnetism
PublicationIn this paper, derivations of fractional-order (FO) circuit-element equations from electromagnetism are presented. Whilst many papers are devoted to FO modelling of electrical circuits, there are no strong foundations for such an approach. Therefore, we investigate relations between the FO electromagnetism and the FO circuit theory. Our derivations start from quasi-static (QS) approximations of Maxwell's equations in media with...
Grzegorz Andrzej Kostro dr inż.
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Marek Wójcikowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleMarek Wójcikowski graduated in 1993 from the Department of Electronics at Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). In 2002 he obtained a doctoral degree in the field of electronics and in 2016 he obtained a habilitation at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at GUT. From the beginning of his career he is associated with GUT: first as an assistant (years 1994-2002) and then as assistant professor (since...
Układy napędowe pojazdów elektrycznych
PublicationW artykule omówiono nowe technologie stosowane w układach napędowych pojazdów elektrycznych. Praca zawiera zależności teorii ruchu pojazdu, nowe rozwiązania w konstrukcji silników trakcyjnych. Przedstawiono również zagadnienia układów zasilania bateryjnego i magazynów energii z superkondensatorami. Pokazano metody sterowania zapewniające optymalizacje rozdziału energii pomiędzy akumulatorami a magazynem energii. Zaprezentowano...
Stanisław Czapp prof. dr hab. inż.
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Evaluation of VSC Impact on Power System Using Adequate P-Q Capability Curve
PublicationRenewable energy sources, which are becoming increasingly popular, often use a voltage source converter (VSC) for connection to the power system. Assessing the effects of connecting such a source to the power system is essential to ensure the proper operation of the power system and the connected source. For this purpose, it is necessary to know the range of active and reactive power generation by the converter. The authors indicate...
Accuracy of a low-cost autonomous hexacopter platforms navigation module for a photogrammetric and environmental measurements
PublicationA photogrammetry and environmental measurements from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are a low-cost alternative for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS) offers a variety of cheap components that a suitable to be used on board a UAV. In this paper a low-cost navigation module based on Ublox NEO-M8N GPS and Pixhawk flight controller have been described, as a main extrinsic parameters source...
Fully Tunable Analog Biquadratic Filter for Low-Power Auditory Signal Processing in CMOS Technologies
PublicationA novel Gm-C structure of a second-order continuous-time filter is proposed that allows for the independent control of the filter’s natural frequency (ω0) and quality factor (Q). The structure consists of two capacitors and four transconductors. Two transconductors together with the capacitors form a lossless second-order circuit with tunable ω0. The other two transconductors form a variable gain amplifier (VGA) which realizes...
Low-Voltage Low-Power Filters with Independent ω0 and Q Tuning for Electronic Cochlea Applications
PublicationAn acoustic second-order low-pass filter is proposed for filter banks emulating the operation of a human cochlea. By using a special filter structure and an innovative quality (Q)-factor tuning technique, an independent change of the cutoff frequency (ω0) and the Q-factor with unchanged gain at low frequencies is achieved in this filter. The techniques applied result in a simple filter design with low Q-factor sensitivity to component...
Paweł Milewski mgr inż.
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Internetowe systemy przetwarzania rozproszonego typu grid w zastosowaniach biznesowych
PublicationSkoncentrowano się na możliwościach wykorzystania oraz integracji rozproszonych mocy obliczeniowych komputerów Internautów w globalnej sieci www. Zaprezentowano paradygmaty sieciowego przetwarzania typu grid computing oraz volunteer computing. Podkreślono istotność tego typu przetwarzania w zagadnieniach wymagających bardzo dużych mocy obliczeniowych. Zaprezentowano przykłady rozwiązań systemowych tego typu: system BOINC, będący...
Kifayat Ullah
PeoplePh.D. Scholar in the department of electrical and control engineering at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. My research interest includes Electric drives, Power Electronics, and Renewable Energy Resources. I hold My Master of Engineering degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the Liaoning University of Technology, China, and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from International Islamic University...
Reliable data-driven modeling of high-frequency structures by means of nested kriging with enhanced design of experiments
PublicationData-driven (or approximation) surrogate models have been gaining popularity in many areas of engineering and science, including high-frequency electronics. They are attractive as a way of alleviating the difficulties pertinent to high computational cost of evaluating full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of microwave, antenna, and integrated photonic components and devices. Carrying out design tasks that involve massive...
Optimization of Microwave Components Using Machine Learning and Rapid Sensitivity Analysis
PublicationRecent years have witnessed a tremendous popularity growth of optimization methods in high-frequency electronics, including microwave design. With the increasing complexity of passive microwave components, meticulous tuning of their geometry parameters has become imperative to fulfill demands imposed by the diverse application areas. More and more often, achieving the best possible performance requires global optimization. Unfortunately,...
Waldemar Korłub dr inż.
PeopleWaldemar Korłub obtained an Eng. degree in 2011, MSc.Eng. degree in 2012 and PhD in Computer Science in 2017 granted by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdansk University of Technology. His research interests include: distributed systems mainly grid and cloud computing platforms, autonomous systems capable of self-optimization, self-management, self-healing and self-protection, artificial intelligence...
An Extended Control of the Input Angle for Matrix Converters Connected with the Non-Unity Power Factor Loads.
PublicationThis paper proposes a novel PWM modulation algorithm for Multiphase Conventional Matrix Converters (MCMC), with 3 inputs and k outputs, using the transfer function of the load angle. The proposed approach extends the range of power angle control at the input during the operation with a maximum voltage transfer ratio. The proposed concept is based on the Direct Analytic Voltage PWM (DAV--PWM) modulation with an elliptical trajectory...
Wojciech Rosiński dr inż.
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Piezoelectric Transducer for Mechanical Assessment of Soft Tissues. Concept, Implementation and Analysis
PublicationThe main goal of this work was following: preparation of a new concept, implementation and analysis of the piezoelectric resonant sensor/actuator for measuring the aging process of human skin. The research work has been carried out in the framework of cooperation between the INP-ENSEEIHT-LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, and at the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Research Group of...
Maciej Haras dr inż.
PeopleMaciej HARAS born in Gdańsk, Poland in 1984. M.Eng in power electronics at Gdańsk University of Technology and at Polytechnique de Grenoble (2008). Ph.D. in nanotechnology at Université Lille-1 (2016) for investigation of silicon-based thermoelectric generators, awarded with the best Ph.D. prize from Université Catholique de Lille. Joined STMicroelectronics R&D (2011) working on energy harvesting. In 2014 he joined IEMN and investigated...
Paweł Rościszewski dr inż.
PeoplePaweł Rościszewski received his PhD in Computer Science at Gdańsk University of Technology in 2018 based on PhD thesis entitled: "Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption". Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland....