Search results for: Project management
Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka dr
PeoplePsycholog, doktor nauk humanistycznych w dziedzinie zarządzania, adiunkt w Katedrze przedsiębiorczości. 2018 - 2021: Kierownik projektu NCN: „Efektuacyjny model zespołu przedsiębiorczego. Jak działają przedsiębiorcze zespoły odnoszące sukces" od 2016: Quality Standards Lead filaru People management & personal development na studiach MBA Politechniki Gdańskiej 2008 – 2012: Prodziekan ds kształcenia Wzydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii...
An Approach to Agent-Based Supporting System for IT Projects
PublicationAbstract. The natural development of information technology area stimulates intense growth of various technologies which support basic organization processes. The range of technologies implies appropriate management thereof, as well as accurate correspondence with conducted activities. Abandonment of activities within individual branches in favour of project approach to performed assignments (especially those connected with software...
Speed management on local government managed roads – research, recommendations and guidelines
PublicationCommissioned by the National Road Safety Council Secretariat, the project “Guidelines for speed management on local government managed roads” studied car driver be haviour when subjected to selected speed management measures such a local speed restrictions, surveillance, traffic calming and restricted speed areas. In addition, analyses were conducted on the impact of selected me asures...
Innovative e-learning approach in teaching based on case studies - Innocase project
PublicationThe article presents the application of innovative e-learning approach for the creation of case study content. Case study methodology is becoming more and more widely applied in modern education, especially in business and management field. Although case study methodology is quite well recognized and used in education, there are still few examples of developing e-learning content on the basis of case studies. This task is to be...
Ontology management in the multi-agent system for the it evaluation
PublicationThe team of researchers at the Gdańsk University of Technology is currently developing a model of the multi-agent system (MAS_IT) that would aid the IT managers to find the most appropriate technology to the goals assumed. The knowledge is to be provided by experts and stored in the facts and rules bases. The responsibility of the verification process-on the input and query stages-is given to the ontology, making it to some extend...
Knowledge-Based Management as the Key Success Factor for Research and Development Organizations
PublicationA key to achieving success in project organizations lies in exemplary management of processes within those organizations, while the ongoing projects are mainly characterized by their uniqueness. The situation is no different in commercial research and development organizations (R&D) where accuracy and repeatability of elementary processes guarantees efficient and productive realization of all enterprises. R&D organizations are...
Good practices in requirements, project and risk managment in educational IT projects
PublicationOne can find many learning aids and simulations of physical phenomena on the market - provided as a standalone application or as part of an educational package. However, only a few of them allow for the building of interactive experiments: experiments similar to those that should be conducted in physics laboratories at schools. Gdańsk University of Technology decided to fill this market niche by designing and constructing a set...
A Assessment of Management Efficiency in Local Administrative Offices: Case Study Poland
PublicationThe analysis of management efficiency is an important element in evaluating the functioning of public administration from an economic point of view. In order to achieve greater efficiency of the management process, and thus the quality in public administration, it is important to analyze and evaluate its elements. Modern research usually covers individual elements, parts of the management process. However, the current study proposes...
Work and formal retirement age - opinions of SWE employees participating in the Best Agers Lighthouses International Project
PublicationThe paper presents selected results of studies carried out within the framework of the international project Best Agers Lighthouses – Strategic Age Management for SME in the Baltic Sea Region, related to the assessment of the opportunities to continue working beyond the retirement age in the opinion of workers.
Tools for road infrastructure safety management in Poland
PublicationThe objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be systematically identified, assessed, removed and mitigated. There are a number of approaches to road safety management. European Union Directive 2008/96/EC requires EU member states to use four basic tools of road safety infrastructure management. An overview of the methods in these countries...
Human Resource Management Digitalisation in Multidisciplinary Ship Design Companies
PublicationThe digitalisation in the ship design sector is currently applied to the design process itself and is well defined, partially standardised and practically implemented by both independent design companies and the design departments of shipyards. The situation is similar in other sectors of engineering. However, the requirements for the digitalisation of other processes in design and engineering companies have not previously been...
Project-Based Learning as a Method for Interdisciplinary Adaptation to Climate Change—Reda Valley Case Study
PublicationThe challenges of the global labour market require university authorities to extend traditional forms of education into more innovative and effective solutions. Project-based learning (PjBL) is one of highly effective methods for acquiring knowledge and teaching “soft” skills to future employees. This article describes an experimental use of PjBL at a university with a long history of teaching based on traditional methods—the Gdansk...
The newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands in sewage sludge management
PublicationIn the paper the newest researches and applications of treatment wetlands conducted by re-searchers of Civil and Environmental Faculty are presented. Among others it was proved that this technology could be successfully implemented for highly polluted wastewater treatment. Within the research project two multistage treatment wetlands, one for landfill leachate and the second for reject water from digested sewage sludge centrifugation,...
Engineering Project Organization Journal
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Cloud solutions as a platform for building advanced learning platform, that stimulate the real work environment for project managers
PublicationImproving skills of managers and executives require, that during the transfer of knowledge (in different ways: during studies, trainings, workshops and other forms of education) it is necessary to use tools and solutions that are (or will be) used in real world environments, where people being educated are working or will work. Cloud solutions allow educational entities (universities, training companies, trainers, etc.) to provide...
Scaling scrum with a customized nexus framework: A report from a joint industry‐academia research project
Publicationespite a wide range of scaling frameworks available, large-scale agile transformations are not straightforward undertakings. Few organizations have structures in place that fit the predefined workflows – while once one applies an off-the-shelf framework outside of its prescribed process, guidance quickly runs out. In this paper, we demonstrate how to instantiate a method configuration process using a lightweight experimental approach...
Tools for road infrastructure safety management – Polish experiences
PublicationThe objective of road safety infrastructure management is to ensure that when roads are planned, designed, built and used road risks can be systematically identified, assessed, removed and mitigated. There are a number of approaches to road safety management. European Union Directive 2008/96/EC requires EU member states to use four basic tools of road safety infrastructure management. An overview of the methods in these countries...
The Idea of a Student Research Project as a Method of Preparing a Student for Professional and Scientific Work
PublicationIn the paper we present the idea and implementation of a student research project course within the master’s program at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk Tech. It aims at preparing students for performing research and scientific tasks in future professional work. We outline the evolution from group projects into research project and the current deployment of both at bachelor’s and master’s levels...
Trust, Tacit Knowledge Sharing, Project Performance and their Managerial Implications
PublicationTacit Knowledge Sharing is increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for creating innovative solutions. Project management as a set of methodologies and best practices need to be charged by knowledge. The research problem tackled in this article refers to a current managerial problem regarding tacit knowledge sharing execution in project based organizations. The objective...
Justification of models of changing project environment for harvesting grain, oilseed and legume crops
PublicationAn analysis of the condition of implementation of projects in agricultural production is carried out. The disadvantages of existing methods and models of planning of the content and time of execution of works in the projects, which mostly do not take into account the changing components of their project environment, are substantiated. The proposed methodology for justifying the models of a changing project environment for harvesting...
Kaja Kalinowska dr inż.
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Grzegorz Zieliński dr inż.
PeopleAuthor of over 100 scientific publications (both in Polish and English) in the field of service management, entity improvement, including medical entities. Scientific and research interests include areas related to the maturity and excellence of enterprises in various aspects of their activities. He participated in research projects of the National Science Center and projects implemented by international consortia under the European...
Adapting new tools of urban freight management based on Gdynia’s dedicated delivery bays example – an analysis of the process
PublicationThe article presents an analysis of a process which ultimately helped Gdynia to designate pilot delivery sites in its downtown area using international experience. A verification was conducted of policy transfer theory and its practical implementation based on an URBACT Freight Tails project. While the choice of the solution was based on critical analysis of existing practical examples, it needed to be adapted to the local conditions...
Interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management based on multi-agent system
PublicationThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and the support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet. The approach integrates meteorological data and forecasts, air quality and emission monitoring, dynamic 3D simulation modelling and forecasting,...
Agnieszka Lang dr hab. inż.
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Leveraging Generative AI Tools for UX Design in Lean and Agile Projects
PublicationRecent advancements in Generative AI (GenAI) open new opportunities to improve User Experience (UX) practitioners’ efficiency in their projects. Due to intensive teamwork caused by time pressure and readiness for rapid changes, Lean and Agile project management seems particularly predestined for easy adoption of GenAI-supported UX design methods. However, precipitate and spontaneous leveraging of GenAI tools to UX design bears...
Research project BRIK: development of an innovative method for determining the precise trajectory of a railway vehicle
PublicationIn the paper the essential assumptions regarding a research project implemented by a consortium of Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University are presented. The project has been commissioned by National Center of Research and Development with cooperation with Polish Railways (PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.). The project is focused in implementation of modern measurement techniques using Global Navigation Positioning...
Paulina Karolina Dyguła dr inż.
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Sharing research data across disciplines
PublicationThis monograph is a collection of experiences gathered by the team implementing the Bridge of Data project. However, it is not just a simple summary of the project implementation. It shows and systematizes the substantive and technical works performed by the teams and several issues related to data management itself in various disciplines, represented by members of the scientific team and other researchers from partner universities.The...
Onkologia i Radioterapia medical project
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Ginekologia i Położnictwo - medical project
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Adam Dąbrowski dr inż.
PeopleAdam Dabrowski has obtained a PhD in mechanical engineering from Gdańsk University of Technology and MSc. degree in mechatronics from Technische Universität Hamburg. He has an industry experience in Institute of Aviation Engineering Design Center (Warsaw, Poland) and SICK AG (Hamburg, Germany). Additionally, as an assistant at Gdansk University of Technology he teaught courses on mechanics, space mechanisms and dynamics of space...
Planning of the green road system as an element of spatial management in suburbs and small towns
PublicationThe premise for the development of sustainable forms of road infrastructure in small towns is the appropriate plan at an early stage or modifi cation in the case of existing spaces. A multi-directional approach is extremely important, which takes into account the specifi city of the regional (country) road system, availability, and capacity of traffi c network, but also social and environmental factors. Effi cient management...
Conception of interactive information and decision support system - model and evaluation
PublicationThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet.
Networkig activities of general judiciary - from theory to practice
PublicationOver the last three decades, networks - as a field of research - have acquired a significant place among management sciences. Unfortunately, in the judiciary they have become a subject of more careful analyses only recently, which resulted in a large discrepancy of knowledge - both in theory and in its practical adaptation for the needs of the courts. In order to fill this cognitive gap, an attempt was made to identify levels of...
Innovative Solutions in Surface Water Quality Monitoring
PublicationIn 2010 a project entitled "Integrated Support System for Management and Protection of Water Dam Reservoir (ZiZOZap)” was initiated, to aid solving water management problems on a river and dam reservoir formed on it. An innovative system of continuous monitoring was created, that encompassed selected physical and chemical parameters of river and lake waters in three chosen sites. This article presents a selection of results, that...
Paradoxes in the engineering change management process
PublicationPurpose: The main purpose of this paper is to conceptualize and operationalize paradoxes that are significant in the engineering change management (ECM) process. The following research question was stated: What are the paradoxes that influence the ECM process, and how can they be measured? Design/methodology/approach: The study is divided into two parts: conceptualization and operationalization. Conceptualization involved a literature...
Nowe metody zarządzania procesowego w ochronie zdrowia.
PublicationHealthcare is increasingly drawing on modern management methods and tools with the aim of raising the effectiveness of the performed therapeutic processes, as well as optimizing their costs, duration, and resources. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the possibilities resulting from of using business process management tools, as well as the advantages that such tools provide in the practical management of healthcare centers....
Lessons learned from developing an Industry 4.0 mobile process management system supported by Artificial Intelligence
PublicationResearch, development and innovation (RDI) projects are undertaken in order to improve existing, or develop new, more efficient products and services. Moreover, the goal of innovation is to produce new knowledge through research, and disseminating it through education and training. In this line of thinking, this paper reports and discusses the lessons learned from the undertaken project, regarding three areas: machine learning...
Magdalena Urbanowicz dr inż.
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Jakub Miler dr inż.
PeopleAcademic career: 2000: Master of Science - Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, thesis "Computer system for supporting risk management in a software engineering project", supervisor prof. Janusz Górski 2005: PhD - Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, thesis "A Method of Software Project Risk Identification and Analysis",...
Making leadership more agile in theory and practice. Working towards building a leadership agility model
PublicationThe article presents leadership taking into account agile practices that were taken from project management. The article provides a description of comprehensive leadership competencies that can be used in project practice. The publication begins with an indication of leadership in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation of the characteristics of leadership and agile management...
ZEUS Concept and Its Wider European Application
PublicationThe objectives of the ZEUS project and the resulting concept of an integrated system of transport safety are recapitulated in the article. The context for transport safety management that has evolved since this became a concern of the European Union under the Treaty of Union in 1993 is outlined, and some issues related to applying the ZEUS concept across Europe are discussed. It is concluded that there is scope for exploring ways...
Model of a Maturity Capsule in Managing IT Projects
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to present a report on the development of a model of information technology management (MITM). This model is an answer to the need to support decision making in the selection of methods and information technologies. This article presents a multisequential model (MSM) of technology selection and a model for initial processing procedures (IPP) necessary for the MITM model. The presentation of the...
Renata Downar-Zapolska mgr
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Hard lessons learned: delivering usability in IT projects
PublicationEffective project management requires the development of a realistic plan which aims to ensure the success of the project and ultimately deliver a high quality product to customers. However, experience shows that the majority of software vendors managing projects suffer from numerous problems to provide usability in IT solutions and complete a project in a given time with success. In this paper we discuss, analyze and synthesize...
Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Personal Branding. How to Derive Innovation From Project Teams?
PublicationInnovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge are key factors which determine a competitive advantage in the networked economy. A network serves as a contemporary form of market process coordination. Network economy, according to the idea of prosumerism, is founded on collaboration of individual creators based on a network of values instead of hierarchical dependencies. Another feature of a network is that it imposes symmetry...
Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS) - an international joint Master's double-degree program
PublicationDynamic development of the space sector of European, and especially of Polish and German economies results in a necessity for suitable Higher Education Institution graduates. The increasing digitization, distribution and networking of technical systems leads to the necessity of a degree programme teaching “the systems view” and “interdisciplinarity” methods and skills. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the entire life cycle...
Determinants And Barriers In The Development Of The Entrepreneurial Orientation In The Polish Higher Education Institutions
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is to present the results of the research project on the entrepreneurship in the Polish higher education institutions. The project was funded by the Polish National Science Centre and its main aim was to identify the factors that enable, enhance, limit or disable the entrepreneurial potential in higher education institutions. The paper gives an overview of the identified determinants that foster the entrepreneurial...
Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning
PublicationA decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public...