total: 4029
- Publications 2662 available results
- Journals 51 available results
- Conferences 7 available results
- People 42 available results
- Inventions 1 available results
- Projects 11 available results
- Research Teams 1 available results
- e-Learning Courses 36 available results
- Open Research Data 1218 available results
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Measurement Campaign and Mathematical Model Construction for the Ship Zodiak Magnetic Signature Reproduction
PublicationThe paper presents the partial work done within the framework of the EDA Siramis II project focused on magnetic signature reproduction of ships. Reproduction is understood here as the ability to determine the magnetic anomaly of the local Earth magnetic field in any direction and at any measurement depth due to the presence of the analysed object. The B-91 type hydrographic ship Zodiak was selected as the real case study. The work...
Electronic Device Failure Analysis
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Organic semiconductor rubrene thin films deposited by pulsed laser evaporation of solidified solutions
PublicationOrganic semiconductor rubrene (C42H28) belongs to most preferred spintronic materials because of the high charge carrier mobility up to 40 cm2(V·s)-1. However, the fabrication of a defect-free, polycrystalline rubrene for spintronic applications represents a difficult task. We report preparation and properties of rubrene thin films deposited by pulsed laser evaporation of solidified solutions. Samples of rubrene dissolved in aromatic...
Adaptive acoustic crosstalk cancellation in mobile computer device
PublicationThe cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. A practical setup employing a mobile computer is employed. The adaptation of the crosstalk cancellation filter to the position of the listener's head is featured. The measurement evaluating the possibility of practical application of the method are described. The head and torso simulator was used for measurements. The...
Nondestructive global corrosion measurement using guided wavefield data
PublicationMetallic structures often face degradation, and corrosion ranks among the most prevalent forms of deterioration. Accurate quantification of corrosion is crucial, especially for structures exposed to harsh environmental conditions, such as marine vessels and offshore installations. Because the traditional measurement methods based on scanning by ultrasonic gauge are time-consuming and provide only rough information on the thickness...
Comparison of the tests for equivalence of the measurement methods for measurement of PM10 dust in ambient air
PublicationThe paper presents the motives for conducting the equivalence tests and the reasons of discrepancies between the results of PM10 dust concentration obtained via the reference method and the methods based on 'on-site' measurement. The reference and non-reference methods of measurement of PM10 dust concentration in air have been discussed. Field tests for equivalence, following the Polish standard and the European Union (EU) guidelines,...
Low cost electrochemical sensor module for measurement of gas concentration
PublicationThis paper describes a low cost electrochemical sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module is universal and can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 is used. The proposed equipment will be used as a component of electronic nose system employed for classifying and distinguishing...
PublicationLaminates - layered composites containing at least two elements (matrix and reinforcement) widely used in industry have also found their usage in medicine. Their main feature is the ability to modify the material in order to obtain the required properties. Depending on the needs, we can modify reinforcement, type of resin or the method of bonding substrates. Commonly used fibers are: carbon fiber, glass and aramid fibers; resins...
Energy storage device based on flywheel, power converters and Simulink real-time
PublicationThis electronic document is a “live” template and already defines the components of your paper [title, text, heads, etc.] in its style sheet. Paper presents information on Energy Storage Device based on Flywheel and bi-directional IGBT Power Converters – designed for LINTE^2 laboratory owned by Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. Paper is divided into four sections. First section of the paper provides introductory information...
AEGIS – Mobile Device for Generating Electromagnetic Curtain for Special Applications and Countering the Threats of RCIED
PublicationIn the article the assumptions, design and realization of the technological demonstrator of a mobile device for generating an electromagnetic curtain (with a cryptonym AEGIS) were presented, both in the area of hardware and software. The device is designed to block the radio communication systems by which it is possible to detonate the Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). The preliminary laboratory tests of the...
Intelligent Measurement Systems 2025
e-Learning Courses -
Intelligent Measurement Systems 2025
e-Learning Courses -
Pre-swirl energy saving device in marine application
PublicationThis paper covers topics of energy saving device (ESD) with application to marine propulsors. The form of ESD, considered in this paper, consists of fixed lifting foils mounted in front of the screw propeller (the pre-swirl stator/guide vanes). An algorithm for designing propulsion systems, consisting of guide vanes and screw propeller, is presented. The proposed method relies on hybrid lifting line (guide vanes)-lifting surface...
Various types of semiconductor photocatalysts modified by CdTe QDs and Pt NPs for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase under visible light
PublicationA novel synthesis process was used to prepare TiO2 microspheres, TiO2 P-25, SrTiO3 and KTaO3 decorated by CdTe QDs and/or Pt NPs. The effect of semiconductor matrix, presence of CdTe QDs and/or Pt NPs on the semiconductor surface as well as deposition technique of Pt NPs (photodeposition or radiolysis) on the photocatalytic activity were investigated. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD),...
Laser-textured cross-hatched surface topography analysis with evaluation of high-frequency measurement noise
PublicationThe precision of surface roughness determination using ISO 25178 parameters relies on various factors that directly impact the measurement process. In industry applications, the contactless roughness measurement reduces data collection time. However, it introduces several potential errors, including those stemming from the environment. One of the main types of errors encountered during topography analysis is measurement noise,...
A macroscopic device for quantum computation
PublicationPrzeanalizowano mechaniczny model kwantowego układu 2-bitowego. Model jest zilustrowany algorytmem Deutscha i Arvinda.
Selection of pointing device for elders
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodykę i sposób akwizycji oraz analizy danych dla doboru optymalnego urządzenia wskazującego, dostosowanego do osób starszych. Przedstawiono wyniki próbnych testów na dwóch grupach - docelowej i referencyjnej oraz skomentowano wyniki.
Topography measurement methods evaluation for entire bending-fatigued fracture surfaces of specimens obtained by explosive welding
PublicationIn this paper, the methods of compensation of differences in the results of entire bending-fatigued fracture surface topographies were presented. The roughness evaluation was performed with a focus variation microscope and confocal surface topography measurement techniques. The differences in the ISO 25178 roughness parameters were investigated and procedures for their compensation were studied. It was found that various types...
Pumping effect measured by PIV method in a multilayer spike electrode EHD device for air cleaning
PublicationDust particles can be harmful for human health when inhaled. Particularly dangerous are submicrometer dust particles, which can contain traces of toxic elements and can easily penetrate into the human respiratory system. Thus, efficient devices for the air cleaning from submicrometer dust particles are needed. Recently, Katatani and Mizuno have proposed an electrohydrody- namic (EHD) device for air cleaning for submicrometer particles....
Using wearable device for biomedical signal acquisition and processing
PublicationIn this paper we present the research conducted on synchronous measurements of biosignals. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the possibility of estimating vital signs based on eye tracking. Method: The eGlasses platform was used for acquisition of ECG, respiration rate, eye and pupil movement and blood pressure. Data were acquired in three 5 min. intervals during which a subject was performing certain tasks. The signals...
A navigation device utilizing body communication channel for mobile wearable systems
PublicationA novel touch sensor utilizing a body communication technology is presented in the paper. The proposed device accepts orders (gestures) only from a person wearing it. Moreover, when comparing it to a similar, however an optical one, it appears as a less power consumable. Preliminary results of its properties examination are presented and discussed. Additionally, the developed sensor allows to measure a human body the electrical...
The Influence of Camera and Optical System Parameters on the Uncertainty of Object Location Measurement in Vision Systems
PublicationThe article presents the influence of the camera and its optical system on the uncertainty of object position measurement in vision systems. The aim of the article is to present the methodology for estimating the combined standard uncertainty of measuring the object position with a vision camera treated as a measuring device. The identification of factors affecting the location measurement uncertainty and the determination of their...
Real-time working gas recognition system based on the array of semiconductor gas sensors and portable computer Raspberry PI
PublicationThe gas-analyzing systems based on the array of partially selective gas sensors and pattern-recognition techniques are potentially fast and low-cost alternative for other devices, like gas analysers. They give the possibility of recognition the type and the concentration of measured volatile compounds in their working environment. In this work we present the implementation of gas recognition system, in which the signals from an...
Innovative Implantable Left Ventricular Assist Device—Performance under Various Resistances and Operating Frequency Conditions
PublicationThis paper presents the operation of an innovative left ventricular assist device under various resistances and operating frequencies. The operating principle of the device is based on pulsatile blood flow, which is forced by a suction–discharge device pumping helium into a set of intra-cardiac balloons. In this way, the ejection fraction of the left ventricle is increased, and the mitral valve is additionally occluded. What is...
Low-coherence method of hematocrit measurement
PublicationDuring the last thirty years low-coherence measurement methods have gained popularity because of their unique advantages. Low-coherence interferometry, low-coherence reflectometry and low-coherence optical tomography offer resolution and dynamic range of measurement at the range of classical optical techniques. Moreover, they enable measurements of the absolute value of the optical path differences, which is still an unsolved problem...
PublicationThis paper describes an amperometric sensor module for gas concentration measurement. A module can be used for many types of electrochemical gas sensors without major hardware changes. Device is based on AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. As signal processing circuit a specialized integrated circuit LMP9l000 configurable via I2C interface is used. The concept of a measuring system composed of several modules dedicated for a gas sensors...
Surface properties and photocatalytic activity of KTaO3, CdS, MoS2 semiconductors and their binary and ternary semiconductor composites
PublicationSingle semiconductors such as KTaO3, CdS MoS2 or their precursor solutions were combined to form novel binary and ternary semiconductor nanocomposites by the calcination or by the hydro/solvothermal mixed solutions methods, respectively. The aim of this work was to study the influence of preparation method as well as type and amount of the composite components on the surface properties and photocatalytic activity of the new semiconducting...
Evaluation of the Variability of Vibration Measurement Results in Rolling Bearing Quality Control
PublicationThe final result of rolling bearing quality control is influenced by many factors that are not always taken into account. If non-conforming products leave the factory, then the reliability of equipment containing rolling bearings is significantly weakened. The paper presents an analysis of the reasons for the variability of vibration measurement results in rolling bearing quality control. The paper describes the organisation of...
Gas detection in semiconductor sensors using fluctuation phenomena
PublicationRozpatrzono problemy pomiaru szumów, kóre należy rozwiązać, gdy szumy traktuje się jako dodatkowe źródło informacji o gazach. Metoda szumowa (spektroskopia szumów rezystancyjnych, widma wyższych rzędów) daje więcej informacji polepszając czułość i seleKtywność czujnika.
Methodology of semiconductor devices classification into groups of differentiated quality
PublicationZaproponowano klasyfikację przyrządów półprzewodnikowych do grup o zróżnicowanej jakości na podstawie ich szumów własnych z zakresu małych częstotliwości. Przedstawiono metodologię umożliwiającą stwierdzenie, czy zaproponowany parametr szumowy X dla danego typu przyrządu półprzewodnikowego może być stosowany do określenia jakości. Sprecyzowano przebieg badań wstępnych bazujących na ocenie wyników pomiarów szumów własnych z zakresu...
A measurement system for children endurance tests
PublicationThere are a lot of ethical problems concerning the use of invasive methods for the measurement of a child's body response to physical exercise and physical training. The alternative is are non-invasive methods like ergospirometry or NIRS. The article presents a measurement system dedicated for children endurance tests, composed of a few non-invasive measurement modules, including a temperature measurement module. Temperature is...
Instrumental measurement of odour nuisance in city agglomeration using electronic nose
PublicationThe paper describes an operation principle of odour nuisance monitoring network in a city agglomeration. Moreover, it presents the results of investigation on ambient air quality with respect to odour obtained during six-month period. The investigation was carried out using a network comprised of six prototypes of electronic nose and Nasal Ranger field olfactometers employed as a reference method. The monitoring network consisted...
Experimental Investigation of the Performance of an Innovative Implantable Left Ventricular Assist Device—Proof of Concept
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental performance of an innovative left ventricular assist device working on a specially designed test stand. The introduced invention is mainly applied for supporting the heart in patients with end-stage heart failure accompanied by mitral valve regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, the developed device has the form of a flexible balloon forming an intracardiac inert gas-filled...
Uncertainty of mass flow measurement using centric and eccentric orifice for Reynolds number in the range 10,000 ≤ Re ≤ 20,000
PublicationThe article analyses the impact of the Reynolds number on the estimated uncertainty of the mass flow rate measurement using an orifice plate. The objects of the research were two types of orifices: centric (ISA) and eccentric, with the diameter ratio β = 0.5. Studies were performed by Monte Carlo simulation and experiments for Reynolds numbers in the range 10,000 ≤ Re ≤ 20,000. The obtained results have shown that for both orifice...
A measurement method for capacitive sensors based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface circuit
PublicationIn the paper, there is presented a new time-domain measurement method for determining the capacitance values of capacitive sensors, dedicated, among others, to capacitive relative humidity sensors. The method is based on a versatile direct sensor-to-microcontroller interface for microcontrollers with internal analog comparators (ACs) and with precision voltage reference sources, e.g. digital-to-analog converters (DACs). The reference...
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Measurement: Sensors
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Effect of Time Varying Measurement Conditions on Antenna Pattern in Near Field Measurement and Its Correction Procedure
PublicationAuthors present the procedure of taking into account the changes of electrical parameters of setup due to the time drift of temperature during the procedure of near field measurement. It is proposed to make additional measurements in determined positions of probe are next used the results to introduce corrections terms in measured data. Such approach was verified practically in experimental near field measurement system.
Diamond protection for reusable ZnO coated fiber-optic measurement head in optoelectrochemical investigation of bisphenol A
PublicationDue to the global problem with plastic contaminating the environment, with bisphenol A (BPA) being one of the highest demand, effective monitoring and purification of the pollutants are required. The electrochemical methods constitute a good solution but, due to polymerization of electrochemical oxidation bisphenol A products and their adsorption to the surfaces, measurement head elements are clogged by the formed film. In this...
Grzegorz Lentka dr hab. inż.
PeopleGrzegorz Lentka obtained his MSc title in electronics, specialization Measurement Systems at Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics in 1996. He obtained the PhD title in 2003 and habilitation in 2014, respectively. Currently he is an professor in Department of Metrology and Optoelectronics. His main scientific interests are focused on digital signal processing for metrology,...
Comparison of the measurement techniques employed for evaluation of ambient air odour quality
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air odour quality in a vicinity of the industrial sewage treatment plant being a part of the crude oil processing plant. The investigation was performed during spring-winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type sensor. The field...
Analysis of noise properties of the optocoupler device
PublicationIn the paper the localization of a source of Random Telegraph Signal noise (RTS noise) in optocoupler devices type CNY 17 were defined. The equivalent noise circuit in low frequency noise for these type optocouplers was proposed.
Reducing the Uncertainty of the Moving Object Location Measurement with the Method of Quasi-Multiple Measurement in GNSS Technology in Symmetrical Arrangement
PublicationThe article presents a solution to the problem of limited accuracy of dynamic measurements performed with GNSS receivers. The proposed measurement method is a response to the needs related to the assessment of the measurement uncertainty of the position of the track axis of the rail transport line. However, the problem of reducing the measurement uncertainty is universal for many different situations where high accuracy of positioning...
Impact of probability distribution on the uncertainty of resistance measurement
PublicationThe paper presents studies on the influence of probability distributions on the expanded uncertainty of the resistance measurement. Choosing the correct probability distribution is very important to estimate of measurement uncertainty. The paper presents the results of analysis of the resistance measurement uncertainty using the technical method of resistance: 100 G. The analysis of the uncertainty...
The issue of uncertainty of visual measurement techniques for long distance measurements based on the example of applying electric traction elements in diagnostics and monitoring
PublicationRail transport is the most economical and energy-effective in the field of land transport, in particular electrified. In order to ensure efficient and reliable operation of electrified rail transport, the issues of monitoring and diagnostics of the traction infrastructure and vehicles are extremely important. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to the vehicle is the sliding contact of the current collector...
Experimentally feasible semi-device-independent certification of four-outcome positive-operator-valued measurements
PublicationRecently the quantum information science community devoted a lot of attention to the theoretical and practical aspects of generalized measurements, the formalism of all possible quantum operations leading to acquisition of classical information. On the other hand, due to imperfections present in quantum devices, and limited thrust to them, a trend of formulating quantum information tasks in a semi-device-independent manner emerged....
Distance measurement errors in silent FM-CW sonar with matched filtering
PublicationThe secretiveness of sonar operation can be achieved by using continuous frequency-modulated sounding signalswith reduced power and significantly prolonged repeat time. The application of matched filtration in the sonarreceiver provides optimal conditions for detection against the background of white noise and reverberation, and avery good resolution of distance measurements of motionless targets. The article shows that target...
PublicationIn the paper, the basic assumptions of diesel engine cylinder system's diagnosing method, based on observation of emerging and moving electric charges of ionized gas in the combustion workspaces, using Langmuir's probe. In the first part of the paper, only the technology of the measurement and results of the preliminary diagnostic tests of laboratory engine Farymann Diesel D10 were presented. The primary purpose of the research...
Novel Structures and Applications of Graphene-Based Semiconductor Photocatalysts: Faceted Particles, Photonic Crystals, Antimicrobial and Magnetic Properties
PublicationGraphene, graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide and their composites with various compounds/materials have high potential for substantial impact as cheap photocatalysts, which is essential to meet the demands of global activity, offering the advantage of utilizing “green” solar energy. Accordingly, graphene-based materials might help to reduce reliance on fossil fuel supplies and facile remediation routes to achieve clean environment...