Search results for: SOCIAL BEHAVIOR
International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior
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Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review
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Computational Simulation of the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis chapter investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organisational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organisational learning, (2) Effective organisational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader’s behavior must align for the best learning...
An Adaptive Network Model Simulating the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis paper investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organizational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organizational learning, (2) Effective organizational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader's behavior must align for the best learning effects....
An Adaptive Network Model Simulating the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis paper investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organizational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organizational learning, (2) Effective organizational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader’s behavior must align for the best learning effects....
PublicationBelow work tries to answer a question: if it is possible to replace real human with computer system in social games. As a subject for experiments, card games were chosen, because they require a lot of player interaction (playing and taking cards), while their rules are easy to present in form of clear list of statements. Such a system, should allow real players to play without constant worrying about guiding or helping computer...
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
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Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
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International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning
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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes
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Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
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Journal of Veterinary Behavior-Clinical Applications and Research
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IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science
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Under the Fire of Disinformation. Attitudes Towards Fake News in the Ukrainian Frozen War
PublicationIn this article, we examine individual attitudes towards fake news in the extreme conditions of a propaganda war, taking into account the complex regional social and historical conditions. For this purpose, within the mobile boundary zone during frozen war in Ukraine, we conducted qualitative research among representatives of generations X and Z (high school teachers and students). Being accustomed to fake news turned out to be...
The Mediation Function of Job Satisfaction's between Organizational Culture Dimensions and Knowledge Sharing
PublicationIt is commonly acknowledged that organizational culture is a valuable element of intellectual capital and as a hidden source of competitive advantage can considerably affect the achieving of strategic business goals. The axiological dimension of organizational culture is mostly identified with a set of shared assumptions and values, while work practices mainly define its behavioral dimension. Both these dimensions influence, among...
PublicationDespite the well-established physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spatial benefits of active and autonomous school commuting of children and adolescents', many are driven by car. Pilot surveys and field research held in 2019 in 10 Gdansk primary schools confirmed this trend. The article presents a certification system for schools, commissioned by the City of Gdańsk, which is an element of a systemic solution shaping patterns...
User-generated images and its impact on consumer-based brand equity and on purchase intention
PublicationResearchers and brand managers have limited knowledge of the effects that different types of user-generated content (UGC) have on consumers’ perception of brands and behavior. In this study we investigated 301 authors of a specific category of UGC, i.e., user-generated images (UGI) on a social networking site to confirm the relationships of four drivers reported in literature (co-creation, empowerment, community, and self-concept)...
Virtual spring damper method for nonholonomic robotic swarm self-organization and leader following
PublicationIn this paper, we demonstrate a method for self-organization and leader following of nonholonomic robotic swarm based on spring damper mesh. By self-organization of swarm robots we mean the emergence of order in a swarm as the result of interactions among the single robots. In other words the self-organization of swarm robots mimics some natural behavior of social animals like ants among others. The dynamics of two-wheel robot...
Romanika Okraszewska dr inż. arch.
PeopleRomanika Okraszewska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). Graduated from the mathematical and informatical class at the National Education Commission High School in Gdańsk. Graduated from two faculties of Gdańsk University of Technology, Architecture and Urban Planning (2002) and Management and Economics (2004). Participant...
Brain and Behavior
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Hormones and Behavior
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Physiology and Behavior
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Organizational ethics and position relationship moderators among knowledge workers: a regional study of Poland
PublicationThis research explores organizational ethics among knowledge workers using ICT4Ds in regional enterprises in Poland before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study addresses the importance of understanding how ethics in organizations, particularly ethical optimism, corporate social responsibility, and top management action, have evolved across these periods. This topic is crucial as organizational ethics influence employee...
Blockchain technologies to address smart city and society challenges
PublicationNew Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are changing the way in which the world works. These technologies provide new tools to face the issues of contemporary society (poverty, migrations, sustainable development challenges, governance, etc.). Among them, blockchain emerge as a disruptive technology able to make things in a completely different and innovative way. They can provide solutions where before there were...
Informal Workplace Learning and Employee Development. Growing in the Organizational New Normal
PublicationThe new paradigm in employee development assumes that employees should proactively direct their learning and growth. Most workplace learning is basically informal and occurs through daily work routines, peer-to-peer interactions, networking, and typically brings about significant positive outcomes to both individuals and organizations. Yet, workplace learning always occurs in a pre-defined context and this context has recently...
Digital Innovations and Smart Solutions for Society And Economy: Pros and Cons
PublicationRecent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) may involve significant potential threats to personal data privacy, national security, and social and economic stability. AI-based solutions are often promoted as “intelligent” or “smart” because they are autonomous in optimizing various processes. Be-cause they can modify their behavior without human supervision by analyzing data from the environ-ment, AI-based systems may be...
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A comprehensive review on economic, environmental impacts and future challenges for photovoltaic-based electric vehicle charging infrastructures
PublicationIn this paper, a comprehensive review of the impacts and imminent design challenges concerning such EV charging stations that are based on solar photovoltaic infrastructures is presented, which is based on state-of-the-art frameworks for PV-powered charging stations and the latest case studies. The main factors that are targeted in this review are the management of an EV charging system that is a composite of PV and public grid,...
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health
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Crafting an ultrashort workplace incivility scale and determining cutoffs for varied risk levels through item response theory
PublicationWorkplace incivility (WI), characterized by disrespectful or rude behavior in the workplace, is linked to poor mental health and overall well-being. The Workplace Incivility Scale (WIS) is a popular 7-item measure for assessing WI. There is a current need for an ultrashort conceptually clear version of the WIS. In addition, the cutoffs for varied at-risks of WI, requiring intervention, remains unknown. Using data from 426 employees...
Exploring governance among social co-operatives: three models from Poland
PublicationThere has been overly interest regarding social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in theory and practice. In this paper the author introduces the workings of governance of small social enterprises i.e. social co-operatives, acting in most cases for the purpose of work and social integration of the marginalized, at the bottom of the pyramid of socio-economic system. The aim of this paper is to provide insights into under researched...
Looking for Social Enterprise Models in Poland: institutional and historical context
PublicationThe paper is an attempt at identification of key social enterprise models in Poland. The authors recognize three models: entrepreneurial non-profit organizations, cooperatives as well as social integration clubs and centres. Their social and institutional background is presented together with institutional trajectories of social enterprise development.
Pronouncement of embedded agency in the field of social entrepreneurship
PublicationThe paper provides insights into how social entrepreneurship and the institutional theory framework can be combined. The author situates the social entrepreneurship phenomenon here, and embarks on the traditional structure vs agency debate from social sciences, sociology of organizations in particular. The concept of embedded agency is referred to and employed to explain the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship. In this paper,...
The Successful Case of Social Cooperative 50+ as an Example of Value Creation
PublicationThe article presents the successful case of social cooperative 50+ as an Example of Value Creation. Authors discuss an idea of social enterprises and social cooperatives and success factors of them.
Social enterprises as a fertile ground for reducing social and economic exclusion - good practice examples from Poland
PublicationThe work briefly outlines the two dimensions of value generated by social enterprises to the economy and society. This is done in reference to the social cooperatives in Poland that are good examples of social enterprises according to EMES indicators
Lonely and thinking about the past: The role of time perspectives, Big Five traits and perceived social support in loneliness of young adults during COVID-19 social distancing
PublicationBackground In Spring 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish government introduced a policy of social distancing. Being apart from one’s social network had the potential to evoke feelings of loneliness. The aim of the study was to find out how time perspectives might contribute to feeling lonely during the social distancing period, controlling for Big Five personality traits and perceived social support. Participants...
Social Entrepreneurship Avenues for the Field Development through Research Paradigm Intersection Discussion
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to identify and provide key arguments for employing integrative approach in the choice of research paradigm for studying social entrepreneurship phenomenon. The fact that social entrepreneurship as a field of research is at its preliminary stage, serves as argument and gives freedom in the discussion of the choice of employing a research paradigm. The author does so through identifying commonalities and...
Identification of Determinants of Using Crowdfunding as a Source of Financing the Development of Social Enterprises–the Perspective of Polish Social Entrepreneurs
PublicationSocial enterprises face funding challenges caused, among other things, by investors focusing too much on risk and return. As traditional capital markets do not meet the needs of social entrepreneurs, crowdfunding can be an alternative way to raise funds for the development of their business. In this context, crowd-funding has not been sufficiently researched, and its growing importance in business finance makes it worth understanding...
Emotional experiences of family caregivers of children with Dravet syndrome
PublicationBackground: Since the psychosocial implications of Dravet syndrome (DS) are much more serious and far-reaching than in other types of epilepsy, caring for a DS child seriously affects the entire family. This study describes the emotional experiences of family caregivers of DS children and evaluates the way caregiving affects their perceived quality of life. Methods: An anonymous, self-administered...
Social entrepreneurship and its hybridity determining resource challenges and chances
PublicationIn this conceptual paper, the author aims to grasp what are the particular challenges and opportunities in social entrepreneurship, in terms of resource access and mobilization, considering the hybrid nature of social enterprise. To this end, the author points to the nature of hybridity and discusses what advantages and disadvantages are inherent in financial, human and physical resources access for social enterprises as hybrid...
Resourcing in social enterprise – content analysis of 'good practices' profiled in 'Atlas of social economy' in Poland
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to analyze and show what processes accompany resource mobilization among social enterprises. For this, the author uses a sample of 25 ‘good practice’ examples selected and presented in ‘Atlas of social economy’ in Poland, in the most popular and well-established knowledge base web portal on social economy and social enterprise in Poland. The author makes an attempt at deconstructing the profiles of the...
The impact of brand communication on brand equity through Facebook
PublicationPurpose The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the discussion of the ways in which firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication impacts consumer-based brand equity metrics through Facebook. Design/methodology/approach We evaluated 302 data sets that were generated through a standardized online-survey to investigate the impact of firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication on brand...
Influence of advertisement in social media in knowledge based economy
PublicationIn the era of knowledge based economies every year the number of companies that starting their advertising campaigns increase. According to Social Enterprise Report, 38% of leading companies in Poland have its profile on social networking sites. In this paper, we are going to introduce two case studies. The first one is the advertising campaign of Heyah based on the history of communism. The second case study is the continuation...
Social Capital, Human Capital, Tacit Knowledge, and Innovations: A Polish-US Cross-Country Study
PublicationThis study measures the relationship between human and social capital (internal and external) and tacit knowledge sharing's influence on innovativeness among knowledge workers employed in Polish (n=1050) and US (n=1118) organizations. The structural equation modeling method revealed that internal social capital matters more for organizational innovativeness in the US. In Poland, both external and internal were important. Specifically,...