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Search results for: SQUEEZE FILM EFFECT
Film History: An International Journal
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Literature/Film Quarterly (LFQ)
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Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance
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Quarterly Review of Film and Video
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Science Fiction Film and Television
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Journal for Religion, Film and Media
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THERMION-C2S_10 Ionic thermoelectri effect in the phase transition in Cu2Se
Open Research DataThe dataset contains results of measurements of the ionic thermoelectric effect in copper selenide with Cu1.99Se and Cu1.8Se compositions. X-Ray diffraction data, SEM images and EDX spectra of the samples are also in the dataset.
In situ spectroelectrochemical and theoretical study on the oxidation of a 4H-imidazole-ruthenium dye adsorbed on nanocrystalline TiO2thin film electrodes
PublicationTerpyridine 4H-imidazole-ruthenium(ii) complexes are considered promising candidates for use as sensitizers in dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) by displaying broad absorption in the visible range, where the dominant absorption features are due to metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) transitions. The ruthenium(iii) intermediates resulting from photoinduced MLCT transitions are essential intermediates in the photoredox-cycle...
Unconventional Thin-Film Thermoelectric Converters: Structure, Simulation, and Comparative Study
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Optoelectronic monitoring of plasma discharge optimized for thin diamond film synthesis
PublicationPraca dotyczy optoelektronicznego monitoringu wyładowań jarzeniowych podczas syntezy diamentu cienkowarstwowego. Analizę składu plazmy wykonano za pomoca optycznej spektroskopii emisyjnej. Badania mają na celu zdalne określenie składu plazmy oraz jego wpływu na systezę warstw diamentopodobnych.
Stability of liquid film formed due to impingement of a two-phase jet
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizę teoretyczną i badania eksperymentalne zjawiska rozrywania się warstwy cieczy powstałej na powierzchni ciała stałego z uderzającej strugi.
Condition Monitoring of Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitors in Railway Power Trains
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Perforated alumina templates as a tool for engineering of CoPd film magnetic properties
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The Influence of Magnetron Sputtering Process Temperature on ZnO Thin-Film Properties
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Spectroscopic and microscopic study of Prussian blue film for electrochromic device application
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Preparation of Activated Carbon from the Biodegradable film for Co2 Capture Applications
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Turbulent flow and heat transfer of a liquid film formed by impinging jet.
PublicationZaproponowano prosty model wymiany ciepła w turbulentnym filmie cieczowym utworzonym przez uderzająca strugę. Rozpatrzono dwa przypadki: przepływ rozwijający się i w pełni rozwinięty filmu cieczowego. W obu przypadkach model wyprowadzono na podstawie zmiany grubości filmu w wyniku działania sił bezwładności i sił tarcia. Wyznaczono profile prędkości w obu zakresach co umożliwia wyznaczenie współczynników wymiany ciepła.
The effect of flaxseed addition on the quality and basic composition of wheat bread
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the effect of flaxseed addition on the properties of toasted bread bakery products such as basic composition, moisture content immediately after baking and after a defined time, porosity, acidity and total baking loss. The following bread variants were investigated: control bread, bread with 8% and 12% flaxseed addition and competitive...
FE investigations of the effect of fluctuating local tensile strength on coupled energetic-statistical size effect in concrete beams
PublicationThe effect of fluctuating local tensile strength on a coupled energetic-statistical size effect in plain concrete beams under bending was numerically investigated. First, the influence of varying autocorrelation length of the random field describing a spatial variation of local tensile strength was studied. Next, the influence of the coefficient of variation of local tensile strength was analyzed. The numerical FE investigations...
The effect of wax foundation addition to PCL filaments on mechanical properties.
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the effect of wax foundation addition on the basic mechanical properties of the filaments. PCL and wax foundation addition at 10 and 15% were used for extrusion. The mechanical properties of the resulting filaments were evaluated by a double compression test using an Instron model 5543 universal testing machine. Parameters such...
The Werther Effect, the Papageno Effect or No Effect? A Literature Review
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2D numerical simulation of tear film dynamics: Effects of shear-thinning properties
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Fabrication of Thin-Film Silicon Membranes With Phononic Crystals for Thermal Conductivity Measurements
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Resistance noise in tio2-based thin film gas sensors underultraviolet irradiation
PublicationBadano możliwości wykorzystania fluktuacji rezystancji w cienkich warstwach TiO2 do wykrywania gazów. Pomiary przeprowadzono, gdy próbka była oświetlona promieniowaniem ultrafioletowym o długości 370nm, w obecności gazu H2S. Stwierdzono, że fluktuacje rezystancji są indukowane promieniowaniem ultrafioletowym i pozwalają na wykrycie obecności H2S w stężeniu do 1.5 ppm.
Spectroscopic studies of sol-gel derived thin film structures for integrated optics
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badania struktur cienkowarstwowych wykonywanych dla zastosowań w optyce zintegrowanej z polimerów hybrydowych (np. w postaci ścieżek śwaitłowodów planarnych). Jakość i jednorodność stuktur badano za pomocą mikroskopii ramanowskiej, mikroskopii optycznej i profilometrii światła białego. Wykonano porównanie wyników uzyskanych tymi trzema metodami.
Magnetization Reversal Mechanism in Exchange-Biased Spring-like Thin-Film Composite
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The influence of UV-irradiation on the poly(vinyl alcohol)/hyaluronic acid film properties
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Spectroelectrochemical characteristics of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) / iron hexacyanoferrate film-modified electrodes
PublicationPraca dotyczy pomiarów spektroelektrochemicznych materiałów hybrydowych złożonych z polimeru elektroaktywnego poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofenu) i Błękitu Pruskiego. Dla porównania badano również filmy polimerowe z wybranymi przeciwjonami: heksacyjanożelazowym (Fe(CN)63-/4-), chlorkowym (Cl-) i polistyrenosulfonowym (PSS-). Materiały w postaci cienkich filmów otrzymano na elektrodzie szklanej pokrytej tlenkiem indowo-cynowym. Widma...
Application of BDD thin film electrode for electrochemical decomposition of heterogeneous aromatic compounds
PublicationThe aim of the presented study is to investigate the applicability of electrochemical oxidation of aromatic compounds containing heteroatoms, e.g. waste from production of pesticides or pharmaceutics, at a borondoped diamond (BDD) electrode. The BDD electrodes were synthesized by microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (MW PE CVD). Investigation of the electrode surface by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy...
Nickel Oxide Thin Film Sensor for Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas Sensing of Formaldehyde
PublicationNanocrystalline nickel-oxide-based thin films were prepared by advanced reactive gas deposition, and the response of these films to formaldehyde was studied by fluctuationenhanced sensing. Morphological and structural analyses showed porous deposits of nickel oxide particles with face-centered cubic structure. Resistance fluctuations were measured upon exposure to ethanol, formaldehyde and methane at 200 °C. Power density spectra...
Application of boron-doped diamond film and ZnO layer in the Fabry-Pérot interferometer
PublicationIn this article there have been presented the use of boron-doped diamond films for sensor applications. The low-finesse Fabry-Pérot interferometer working in the reflective mode has been implemented. Two kinds of reflective layers have been elaborated: boron-doped diamond thin films and zinc-oxide (ZnO) layer. Thin ZnO layers were deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on the face of a standard telecommunication single-mode...
Applying the Lombard Effect to Speech-in-Noise Communication
PublicationThis study explored how the Lombard effect, a natural or artificial increase in speech loudness in noisy environments, can improve speech-in-noise communication. This study consisted of several experiments that measured the impact of different types of noise on synthesizing the Lombard effect. The main steps were as follows: first, a dataset of speech samples with and without the Lombard effect was collected in a controlled setting;...
The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
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Film Studies (Manchester U. Press)
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New Review of Film and Television Studies
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Studies in South Asian Film and Media
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International Journal of Film and Media Arts
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Tuning the Wettability of a Thin Polymer Film by Gradually Changing the Geometry of Nanoscale Pore Edges
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Cold Plasma Synthesis and Testing of NiOX-Based Thin-Film Catalysts for CO2 Methanation
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Nonequilibrium thermodynamic model of diffusion processes in the steel - carbon thin film tribological system
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Resistance noise in TiO2-based thin film gas sensors under ultraviolet irradiation
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Novel Functionalization of Boron-Doped Diamond by Microwave Pulsed-Plasma Polymerized Allylamine Film
PublicationWe report the novel modification of a hydrogen-terminated polycrystalline boron-doped electrode with a microwave pulsed-plasma polymerized allylamine. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) was coated with a very thin layer of adherent cross-linked, pinhole- and additive-free allylamine plasma polymer (PPAAm) resistant to hydrolysis and delamination and characterized by a high density of positively charged amino groups. The pulsed microwave...
Application of galvanodynamic impedance spectroscopy for studying passive film cracking under mechanical strain
PublicationThe paper reports the results of simultaneous mechanical and electrochemical investigations on austenitic (18/8) stainless steel in a 2 % solution of sulphuric acid. The measurements were performed using Galvanodynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GDEIS). Electrochemical analysis of mechanical passive layer cracking and repassivation conditions during a tensile test was carried out. Application of this methodology allowed...
Structure of the interlayer between Au thin film and Si-substrate: Molecular Dynamics simulations
PublicationInteraction between 2, 3, 5 and 7 atomic layers of gold and a (111) silicon surface was investigated with the molecular dynamics simulation method. The simulation of the diffusion interaction between gold and silicon in the temperature range 425-925 K has been carried out. The peculiarities of the concentration changes of the interacting components and the atomic density at the boundary...
Implementation of SiN thin film in fiber-optic sensor working in telecommunication range of wavelengths
PublicationMirrors are used in optical sensors and measurement setups. This creates a demand for mirrors made of new materials and having various properties tailored to specific applications. In this work, we propose silicon covered with a thin silicon nitride layer as a mirror for near-infrared measurements. SiN layer was deposited on a standard silicon wafer with a Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition furnace. Then, the created layer...
Two-photon induced fluorescence of Cy5-DNA in buffer solution and on silver island film
PublicationOpisano fluorescencję barwnika CY5 połączonego z DNA w roztworze buforowym na wysepkach srebrowych.
Constructing a Dataset of Speech Recordingswith Lombard Effect
PublicationThepurpose of therecordings was to create a speech corpus based on the ISLEdataset, extended with video and Lombard speech. Selected from a set of 165sentences, 10, evaluatedas having thehighest possibility to occur in the context ofthe Lombard effect,were repeated in the presence of the so-called babble speech to obtain Lombard speech features. Altogether,15speakers were recorded, and speech parameterswere...
PublicationThe Lombard effect is an involuntary increase in the speaker’s pitch, intensity, and duration in the presence of noise. It makes it possible to communicate in noisy environments more effectively. This study aims to investigate an efficient method for detecting the Lombard effect in uttered speech. The influence of interfering noise, room type, and the gender of the person on the detection process is examined. First, acoustic parameters...