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Search results for: TEMPERATURE
On the differential effect of temperature on the Nusselt-Rayleigh relationship in free convection
PublicationThe aim of and inspiration behind this paper was to explain the reasons, also observed by other researchers, of the discrepancy in the results of experimental free convection, which for small Rayleigh and Nusselt numbers in the initial phase of research can sometimes reach several hundred percent. These discrepancies decrease with increasing heating power and plate surface temperature, in proportion to the increase in Ra and Nu,...
Impact of low-temperature sintering on the Fe-based amorphous coatings
PublicationBulk metallic glasses (BMGs) have gained a lot of attention in recent years due to their outstanding properties such as high hardness and excellent wear and corrosion resistance. However, they are restricted in industrial applications due to their extreme brittleness. Iron based amorphous coatings from BMGs are the best solution to use them by overcoming the problem of extreme brittleness. The coatings can be sprayed by various...
Investigation of the temperature modulation parameters on semiconductor gas sensor response
PublicationIn this work we present the results of the investigation of the sensing properties of semiconductor gas sensors with a sinusoidally modulated temperature in the presence of synthetic air (SA) and three volatile air pollutants, i.e. NH3, NO2 and SO2. The measurements were performed for different average sensor heater temperatures and the amplitude of the modulation signal. In addition, the extraction of features from the sensor...
Analysis of unsteady flow forces on the thermowell of steam temperature sensor
PublicationIn this paper, 3D numerical analysis of unsteady flow forces acting on the measuring sheath of steam temperature is presented. According to that purpose, the CFD (Computation Fluid Dynamic [1]) approach has been used. The nonstationary of fluid acting on the measuring sheath such as: Strouhal frequency, amplitude of pressure, structure of vortex, peak of pressure, field of pressure, field of velocity etc. are studied analytically...
Proton Conducting Ceramic Powder Synthesis by a Low Temperature Method
PublicationMolten salt synthesis (MSS) is a simple method for the preparation of ceramic powders with specific morphology. The main role of the molten salts is to increase the reaction rate and lower the reaction temperature. It occurs because of much higher mobility of reactants in the liquid medium than in the solid state. In this work the molten salt synthesis was applied to produce ceramic powders of La0995Ca0005NbO4 and BaCe09−xZrxY01O3....
Numerical analysis of high temperature minichannels heat exchanger performance
PublicationNowadays, the most difficult technological challenge in energy sector is connected with the gas micro-CHP units, dedicated to the distributed power generation. They are expected to be of high efficiency and at the same time of compact in size. Regarding the first reason, significant increase in microturbine efficiency can only be achieved by increase in the engine operating temperature. Therefore, one of the critical elements in...
High temperature corrosion and corrosion protection of porous Ni22Cr alloys
PublicationIn this work corrosion kinetics of the porous IN625 alloy is studied in the temperature range of 700 °C – 800 °C in air and humidified hydrogen for up to 1000 hours. Moreover, an effective and simple method of reducing corrosion rates of porous alloys by the infiltration of the rare earths elements is shown. Modification by the yttrium containing precursor reduces the corrosion rate by a factor of 50 in air at 700 °C so that the...
Electrochemical capacitor temperature fluctuations during charging/discharging processes
PublicationThepaperpresentsaproposalofusingadditionalstatisticalparameterssuchas:standarddeviation,variance, maximum and minimum increases of the observed value that were determined during measurements of temperature fields created on the surface of the tested electrochemical capacitor. The measurements were carriedoutusingthermographicmethodsinordertosupportassessmentoftheconditionofelectrochemical capacitorunderclassicdurabilitytestsbasedonmethodsofdeterminationofcapacityandequivalentseries...
Hyaluronan-Chondroitin Sulfate Anomalous Crosslinking Due to Temperature Changes
PublicationGlycosaminoglycans are a wide class of biopolymers showing great lubricating properties due to their structure and high affinity to water. Two of them, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate, play an important role in articular cartilage lubrication. In this work, we present results of the all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of both molecules placed in water-based solution. To mimic changes of the physiological conditions,...
PublicationThe article presents the selected metrology issues concerning the exhaust temperature of the turbocharged marine engines during operation. The special concern has been paid on existing disturbances as well as thermodynamical interpretation of the recorded measurement signal. A diagnostic informativeness of the standard exhaust temperature’s measurements has worked out while the engine runs in steady states has been also considered...
Wavelet Transform Analysis of Temperature Modulated Gas Sensor Response
PublicationThe aim of the study was to evaluate whether it is possible to extract the information about the gas concentration despite the influence of humidity. Commercial semiconductor sensor response was examined under the application of a periodic temperature change. The data was collected using measurement protocol for different concentrations of ammonia at specified levels of relative humidity. In this work we focused on the evaluation...
Temperature influences on shear stability of a nanosize plate with piezoelectricity effect
PublicationPurpose The purpose of this paper is to predict the mechanical behavior of a piezoelectric nanoplate under shear stability by taking electric voltage into account in thermal environment. Design/methodology/approach Simplified first-order shear deformation theory has been used as a displacement field. Modified couple stress theory has been applied for considering small-size effects. An analytical solution has been taken into account...
Local properties of organic coatings close to glass transition temperature
PublicationAcrylic coating applied on copper substrate has been investigated at different temperatures starting from the ambient one up to the level above the glass transition temperature. Its local topographic and electric properties have been examined with the atomic force microscopy (AFM) based approach including dc current mapping and local impedance spectroscopy. The local findings have been compared with the information from global...
Assessment of the Accuracy of a Virtual Multi-Channel Temperature Measuring Instrument
PublicationThe multi-channel temperature measurement system developed works with NTC thermistors. The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical evaluation of accuracy obtained in measurement channels. The basis for the theoretical assessment is the mathematical model for each of the measurement channels and the characteristics of the system elements included in the circuits of the measurement channel. Two different methods were...
Spectroscopic and photophysical properties of ZNTPP in a room temperature ionic liquid
PublicationThe steady-state absorption and emission spectra and the time-resolved Soret- and Q-band excited fluorescence profiles of the model metalloporphyrin, ZnTPP, have been measured in a highly purified sample of the common room temperature ionic liquid, [bmim][PF(6)]. S(2)-S(0) emission resulting from Soret-band excitation behaves in a manner completely consistent with that of molecular solvents of the same polarizability. The ionic...
Molecular Strategy for Survival at a Critical High Temperature in Eschierichia coli
PublicationThe molecular mechanism supporting survival at a critical high temperature (CHT) in Escherichia coli was investigated. Genome-wide screening with a single-gene knockout library provided a list of genes indispensable for growth at 47°C, called thermotolerant genes. Genes for which expression was affected by exposure to CHT were identified by DNA chip analysis. Unexpectedly, the former contents did not overlap with the latter except...
Processing of porous structures of YBa2Cu3O7-δ High-temperature superconductor
PublicationPublikacja opisuje technikę otrzymywania nadprzewodnika wysokotemperaturowego YBa2Cu3O7-x o porach otwartych.
Temperature-induced changes of HtrA2(Omi) protease activity and structure
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Cold Start Emissions Investigation at Different Ambient Temperature Conditions
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Low-temperature reactivity of the surface species of vanadia–tungsta catalyst
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Lower Temperature Dehydrogenation of Methylcyclohexane by Membrane-assisted Equilibrium Shift
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Pressure and temperature dependence of the emission in BaF2:Eu and SrF2:Eu
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The Influence of Synthesis Temperature on Manufacturing and Properties of SrSi2O2N2:Eu2+ Powders
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Effect of environmental temperature variations on protective properties of organic coatings
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The temperature dependencies of susceptibility of 654SMO and 316L stainless steels to pitting
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Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins
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Low-temperature spectroscopic and scintillation characterisation of Ti-doped Al2O3
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Low-temperature synthesis of silicon carbide powder using shungite
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Multifunctional cement composites with expanded graphite for temperature monitoring of buildings
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The wear of PVD coated elements in oscillation motion at high temperature
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Mitigation of Membrane Wetting by Applying a Low Temperature Membrane Distillation
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Pressure- and temperature-driven phase transitions in HgTe quantum wells
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The Studies of Assumptions Accompanying the Calibration of High-Temperature Solution Calorimeter
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Temperature enhancement of terahertz responsivity of plasma field effect transistors
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Fiber-optic temperature sensor using low-coherence interferometry
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The influence of the temperature treatment on the Nd2-xCexCuO4-y crystals surface
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The effect of temperature on the power drop in crystalline silicon solar cells
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ temperatury i długości fali zaabsorbowanego promieniowania na parametry elektryczne krzemowych ogniw i modułów fotowoltaicznych. Zaobserwowano spadek mocy wyjściowej (-0.65%/K), współczynnika wypełnienia charakterystyki FF (-0.2%/K) i sprawności konwersji (-0.08%/K) ze wzrostem temperatury. Zaprezentowano również charakterystykę spektralną napięcia otwartego obwodu dla ogniw krzemowych.
Effect of environmental temperature variations on protective properties of organic coatings
PublicationW oparciu o model rozwoju naprężeń oraz niszczenia kumulatywnego przedyskutowano wpływ zmiennych temperatur środowiska na mechaniczną spójność i własności ochronne systemów powłokowych. Badano wpływ cykli temperaturowych pomiędzy 20 i 55 st. C oraz między -20 i 20 st. C na trwałość różnych powłokowych systemów malarskich na stali. Stosując technikę spektroskopii impedancyjnej monitorowano zmiany parametrów powłok poddanych cyklom...
Low-temperature processing of thin-film electrolyte for electrochemical devices.
PublicationPrzygowanie filmów elektrolitu jest jednym z najbardziej istotnych procesów technologicznych wytworzenia urządzeń elektrochemicznych takich jak ogniwa paliwowe. Zmniejszenie grubości filmu jest powiązane ze zmniejszeniem rezystancji elektrolitu, co bardzo korzystnie wpływa na wydajność ogniw paliwowych. W pracy tej przedstawiono niskotemperaturową (<1000C) metodę wytwarzenia filmów elektrolitu z tlenku cyrkonu stabilizowanego itrem...
Time-of-flight fiber optic sensors for strain and temperature measurement
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono światłowodowy sensor czasu przelotu do pomiaru odkształceń i temperatury mogący pracować zarówno w modzie transmisyjnym, jak i odbiciowym. W pomiarach czasu przelotu wykorzystano krótkie impulsy światłowodowe wprowadzane do jednodomowego światłowodu. Pod wpływem czynników zewnętrznych (temperatura, odkształcenie, siła rozciągająca) zmieniała się droga optyczna w światłowodzie, co powodowało zmiany czasu przelotu...
Low-temperature processed anode for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
PublicationPrzygotowano i przebadano kompozytową anode Ni/YSZ, która została przygotowana z wykorzystaniem technologii net shape. Wyniki potwierdziły, że kompozyt może być wykorzystany jako potencjalna anoda w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych.
Effects of the time and temperature on the oxide scale formed on the cobalt alloys
PublicationWarstwy wykonane za pomocą techniki PTA ze stopu kobaltu poddano utlenianiu w różnych temperaturach i w różnym czasie. Mikrostruktury otrzymane po utlenianiu wskazują na proces degradacji materiału. Proces ten prowadził do degradacji obszarów międzydendrytycznych napoiny. Skład chemiczny powstającej zgorzeliny byłzależny od temperatury utleniania, składu chemicznego stopu, ze szczegfólnym uwzględnieniem obecności małych ilości...
High temperature corrosion of evaporator tubes with thermal sprayed coatings
PublicationDegradation examinations of outer surface of low-emission steam boiler evaporator tubes are presented in the paper. Metallographic evaluation of scale morphology, its micro sites chemical composition analysis and distribution of elements on cross sections have been performed. Water-wall tubes were exposed in steam boiler for up to two years period. Common tubes made of 16Mo3 steel suffered sulphide and molten salts corrosions....
The Influence of Abrasive Machine on Temperature During One Side Lapping
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań temperatury układu wykonawczego docierarki jednotarczowej. Analizowano temperaturę trzech pierścieni prowadzących separatory przy wykorzystaniu kamery termograficznej V-20 II firmy VIGO System S.A.
Coatings for improvement of high temperature corrosion resistance of porous alloys
PublicationPorowate stopy metaliczne są potencjalnymi podłożami nośnymi dla tlenkowych ogniw paliwo. Ich stosowanie obniża cenę ogniw paliwowych, co zaowocuje ich szybszą komercjalizacą. Jednak są one podatne na korozję w wysokich temperaturach. Dotychczas brak jest metod, które mogą poprawić rezystancję korozyjną porotawych stopów w wysokich temperaturach porowatych stopy do zastosowań SOFC. W tym artykule zaproponowano sposób na poprawę...
Changes in bacterial cells induced by high pressure at subzero temperature
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące zmian jakie zachodzą w komórkach bakterii Escherichia coli po działaniu wysokiego ciśnienia w ujemnej temperaturze. Stwierdzono, że w wyniku działania ciśnienia 193 MPa zachodzącą zmiany w błonie cytoplazmatycznej i ścianie komórkowej bakterii. W tych warunkach następowała prawie całkowita utrata wewnątrzkomórkowego ATP z komórek badanych szczepów znajdujących się w fazie logarytmicznej....
Comparison of elastic and viscoelastic analysis of asphalt pavement at high temperature
PublicationThere are many various rheological models which are used for modeling of asphalt layers in flexible pavement structures. It can be expected that the use of various models may affect different results of mechanical pavement calculations and analysis. The paper presents comparison of the use of Burgers’ and Huet-Sayegh’s viscoelastic models and Hooke’s elastic model to calculate pavement deflections and strains at the bottom of asphalt...
CaO-based high temperature CO2 sorbents – Literature review
PublicationThe use of CaO-based adsorbents has a high potential to capture CO2 from various systems due to its high reactivity with CO2, high capacity, and low cost of naturally derived CaO. The application of CaO-based sorbents to remove carbon dioxide is based on a reversible reaction between CaO and CO2. However, multiple carbonation/calcination cycles lead to a rapid reduction in the sorption capacity of natural CaO, and therefore efforts...
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Effect of Curing Conditions on the Temperature Rise of Concrete
PublicationThis paper presents experimental and numerical studies investigating the impact of three curing conditions on temperature evolution in concrete cubes. The tests were performed on samples of the same volume (3.375 dm3) under different curing conditions: room temperature, insulation boxes, and adiabatic calorimeter. Various cements (Portland cement, Portland composite cement, and blast furnace slag cement) and aggregates (gravel...
Equivalent temperature for design of airport pavements using mechanistic-empirical methods
PublicationThe paper presents implementation of equivalent temperature for design of airport asphalt pavements. The calculation methods of equivalent temperature: the Shell method, the French method and method that use the Asphalt Institute fatique criteria were presented. An example of calculations of equivalent temperature for Gdansk Airport was introduced and discussed. It was shown that methods of calculation of equivalent temperature...