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Images revealing the effect of local femtosecond laser ablation of conductive poly(lactic acid) 3D printed electrodes
Open Research DataThe dataset reveals the images of the femtosecond laser (FSL) ablation at the surface of commercially available carbon black-filled poly(lactic acid) 3D printed electrode. The process is used for the increase of the charge transfer of this electrode in electrochemical studies.
Satellite Laser Ranging technique as a tool for the determination of the Schwarzschild, de Sitter and Lense-Thirring effects
PublicationSatellite Laser Ranging (SLR) is a modern technique used in various research areas and applications related to geodesy and geodynamics. It is commonly used for tasks such as establishing the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), monitoring Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP), determining the geocenter, measuring fundamental physical constants, calibrating microwave tracking techniques, conducting time transfer experiments,...
Automatic Threat Detection for Historic Buildings in Dark Places Based on the Modified OptD Method
PublicationHistoric buildings, due to their architectural, cultural, and historical value, are the subject of preservation and conservatory works. Such operations are preceded by an inventory of the object. One of the tools that can be applied for such purposes is Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR). This technology provides information about the position, reflection, and intensity values of individual points; thus, it allows for the creation...
The morphology of V2O5 nanostructures deposited on quartz glass
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the confocal microscope images of morphology evolution of vanadium pentaoxide nanostructures on quartz glass obtained by annealing as-prepared films at 500C and 600C under synthetic air.
Wpływ azotowania jarzeniowego i laserowego nadtapiania na odporność kawitacyjną stali X5CrNi18-10
PublicationNierdzewne stale austenityczne charakteryzują się doskonałą odpornością korozyjną, aczkolwiek niskimi właściwościami mechanicznymi. W wielu przypadkach ogranicza to ich eksploatację w warunkach przemysłowych. Ponadto, nierdzewne stale austenityczne są wrażliwe na korozję lokalną w obecności jonów halogenkowych. Technologie materiałowe, które dają potencjalne możliwości otrzymywania korzystnego wpływu na właściwości mechaniczne...
Microscopy analysis of A549 and H460 cells' mitochondria after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4
Open Research DataThe data set contains live-cell imaging of A549 and H460 cells' mitochondria after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4. Cells were exposed for 6 h to the tested compounds at their IC90 concentration or to DMSO. Then, mitochondrial labelling was performed by incubating the cells with a MitoTracker Green FM probe (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and Hoechst 33342 (Thermo...
Confocal microscopy analysis of DNA DSB in telomerase negative cells after exposure to TXT2 and TXT4
Open Research DataThe data sets contain confocal microscopic images showing the γ-H2AX with TRF2 after treatment of NHBE and U2OS cell lines with TXT2 and TXT4 in equitoxic concentrations. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat...
The morphology of vanadate glasses containing BaTiO3
Open Research DataThe morphology of vanadate glasses doped with BaTiO3 was measured. Samples of the composition of x[BaO,TiO2]–(80 − x)V2O5–20Bi2O3 where x = 5, 10 and 15 in mol% were prepared by a conventional melt quenching technique. The melting was performed in alumina crucibles at the temperature of 1273 K–1373 K. The melts were poured on a preheated (573 K) brass...
Analysis of induction of DNA DSBs on telomeres in A549 cells
Open Research DataData consist of an analysis of DNA DSBs on telomeres. A549 were treated with compounds (TXT4, MTX, DMSO) at IC90 concentration for the indicated time. Images were acquired with an LSM 800 inverted laser scanning confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss; Dresden, Germany) equipped with an Airyscan detector using a ×63 1.4 NA Plan Apochromat objective (Carl Zeiss)....
The morphology of vanadate glass-ceramics containing BaTiO3
Open Research DataThe morphology of vanadate glass-ceramic doped with BaTiO3 was measured. Samples of the composition of x[BaO,TiO2]–(80 − x)V2O5–20Bi2O3 where x = 5, 10 and 15 in mol% were prepared by a conventional melt quenching technique. The melting was performed in alumina crucibles at the temperature of 1273 K–1373 K. The melts were poured on a preheated (573...
Topography of barium-vanadate glasses
Open Research DataThe topography of barium-vanadate glasses was measured. Samples of the composition of xBaO-(100-x)V2O5 where x= 30, 40 and 45 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents: BaO (≥99.9%, P.P.H STANLAB Sp.J.) and V2O5 (≥99.9%, POCH) were thoroughly mixed in an agate mortar. The melting was performed...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer H460 cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer H460 cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal PNT1A cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal PNT1A cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer LNCaP cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer LNCaP cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal MRC-5 cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to normal MRC-5 cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
The time-dependent cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer Du-145 cells
Open Research DataThe time-dependent (1, 24, 48, and 72 h) cellular uptake of C−2028, CD−C−2028, QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugates at IC80 value to cancer Du-145 cells performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). Based on the fluorescence properties of these compounds, green and orange fluorescence...
Architektura oraz historia tzw. nowych koszar na Westerplatte w latach 1933–2023
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań opisanych w artykule jest budynek tzw. nowych koszar na terenie Wojskowej Składnicy Tranzytowej (WST) na Westerplatte, który pełnił kluczową rolę w planie obrony polskiej placówki. Pomimo jego częściowo zachowanej bryły, nie został on do tej pory należycie rozpoznany w toku badań architektonicznych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych w latach 2019–2023, przedstawiono pierwotny wygląd, układ...
System informacji przestrzennej dla morskich rejonów przybrzeżnych. Logistyka i obronność.
PublicationAutorzy wskazują na możliwość poprawienia jakości zarządzania decyzjami oraz dowodzeniem na wypadek działań wojennych lub wypadków morskich poprzez jednoznaczne i metodyczne połączenie cyfrowych map morskich wykonanych w standardzie ENC/S-57 i DNC/VPF oraz danych z zasobu geodezyjnego dotyczącego obszaru lądowego. Aktualnie nie funkcjonuje w Polsce system informacji przestrzennej obejmujący polskie wybrzeże, który mógłby zostać...
The mechanism of internalization study of QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugate at IC80 value to cancer (H460, Du-145, and LNCaP) and normal (MRC-5 and PNT1A) cells
Open Research DataThe influence of different endocytosis inhibitors on the internalization of QDgreen−CD−FA−C−2028 conjugate at IC80 value in cancer (H460, Du-145, and LNCaP) and normal (MRC-5 and PNT1A) cells. First, the cells were preincubated with: drug-free medium (no inhibitor), at 4 °C, 5 µM Cytochalasin D, 30 µM Amiloride, 80 µM Dynasore, 25 µM Pitstop 2 and 1.5...
The impact of QDgreen, QDgreen−β−CD−FA, β−CD, C−2028, β−CD(C−2028), QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−β−CD(C−2028)−FA nanoconjugates on lysosomal content in the cancer (H460, Du-145, LNCaP) and normal (MRC-5, PNT1A) cells
Open Research DataThe impact of QDgreen, QDgreen−β−CD−FA, β−CD, C−2028, β−CD(C−2028), QDgreen−C−2028, and QDgreen−β−CD(C−2028)−FA nanoconjugates on lysosomal content in the cancer (H460, Du-145, LNCaP) and normal (MRC-5, PNT1A) cells was performed by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (63× magnification; ZEISS LSM T-PMT, Magdeburg, Germany). To explore the influence...
3D point cloud as a representation of buildings: the Nanotechnology Center and the Auditorium Novum
Open Research DataThe product presents the point cloud in the collection of a three-dimensional database in spatial order as the representations of the Nanotechnology Center and the Auditorium Novum buildings (located on the campus of the Gdańsk University of Technology) acquired in the laser scanning technology. According to its high accuracy and precision of data acquisition...
A Cost-Effective Method for Reconstructing City-Building 3D Models from Sparse Lidar Point Clouds
PublicationThe recent popularization of airborne lidar scanners has provided a steady source of point cloud datasets containing the altitudes of bare earth surface and vegetation features as well as man-made structures. In contrast to terrestrial lidar, which produces dense point clouds of small areas, airborne laser sensors usually deliver sparse datasets that cover large municipalities. The latter are very useful in constructing digital...
Projekt badawczy BRIK: Opracowanie innowacyjnej metody wyznaczania precyzyjnej trajektorii pojazdu szynowego
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono podstawowe informacje dotyczące projektu badawczego realizowanego na zlecenie Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju oraz Spółki PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S. A. przez Konsorcjum Politechniki Gdańskiej i Uniwersytetu Morskiego w Gdyni. Projekt obejmuje wykorzystanie nowoczesnych metod pomiarowych, takich jak techniki pozycjonowania satelitarnego GNSS, pomiary inercyjne INS oraz skaning laserowy LS, w procesie...
Finite element models used in diagnostics of transverse cracks in bridge approach pavement
Open Research DataTransverse cracks in the asphalt pavement were observed on bridge structures next to single-module expansion joints with a 5 meter approach slab set at the depth of 1 m. The finite element (FE) models of the approach pavement were created to investigate the reasons of premature cracking and crack initiation mechanism over the back edge of the abutment...
Status and trends of mercury pollution of the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems in Poland
PublicationThe goal of this paper is to assess the current status and trends of total mercury (THg) contamination of the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems in Poland. The study shows that the reduced domestic and worldwide atmospheric emission of Hg resulted in decreased THg level in the terrestrial biotope and biosphere. Considering that Poland is one of the main Hg emitters in Europe, the THg concentrations in its abiotic environment...
3D Scanning of Semitransparent Amber with and without Inclusions
PublicationThis paper is concerned with making 3D scans of semitransparent ambers with and without inclusions. The paper presents results of using a variety of devices applied for this purpose. Equipment used in the experiments includes a 3D laser scanner, a structured light scanner, a stereo camera, a camera array and a tomograph. The main object used in the experiment was an amber with a fossil of a lizard. The paper shows possibilities...
BIP 2025_SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying
e-Learning CoursesWe invite for course: BIP 2025_“SPEEDY faSt Photogrammetry and lasEr tEchniques for Digital urban surveying” - workshop Elective design III - Seminars & assignments: 30 h Teachers: dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka ( & other members DABLab GdankTech) in collaboration with DADaLab Pavia University, Italy (prof. F.Picchio, PhD F.Galasso, PhD S. La Placa)
Zeiss calibration dataset for high-precision 3D measurement of large industrial components
Open Research DataThe dataset is a collection of images, 2D image points, and 3D points. It serves to calibrate a multi-camera robot system for high-precision measurements of large industrial components (more than 1m x 1m). In particular, the system uses a 3D scanner mounted on a robot manipulator and multiple cameras attached to an external frame outside of the robot...
Hydroxyapatite deposition on the laser modified Ti13Nb13Zr alloy
PublicationThe Ti13Nb13Zr alloy was subjected to laser modification with the Nd:YAG laser provided that such treatment would increase the surface roughness followed improved adhesion of hydroxyapatite (HAp) coatings The hydroxyapatite was deposited by electrophoretic method in suspension of 0.5 g HA powder and 100 ml ethyl alcohol. The deposition was carried out for 10 min at 10 V voltage followed by drying at room temperature for 24 h and...
Reception of Terrestrial DAB+ and FM Radio with a Mobile Device: A Subjective Quality Evaluation
PublicationNowadays, terrestrial broadcasting enables to receive content anytime and everywhere. People can obtain information both with a portable or desktop receiver, which include pocket-sized devices as well as high-end Hi-Fi equipment, not to mention car audio systems. Numerous manufacturers include FM-compatible chipsets in a variety of user equipment (UE), including mobile phones. However, digital radio signal processing modules, such...
Scanning Probe Microscopy in Electrochemistry and Materials Science
e-Learning CoursesProwadzący: Prof. Jacek LIPKOWSKI z University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Kurs zorganizowany dla doktorantów Wydziału Chemicznego Politechniki Gdańskiej. Dostęp do kursu po kontakcie z administratorem.
Geospatial Coverage and Signal Quality Measurements of Terrestrial DAB+ Network in Northern Poland
PublicationModern signal coverage maps are prepared based on industry-standard radio propagation models, which take into account a number of parameters, including: type of antenna, distance from the transmitter, type of terrain, etc. However, such simulations are prone to location-specific inaccuracies, and should be verified with in-situ measurements. This paper presents results of a field test of a terrestrial DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting...
The Influence of Laser Alloying of Ti13Nb13Zr on Surface Topography and Properties
PublicationThe laser alloying is a continually developing surface treatment because of its significant and specific structuration of a surface. In particular, it is applied for Ti alloys, being now the most essential biomaterials` group for load-bearing implants. The present research was performed on the Ti13Nb13Zr alloy subject to laser modification in order to determine the treatment effects on surface topography and its some mechanical...
Methods and Instruments | Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy
PublicationScanning electrochemical microscopy is based on the recording of electrolysis currents (Faradaic currents) at a microelectrode (ME) probe that is scanned over the sample. Different working modes are available to couple the electrolysis at the ME to reactions at the sample. The article explains their principles and provides examples of their application. The feedback mode, the sample-generation/tip collection mode, the redox-competition...
Influence of laser melting on surface layer properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V
PublicationIn time of rapid technology and medicine progress, implants are becoming more widely used in the human body, ranging from dental implants, stabilizing plates, screws, orthopaedic prostheses. For example, there are many types of hip prostheses used for hip replacement as well as various types of materials used for these orthopaedic prostheses. Properties of titanium alloys used in hip prostheses combined with good strength properties,...
Cavitation wearing of the SUPERSTON alloy after laser treatment at cryogenic conditions
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the method of laser remelting at cryogenic conditions of the SUPERSTON alloy and its influence on microstructure and cavitation wearing. The cavitation test was performed using the rotating disc facility in IPM PAN Gdansk. During the cavitation test, the mass loss of the material with different parameters of laser remelting was determined. Surface and cross-section microstructure of the...
Properties of surface layers of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V after laser melting processes
PublicationThe article presents the investigation results of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V surface layer after laser melting process. The process of laser melting was performed using Nd-YAG laser. The evaluation of structure of the alloy as well as hardness and chemical composition was performed. It was shown that laser melting changes the structure and properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and process parameters as scanning speed affects the thickness...
Digital Transformation of Terrestrial Radio: An Analysis of Simulcasted Broadcasts in FM and DAB+ for a Smart and Successful Switchover
PublicationThe process of digitizing radio is far from over. It is an important interdisciplinary aspect, involving Big Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence) when it comes to classifying and handling content, and an organizational challenge in the Industry 4.0 concept. There exist several methods for delivering audio signals, including terrestrial broadcasting and internet streaming. Among them, the DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus)...
The influence of selected metal oxides and laser modification on the surfaces of titanium alloys – Bibliometric and systematic review
PublicationManufacturing of oxide coatings (ZnO, ZrO2 , CuO) and laser processing are methods for modifying the surface of titanium and its alloys. It is particularly useful in implantology, where these techniques allow for proper connection of the implant to human tissue. The article consists of two complementary parts: a bibliographic review and a literature survey. The results of a bibliographic analysis conducted for a set of 429 publications...
Journals -
Effects of laser pulse duration in two-photon vision threshold measurements
PublicationPulsed near-infrared (NIR) light sources can be successfully applied for both imaging and functional testing of the human eye, as published recently1. These two groups of applications have different requirements. For imaging applications, the most preferable is invisible scanning beam while efficiently visible stimulating beam is preferable for functional testing applications. The functional testing of human eye using NIR laser...
Application of dynamic impedance spectroscopy to scanning probe microscopy.
PublicationDynamic impedance spectroscopy, designed for measuring nonstationary systems, was used in combination with scanning probe microscopy. Using this approach, impedance mapping could be carried-out simultaneously with topography scanning. Therefore, correlation of electrical properties with particular phases of an examined sample was possible. The sample used in this study was spheroidal graphite cast iron with clearly defined phases...
Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Journals -
Motor bearing diagnostics performed by means of laser vibrometer
PublicationDamage of bearings is the most common cause of failures in squirrel-cage induction motors. That is why the issues connected with diagnostics of bearings are so important. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. This paper presents exemplary results of the research conducted on bearings with artificially introduced damage. A scanning...
New skills for architects: 3D scanning for an immersive experience in architectural education
PublicationThe authors of this article explore the integration of remote sensing techniques, specifically laser scanning and photogrammetry, as well as immersive visualisation via different methods applied to architectural design processes, and its potential impact on the professional development of future architects. The study demonstrates the value of extending the architectural design process into the interdisciplinary field of geomatics...
Laser Therapy
Journals -
A prototype femtosecond laser system for MEMS fabrication
Publicationn this article, the concept of a prototype femtosecond laser micromachining system and a femtosecond solid-state Yb:KYW laser is presented. Ultrashort laser pulses have many advantages over the long pulses in laser micromachining, due to their unique ability to interact with different materials without transferring heat to them. This allows very precise and pure laser-processing, clean cuts and sharp edges. A femtosecond laser...
Influence of the laser remelting parameters on the thickness of surface layers created on the stainless steel X5CrNi18-10
PublicationIn this work the surface of austenitic stainless steel type X5CrNi18-10 was treated by using laser. Laser remelting was done by means of laser MLT 2500 CO2 with different parameters of treatment: P - power beam (800 [W], 1000 [W], 1100 [W], 1200 [W]); v - scanning velocity (6 [mm/s], 7 [mm/s], 8 [mm/s]); diameter of laser beam (1.4 [mm], 1.6 [mm]). The influence of these parameters on the thickness and shape of layers in manufacturing...
Evaluation of the use of reindeer droppings for monitoring essential and non-essential elements in the polar terrestrial environment
PublicationExcess or toxic metals, non-metals and metalloids can be eliminated from the organism by deposition in inert tissue (e.g. fur) or excretion with body secretions, urine and faeces. Droppings are one of the main routes for the elimination of multiple elements and they can be collected without direct contact with the animal. Contaminant concentration has been examined in non-lethally collected tissues of several species (especially...
Influence of Surface Laser Treatment on Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses of Titanium and its Alloys
PublicationSurface modification of the titanium and its alloys used in implantology with a long-pulse laser can change the surface topography, but it also leads to changes in the stress sign and magnitude in the resulting subsurface layer. The presented research was aimed at evaluating the state of stress after laser remelting with the Nd:YAG laser of pre-etched titanium alloys Ti6Al4V and Ti13Nb13Zr and pure titanium. The obtained surface...