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Solubility of Methane in Water: Some Useful Results for Hydrate Nucleation
PublicationIn this paper, the solubility of methane in water along the 400 bar isobar is determined by computer simulations using the TIP4P/Ice force field for water and a simple LJ model for methane. In particular, the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the gas phase and the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the hydrate has been determined. The solubility of methane in a gas–liquid system decreases as temperature...
Nonlinear resultant theory of shells accounting for thermodiffusion
PublicationThe complete nonlinear resultant 2D model of shell thermodiffusion is developed. All 2D balance laws and the entropy imbalance are formulated by direct through-the-thickness integration of respective 3D laws of continuum thermodiffusion. This leads to a more rich thermodynamic structure of our 2D model with several additional 2D fields not present in the 3D parent model. Constitutive equations of elastic thermodiffusive shells...
Removal of lead ions from wastewater using lanthanum sulfide nanoparticle decorated over magnetic graphene oxide
PublicationIn this study, the new lanthanum sulfide nanoparticle (La2S3) was synthesized and incorporated onto magnetic graphene oxide (MGO) sheets surface to produce potential adsorbent (MGO@LaS) for efficient removal of lead ions (Pb2+) from wastewater. The synthesized MGO@LaS adsorbent was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The...
Jacek Namieśnik prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleScientific discipline: chemistryRector in 2016-2019 He was born on 10 December, 1949 in Mogilno. He graduated in 1972 at the Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk University of Technology, obtaining a master's degree in chemical engineering. In 1972 he started working at Gdańsk University of Technology, where in 1978 he defended his doctoral thesis and in 1985 he completed his habilitation. He was appointed an associate professor in 1991...
Critical systems software testing and QA - Spring'24
e-Learning CoursesCourse objectives: Present software development standards in the European space industry and techniques of their implementation. Learn how to assess and manage critical system software quality in an IT project. Gain basic hands-on experience in bug tracking and reporting in a software project.
Nonlinear Interaction of Modes in a Planar Flow of a Gas with Viscous and Thermal Attenuation
PublicationThe nonlinear interaction of wave and non-wave modes in a gas planar flow are considered. Attention is mainly paid to the case when one sound mode is dominant and excites the counter-propagating sound mode and the entropy mode. The modes are determined by links between perturbations of pressure, density, and fluid velocity. This definition follows from the linear conservation equations in the differential form and thermodynamic...
Acoustic Hysteresis in Flows with Different Kinds of Relaxation and Attenuation
PublicationGraphs in the thermodynamic plane acoustic pressure versus excess acoustic density representing acoustic hysteresis, are considered as indicators of relaxation processes, equilibrium parameters of a flow, and kinds of wave exciters. Some flows with deviation from adiabaticity are examined: the Newtonian flow of a thermocon- ducting gas, the flow of a gas with vibrational relaxation, the flow of liquid electrolyte with a chemical...
The Point Estimate Method in a Reticulated Shell Reliability Analysis
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present an application of the point estimate method (PEM) to determine the probabilistic moments for engineering structures. Reliability analysis is illustrated by two examples: an estimation of the critical force in linear elastic buckling analysis and a reticulated shell limit load determinations. Calculations were also made using Monte Carlo method. It has been shown the practical usefulness...
Wireless Networks as an Infrastructure for Mission-Critical Business Applications
PublicationDespite the dynamic growth of wireless network systems, their pres-ence in business-support infrastructure has been limited. In the article we provide an overview of generic corporate network architecture and examine usefulness of available wireless network solutions in such systems. Following this overview we analyze new wireless network architecture which currently undergoes standardization process - wireless mesh. It can result...
Rigorous numerics for critical orbits in the quadratic family
PublicationWe develop algorithms and techniques to compute rigorous bounds for finite pieces of orbits of the critical points, for intervals of parameter values, in the quadratic family of one-dimensional maps fa(x)=a−x2. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach by constructing a dynamically defined partition P of the parameter interval Ω=[1.4,2] into almost 4 million subintervals, for each of which we compute to high precision the...
Method of identification of the slide tribological system top layer condition by assessment of the t-02 four-ball tester friction node operation
Publicationa method is proposed of the assessment of t-02 four-ball tester friction node operation during extreme unit loads on the tribological system for identification of the top layer condition in that system lubricated with the tested lubricating oil. by identification of the friction node with a thermodynamic system, that operation is treated as an energy generating process of the created servo-layer structure. the friction node operation...
WSPÓŁPRACA BLOKU GAZOWO-PAROWEGO Z OBIEGIEM ORC = Combinded power plant in cooperation with ORC
PublicationIn the paper presented is the idea of a combined gas and steam power plant cooperation with a low temperature organic Rankine cycle ORC unit. Considerations presented in the paper are accomplished for the Gorzów CHP. The intention of present analysis is heat recovery of low temperature energy and its further use in ORC cycle in order to produce electricity, without increase in fuel consumption. Waste energy is recovered from the...
Hysteresis curves and loops for harmonic and impulse perturbations in some non-equilibrium gases
PublicationEvolution of sound in a relaxing gas whose properties vary in the course of wave propagation, is studied. A relaxing medium may reveal normal acoustic properties or be acoustically active. In the first case, losses in acoustic energy lead to an increase in internal energy of a gas similarly as it happens in Newtonian fluids. In the second case, acoustic energy increases in the course of sound propagation, and the internal energy...
Diagnosing marine turbine engines through energy characteristics of their flow section
PublicationThe aim of the performed research was to develop of diagnostic method of the flow section of a marine turbine combustion engine based on the level of delamination of its energy characteristics. The here adopted diagnostic model provides for a formulation of the evaluation of the technical conditions based on the measurements of the parameters of the thermodynamic medium in the characteristic control cross-sections of the engine...
Analytical method of determining dynamic properties of thermocouples used in measurements of quick – changing temperatures of exhaust gases in marine diesel engines
PublicationThe article presents selected issues of mathematical modeling of heat exchange between the thermocouple and the exhaust gas flowing them, in unsteady conditions. On the way of energy balancing consideration of thermodynamic processes developed differential equations describing the dynamic properties for three versions of the design sheathed thermocouples: with weld isolated from the sheath, with weld welded the sheath and with...
PublicationThe Cahn-Hilliard model concepts are extended to describe the spinodal decomposition of Ga$_x$In$_{1-x}$P$_y$As$_{1-y}$ solid solutions grown on the InP substrate. The energy of elastic deformation of the thin layer of a solid solution was calculated on the assumption of its coherent conjugation with the massive InP substrate. The excess energy of component mixing in the solid phase was modeled in accordance with the simple solution...
8. Critical Management Studies
e-Learning Courses -
Safety-Critical Systems 2024
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest pozyskanie zrozumienia procesu zarządzania bezpieczeństem systemów, stosowanych metod zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa oraz umiejętności analizy bezpieczeństwa systemu zawierającego oprogramowanie. Wykład: poniedziałek, godz. 11:15, sala EA 31
Exploring the cocrystallization potential of urea and benzamide
PublicationThe cocrystallization landscape of benzamide and urea interacting with aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids was studied both experimentally and theoretically. Ten new cocrystals of benzamide were synthesized using an oriented samples approach via a fast dropped evaporation technique. Information about types of known bi-component cocrystals augmented with knowledge of simple binary eutectic mixtures was used for the analysis...
A study of a compact high-efficiency zero-emission power plant with oxy-fuel combustion
PublicationThis paper discusses the application of global trends in gas cycles technology using oxy-fuel combustion. This is followed by a demonstration of a design solution for a new cycle with two enhanced energy-converting devices, namely a wet combustion chamber and a spray-ejector condenser. The proposed gas and steam cycle unit is contained within a single turbine, whose benefits combine those offered by gas turbines (high inlet temperatures)...
Experimental study of pressure rise at the evaporator of capillary pumped loop with acetone and water as working fluids
PublicationIn this work studied is the possibility of fluid pumping using capillary forces in the capillary pumped loop. Experimental and theoretical studies have been performed to understand the phenomena associated with heat transfer in porous structure of the evaporator. The capillary effect was studied during operation of two different capillary porous structures with two different working fluids, namely water and acetone. The results...
Interaction of Acoustic and Thermal Modes in the Vibrationally Relaxing Gases. Acoustic Cooling
PublicationThe dynamic equation which governs an excess temperature associated with the thermal mode in vibrationally relaxing gas is derived. The nonlinear transfer of acoustic energy to the energy of the thermal mode in a relaxing gas causes slow variation of temperature with time. The nal dynamic equation is instantaneous. All types of sound, including aperiodic, may be considered as an acoustic source of corresponding heating or cooling....
CFD analysis of fluid flow through the labyrinth seal
PublicationSteam and gas turbines are some of the fundamental means of power generation. The energy efficiency of the turbines, however, is not satisfactory. Ever since the start-up of the first turbine in the world, engineers have been striving for their increased efficiency. Multiple solutions to the problem of steam loss in an operating turbine are available. The use of seals is one of them. Empirical methods or numerical calculations...
Analysis of the possibility of increasing thermal-electric energy conversion ratio in CHP units based on micro gas turbine
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to analyze the possibility of increasing thermal energy to electricity conversion efficiency in combined heat and power (CHP) units based on micro gas turbine during low heat demand periods. At the beginning sustainable development postulates under power engineering are explained. Next micro CHP as part of distributed generation idea is presented. The main part of the article is based on results of thermodynamic...
Dual functionality of amphiphilic 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids: surfactants with catalytic function
PublicationA series of amphiphilic 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids were synthesized. Acidic hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids with the alkyl chains C6–C14 are characterized by good surface properties. Their surface properties (adsorption and micellization parameters, degree of ionization of micelles, Krafft temperatures and thermodynamic parameters) were determined. Synthesized ionic liquids were applied as a co-catalyst...
Rafał Leszczyna dr hab. inż.
PeopleDr hab. Rafal Leszczyna is an associate professor at Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics. He holds the M.Sc. degrees of Computer Science and Business Management. In December, 2006 he earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science, specialisation - Computer Security at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdansk University of Technology. Between 2004 and 2008 he worked in the European...
Enhancing Availability for Critical Services
PublicationTraditional approaches to provide classes of resilient service take the physical network availability as an input and then deploy redundancy and restoration techniques at various layers, often without full knowledge of mappings between layers. This makes it hard (and often inefficient) to ensure the high availability required by critical services which are typically a small fraction of the total traffic. Here, the innovative technique...
Point cloud unification with optimization algorithm
PublicationTerrestrial laser scanning is a technology that enables to obtain three-dimensional data – an accurate representation of reality. During scanning not only desired objects are measured, but also a lot of additional elements. Therefore, unnecessary data is being removed, what has an impact on efficiency of point cloud processing. It can happen while single point clouds are displayed – user decides what he wants...
Towards Agile Development of Critical Software
PublicationThe paper presents a case study aiming at collecting opinions of software en-gineers on the risks related to integration of agile practices to safety-critical software development projects. The study has been performed within the scope of our research targetting at providing critical software developers with a comprehensive solution allowing to incorporate agile practices into software development process while still being conformant...
Nephrology @ Point of Care
Journals -
Chemical investigation on the mechanism and kinetics of the atmospheric degradation reaction of Trichlorofluoroethene by OH⋅ and Its subsequent fate in the presence of O2/NOx
PublicationThe M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p) level of theory was used to examine the degradation of Trichlorofluoroethene (TCFE) initiated by OH⋅ radicals. Additionally, the coupled-cluster single-double with triple perturbative [CCSD(T)] method was employed to refine the single-point energies using the complete basis set extrapolation approach. The results indicated that OH-addition is the dominant pathway. OH⋅ adds to both the C1 and C2 carbons,...
Właściwości niskotemperaturowe betonów asfaltowych o wysokim module sztywności (AC-WMS) w badaniach trzypunktowego zginania
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia właściwości niskotemperaturowe betonów asfaltowych o wysokim module sztywności. Przedstawione wyniki zostały uzyskane w dwóch badaniach zginania trzypunktowego próbek belkowych: ze stałą prędkością przemieszczenia oraz pod stałym obciążeniem. Obie te metody są od dawna stosowane na Politechnice Gdańskiej do oceny właściwości niskotemperaturowych betonów asfaltowych. Badaniu poddano pięć betonów asfaltowych –...
Sensitivity analysis of critical loads of I-columns
PublicationThe first order variation of critical buckling load of thin-walled columns with bisymmetric open cross-section due to some variations of the design variables such as: cross-section dimensions, or material characteristics is derived. The influence of the residual welding stresses is taken into account. In the numerical examples dealing with I-column the functions describing the effect of the variation of the dimensions of the flange...
Critical graphs upon multiple edge subdivision
PublicationA subset D of V (G) is a dominating set of a graph G if every vertex of V (G) − D has at least one neighbour in D; let the domination number γ(G) be the minimum cardinality among all dominating sets in G. We say that a graph G is γ-q-critical if subdividing any q edges results in a graph with domination number greater than γ(G) and there exists a set of q − 1 edges such that subdividing these edges results in a graph with domination...
Excitation of Non-Wave Modes by Sound of Arbitrary Frequency in a Chemically Reacting Gas
PublicationThe nonlinear phenomena in the field of high intensity sound propagating in a gas with a chemical reaction, are considered. A chemical reaction of A → B type is followed by dispersion and attenuation of sound which may be atypical during irreversible thermodynamic processes under some conditions. The first and second order derivatives of heat produced in the chemical reaction evaluated at the equilibrium temperature, density and...
Low energy electron attachment to platinum(II) bromide (PtBr2)
PublicationtDissociative electron attachment to PtBr2in the gas phase was studied in the low electron energy rangefrom zero up to 10 eV with an energy resolution of 150 meV. The experiments were carried out using ahemispherical electron monochromator coupled with a quadrupole mass spectrometer and pulse count-ing acquisition system. The only anion observed was Br−. This ion is formed at three resonance electronenergies: 0.4 eV, 1.2 eV and...
Instantaneous Heating and Cooling Caused by Periodic or Aperiodic Sound of Any Characteristic Duration in a Gas with Vibrational Relaxation
PublicationThermodynamic relaxation of internal degrees of a molecule's freedom in a gas occurs with some characteristic time. This makes wave processes in a gas behave differently depending on the ratio of characteristic duration of perturbations and the relaxation time. In particular, generation of the secondary non-wave modes by intense sound in a nonlinear flow dependens on frequency. These kinds of interaction are considered in this...
Application of microturbines in CHP systems with reciprocating engines
PublicationThe analysis was carried out for Combined Heat and Power generation systems with micro-turbines power plants working on heat rejected from the reciprocating engine. The calculations were performed for GE Jerbacher engines of J320 GS- C05, J320 GS- C25 and J416 GS- B05 types. We considered different working media (both wet and dry fluids): water, ammonia, ethanol, methanol, methylacetylene (propyne), dimethyloether, sulphur dioxide,...
Stripe order and magnetic anisotropy in the S=1 antiferromagnet BaMoP2O8
PublicationMagnetic behavior of yavapaiite-type BaMoP2O8 with the spatially anisotropic triangular arrangement of the S=1Mo4+ ions is explored using thermodynamic measurements, neutron diffraction, and density-functional band-structure calculations. A broad maximum in the magnetic susceptibility around 46 K is followed by the stripe antiferromagnetic order with the propagation vector k=(12,12,12) formed below TN≃21 K. This stripe phase is...
Multi-fidelity aerodynamic design trade-off exploration using point-by-point Pareto set identification
PublicationAerodynamic design is inherently a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Determining the best possible trade-offs between conflicting aerodynamic objectives can be computationally challenging when carried out directly at the level of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations. This paper presents a computationally cheap methodology for exploration of aerodynamic design trade-offs. In particular, point-by-point...
Integrated monitoring, control and security of Critical Infrastructure Systems
PublicationModern societies have reached a point where everyday life relies heavily on desired operation of critical infrastructures, in spite of accidental failures and/or deliberate attacks. The issue of desired performance operation of CIS at high security level receives considerable attention worldwide. The pioneering generic methodologies and methods are presented in the paper project for designing systems capable of achieving these...
Neutral point balancing technique for 3-level neutral point clamped converter with servo system
PublicationNeutral point voltage drift compensation technique in 3-level NPC multilevel converter and servo system is described in the paper. Analytical expressions are obtained for power subsystem elements parameters of servo drive system. Simulation of servo system, based on PMSM motor with 3-level NPC converter is considered.
The point estimate method in a reticulated shell reliability analysis
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present an application of the point estimate method (PEM) that can determine the probabilistic moments for engineering structures. The method is reasonably robust and adequately accurate for a wide range of practical problems. It is a special case of numerical quadrature based on orthogonal polynomials. The main advantage of this method is that, unlike FORM or SORM, it is not necessary to carry...
Impact of optimization of ALS point cloud on classification
PublicationAirborne laser scanning (ALS) is one of the LIDAR technologies (Light Detection and Ranging). It provides information about the terrain in form of a point cloud. During measurement is acquired: spatial data (object’s coordinates X, Y, Z) and collateral data such as intensity of reflected signal. The obtained point cloud is typically applied for generating a digital terrain model (DTM) and a digital surface model (DSM). For DTM...
Model of heat transfer in the stagnation point of rapidly evaporating microjet
PublicationThe paper presents investigation into the single water microjet surface cooling producing evaporating film. Reported tests were conducted under steady state conditions. Experiments were conducted using the nozzle size of 70 and 100 mikrometer respectively. In the course of investigations obtained were experimental relations between heat flux and wall superheating. It was proved that the phenomenon is similar to that of pool boiling...
Agile Development of Critical Software - Can It be Justified?
PublicationThe paper introduces the problem of application of agile practices in critical software development projects. It summarizes the present state of research and identifies the need for having a ready-to-use model of being agile while still meeting the required assurance levels which could be particularly useful for small and medium sized safety-critical software companies. Then the objective and scope of a research aiming at delivering...
Hydrogen-enhanced degradation and oxide effects in zirconium alloys for nuclear applications
PublicationThe zirconium alloys used in nuclear industry include mainly ZreSn and ZreNb alloys ofdifferent chemical composition, microstructure and susceptibility to both hydrogendegradation and oxidation. The hypothetic nuclear accidents can create a real danger tothe Zr alloys and stability of parts made of these alloys, and especially such as loss ofcoolant accident (LOCA) and reactivity initiated accidents (RIA). The hydrogen degradationcan...
Dynamics of Chains as a Tool to Study Thermomechanical Properties of Proteins.
PublicationPolymer dynamics can be formulated on different levels of detail. One approach eliminates microscopic degrees of freedom and a polymer molecule is represented by a simplified structure—a chain. In the simplest case monomers of ideal chain have fixed length, and their orientation is independent of the orientations and positions of neighbouring monomers. This is reason that two monomers can co-exist at the same place. Ideal chain...
Removal efficiency of phenol by ozonation process with calcium peroxide from aqueous solutions
PublicationPhenol has been introduced as a priority pollutant by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are one of the most efcient methods for removal of non-degradable organic pollutants in aqueous solutions. The removal efciencies of phenol and COD under optimal conditions pH=3, phenol concentration=5 mg/L, CaO2 concentration=0.025 mg/L, temperature 25 °C, 1 g/min ozonation rate and contact time=90...
Fixed point indices of iterates of a low-dimensional diffeomorphism at a fixed point which is an isolated invariant set
PublicationLet f be an R^n-diffeomorphism, where n = 2, 3, for which {0} is an isolated invariant set. We determine all possible forms of the sequences of fixed point indices of iterates of f at 0, {ind(f n, 0)}_n, confirming in R3 the conjecture of Ruiz del Portal and Salazar (J Differ Equ 249, 989–1013, 2010).