total: 399
Search results for: activated carbon
Temperature modeling in activated sludge systems: a case study
PublicationPrzedstawiono model dynamiki temperatury jako część ogólnego modelu komory osadu czynnego. Transport ciepła opisano za pomocą jednowymiarowego równania adwekcyjno-dyspersyjnego z członem źródłowym opisującym teoretyczny bilans ciepła dla komory. Model został zweryfikowany w oczyszczalni ścieków Rock Creek w stanie Oregon (USA) w oparciu o dane eksploatacyjne oraz pomiary meteorologiczne z pobliskiej stacji meteorologicznej. Wyniki...
Granulometric analysis to etimate influence of anionic surfactrant on activated sludge structure
PublicationThe work concerns the evaluation of the possibility of using laser diffraction analyzer to determine changes in the distribution of sludge floc size in the presence of anionic surfactant. As a model of surfactant linear alkylbenzyne sulphonate (LAS) was used. The granulometric analysis showed that the pure activated sludge was composed of particles with a size of 0,001 to 2 mm. The largest and fastest changes in the distribution...
Thin CVD diamond films - synthesis, properties, applications
PublicationThe basic model of diamond films growth, in the low pressure synthesis, deposition from the CVD gas phase, is the mixture of hydrocarbon gas in presence with activated hydrogen and its nucleation on the substrate as a result of pyrolysis reaction. It allows to cross the great energetic barrier between graphite and diamond. High pressure and temperature are replaced by change of electronic structure of atoms into gas precursors...
Salt melt synthesis of curved nitrogen-doped carbon nanostructures: ORR kinetics boost
PublicationImplementing metal-free electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and revealing crucial chemical or topographical parameters driving their activity are vital for the development of power cells. The carbon-based catalysts are very often synthesized through carbonization of biopolymers, in particular, those one containing nitrogen groups such as chitosan. Unfortunately, the resulting carbonaceous materials usually...
Photoluminescence Kinetics of YAG Crystals Activated with Ce, and Ce and Mg
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Portable reactor with LTCC electrodes for production of plasma activated water
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Changes in rheological properties during anaerobic digestion of activated sludge
PublicationWykonane pomiary właściwości reologicznych osadwo nadmiernych poddawanych procesowi dezintegracji mechanicznej wskazują na znaczny spadek lepkości sięgający 60%. Wraz ze stopniem dezintegracji rosły również właściwości pseudoplastyczne oraz malała granica płynięcia. Podobnie istotne zmiany właściwosci reologicznych nastepowały w osadach poddawanych fermentacji metanowej.
Combination of air-dispersion cathode with sacrificial iron anode generating Fe2+Fe3+2O4 nanostructures to degrade paracetamol under ultrasonic irradiation
PublicationIn the present study, ultrasound (US) was coupled with an electrochemical process (ECP) consisting of a novel cathode of carbon cloth (CC)-carbon black (CB) as the nano-composite air-dispersion cathode (NADC) for the degradation of paracetamol (APAP) in an aquatic medium. The NADC favored in situ production of H2O2 by the cathodic reduction. The implementation of iron sacrificial anode instead of dimensionally stable anodes resulted...
Helium-assisted, solvent-free electro-activation of 3D printed conductive carbon-polylactide electrodes
PublicationFused filament fabrication is one of the most rapidly developing 3D printing techniques, with numerous applications, including in the field of applied electrochemistry. Here, the utilisation of conductive carbon black polylactic acid (CB-PLA) for 3D printouts is the most promising. To use CB-PLA as an electrode material, an activation process must be performed, removing the polymer matrix and uncovering the electrically conductive...
UV light-activated gas mixture sensing by ink-printed WS2 layer
PublicationWe fabricated a sensing layer from ink-printed WS2 flakes and utilized it for UV-activated gas sensing. The optical imaging of the structure made by repeated printing revealed the continuous layer comprising sub-µm flakes, confirmed independently by small-area AFM images (1×1 µm2). The activity of the sensing surface was investigated locally via AFM scanning of the surface with a polarized probing tip. The results indicated that...
Modeling nutrient removal and energy consumption in an advanced activated sludge system under uncertainty
PublicationActivated sludge models are widely used to simulate, optimize and control performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). For simulation of nutrient removal and energy consumption, kinetic parameters would need to be estimated, which requires an extensive measurement campaign. In this study, a novel methodology is proposed for modeling the performance and energy consumption of a biological nutrient removal activated sludge system...
The carrier capture and recombination processes in Ln/sup 3+/-activated scintillators
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Characteristics of Hybrid Bioglass-Chitosan Coatings on the Plasma Activated PEEK Polymer
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Characteristics of Polypeptide/Phospholipid Monolayers on Water and the Plasma‐Activated Polyetheretherketone Support
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Presence and distribution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in multiphase activated sludge system
PublicationIn total 237 isolates of coliforms (113 strains) and enterococci (124 stains) from influent, mixed liquor in bioreactor and effluent of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), were isolated on selective media and examined for antibiotic resistance. From 50 to 80% of the coliform strains isolated from the raw and treated sewage were resistant against ceftazidime CAZ, cefuroxim CXM, cefalotin KF and against amoxicillin AML, and only below...
Effects of dispersion on predicting longitudinal concentration profiles in activated sludge reactors
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wpływ dyspersji na prognozowanie stężeń azotu amonowego w komorach osadu czynnego w oczyszczalni ścieków Gdańsk-Wschód. W tym celu wykorzystano jednowymiarowe równanie adwekcji-dyspersji z członem źródłowym (szybkością nitryfikacji). Współczynnik dyspersji został wyznaczony na podstawie pomiarów znacznika fluoroscencyjnego. Model został zweryfikowany w oparciu o pomiary stężeń azotu w 6 sekcjach komory tlenowej...
Application of Selected Methods of Artificial Intelligence to Activated Sludge Settleability Predictions
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The Influence of The Light-Activated Titania P25 on Human Breast Cancer Cells
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A Model of Thermally Activated Molecular Transport: Implementation in a Massive FPGA Cluster
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Analyzing and improving a mechanistic model for the Microthrix parvicella in activated sludge systems
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki estymacji parametrów dla mechanistycznego modelu bakterii Microthrix parvicella w systemach osadu czynnego. W tym celu wykorzystano dane z oczyszczalni ścieków w Szwajcarii oraz wyniki dodatkowych badań laboratoryjnych w reaktorze nieprzepływowym. Model właściwie prognozował szybkość poboru tlenu (mierzoną dla różnych substratów) oraz zawartść bakterii Microthrix w biomasie osadu czynnego.
Use of aluminium for controlling the filamentous bacteria growth in the activated sludge systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono kilkuletnie doświadczenia technologiczne, dotyczące wykorzystania glinu w celu ograniczania negatywnych skutków masowego rozwoju mikroorganizmów nitkowatych (dominująca bakteria - Microthrix parvicella) w wielofazowym systemie osadu czynnego (MUCT) gdańskiej oczyszczalni ścieków komunalnych. Stosowanie dobowych dawek w zakresie od 2,0 do 2,5 g Al/kg suchej masy osadu czynnego eliminowało pianę biologiczną z bioreaktorów...
Role of Fungi in Biodegradation of Imidazolium Ionic Liquids by Activated Sewage Sludge
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs), due to their specific properties, can play the role of persistent water contaminants. Fungi manifest the ability to decompose hardy degradable compounds, showing potential in the biodegradation of ILs, which has been studied extensively on sewage sludge; however, attention was drawn mainly to bacterial and not fungal species. The aim of the research was to determine the significance of fungi in ILs’ biodegradation...
Mathematical Modeling of Dissolved Matter Transport with Biodegradation in Activated-Sludge Systems
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problem matematycznego modelowania transportu substancji rozpuszczonej z biodegradacją w systemach z osadem czynnym. Przedstawione zostały główne równania opisujące proces transportu adwekcyjno-dyspersyjnego wraz z modelem biokinetycznym ASM2d, opisującym procesy przemian pod wpływem osadu czynnego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych odtwarzających testy laboratoryjne przeprowadzone w nieprzepływowych...
Evaluation of empirical formulae for estimation of the longitudinal dispersion in activated sludge reactors
PublicationBadania traserowe są szeroko stosowane do oceny hydrauliki reaktorów. Jednak w komorach osadu czynnego interpretacja wyników jest trudna z uwagi na recyrkulacje wewnętrzne i recyrkulację osadu z osadnika. Wzory empiryczne mogą być alternatywną metodą oceny warunków hydraulicznych w komorach. Celem tych badań było sprawdzenie czterech wzorów empirycznych na obliczanie współczynnika dyspersji hydrodynamicznej w oparciu o wyniki badań...
Multi-directional analysis of the maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems
Open Research DataPresented data are the result of research activity entitled „Multi-directional analysis of the maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems” conducted as a part of MINIATURA 7 competition. The research consisted of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of rainwater collected and stored in a rooftop harvesting system and then purified using inline...
Removal of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds in Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublicationIn recent years, considerable attention was paid to the presence of organic micro-pollutants such as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) in the aquatic environment due to their negative impact on public health and aquatic ecosystems. Numerous papers have pointed out API presence as common constituents of effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). This is the result of various efficiencies of API removal by conventional...
Determination of COD Fractionation as a Key Factor for Appropriate Modelling and Monitoring of Activated Sludge Processes
PublicationAn operation of wastewater treatment plant is usually controlled by global parameters such as flow, solids retention time, sludge age, concentration of ammonia and dissolved oxygen, etc. It is considered that, together with the chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD), those parameters indirectly exhibit the effectiveness of activated sludge processes. Especially the BOD indicate the amount of organic pollution that...
A mechanistic model for fate and removal of estrogens in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationTwo estrogen fate and transformation models were integrated with a comprehensive activated sludge model (ASM) to predict estrogen removal based on biomass and solids production. Model predictions were evaluated against published full-scale plant data as well as results from a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) fed synthetic wastewater. The estrogen fate model relating the rate of total estrogen degradation to soluble...
Exploring synergistic effects in physical-chemical activation of Acorus calamus for water treatment solutions
PublicationThe research proposed a novel method of obtaining sorption material from readily available Acorus calamus bio- mass through a combination of physical and chemical activation processes. The material with the highest specific surface area (1652 m2 g−1) was obtained by physical activation with CO2, followed by chemical activation with KOH. Reversing the order of activation methods resulted in a lower specific surface area (1014 m2...
Rearrangements of the nitrifiers population in an activated sludge system under decreasing solids retention times
PublicationDue to the key role of nitrite in novel nitrogen removal systems, nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) have been receiving increasing attention. In this study, the coexistence and interactions of nitrifying bacteria were explored at decreasing solids retention times (SRTs). Four 5-week washout experiments were carried out in laboratory-scale (V=10 L) sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) with mixed liquor from two full-scale activated sludge...
Preliminary Investigation on Rapid Potassium Efflux from Activated Sludge in Response to Use of Peroxyacetic Acid
PublicationPreliminary research on activated sludge potassium efflux (GGKE - glutathione-gated potassium efflux) as a result of peroxyacetic acid (PAA) dosing were performed. Similarily as in case of chlorine dosing the PAA dosing causes initiation of bacteria defense mechanisms, related to the transformations of glutathione tripeptide, resulting in the increase of potassium ions concentration in the activated sludge environment. In the range...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
The impact of slowly biodegradable organic compounds on the oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
PublicationThe hydrolysis process of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) have impact on the efficiencies of nutrient removal in activated sludge systems. Measurement of OUR and corresponding COD is accepted as a very useful tool to reflect the consumption of biodegradable substrates. The influence of the readily biodegradable substrate (Ss) in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about...
The effect of anionic surfactant concentration on activated sludge condition and phosphate release in biological treatment plant
PublicationThis paper discusses the influence of a wide range of anionic surfactant concentrations on activated sludge. Linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS) was chosen as an example of a commonly used anionic surfactant. The fate of the surfactant during biological treatment of wastewater was tested. The effect of surfactant on glucose and starch removal was studied.
Decolorisation of Methylene Blue with Sodium Persulfate Activated with Visible Light in the Presence of Glucose and Sucrose
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research on the methylene blue (MB) degradation with sodium persulfate (PDS) activated with visible light (Vis) in the presence of glucose and sucrose. The following test were examined: absence and presence of sugars in concentrations of 50–300 mM, presence and absence of Vis radiation, pH of the model solution (6.0–12.0), identification of free radicals, kinetics of the pseudo-first-order reaction....
The role of particulate and colloidal substrate in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThe authors investigated COD fractionation according to the physical state (soluble/colloidal/particulate) in four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in northern Poland. It was found that particulate and colloidal organic compounds constituted up to 70% of total COD. On the other hand, according to literature data, municipal wastewater contains readily and slowly biodegradable substrates in the amount of approximately 10-30% and...
Influence of titanium dioxide activated under visible light on survival of mold fungi
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The Response of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 to UV-activated Titanium Dioxide/Silica Nanotubes
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Effect of Dispersion Treatment on Dairy Waste Activated Sludge to Hasten the Production of Biogas
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Combined thermo-chemo-sonic disintegration of waste activated sludge for biogas production
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Activated biochars reduce the exposure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in industrially contaminated soils
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The effect of slowly biodegradable substrate on the kinetics of biochemical processes in activated sludge bioreactors
PublicationCelem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej było określenie wpływu substratu wolnorozkładalnego (w postaci związków koloidalnych i zawiesinowych) na kinetykę wybranych procesów biochemicznych, zachodzących w komorach osadu czynnego (tj. denitryfikacja, uwalnianie i anoksyczny/tlenowy pobór fosforanów oraz pobór tlenu), opierając się na badaniach prowadzonych w dwóch dużych komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków "Wschód" w Gdańsku i "Dębogórze"...
The effect of slowly biodegradable substrate on the kinetics of biochemical processes in activated sludge bioreactors
PublicationCelem niniejszej rozprawy doktorskiej było określenie wpływu substratu wolnorozkładalnego (w postaci związków koloidalnych i zawiesinowych) na kinetykę wybranych procesów biochemicznych, zachodzących w komorach osadu czynnego (tj. denitryfikacja, uwalnianie i anoksyczny/tlenowy pobór fosforanów oraz pobór tlenu), opierając się na badaniach prowadzonych w dwóch dużych komunalnych oczyszczalniach ścieków "Wschód" w Gdańsku i "Dębogórze"...
Molecular Design Using Selected Concentration Effects in Optically Activated Fluorescent Matrices
PublicationMolecular physics plays a pivotal role in various fields, including medicine, pharmaceuticals, and broader industrial applications. This study aims to enhance the methods for producing specific optically active materials with distinct spectroscopic properties at the molecular level, which are crucial for these sectors, while prioritizing human safety in both production and application. Forensic science, a significant socio-economic...
Degradation of 1,4-dioxane by sono-activated persulfates for water and wastewater treatment applications
PublicationThis paper presents a hybrid advanced oxidation process (AOP) based on sonocavitational activation of persulfate (PS) for degradation of 1,4-dioxane during wastewater treatment. Application of sono-cavitation effectively convert PS to radical species demonstrating synergistic effect by increasing the reaction rate and reducing the required energy for activation. It is economically feasible and deployed alternative to the direct...
Long-term simulation of the activated sludge process at the Hanover-Gümmerwald pilot WWTP
PublicationCelem badań było uzyskanie zweryfikowanego modelu ASM3P, który mógłby być wykorzystany jako narzędzie decyzyjne do wyznaczania maksymalnych przepływów w oczyszczalniach ścieków. Symulacje przeprowadzono w oparciu o wyniki badań obciążeń hydraulicznych w pilotowej oczyszczalni ścieków Hanower-Gummerwald. Wyniki symulacji zostały porównane z wynikami pomiarów on-line w komorach osadu czynnego (N-NH4, N-NO3) oraz w odpływie z osadnika...
Conversion of waste biomass to designed and tailored activated chars with valuable properties for adsorption and electrochemical applications
PublicationWaste biomass, a renewable energy source, is inexpensive material that has great potential in sorp-tion and electrochemical application. The selected waste materials (corncobs, coconut shells, wal-nuts, and pistachio husks) allow to close the production cycle and enable material recycling, which are important aspects in the hierarchy of waste management. The proposed methodology for pro-duction and activation of biochars can be...
Diphosphinoboranes as Intramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pairs: P–B–P Bond Systems for the Activation of Dihydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Phenyl Isocyanate
PublicationHerein, we present the first example of the activation of small molecules by P-B-P bond systems. The reactivity study involves reactions of two selected diphosphinoboranes, (tBu2P)2BPh (1’) and (Cy2P)2BNiPr2 (2), that differ in terms of their structural and electronic properties for the activation of dihydrogen, carbon dioxide, and phenyl isocyanate. Diphosphinoborane 1’ activates H2 under very mild conditions in the absence of...
The role of slowly biodegradable substrate in a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThis paper contains futher results obtained at ''Wschod'' WWTP in Gdańsk under transient conditions (spring season) and comparation of similar experiments carried out at a recently upgraded ''Debogorze'' WWTP in Gdynia. The removal of colloidal and particulate fractions resulted in similar effects (reduced process rates) at both plants. For example, the initial denitrification rates (NUR1) were up to 30% lower during the ''conventional''...
Stabilizing lactate production through repeated batch fermentation of food waste and waste activated sludge
PublicationBio-valorization of organic waste streams, such as food waste and waste activated sludge, to lactic acid (LA) has recently drawn much attention. It offers an opportunity for resource recovery, alleviates environmental issues and potentially turns a profit. In this study, both stable and high LA yield (0.72 ± 0.15 g/g total chemical oxygen demand) and productivity rate (0.53 g/L•h) were obtained through repeated batch fermentation....