Search results for: air monitoring
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki testu terenowego przeprowadzonego na terenie województwa pomorskiego w okresie od 01-01-2013 do 31-12-2013 w celu wykazania równoważności wyników stężeń pyłu zawieszonego PM2,5 uzyskanych za pomocą analizatora automatycznego BAM 1020 w stosunku do wyników uzyskanych za pomocą wagowej metody odniesienia. Przedstawiono sposób określania równoważności wyników uzyskanych za pomocą analizatora i szacowania...
Empirical Relationship Describing Total Convective and Radiative Heat Loss in Buildings
PublicationOn the basis of theoretical considerations of convective-radiative heat transfer, a relationship was developed enabling the total convective and radiative heat flux QC+R emitted from any object at tw and its surroundings at t∞ to be calculated from known values of the surface temperature of such an object, i.e., the known temperature difference Δt=tw - t∞ and average air temperature Tav. This relationship is applied to thermal...
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Management and Environmental Monitoring 2023/2024 - winter
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Management and Environmental Monitoring 2024/2025 - winter
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Management and Environmental Monitoring - EE 2024/2025 winter
e-Learning CoursesThe course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...
Monitoring of Odour Nuisance from Landfill Using Electronic Nose
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on classification of atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of municipal landfill with respect to their odour nuisance. The research was conducted using a prototype of electronic nose instrument and a commercial electronic nose of Fast/Flash GC type –HERACLES II. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co.. Classification of the air samples...
Statistical Data Pre-Processing and Time Series Incorporation for High-Efficacy Calibration of Low-Cost NO2 Sensor Using Machine Learning
PublicationAir pollution stands as a significant modern-day challenge impacting life quality, the environment, and the economy. It comprises various pollutants like gases, particulate matter, biological molecules, and more, stemming from sources such as vehicle emissions, industrial operations, agriculture, and natural events. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), among these harmful gases, is notably prevalent in densely populated urban regions. Given...
On Memory-Based Precise Calibration of Cost-Efficient NO2 Sensor Using Artificial Intelligence and Global Response Correction
PublicationNitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a prevalent air pollutant, particularly abundant in densely populated urban regions. Given its harmful impact on health and the environment, precise real-time monitoring of NO2 concentration is crucial, particularly for devising and executing risk mitigation strategies. However, achieving precise measurements of NO2 is challenging due to the need for expensive and cumbersome equipment. This has spurred...
Monitoring of odour nuisance on the adjacent areas to the landfill using fast GC and sensory analysis
PublicationThe paper shows the results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during August and September period have been presented. The studies was conducted by the use of Fast GC HERACLES II from AlphaMOS company and sensory analysis. About 86% of the atmospheric air samples ollected were classified correctly using PCA and LDA. Based on a classification of the atmospheric...
Gulf of Gdańsk monitoring conducted by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, in 1981-1994
Open Research DataResults of the monitoring of the Gulf of Gdańsk environment are included in this archival data set. The measurements were conducted by the Institute of the Oceanography of the University of Gdańsk (IO UG) from 1981 till 1994 at the fixed sampling stations covering the area located between Hel Peninsula and the coast of the Gulf of Gdańsk, which extended...
Sczepność międzywarstwowa w nowobudowanych nawierzchniach w Polsce
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono analizę wyników badań sczepności międzywarstwowej warstw asfaltowych przeprowadzonych na podstawie danych z monitoringu właściwości fizyko-mechanicznych warstw asfaltowych z lat 2012-2013. Monitoring prowadziły Laboratoria Drogowe oddziałów GDDKiA w ramach własnych badań kontrolnych podczas realizowanych inwestycji. Analizie poddano 7043 wyników badań sczepności międzywarstwowej badanych próbek, odwierconych...
Równoważność metod pomiarowych ciągłych i odniesienia stosowanych do oznaczania pm10
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki testu terenowego przeprowadzonego na terenie Gdańska w okresie od 01-01-2010 do 31-12-2010 i od 01-01-2011 do 31-12-2011 w celu wykazania równoważności wskazań analizatora Eberline FH 62-1 w stosunku do wagowej metody odniesienia. Przedyskutowano występowanie różnic wskazań wartości stężeń pyłu PM10 w zależności od pory roku dla obu metod pomiarowych. Przedstawiono sposób określania równoważności tych...
Odour Perception Using a Sniffing Team at a Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant: A Case Study
PublicationThe monitoring of odour intensity, generated by a landfill area, is a difficult activity since it is a multi-source problem with discontinuous odour emissions. A modified sniffing team method is described here and applied to determine the main odour sources in a landfill located in Pomerania, Poland. Four consecutive test sessions were performed during the following months: August, December, April, and June. It was found that the...
SESNED: Dataset for Event-Based Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Research
Open Research DataSescom NILM Energy Dataset (SESNED ) description
Ellipsometric monitoring during the polarization studies of Mg corrosion in alkaline environment
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the ellipsometric results from the Mg polarization studies aiming at understanding the Mg(OH)2 passive layer formation mechanism and conditions. The single-wavelength ellipsometer ELX-02C from Dr Riss GmbH was utilized, operating He-Ne laser at 632.8 nm. The polarization conditions for the experiment are depicted in the related...
The results of physico – chemical monitoring of watercourses around the municipality of Gdańsk in 2016
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a physico-chemical study of watercourses waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2016. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 16 watercourses (5 rivers, 6 streams, 2 storm water sewers, 1 artificial canal, 1 artificial arm of a river and 1 drainage trench) flowing directly...
Bacteriological monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2010
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2010. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. The aim of this study was to determine the number of Escherichia coli and the number of intestinal...
Bacteriological monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2009
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2009. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. The aim of this study was to determine the number of Escherichia coli and the number of intestinal...
Bacteriological monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2008
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2008. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. The aim of this study was to determine the number of Escherichia coli and the number of intestinal...
Identification of defected sensors in an array of amperometric gas sensors
PublicationPurpose Amperometric gas sensors are commonly used in air quality monitoring in long-term measurements. Baseline shift of sensor responses and power failure may occur over time, which is an obstacle for reliable operation of the entire system. The purpose of this study is to check the possibility of using PCA method to detect defected samples, identify faulty sensor and correct the responses of the sensor identified as faulty. Design/methodology/approach In...
Non-Gaussian Resistance Fluctuations in Gold-Nanoparticle-Based Gas Sensors: An Appraisal of Different Evaluation Techniques
PublicationVolatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, can be used as biomarkers in human exhaled breath in order to non-invasively detect various diseases, and the same compounds are of much interest also in the context of environmental monitoring and protection. Here, we report on a recently-developed gas sensor, based on surface-functionalized gold nanoparticles, which is able to generate voltage noise with a distinctly non-Gaussian...
A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions
PublicationAbstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...
A calibration model for gas sensor array in varying environmental conditions
PublicationAbstract: Gas-analyzing systems based on gas sensors, commonly referred to as electronic noses, are the systems which enable the recognition of volatile compounds in their working environment and provide the on-line results of analysis. The most commonly used type of sensors in such systems is semiconductor gas sensors. They are considered to be the most reliable in the long-term applications (more than 1 year), however,...
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2004
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2004. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2006
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2006. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of coastal sea waters – Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea) in 2007
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a bacteriological and physicochemical studies of Gdansk Bay coastal waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2007. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from 15 sampling points. Number of Escherichia coli, number of intestinal enterococci, presence of Salmonella sp., pH, temperature,...
Machine-learning-based precise cost-efficient NO2 sensor calibration by means of time series matching and global data pre-processing
PublicationAir pollution remains a considerable contemporary challenge affecting life quality, the environment, and economic well-being. It encompasses an array of pollutants—gases, particulate matter, biological molecules—emanating from sources such as vehicle emissions, industrial activities, agriculture, and natural occurrences. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a harmful gas, is particularly abundant in densely populated urban areas. Given its...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step1; stage from July 2020 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2020 year - step 1, stage from July 2020. The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step1; stage from October 2020 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2020 year - step 1, stage from July 2020. The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step1; stage from August 2020 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2020 year - step 1, stage from August 2020. The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step1; stage from September 2020 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2020 year - step 1, stage from September 2020. The monitoring...
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2006
Open Research DataThe dataset containst the results of a bacteriological and physico-chemical study of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2006.
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk City in 2008
Open Research DataThe dataset containst the results of a bacteriological and physico-chemical study of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2008. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from four lakes located within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk, Poland.
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk City in 2009
Open Research DataThe dataset containst the results of a bacteriological and physico-chemical study of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2009. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from four lakes located within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk, Poland.
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk City in 2011
Open Research DataThe dataset containst the results of a bacteriological and physico-chemical study of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2011. The examined material consisted of water samples collected from four lakes located within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk, Poland.
Bacteriological and physicochemical monitoring of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2010
Open Research DataThe dataset containst the results of a bacteriological and physico-chemical study of inland surface waters within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk city in 2010.The examined material consisted of water samples collected from four lakes located within the administrative boundaries of Gdańsk, Poland.
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step2; stage from May 2021 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2021 year - step 2, stage from May 2021.The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step2; stage from October 2021 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2021 year - step 2, stage from October 2021.The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step2; stage from August 2021 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2021 year - step 2, stage from August 2021.The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step2; stage from July 2021 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2021 year - step 2, stage from July 2021.The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step2; stage from June 2021 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2021 year - step 2, stage from June 2021.The monitoring...
Monitoring of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the "Polanki" market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district, step2; stage from September 2021 year.
Open Research DataThe data presents tabular monitoring lists (quantitative and qualitative documentation report in the form of tables) of activities carried out as part of prototyping and implementation of the pilot project in the area of the Polanki market and its immediate vicinity in the Gdańsk-Oliwa district in 2021 year - step 2, stage from September 2021.The monitoring...
High-Performance Machine-Learning-Based Calibration of Low-Cost Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor Using Environmental Parameter Differentials and Global Data Scaling
PublicationAccurate tracking of harmful gas concentrations is essential to swiftly and effectively execute measures that mitigate the risks linked to air pollution, specifically in reducing its impact on living conditions, the environment, and the economy. One such prevalent pollutant in urban settings is nitrogen dioxide (NO2), generated from the combustion of fossil fuels in car engines, commercial manufacturing, and food processing. Its...
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Sediments and Water Analysis
PublicationUnfavorable side effects of different forms of anthropogenic activities can be found anywhere in the world. One of the basic characteristics of pollutants entering marine and ocean waters is their spread and movement in the global ocean. A portion of the substances entering the marine environment is rapidly degraded by chemical processes occurring in the air, sediments, and water, thereby losing their toxic properties. The biggest...
Understanding the early-stage release of volatile organic compounds from rapeseed oil during deep-frying of tubers by targeted and omics-inspired approaches using PTR-MS and gas chromatography
PublicationDuring deep-frying, a plethora of volatile products is emitted with the fumes. These compounds could act as oil quality indicators and change the indoor air composition leading to health risks for occupants. The presented experiments focus on deep-frying of different tubers in rapeseed oil at different frying temperatures. Here, two scenarios for real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using proton transfer reaction...
Comprehensive Analysis and Environmental Risk Assessment of Benzotriazoles in Airport Stormwater: A HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS-Based Procedure as a Tool for Sustainable Airport Runoff Water Management
PublicationDespite the numerous benefits of intensive air transport development, many activities associated with the operation of airports contribute to environmental pollution. The purpose of this research was the development, optimization, and validation of a headspace–solid-phase microextraction–comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–time of flight–mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC × GC-TOF-MS)-based procedure for determining anti-corrosive...
Ocena jakości powietrza atmosferycznego na terenie Aglomeracji Trojmiejskiej = Quality of atmospheric air in the Tricity area
PublicationNa terenie Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej i Tczewa monitoring jakości powietrza prowadzony jest, obok jednostek samorządowych przez fundację: Agencja Monitoringu Regionalnego Atmosfery Aglomeracji Gdańskiej - ARMAAG. Katedra Chemii Analitycznej PG współpracując z fundacją ARMAAG podjęła próbę uzupełnienia informacji na temat stanu atmosfery na terenie Trójmiasta i Tczewa o ocenę pod względem zawartości analitów z grupy BTEX. Celem...