Search results for:, student competitions, sustainable urban design, multi-disciplinary approach
Three-objective antenna optimization by means of kriging surrogates and domain segmentation
PublicationIn this paper, an optimization framework for multi-objective design of antenna structures is discussed which exploits data-driven surrogates, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, response correction techniques for design refinement, as well as generalized domain segmentation. The last mechanism is introduced to constrain the design space region subjected to sampling, which permits reduction of the number of training data samples...
‘The Urban Walk Architecture Talk’— Bridging Socially Engaged Art, Urban Processes and Cultural Development
Publication“Urban Walk—Architecture Talk” is a project based on an elective seminar under the same title organized at the Faculty of Architecture of Gdańsk University of Technology. It aims at getting familiar with the topic of multi-layer and multi-sensory reception of public space, mainly by recognizing the needs of its users. Additionally, it deals with the consequences of such perception and the use of space in order to build more complete...
PublicationUrban planning and urban design involve complex processes that require detailed information about the visual information of a place at various scales. Different graphic tools, such as game engines, are evolving to use urban representation fields. The concept of "level of detail" (LOD) has been used to categorize the level of detail in AEC applications such as BIM and GML for urban representation models. However, there is a need...
Hybrid design approach in education using a progressive rule-based digital design development. Sopot College experiences.
PublicationBudynek sam w sobie może być uznany za hybrydę inżynierii i Beaux-Arts. Obecnie istnieje wiele narzędzi, które mogą pomóc architektom w opracowaniu i optymalizowu ich innowacyjnych koncepcje. Artykuł opisuje projekt hybrydowego podejścia opartego na połączeniu tradycyjnej architekturze i Komputerowego projektowania na podstawie programu studiów w Sopocie College, Wydział Architektury. Artykuł bada dziedzinie współpracy i interakcji...
Bridging theory and practice in postgraduate education on development and planning: Gdynia Urban Summer Schools 2016-2018
PublicationIn this article, the authors discuss results achieved by the Gdynia Urban Summer School (GUSS) organised annually (between 2016 and 2018) in Gdynia, Poland. The GUSS was meant for young practitioners from various professions such as urban and regional planning, urban design, architecture, civil engineering and transport planning. The objective was to give workshop participantspractical interdisciplinary...
Interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management based on multi-agent system
PublicationThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and the support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet. The approach integrates meteorological data and forecasts, air quality and emission monitoring, dynamic 3D simulation modelling and forecasting,...
Design space reduction and variable-fidelity EM simulations for feasible Pareto optimization of antennas
PublicationA computationally efficient procedure for multi-objective optimization of antenna structures is presented. In our approach, a response surface approximation (RSA) model created from sampled coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations is utilized to yield an initial set of Pareto-optimal designs using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The final Pareto front representation for the high-fidelity model is obtained using surrogate-based...
Low-cost multi-objective optimization and experimental validation of UWB MIMO antenna
PublicationPurpose–The purpose of this paper is to validate methodologies for expedited multi-objective designoptimization of complex antenna structures both numerically and experimentally.Design/methodology/approach–The task of identifying the best possible trade-offs between theantenna size and its electrical performance is formulated as multi-objective optimization problem.Algorithmic frameworks are described for finding Pareto-optimal...
Multi-fidelity robust aerodynamic design optimization under mixed uncertainty
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to present a robust optimization algorithm for computationally efficient airfoil design under mixed (inherent and epistemic) uncertainty using a multi-fidelity approach. This algorithm exploits stochastic expansions derived from the Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos (NIPC) technique to create surrogate models utilized in the optimization process. A combined NIPC expansion approach is used, where both...
Efficient Multi-Objective Simulation-Driven Antenna Design Using Co-Kriging
PublicationA methodology for fast multi-objective antenna optimization is presented. Our approach is based on response surface approximation (RSA) modeling and variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations. In the design process, a computationally cheap RSA surrogate model constructed from sampled coarse-discretization EM antenna simulations is optimized using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The initially determined Pareto...
Fast Multi-Objective Antenna Optimization Using Sequential Patching and Variable-Fidelity EM Models
PublicationIn this work, a technique for fast multi-objective design optimization of antenna structures is presented. In our approach, the initial approximation of the Pareto set representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting design objectives is obtained by means of sequential patching of the design space. The latter is a stencil-based search that aims at creating a path that connects the extreme Pareto-optimal designs (obtained...
Spatial aspects of urban air quality management: Estimating the impact of micro-scale urban form on pollution dispersion
PublicationUrban planning and design solutions affect urban ventilation conditions, thus mitigating the effects of atmospheric pollution. However, these findings are not being implemented in the planning practice to a sufficient extent, partly due to the lack of specific guidelines. Moreover, many urban air quality monitoring (AQM) sites have low represnentativeness and thus do not provide comprehensive data for effective urban air pollution control...
Reliable Multi-Stage Optimization of Antennas for Multiple Performance Figures in Highly-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
PublicationDesign of modern antenna structures needs to account for multiple performance figures and geometrical constraints. Fulfillment of these calls for the development of complex topologies described by a large number of parameters. EM-driven tuning of such designs is mandatory yet immensely challenging. In this letter, a new framework for multi-stage design optimization of multi-dimensional antennas with respect to several performance...
Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects
PublicationIn order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....
EM-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of Antenna Structures in Multi-Dimensional Design Spaces
PublicationFeasible multi-objective optimization of antenna structures is presented. An initial set of Pareto optimal solutions is found using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) working with a fast surrogate antenna model obtained by kriging interpolation of coarse-discretization EM simulation data. To make the surrogate construction computationally feasible in multi-dimensional design space, the space subset containing non-dominated...
From structures to landscapes – towards re-conceptualization of the urban condition
PublicationThis paper presents an original approach towards the phenomena of re-naturalization of cities and indicates its possible consequences for the urban design and planning strategies. It focuses on the ongoing shift “from structures to landscapes” in understanding urban conditions. While modern architecture introduced geomet-ric compositions against the background of nature, early modern theories of architects and sociologists started...
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Measuring the city, advanced digital surveying techniques for cultural heritage documentation
e-Learning CoursesCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
20232024_Elective design II_CULTURAL HERITAGE ROUTES_Gdańsk Drawing architecture to understand the city
e-Learning CoursesCultural Heritage Routes – Gdańsk. This course explores challenges, conflicts and concepts of cultural heritage preservation and protection at urban level, their connection to architectural and urban design in the time of digitalisation and their importance for a future of the cities. The aim of this course, based on the case study city of Gdańsk, is to understand the problem of cultural heritage and develop innovative...
A Concept of Freight Traffic Flow Regulations in the City of Gdansk
PublicationThis paper presents a review of state-of-art efforts in urban freight transport modelling in the context of their requirements and applicability as a basis for evaluation of city's freight transport policy. Freight transport mirrors all aspects of the city's economic activity and for that reason its proper planning is of extreme importance. However, urban freight system may be considered as the most varied and fragmented element...
Multi-objective design optimization of antennas for reflection, size, and gain variability using kriging surrogates and generalized domain segmentation
PublicationCost-efficient multi-objective design optimization of antennas is presented. The framework exploits auxiliary data-driven surrogates, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for initial Pareto front identification, response correction techniques for design refinement, as well as generalized domain segmentation. The purpose of this last mechanism is to reduce the volume of the design space region that needs to be sampled in order...
From creative writing, virtual environments to nature-based solutions: linking research and education to facilitate transition from sustainable to regenerative cities
PublicationChallenges related to the climate crisis and its consequences, such as rising sea levels, urban heat islands or floods, engender pressure on architectural education. Sustainable design often inclines to regenerative one - an emerging trend focused on the restorative power of architecture. The question appears upon the tools and methods that would facilitate both students and academics to address new challenges. This article offers...
Fast Multi-Objective Antenna Design Through Variable-Fidelity EM Simulations
PublicationA technique for fast multi-objective antenna optimization is introduced. A kriging interpolation surrogate constructed from sampled coarse-mesh EM simulations is utilized by multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) to obtain the initial Pareto front approximation. The surrogate is defined in a subset of the original design space, determined by means of independently optimized individual objectives. Response correction techniques...
ELECTIVE PROJECT II _sem 5_Green Story - Free Time Space
e-Learning CoursesThe topic of the course - Green Story - Free Time Space, joins green architecture and a place to spend free time - inside and outside – to read, to eat, to relax. The idea is to design green – to give back the greenery to the public square – to make a city space more friendly for users and more friendly to the environment. You can design a story, to make a space more attractive. You can design a Green Story, to make people more...
Rapid multi-objective design optimisation of compact microwave couplers by means of physics-based surrogates
PublicationThe authors introduce a methodology for fast multi-objective design optimisation of miniaturised microwave couplers. The approach exploits the surrogate-based optimisation paradigm with an underlying low-fidelity model constructed from an equivalent circuit of the structure under consideration, corrected through implicit and frequency space mapping. A fast prediction tool obtained this way is subsequently optimised by a multi-objective...
The resilient city in architectural engineering education: a joint design studio between Gdańsk and Chalmers universities of technology
PublicationChallenges to society, such as those posed by climate change require a new approach to the education of the engineer-architect. Contemporary solutions should serve future generations and that is why the idea of the resilient city should be discussed and implemented, both in theory and in practice. It is necessary to teach students to design urban structures in such a way that they are resilient to dynamically changing conditions....
Accelerated multi-objective design optimization of antennas by surrogate modeling and domain segmentation
PublicationMulti-objective optimization yields indispensable information about the best possible design trade-offs of an antenna structure, yet it is challenging if full-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is utilized for performance evaluation. The latter is a necessity for majority of contemporary antennas as it is the only way of achieving acceptable modeling accuracy. In this paper, a procedure for accelerated multi-objective design of...
PublicationThis paper focuses on the role of nature in placemaking within historic cities. There are two different approaches to placemaking – The first is a more traditional approach, i.e. complete building process which entails significant investments. The second is “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” approach proposed by the Project for Public Spaces organization. This article discusses the role, importance and place of nature in both approaches....
Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization
PublicationIn order to minimize the number of evaluations of high-fidelity (“fine”) model in the optimization process, to increase the optimization speed, and to improve optimal solution accuracy, a robust and computational-efficient multi-fidelity local surrogate-model optimization method is proposed. Based on the principle of response surface approximation, the proposed method exploits the multi-fidelity coarse models and polynomial interpolation...
Pareto Ranking Bisection Algorithm for Expedited Multi-Objective Optimization of Antenna Structures
PublicationThe purpose of this letter is introduction of a novel methodology for expedited multi-objective design of antenna structures. The key component of the presented approach is fast identification of the initial representation of the Pareto front (i.e., a set of design representing the best possible trade-offs between conflicting objectives) using a Pareto-ranking bisection algorithm. The algorithm finds a discrete set of Pareto-optimal...
Simulation-driven size-reduction-oriented design of multi-band antennas by means of response features
PublicationThis study addresses the problem of explicit size reduction of multi-band antennas by means of simulation-driven optimisation. The principal difficulty of electromagnetic (EM)-based miniaturisation of multi-band antennas is that several resonances have to be controlled independently (both in terms of their frequency allocation and depth) while attempting to reduce physical dimensions of the structure at hand. The design method...
Low-cost multi-objective design of compact microwave structures using domain patching
PublicationA good compromise between size and electrical performance is an important design consideration for compact microwave structures. Comprehensive information about size/performance trade-offs can be obtained through multi-objective optimization. Due to considerable electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings in highly compressed layouts, the design process has to be conducted at the level of high-fidelity EM analysis which is computationally...
The Use of Big Data in Regenerative Planning
PublicationWith the increasing significance of Big Data sources and their reliability for studying current urban development processes, new possibilities have appeared for analyzing the urban planning of contemporary cities. At the same time, the new urban development paradigm related to regenerative sustainability requires a new approach and hence a better understanding of the processes changing cities today, which will allow more efficient...
A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThere is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...
Developing the Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure as a Tool for Urban Air Quality Management
PublicationUrban structure is an important factor that shapes the process of urban ventilation and pollution dispersion. With proper planning of the urban spatial layout, city breathability can be effectively regulated, contributing to urban air quality improvement. This paper investigates the development and current management of urban systems of green and open spaces in four Polish cities: Gda ´nsk, Warsaw, Pozna ´n and Wrocław, with a...
Artificial intelligence in architectural education - green campus development research
PublicationThe rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has introduced new possibilities and challenges in design education. This article explores the need for changes and adaptations in the teaching process of design as AI-related technologies, based on image generation, transform the creative process and offer novel opportunities. In a research-by-design studio in an architectural faculty in Poland, students who utilised...
Towards truly sustainable IoT systems: the SUPERIOT project
PublicationThis paper provides an overview of the SUPERIOT project, an EU SNS JU (Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking) initiative focused on developing truly sustainable IoT systems. The SUPERIOT concept is based on a unique holistic approach to sustainability, proactively developing sustainable solutions considering the design, implementation, usage and disposal/reuse stages. The concept exploits radio and optical technologies...
Study the impact of design method preference on the usefulness of concrete and on CO2 emissions
PublicationPurpose – The research investigates the impact of concrete design methods on performance, emphasizing environmental sustainability. The study compares the modified Bolomey method and Abrams’ law in designing concretes. Significant differences in cement consumption and subsequent CO2 emissions are revealed. The research advocates for a comprehensive life cycle assessment, considering factors like compressive strength, carbonation...
Contemporary architecture within the context of architectural education
PublicationAnalysed in this article are the diploma projects of students of architecture in European countries. The aim was to examine how students approach an important issue related to sustainable development, i.e. the integration of newly designed architecture into the existing historical, cultural and natural context. The rational use and protection of the environment requires the skilful shaping of urbanised space. Many changes in the...
The issues of participation in didactics of design. Case studies
PublicationThis article seeks to present and assess the usefulness of didactic methods aimed at preparing future architects for their role in the process of social participation. The article focuses on [a] a general overview of selected participation methods and tools, along with the examples of their application in the context of spatial management in Poland; [b] an overview of teaching methods used with a view to enhancing participation...
Planning of the green road system as an element of spatial management in suburbs and small towns
PublicationThe premise for the development of sustainable forms of road infrastructure in small towns is the appropriate plan at an early stage or modifi cation in the case of existing spaces. A multi-directional approach is extremely important, which takes into account the specifi city of the regional (country) road system, availability, and capacity of traffi c network, but also social and environmental factors. Effi cient management...
Frequency-Based Regularization for Improved Reliability Optimization of Antenna Structures
PublicationThe paper proposes a modified formulation of antenna parameter tuning problem. The main ingredient of the presented approach is a frequency-based regularization. It allows for smoothening the functional landscape of the assumed cost function, defined to encode the prescribed design specifications. The regularization is implemented as a special penalty term complementing the primary objective and enforcing the alignment of the antenna...
Implementation of multicriteria decision analysis in design of experiment for dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction optimization for chlorophenols determination
PublicationA novel and efficient approach to optimization of extraction step prior the chromatographic determination of nine chlorinated phenols is described. It is based on the combination of design of experiments and multicriteria decision analysis. Such an approach is used to optimize dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for the determination of 9 chlorophenols in water samples. Three parameters are optimized – sample volume,...
Elective seminar: Designing Urban Lighting for the Built Environment – from Theory to Practice
e-Learning CoursesGoal of the course: Understanding the basic design issues related to illumination of the exterior spaces in the built environment Course content / class schedule: 1.Student will learn the difference between Functional versus Decorative lighting in exterior spaces 2. Student will learn how artificial lighting can shape the appearance of an urban space 3. Student will learn necessary tools (luminaires, light sources,...
Greenery and Urban Form vs. Health of Residents: Evaluation of Modernist Housing in Lodz and Gdansk
PublicationUrban forms can have numerous direct and indirect effects on the health of residents. This article focuses on the rela‐ tionship between health and urban form, in particular the role of green open spaces. The goal is to identify criteria for evaluating the impact of physical forms such as streets and open spaces, green infrastructure, and built structures on urban health. These criteria are then used to identify paths for the redevelopment...
Fault-tolerant performance of the novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator
PublicationThe article presents the concept of a new design of a multi-phase doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The innovative design approach uses a five-phase power supply from the rotor side of the generator with a three-phase classic stator power supply. Modern three-phase doubly-fed induction generators are the dominant choice for Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS). Solutions of this type are sensitive to the loss of at least...
Instalacje fotowoltaiczne w budownictwie wielorodzinnym
PublicationArtykuł opisuje wpływ instalacji fotowoltaicznych na bezpieczeństwo eksploatacji budynków wielorodzinnych. W oparciu o projekty rzeczywistych obiektów przeprowadzono analizę zwiększenia ryzyka strat odgromowych, zmiany obciążenia konstrukcji dachu i wzrostu zagrożenia pożarowego na skutek montażu systemu fotowoltaicznego. Przeprowadzone obliczenia wskazują na konieczność kompleksowego podejścia do projektowania instalacji fotowoltaicznych....
Międzymiasto: Nowa formuła ładu przestrzennego trefy podmiejskiej
Michał Kwasek dr inż. arch.
PeopleMichał Kwasek works as the assistant in Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architectural Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). In 2009, he graduated from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of GUT, and in 2013 he defended his master's degree in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture at GUT. In the same year, he began his studies at the Doctoral...
Patch size setup and performance/cost trade-offs in multi-objective EM-driven antenna optimization using sequential domain patching
PublicationPurpose This paper aims to assess control parameter setup and its effect on computational cost and performance of deterministic procedures for multi-objective design optimization of expensive simulation models of antenna structures. Design/methodology/approach A deterministic algorithm for cost-efficient multi-objective optimization of antenna structures has been assessed. The algorithm constructs a patch connecting extreme Pareto-optimal...
Fast multi-objective optimization of antenna structures by means of data-driven surrogates and dimensionality reduction
PublicationDesign of contemporary antenna structures needs to account for several and often conflicting objectives. These are pertinent to both electrical and field properties of the antenna but also its geometry (e.g., footprint minimization). For practical reasons, especially to facilitate efficient optimization, single-objective formulations are most often employed, through either a priori preference articulation, objective aggregation,...