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Search results for: beta-amino acid
Cytochrome P450 izoenzymes involved in metabolism of antitumor 9-amino-1-nitroacridine derivatives, C-857, C-1748
PublicationPraca jest częścią szerszych badań zmierzających do poznania molekularnego mechanizmu metabolicznej transformacji przeciwnowotworowych pochodnych 9-amino-1-nitroakrydyny. W naszym zespole wyselekcjonowano pochodną nowej generacji, która w porównaniu z poprzednimi wykazała znacznie obniżoną toksyczność ogólną. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań wykazaliśmy, że nowa pochodna jest znacznie mniej podatna na metabolizm katalizowany przez...
Paweł Możejko dr hab.
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A novel nucleotide found in human erythrocytes, 4-pyridone-3-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoside triphosphate
PublicationZidentyfikowano nowy, nieznany nukleotyd, występujący w erytrocytach osób chorych na przewlekłą niewydolność nerek, w stężeniu porównywalnym do zawartości ATP. Nukleotyd ten wyizolowano chromatograficznie, a jego strukturę określono jako trójfosforan 4-piridono-3-karboksyamido-1-b-D-rybonukleozydu, na podstawie danych spektralnych UV, MS, IR i NMR.
Biosynthetic and synthetic access to amino sugars.
PublicationAmino sugars are important constituents of a number of biomacromolecules and products of mi crobial secondary metabolism, including antibiotics. For most of them, the amino group is located at the positions C1, C2 or C3 of the hexose or pentose ring. In biological systems, amino sugars are formed due to the catalytic activity of specific aminotransferases or amidotransferases by introducing an amino functionality derived from L-glutamate...
Beta-D-galaktozydazy - źródła, właściwości i zastosowanie
PublicationArtykuł przeglądowy opisujący mechanizm działania enzymu beta-D-galaktozydazy, właściwości beta-D-galaktozydaz pochodzących z różnych mikroorganizmów, zarówno mezofilnych jak i psychrofilnych oraz termofilnych, a także możliwości zastosowania enzymu w przemysłowych procesach hydrolizy laktozy w mleku, serwatce oraz w reakcji syntezy galaktooligosacharydów.
The Synthesis of 3-Amino-pyrazine-2-carbohydrazide and 3-Amino-N'-methylpyrazine-2-carbohydrazide Derivatives
PublicationW poszukiwaniu biologicznie aktywnych związków otrzymano szereg pochodnych 3-Amino-pirazyno-2-karbohydrazydu i 3-Amino-N'-metylopirazyno-2-karbohydrazydu w wyniku reakcji hydrazydu aminopirazynoinowegokwasu z izocyjanianami, aldehydami, ketonami, CS2 i kwasem mrówkowym.
Resistance of human prostate carcinoma cells to a new antitumor compound capridine beta is associated with changed drug metabolism combined with both inherent and drug-induced overexpression of ABC transporters
PublicationW pracy charakteryzujemy mechanizm oporności na nową pochodną 1-nitroakrydyny, związku capridine beta (C-1748) o wysokiej aktywności przeciwnowotworowej, znajdującego się w badaniach klinicznych. Nasze dane wskazują, że oporność na ten związek jest wynikiem zmienionego metabolizmu inaktywującego C-1748 oraz wzrostem ekspresji pompy błonowej ABCG2 a także innych białek transportowych typu ABC.
TMSCL as a rate accelerating additive in acylations of amines with 5-(α- amino-α'-hydroxy)methylene meldrum's acids
PublicationAspects are presented of the acylation of amines, alcohols and thiols with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's acids. We placed special emphasis on the acylation reaction of secondary amines with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's acids, which, due to their basicity, caused problems concerning salt formation with a Meldrum acid derivative. We found that secondary amines, which react at the slowest rate and with a...
Tmscl as a rate accelerating additive in acylations of amines with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene meldrum's acids
PublicationAspects are presented of the acylation of amines, alcohols and thiols with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's acids. We placed special emphasis on the acylation reaction of secondary amines with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's acids, which, due to their basicity, caused problems concerning salt formation with a Meldrum acid derivative. We found that secondary amines, which react at the slowest rate and with a...
Journal of Amino Acids
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Charakterystyka preparatów beta- galaktozydazy z Sulfolobus shibatae.
PublicationCelem pracy było zbadanie przydatności cytoplazamatycznej beta- galaktozydazy/beta- glukozydazy z hipertermofilnego archeona Sulfolobus shibatae do hydrolizy laktozy. 16-krotny stopień oczyszczenia ekstraktu bezkomórkowego,zapewniający aktywność specyficzną 29,5 U/mg białka uzyskiwano poprzez frakcjonowanie siarczanem amonu, chromatografię jonowymienną i sączenie molekularne. Otrzymany preparat wykazywał największą aktywność...
Total Ionization Cross Sections of Selected Amino Acids
Open Research DataThe data set contains tabulated values of cross-sections for a single electron-impact ionization of selected amino acids (glycine, alanine, phenylalanine, proline and tryptophan) calculated using binary-encouter-Bethe method. The data have been published in graphical form (figure 1) in the following paperA.M. Sheer, P. Mozejko, G.A. Gallup, P.D. Burrow...
NADPH-Cytochrome P-450 reductase in strongly involved in activating metabolic transformatios of 9-amino-1-nitroacridine antitumor agents
PublicationCelem pracy było wyjaśnienie roli reduktazy cytochromu P-450 jaką odgrywa ten enzym w przemianach metabolicznych dwóch związków przeciwnowotworowych z grupy pochodnych 1-nitroakrydyny. Zastosowano metodę HPLC do rozdziału metabolitów, a badania struktur przeprowadzono stosując metodę ESI-MS. Wykazano, że badana reduktaza jest zaangażowana bardziej w metabolizm aktywacyjny 1-nitroakrydyn niż metabolizm detoksykacyjny.
Cold-Active beta-Galactosidases: Sources, Biochemical Properties and Their Biotechnological Potential
Publicationbeta-D-Galactosidases have been studied extensively in terms of their application to a variety of industrial technologies. To date, considerable research efforts have been devoted to characterization of new cold-active beta-D-galactosidases which were isolated directly from selected species of bacteria and yeasts, as well as with the use of metagenomic approaches. This chapter will provide a review of current research towards cold-active...
Using Alpha-beta filtration for robustness improvement of a quadrocopter positioning system
PublicationQuadrocopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform. The position of the robot is determined based on readings from an accelerometer and a gyroscope, but the measurement signals contain broadband noise. This article describes a solution for filtering out the noise based on an Alpha – beta filter. It also presents the methodology of designing and implementing such a filter for noise cancellation in measurement signals from...
Beta-Galactosidases of Pseudoalteromonas sp. – Characteristics and application for lactose hydrolysis and galactopyranosides synthesis
PublicationBeta-galactosidase [EC] is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of O-glycosidic linkages in galactosides. It has biotechnological applications in the dairy industry for the production of milk with a low content of lactose and galactooligosacharides for use in healthy food. The transgalactosylation activity of beta-galactosidase can be used in the synthesis of alkyl galactopyranosides. Due to the fact that conditions of...
TMSCl Promoted Acylation of Amines with 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's Acids - Elucidation of Mechanism.
PublicationRecently we have observed accelerating influence of trimethyl silyl chloride addition on the rate of the reactions of 5-(α-amino- α'-hydroxy)methylene Meldrum's Acids with amines, particularly in the case of highly basic amines. However the nature of the aforementioned process remain unexplained. In proposed communication we wish to report insightful elucidation of this mechanism. The reaction under investigation involves simply...
Nucleic Acid Therapeutics
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Journal of Beta Investment Strategies
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Hyaluronic acid/tannic acid films for wound healing application
PublicationIn this study, thin films based on hyaluronic acid (HA) with tannic acid (TA) were investigated in three different weight ratios (80HA/20TA, 50HA/50TA, 20HA/80TA) for their application as materials for wound healing. Surface free energy, as well as their roughness, mechanical properties, water vapor permeability rate, and antioxidant activity were determined. Moreover, their compatibility with blood and osteoblast cells was investigated....
Synthesis of conjugates of amino-combretastatin with tuftsin derivatives as potential anticancer agents
PublicationOpisano syntezę nowych koniugatów 3'-N-(tuftsyno lub retro-tuftsyno)-amino-kombretastatyny jako potencjalnych związków przeciw-nowotworowych. Do syntezy amino-kombretastatyny (amino-CA-4) wykorzystano reakację Wittiga a koniugatów metodę DPPA. Mamy nadzieję, że połączenie pochodnych tuftsyny z amino-CA-4 wpłynie na polepszenie właściwości terapeutycznych CA-4.
Application 2D Descriptors and Artificial Neural Networks for Beta-Glucosidase Inhibitors Screening
PublicationBeta-glucosidase inhibitors play important medical and biological roles. In this study, simple two-variable artificial neural network (ANN) classification models were developed for beta-glucosidase inhibitors screening. All bioassay data were obtained from the ChEMBL database. The classifiers were generated using 2D molecular descriptors and the data miner tool available in the STATISTICA package (STATISTICA Automated Neural...
Preparation of Pseudopeptides Building Blocks with Retro-Thioamide Bond Mediated via Thiocarbamoyl Meldrum's Acid
PublicationAn easy and efficient synthesis of pseudo tripeptide containing a thiomalonamide moiety was developed. Isothiocyanate derivatives of amino acids react smoothly with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione yielding new thiocarbamoyl Meldrum's acids. Thermal decomposition of this new Meldrum's acid derivatives generate thiocarbamoyl ketenes, which acylate amino acid esters to give pseudo tripeptides.
Unieruchamianie rekombinowanej beta-galaktozydazy w reakcjach katalizowanych transglutaminazą
PublicationTermostabilną beta-galaktozydazę wyizolowaną z Escherichia coli zawierającej gen enzymu z Pyrococcus woesei, sieciowano transgluta-minazą na żelu krzemionkowym. Otrzymany preparat wykazuje w 70 st.C aktywność hydrolizy ONPG wynoszącą 11,573 U/g nośnika. Optymalne pH i temperatura działania enzymu wynosi odpowiednio 5,5 oraz 95 st.C. Preparat unieruchomionego enzymu zachowuje około 70 % początkowej aktywności po 1 godzinie inkubacji...
Urolithin A Ameliorates the TGF Beta-Dependent Impairment of Podocytes Exposed to High Glucose
PublicationIncreased activity of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) is a key factor mediating kidney impairment in diabetes. Glomerular podocytes, the crucial component of the renal filter, are a direct target of TGF-β action, resulting in irreversible cell loss and progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Urolithin A (UA) is a member of the family of polyphenol metabolites produced by gut microbiota from ellagitannins and ellagic...
Isolation and some properties of the thermostable beta-galactosidase of Pyrococcus woesei expressed in Escherichia coli
PublicationOpracowano metodę izolowania oraz zbadano właściwości enzymu otrzymanego ze szczepu Escherichia coli zawierającego gen kodujący termostabilną beta-ga-laktozydazę z Pyrococcus woesei.
Ochrona katodowa nóg platformy ''Baltic Beta''.
PublicationKonstrukcje morskie wymagają skutecznej i niezawodnej ochrony przeciwkorozyjnej, bez której degradacja materiału doprowadzić może do awarii, a nawet katastrof. Obecnie stosuje się łącznie zabezpieczenia powłokowe oraz ochronę katodową. Ochrona katodowa konstrukcji morskich jest problemem złożonym. Nie istnieją uniwersalne rozwiązania systemów ochronnych. Każda konstrukcja wymaga indywidualnego opracowania koncepcji realizacji...
Cloning and characterization of a novel cold-active glycoside hydrolase family 1 enzyme with beta-glucosidase, beta-fucosidase and beta-galactosidase activities.
PublicationBackground: Cold-active enzymes, sourced from cold-adapted organisms, are characterized by high catalytic efficiencies at low temperatures compared with their mesophilic counterparts, which have poor activity. This property makes them advantageous for biotechnology applications as it: (i) saves energy costs, (ii) shortens the times for processes operated at low temperatures, (iii) protects thermosensitive substrates or products...
The synthesis and structure of a potential immunosuppressant: N-mycophenoyl malonic acid dimethyl ester
PublicationThe synthesis of a potential immunosuppressant, i.e. dimethyl ester of N-mycophenoyl malonic acid was optimized in the reaction of mycophenolic acid (MPA) with amino malonic dimethyl ester in the presence of propanephosphonic anhydride (T3P) as a coupling reagent. The structural properties of the obtained MPA derivative were investigated by NMR, MS and single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Theoretical considerations of conformational...
FPGA realization of an improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm
PublicationThe generalized improved version of the alpha max plus beta min square-rooting algorithm and its realization in the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) are presented. The algorithm computes the square root to calculate the approximate magnitude of a complex sample. It is especially useful for pipelined calculations in the DSP. In case of four approximation regions it is possible to reduce the peak error form 3.95% to 0.33%. This...
Antarctic, cold-adapted beta-galactosidase of Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b as an effective tool for alkyl galactopyranosides synthesis
PublicationPrzedstawione jest zastosowanie arktycznej beta-galaktozydazy Pseudoalteromonas sp. 22b do katalizy syntezy alkilowych galaktopyranozydów. Njwyższą wydajność syntezy uzyskuje się przy pH 6-9 i 10-30% stężenia wody. Podobnie jak dla mezofilnych beta-galaktozydaz enzym antarktyczny syntetyzował najwydajniej kiedy reakcja przebiega w mieszaninie buforu i rozpuszczalnika organiczego (poniżej 50%, v/v).
Analiza przyczyn pęknięcia drąga tłokowego sprężarki Dresser-Rand na platformie Baltic Beta
PublicationW ramach opracowanej ekspertyzy opisano przyczyny oraz mechanizm zniszczenia zespołu tłokowego sprężarki gazu Dresser Rand zainstalowanej na platformie wydobywczej Baltic Beta. Sformułowano wnioski i zalecenia dotyczące dalszej eksploatacji urządzenia.
Complexation of amino acids derivatives in water by calix[4]arene phosphonic acids
PublicationSeries of the calix[4]arene phosphonic acids with various substituents at the lower rim was synthesized. Complexing properties of these receptors towards methyl esters of six amino acids strongly depended on the calix[4]arene conformation flexibility. The complex formation processes were monitored using 1H NMR spectroscopy (deuterated phosphate buffer at pD 7.3, 22 oC) and association constant values were evaluated. Inherently...
Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel analogues of batracylin with synthetic amino acids and adenosine: an unexpected effect on centromere segregation in tumor cells through a dual inhibition of topoisomerase IIa and Aurora B
PublicationIn the search for new anticancer agents we designed and synthesized batracylin derivatives with linking synthetic amino acid side chains of different lengths and adenosine. Unexpectedly, we have found that in water and the culture media adenosine–amino acid–BAT conjugates form supramolecular structures and this prevents these compounds from entering cells. Consequently, these compounds exerted no biological activity when tested...
Symmetrical and unsymmetrical diphosphanes with diversified alkyl, aryl and amino substituents
PublicationWe present the comprehensive study of diphosphanes with diversified substituents regarding their syntheses, structures, and properties. To this end, we have synthesized a series of novel unsymmetrical alkyl, aryl and amino-substituted diphosphanes of the general formula R1R2P-PR3R4 (where R1, R2, R3, R4 = tBu, Ph, Et2N or iPr2N) via salt metathesis reactionof halophosphanes with metal phosphides in high yield. We vastly expanded...
Effect of Acetylation and Beta‐Amylase Treatment on Complexation of Debranched Starch with Naringenin
PublicationStarch inclusion complexation has been shown to improve solubility of water insoluble molecules. Potato starch and Hylon VII are acetylated at two levels and then debranched alone or combined with β‐amylase hydrolysis, and its complexes with naringenin are prepared in aqueous conditions and characterized in this study. Both soluble and insoluble complexes are formed with the soluble complex present in the supernatant and the insoluble...
Effect of Hydroxypropylation and Beta-Amylase Treatment on Complexation of Debranched Starch With Naringenin
PublicationNaringenin exhibits many health benefits but it has limited water solubility and consequently low bioavailability. The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of hydroxypropylation and enzymatic treatments on starch complexation with naringenin. Potato starch and Hylon VII are hydroxypropylated to two substitution degrees and then debranched or debranched/β‐amylase treated prior to complexing with naringenin. Both...
Retention modeling of some saccharides separated on an amino column.
PublicationUsing an amino column (Supelcosil LC-NH2) and different mixtures of acetonitrile-water, quantitative structure-retention relationship models are discussed. These models are based on computed molecular descriptors representing numerically structured features of some saccharides. The obtained results are underlining the lipophilicity/hydrophilicity balance, and how this is controlling the separation of the saccharides. The resulting...
Thermostable beta-glucosidase with a broad substrate specifity suitable for processing of lactose-containing products.
PublicationHipertermofilny archeon Sulfolobus shibatae wytwarza termostabilną beta glukozydazę przydatną do hydrolizy laktozy w mleku i serwatce przejawiającą największą aktywność w 85 stC przy pH 5,5. Aktywność ekstraktu bezkomórkowego Sulfolobus shibatae wynosi 0.29 U/mg białka i może być 17-krotnie zwiększona poprzez frakcjonowanie siarczanem amonu, chromatografię jonowymienną i filtrację żelową. Badany enzym ma dużą termostabilność i...
Thermostable Pyrococcus woesei beta-D-galactosidase - high level expression, purification and biochemical properties
PublicationGen kodujący termostabilną beta-D-galaktozydazę Pyrococcus woesei zamplifikowano z zastosowaniem techniki PCR i klonowano w komórkach Escherichia coli. Skonstruowany system ekspresji genu pozwolił na uzyskanie znacznej ilości termostabilnego białka w komórkach mezofilnego gospodarza. Enzym oczyszczono z zastosowaniem chromatografii powinowactwa po wcześniejszej denaturacji termicznej białek Escherichia coli i scharakteryzowano...
MM/PBSA analysis of molecular dynamics simulations of bovine beta-lactoglobulin: free energy gradients in conformational transitions?
PublicationPraca dotyczy pH zależnych zmian konformacyjnych EF pętli beta-laktoglobuliny. Zmiany te są śledzone za pomocą metod obliczeniowych chemii (dynamika molekularna oraz metody MM/PBSA).
Modifications of total synthesis of mycophenolic acid
PublicationThe total synthesis of mycophenolic acid (MPA), a potent immunosuppressant, was modified. The obtained mycophenolic acid was suitable for further preparation of new prospective immunosuppressants with improved therapeutic properties.
Effect of Amino Acids and Sodium Chloride on d-Sorbitol in Aqueous Solutions at Different Temperatures: Volumetric and Acoustic Approach
PublicationApparent molar volumes and apparent molar compressibilities for d-sorbitol in (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) mol·kg−1 aqueous solutions of l-alanine, l-cysteine and l-histidine and NaCl have been determined from measurements of solution density at T = (288.15, 298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K and sound velocity at T = 298.15 K, as a function of the concentration of the sugar alcohol. The data were used to obtain the limiting apparent molar...
Easy formation of acyl-Meldrum's acid anhydride
PublicationAcyl Meldrum's acid are usually a good source of ketenes upon definite thermal composition. However we treated acyl-Meldrum's acid with the Lewis acid and we observed formation of 5[[(2,2-dimethyl-4,6-dioxo-1,3-dioxan 5 ylidene)(acyl/arylamino)mathoxy](acyl/arylamino)methylene]-2,2dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6 dione which means acyl-Meldrum's acid anhydride. The chemical properities of acyl-Meldrum's acid anhydride were explored.
Improved magnitude estimation of complex numbers using alpha max and beta min algorithm
PublicationThe paper presents an improved algorithm for calculating the magnitude of complex numbers. This problem, which is a special case of square rooting, occurs for example, in FFT processors and complex FIR filters. The proposed method of magnitude calculation makes use of the modified alpha max and beta min algorithm. The improved version of the algorithm allows to control the maximum magnitude approximation error by using an adequate...
Investigations on the immunosuppressive activity of derivatives of mycophenolic acid in immature dendritic cell
PublicationThe main activity of mycophenolic acid (MPA) and its analogs is the inhibition of proliferation of T cells. Here, we hypothesized that MPA and its conjugates inhibits also the activity of antigen-presenting cells (APC) including dendritic cells (DCs). We tested the effect of novel amino acid derivatives of MPA and conjugates of MPA with acridines/acridones on DCs by flow cytometry, ELISA and MLR assay. Both acridines/acridone derivatives...
Sensitive Demonstration of the Twin-Core Couplers including Kerr Law Non-Linearity via Beta Derivative Evolution
PublicationTo obtain new solitary wave solutions for non-linear directional couplers using optical meta-materials, a new extended direct algebraic technique (EDAT) is used. This model investigates solitary wave propagation inside a fiber. As a result, twin couplers are the subject of this study. Kerr law is the sort of non-linearity addressed there. Because it offers solutions to problems with large tails or infinite fluctuations, the resulting...
Impedimetric sensing of α-amino acids driven by micro-patterned 1,8-Diazafluoren-9-one into titania- boron- doped maze-like nanocarbons
PublicationThe development of impedimetric, non-faradaic label-free sensors for the detection of α-amino acids constitutes a trailblazing technology for the fast and inexpensive quantification of such biomarkers. Since α-amino acids, such as glycine and sarcosine, are basic constituents in biological processes, a variation in their concentration may be an indicator of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders or neurological conditions....
New Analogues of Mycophenolic Acid
PublicationMycophenolic acid (MPA) possesses antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunosuppressive and anticancer properties. It is a non-competitive and reversible inhibitor of dehydrogenase inosine-5'-monophosphate (IMPDH). This compound belongs to the immunosuppressive drugs used for the prevention of both acute and chronic transplant rejection. Until now, two derivatives of MPA have been used clinically: mycophenolate mofetil (MMF,...
Implementation of magnitude calculation of complex numbers using improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm
PublicationThe paper presents the hardware implementation of the improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm for calculating the magnitude of complex numbers. This version of the algorithm requires the general division which is performed using a noniterative multiplicative division algorithm. We analyze in detail the division algorithm, its error and the impact of finite word-length signal representations on the assumed total computation error....