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Search results for: calix[4]arene
Interaction of 4-nitrothiophenol with low energy electrons: Implications for plasmon mediated reactions
PublicationThe reduction of 4-nitrothiophenol (NTP) to 4-4′-dimercaptoazobenzene (DMAB) on laser illuminated noble metal nanoparticles is one of the most widely studied plasmon mediated reactions. The reaction is most likely triggered by a transfer of low energy electrons from the nanoparticle to the adsorbed molecules. Besides the formation of DMAB, dissociative side reactions of NTP have also been observed. Here, we present a crossed electron-molecular...
Linia metra nr 4 w São Paulo
PublicationSão Paulo w Brazylii to jedna z największych metropolii swiata. Ogromne potrzeby transportowe spowodowały, że w komunikacji zbiorowej bardzo duży nacisk kładziony jest na transport szynowy - zarówno naziemny jak i podziemny (metro). Jego stan obecny oraz perspektywy rozwoju, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem oddanej do użytku w bieżacym roku linii metra nr 4, przedstawiono w niniejszym artykule.
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
On configuration of residue scaling process in pipelined radix-4 MQRNS FFT processor
PublicationResidue scaling is needed in pipelined FFT radix-4 processors based on the Modified Quadratic Residue Number System (MQRNS) at the output of each butterfly. Such processor uses serial connection of radix-4 butterflies. Each butterfly comprises n subunits, one for each modulus of the RNS base and outputs four complex residue numbers. In order to prevent the arithmetic overflow in the succesive stage, every number has to be scaled,...
On simplification of residue scaling process in pipelined Radix-4 MQRNS FFT processor
PublicationResidue scaling is needed in pipelined FFT radix-4 processors based on the Modified Quadratic Residue Number System (MQRNS) at the output of each butterfly. Such processor uses serial connection of radix-4 butterflies. Each butterfly comprises n subunits, one for each modulus of the RNS base and generates four complex residue numbers. In order to prevent arithmetic overflow intermediate results after each butterfly have to be...
A note on polynomial algorithm for cost coloring of bipartite graphs with Δ ≤ 4
PublicationIn the note we consider vertex coloring of a graph in which each color has an associated cost which is incurred each time the color is assigned to a vertex. The cost of coloring is the sum of costs incurred at each vertex. We show that the minimum cost coloring problem for n-vertex bipartite graph of degree ∆≤4 can be solved in O(n^2) time. This extends Jansen’s result [K.Jansen,The optimum cost chromatic partition problem, in:...
Radix-4 dft butterfly realization with the use of the modified quadratic residue number system
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano projektowanie i realizację obliczenia motylkowego dft dla podstawy 4 z użyciem zespolonego systemu resztowego (CRNS) i zmodyfikowanego kwadratowego systemu resztowego (MQRNS). System MQRNS oprócz własności dekompozycyjnych pozwala na realizację mnożenia zespolonego przy zastosowaniu trzech mnożeń rzeczywistych. Przedstawiono konwertery wejściowy CRNS/MQRNS i wyjściowy MQRNS/CRNS, mnożenie zespolone w MQRNS,...
Wykorzystanie termowizji w badaniach odporności na udary wg EN61000-4-5
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań konstrukcyjnych urządzeń elektronicznych z zastosowaniem kamery podczerwieni do obserwacji obiektu badanego podczas badań odporności na udary napięciowe wykonywane wg normy EN61000-4-5.
Rhenium Nanostructures Loaded into Amino-Functionalized Resin as a Nanocomposite Catalyst for Hydrogenation of 4-Nitrophenol and 4-Nitroaniline
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The LaPdIn 4 indide and elementary properties of the LaTIn 4 ( T = Ni, Pd, Pt) materials family
PublicationThe indium-rich intermetallic compound LaPdIn4 is reported, prepared by arc-melting and annealing at 600 C. Single crystal X-ray diffraction found the material to be orthorhombic, space group Cmcm (No. 63), with lattice parameters a ¼ 4.5462(3) Å, b ¼ 16.9208(10) Å, and c ¼ 7.3100(5) Å. This previously unreported indide is isostructural with LaNiIn4 and LaPtIn4. It is demonstrated that all three compounds in the LaTIn4 (T ¼ Ni,...
Chitosan/poly(4-vinylpyridine) coatings formed on AgNPs-decorated titanium
PublicationElectrophoretic deposition (EPD) of chitosan/poly(4-vinylpyridine) (chit/P4VP) coatings on titanium substrates previously decorated with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was performed at different content of P4VP in the suspension and different voltage values. The results revealed that the composite coatings were formed, well-adjacent to the titanium substrate, of suitable roughness, hydrophilicity, and corrosion resistance. The voltage...
Exact analytical scattering lengths for a class of long-range potentials with r(-4) asymptotics.
PublicationWyprowadzono analityczne wyrażenie dla długości rozpraszania dla pewnej klasy potencjałów zanikających asymptotycznie jak r do (-4). Wpływ rdzenia potencjału uwzględniono poprzez dwa parametry: promień rdzenia oraz krótkozasięgową długość rozpraszania.
4. Charakterystyka hydrograficzna zlewni Raduni
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono charakterystykę zlewni i rzeki Raduni. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na profil podłużny rzeki, zabudowę, gęstość sieci rzecznej oraz przepływy charakterystyczne. Przedstawiono również problem obliczenia przepływów nienaruszalnych i zmiany antropogeniczne w zlewni. Na koniec dokonano identyfikacji obecnego stanu wód w świetle Ramowej Dyrewktywy UE, odnosząc się zarówno do stanu ekologicznego rzeki, jak i do...
Radix-4 dft butterfly realization with the use of the modified quadratic residue number system
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono algorytm realizacji mnożenia zespolonego z użyciem zmodyfikowanego kwadratowego zmodyfikowanego systemu liczbowego (mqrns) oraz jego zastosowanie do wykonania obliczenia motylkowego dft dla podstawy 4. pokazano też wstępne rezultaty implementacji w układzie xilinx fpga.
Potassium Tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolates: Synthesis, Properties, and Crystal and Molecular Structures of [(tBuO)3SiSK]6[THF]2·2THF, {[(tBuO)3SiS]2K2}n, and [(tBuO)3SiSK]4[H2O]4·C6H6
PublicationW reakcji tri-tert-butoksysilanotiolu z potasem otrzymano trzy nowe związki:[(tBuO)3SiSK]6[THF]2·2THF, {[(tBuO)3SiS]2K2}n, i[(tBuO)3SiSK]4[H2O]4·C6H6. Stanowią one dogodne substraty w syntezach kompleksów silanotiolanowych metali przejściowych. Charakteryzują się one również różnorodnością tworzonych układów. Rentgenowska analiza strukturalna wykazała, iż tworzą one trzy typy makrocząsteczkowych układów, w których...
Perfusion computed tomography: 4 cmversus8 cm coverage size in subjects with chronic carotid artery stenosis
PublicationOBJECTIVE: The impact of coverage size on global cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV), mean transit time (MTT) and time to peak (TTP) parameters has not been investigated in patients with chronic carotid artery stenosis. METHODS: 63 patients with stenosis of >70% within a single internal carotid artery and neurological symptoms were randomly assigned to two well-matched groups. Differences in CT perfusion scan...
Role of methylation in electron scattering on X(CH3)4 (X= C, Si, Ge) molecules (2)
PublicationTo investigate how replacement of H atom with methyl group (CH3) – in tetrahedral compounds of carbon, silicon and germanium – affects electron scattering process, total cross sections (TCS) for electron scattering from C(CH3)4, Si(CH3)4 and Ge(CH3)4 molecules have been compared with data for CH4, SiH4 and GeH4 molecules. All examined data have been obtained with the same experimental setup. The shape of all discussed TCS energy...
Oxidation kinetics of Zircaloy-4 alloy at 673 K determined by GDOES technique
PublicationOxidation of zirconium alloys is a process that takes place during the operation of nuclear reactors and is essential for assessing the durability of fuel claddings. The present study was aimed to determine the oxidation kinetics of the Zircaloy-4 alloy using GDOES (glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy) at temperature 673 K corresponding to the conditions of use of fuel pellets. The tests were performed on non-oxidized...
Manifestation of Intermolecular Interactions in the IR Spectra of 2- and 4-Methylmethcathinones Hydrochlorides: DFT Study and Hirshfeld Surfaces Analysis
PublicationThis paper reports a Hirshfeld surfaces analysis of crystalline 2- and 4-methylmethcathinone (2-MMC and 4-MMC) hydrochlorides to analyze NH∙Cl and CH∙∙∙Cl intermolecular interactions and approve the formation of the NН2+–Cl– salt fragment in both 2-MMC∙HCl and 4-MMC∙HCl crystals. Two isomeric dimers were separated from the corresponding crystal packing to model IR spectra of the crystalline 2-MMC∙HCl...
The influence of food phytochemicals on cyclic phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) activity
PublicationCyclic phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) belongs to family of cyclic phosphodiesterases, which are expressed predominantly in inflammatory cells, airway smooth muscles, cardiovascular tissues and brain. Inhibitors of this family of enzymes found medicinal applications as antidepressants, antiinflamatory drugs (mainly in airway diseases) or antiasthmatics (Ibudilast). PDE4 inhibitors are also being tested for preventing the development...
Unassisted formation of hemiaminal ether from 4-aminopyridine and o-vanillin - experimental and theoretical study
PublicationThe reactions between o-vanillin and three isomeric aminopyridines lead to imines of diverse spatial conformation and reactivity. The direct products of these simple reactions carried out in methanol are either imine compounds formed in the reactions of 2- amino- and 3-aminopyridine with o-vanillin or the α-aminoether formed in the reaction of o-vanillin with 4-aminopyridine. The Schiff-type derivative of 4-aminopyridine and o-vanillin,...
Minimization of the number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of closed simply-connected 4-manifolds
PublicationLet M be a smooth closed simply-connected 4-dimensional manifold, f be a smooth self-map of M with fast grow of Lefschetz numbers and r be a product of different primes. The authors calculate the invariant equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points in the smooth homotopy class of f.
Wystawa fotografii na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, 4 kwietnia - 14 maja 2012r.
PublicationWystawa fotografii: Praktyka uspołecznionego projektowania architektonicznego [=] Community based architectural design in practice. Kurator: Paulina Borysewicz. Wydział Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, 4 kwietnia - 14 maja 2012r.Katalog wystawy, s.33; ISBN: 978-83-928905-9-1, Wydawnictwo Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej.
Quantification and distribution of 4-fluoroisobutyryl fentanyl (4-FiBF) in postmortem biological samples using UHPLC–QqQ-MS/MS
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Role of methylation in electron scattering on X(CH3)4 (X = C, Si, Ge) molecules
PublicationTotal cross sections (TCS) for low-energy electron scattering from X(CH3)4 (where X = C, Si, Ge) molecules have been measured using linear transmission method. Present results and those obtained previously for XH4 molecules were used to determine how methylation of the target is reflected in TCS energy dependence.
New 2-[(4-Amino-6-N-substituted-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)methylthio]-N-(imidazolidin-2-ylidene)-4-chloro-5-methylbenzenesulfonamide Derivatives, Design, Synthesis and Anticancer Evaluation
PublicationIn the search for new compounds with antitumor activity, new potential anticancer agents were designed as molecular hybrids containing the structures of a triazine ring and a sulfonamide fragment. Applying the synthesis in solution, a base of new sulfonamide derivatives 20–162 was obtained by the reaction of the corresponding esters 11–19 with appropriate biguanide hydrochlorides. The structures of the compounds were confirmed...
Ultrasound-assisted wet-impregnation of Ag–Co nanoparticles on cellulose nanofibers: Enhanced catalytic hydrogenation of 4-nitrophenol
PublicationIn this study, a novel nanocomposite of bimetallic Ag–Co nanoparticles supported on cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) was synthesised using the ultrasound-assisted wet-impregnation method for catalytic applications. CNFs were prepared from cellulose acetate using the electrospinning technique. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis confirmed the successful synthesis of CNFs. Further, scanning electron microscopy (SEM)...
Curing behavior of epoxy/Fe 3 O 4 nanocomposites: A comparison between the effects of bare Fe 3 O 4 , Fe 3 O 4 /SiO 2 /chitosan and Fe 3 O 4 /SiO 2 /chitosan/imide/phenylalanine-modified nanofillers
PublicationIn this study, Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were synthesized (B-MNP) and then modified with SiO2 to form Fe3O4/SiO2 core/shell MNPs. The Fe3O4/SiO2 MNPs were chemically functionalized with chitosan so as to gain Fe3O4/SiO2/Chitosan (CH-MNP). The CH-MNP was functionalized with a macromolecule containing imide and phenylalanine precursors to gain Fe3O4/SiO2/Chitosan/imide/phenylalanine based MNPs (CH-IM-MNP). The differences...
4-Hexylresorcinol-derived hydroxyazobenzocrown ethers as chromoionophores
PublicationOpisano syntezę nowych chromogenicznych azobenzokoron z grupą hydroksylową w pozycji para w stosunku do grupy azowej. Zdolność kompleksowania wybranych kationów litowców i berylowców przez otrzymane barwne związki makrocykliczne zbadano w acetonitrylu przy pomocy spektroskopii UV-Vis.
Charakterystyka ogólna tłuszczów jadalnych. Rozdział 4
PublicationOmówiono pochodzenie, otrzymywanie, skład ogólny tłuszczów oraz ich własności funkcjonalne i aspekty żywieniowe. Ponadto mowa jest o polimorfizmie i strukturze krystalicznej tłuszczów. W rozdziale tym omówiono również różnego typu tłuszcze modyfikowane.
Unstability of 4-CMC in human serum specimen
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The Stability of 4‐Chloromethcathinone in Blood and Vitreous Humor
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Lekka obudowa. część 4. Układy konstrukcyjne
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono przegląd rozwiązań układów konstrukcyjnych stosowanych w lekkich ścianach osłonowych mających zastosowanie przy różnych rodzajach obudów w obiektach budowlanych.
Komentarz do art. 20 ust. 4
PublicationCommentary to provision concerning implementation of Regulation 1/2003 in Poland
Synthesis and steroid sulfatase inhibitory activities of N-phosphorylated 3-(4-aminophenyl)-coumarin-7-O-sulfamates
PublicationIn the present work, we report convenient methods for the synthesis and biological evaluation of N-phosphorylated derivatives of 3-(4-aminophenyl)-coumarin-7-O-sulfamate as potential steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitors. Their binding modes were modeled using docking techniques. The inhibitory effects of the synthesized compounds were tested on STS isolated from human placenta. All of the newly synthesised coumarin derivatives were...
Electron Scattering on X(CH3)4 Molecules: Applicability of Simple Additivity Rule and Role of Methylation
PublicationTo investigate influence of target methylation (substitution of a hydrogen atom by methyl group) on electron-collision processes we compare absolute total cross sections for XH4 and X(CH3)4 molecules, where X is Si and Ge, respectively. We also compare experimental TCSs energy dependencies with estimated data obtained using simple formula and TCSs for methyl group and those for SiH4 and GeH4. Electron-scattering TCSs for mentioned...
High sensitivity voltammetric sensor of 4-nitrotoluene based on nanoflake-rich boron-doped carbon nanowall electrode for water safety
PublicationThis study demonstrates a highly efficient electrochemical sensing platform for 4-nitrotoluene (4-NT) detection based on nanoflake-rich boron-doped carbon nanowall (NF-BCNW) electrodes. The electrodes, fabricated using a one-step deposition process, exhibit remarkable properties, including fast charge transfer and a developed surface area. The research shows the high efficiency of 4-NT detection in laboratory-grade aqueous samples,...
Theoretical calculation of the physico-chemical properties of 1-butyl-4-methylpyridinium based ionic liquids
PublicationACCEPTED MAIonic liquids (ILs) have attracted much attention for their unique physicochemical properties, which can be designed as needed by altering the ion combinations. Besides experimental work, numerous computational studies have been concerned with prediction of physical properties of ILs. The results of molecular dynamics simulations of ILs depend strongly on the proper force field parameterization. Classical force fields...
Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMagdalena Gajewska (born June 1th 1968 in Gdańsk) in 1993 graduated Hydro-Engineering Faculty at Gdańsk University of Technology. At present she is an assistant professor in the Department of Water and Wastewater Technology at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering GUT. PhD (2001) and habilitation (2013) in the discipline of environmental engineering. In the 2016-2020 term, serves as Vice -dean for science. She...
Optical emission characteristics of glow discharge in the N2–H2–Sn(CH3)4 and N2–Ar–Sn(CH3)4 mixtures
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The effect of sunscreen 4‐methylbenzylidene camphor in different and reproductive models, its bioaccumulation and molecular effects on ligand‐receptor interaction, and protein expression
Publication4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) is a photo-absorbing UV filter prevalently used in cosmetics, which can be absorbed into circulation and cause systemic effects. 4-MBC is continued to be released in the environment despite the growing knowledge about its bioaccumulation and endocrine disrupting effects. Previous reviews have mentioned UV-filter together but this review considers 4-MBC alone, due to its prevalence and concerning...
Trójfazowy 4-gałęziowy falownik SiC w napędzie z wysokoobrotowym silnikiem indukcyjnym
PublicationZastosowanie tranzystorów SiC w falownikach napędów wysokoobrotowych powoduje nowe wyzwania,szczególnie odnośnie generowanego w falowniku napięcia common mode (CM) o wysokiej częstotliwości. Wysokoczęstotliwościowe napięcie CM wchodzi w interakcję z pojemnościami pasożytniczymi falownika, kabla i silnika wymuszając przepływ prądów CM, które są źródłem strat w filtrach pasywnych oraz powodują zakłócenia pomiarów prądów, nieakceptowalne...
Trójfazowy 4-gałęziowy falownik SiC w napędzie z wysokoobrotowym silnikiem indukcyjnym
PublicationZastosowanie tranzystorów SiC w falownikach napędów wysokoobrotowych powoduje nowe wyzwania, szczególnie odnośnie generowanego w falowniku napięcia common mode (CM) o wysokiej częstotliwości. Wysokoczęstotliwościowe napięcie CM wchodzi w interakcję z pojemnościami pasożytniczymi falownika, kabla i silnika wymuszając przepływ prądów CM, które są źródłem strat w filtrach pasywnych oraz powodują zakłócenia pomiarów prądów, nieakceptowalne...
PublicationThe article presents experimental research that has been carried out on a marine, 4-stroke, 3-cylinder, turbocharged engine. During testing, the engine operated at a constant rotational speed of 750 rpm and a load from 0 kW to 280 kW. The engine was fuelled by diesel oil of known specification and loaded by electric generator with water resistance. The fuel consumption was measured during the engine operation with fuel nozzles...
Fault diagnosis in electronic circuits based on bilinear transformation in 3-D and 4-D spaces
PublicationPrzedstawiono ideę nowych metod diagnostycznych 3-D i 4-D opartych na przek-ształceniu biliniowym. Metody te bazują na transformacjach operujących odpo-wiednio w trzy i czterowymiarowych przestrzeniach funkcji układowych. Dlatych metod omówiono algorytm lokalizacji i identyfikacji pojedynczych uszko-dzeń parametrycznych w liniowych układach elektronicznych oraz algorytm lo-kalizacji i identyfikacji pojedynczych uszkodzeń...
PublicationIPTV (Television over IP) is a modern service with a great potential to expand. It uses the IP transport platform, that is already in worldwide operation. At the time of writing, two techniques are used to transport the video and audio data of IPTV: MPEG-2 TS and Native RTP. The two techniques quite definitely have an influence on both quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE). This paper sets out to demonstrate...
DNA adduct formation by C-1748, a potent antitumor 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine of lowered toxicity.
Publication4-podstawione 1-nitroakrydyny reprezentują nową grupę pochodnych zsyntetyzowanych na Politechnice Gdańskiej. W porównaniu do macierzystych 1-nitroakrydyn związki te wykazują obniżoną toksyczność i podwyższoną aktywność przeciwnowotworową. Wiodąca pochodna 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyna o symbolu C-1748 jest obecnie w przygotowaniu do I fazy badań klinicznych w leczeniu raka okrężnicy. Wprowadzenie elektrodonorowej grupy metylowej w...
Structure, Physicochemical and Biological Properties of an Aqua (2,2′,2′′-Nitrilotriacetato)-oxidovanadium(IV) Salt with 4-Methylpyridinium Cation
PublicationThe crystal structure of a nitrilotriacetate (nta) oxidovanadi-um(IV) salt with 4-methylpyridinium cation, [4-Me(Py)H]+, of [4-Me(Py)H][VO(nta)(H2O)] stoichiometry was determined. The com-plex comprises a discrete mononuclear [VO(nta)(H2O)]–coordinationentity that can be rarely found among other known compounds con-taining nitrilotriacetate oxidovanadium(IV) moieties. The complex wascharacterized by spectroscopic (IR and EPR) methods,...
The Impact of 8- and 4-Bit Quantization on the Accuracy and Silicon Area Footprint of Tiny Neural Networks
PublicationIn the field of embedded and edge devices, efforts have been made to make deep neural network models smaller due to the limited size of the available memory and the low computational efficiency. Typical model footprints are under 100 KB. However, for some applications, models of this size are too large. In low-voltage sensors, signals must be processed, classified or predicted with an order of magnitude smaller memory. Model downsizing...