total: 112
Search results for: dsc calorimetry
Synthesis and characterization of cycloaliphatic hydrophilic polyurethanes, modified with l-ascorbic acid, as materials for soft tissue regeneration
PublicationIn this paper we described synthesis and characteristic of obtained hydrophilic polyurethanes (PURs) modified with ascorbic acid (commonly known as vitamin C). Such materials may find an application in the biomedical field, for example in the regenerative medicine of soft tissues, according to ascorbic acid wide influence on tissue regeneration Flora (2009), Szymańska-Pasternak et al. (2011), Taikarimi and Ibrahim (2011), Myrvik...
Kinetics of Cross-Linking Reaction of Epoxy Resin with Hydroxyapatite-Functionalized Layered Double Hydroxides
PublicationThe cure kinetics analysis of thermoset polymer composites gives useful information about their properties. In this work, two types of layered double hydroxide (LDH) consisting of Mg2+ and Zn2+ as divalent metal ions and CO32− as an anion intercalating agent were synthesized and functionalized with hydroxyapatite (HA) to make a potential thermal resistant nanocomposite. The curing potential of the synthesized nanoplatelets in the...
DSC and thermal stability investigation of novel poly(ester-ether) glycolsand poly(ester-ether)urethanes.
PublicationOtrzymano serie nowych poli(estro-etero)dioli z kwasu adypinowgo.........
Determination of the Major By-Products of Citrus hystrix Peel and Their Characteristics in the Context of Utilization in the Industry
PublicationKaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a popular citrus in Southeast Asia. Despite the growing interest in the peel of the fruit, the leaves are the most frequently used part of the fruit. The aim of the study was to determine the main by-products of the peel, such as pectins, minerals, essential oil, and bioactive compounds, and to evaluate the possibility of using them in various branches of industry. In the study of the essential oil...
DSC isothermal and non-isothermal assessment of thermo-oxidative stability of different cultivars of Camelina sativa L. seed oils
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Probing the binding selected metal ions and biologically active substances to the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 using DSC, ITC measurements and calculations
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Thermal properties of tetrabutylammonium bromotrichloro-, tribromochloro-and tetrabromoferrates(III)
PublicationW pracy badana jest termiczna dekompozycja związków tetrabutylammonium bromotrichloro-, tribromochloro-and tetrabromoferrates(III). Analizę termiczną (TG-MS, DTA, DTG i DSC) prowadzono w atmosferze argonu w zakresie temperatur 293-1073 K. Stałe produkty dekompozycji identyfikowano metodą dyfrakcji promieniowania rentgenowskiego.
Primary and secondary crystallization of poly(ethylene adipate)
PublicationSecondary crystallization of PEA, occurring during DSC scan and performed after isothermal primary crystallization has been investigated. The high temperature exotherm peak has been attributed to the crystallization of amorphous fraction included between crystallites formed at the primary crystallization. The temperature position of the highest rate of the secondary crystallization depended on the temperature of the isothermal...
Thermal decomposition of some aromatic azomonoethers. Part II. Non-isothermal study of three liquid crystals in dynamic air atmosphere
PublicationW ramach pracy zweryfikowano stabilność termiczną trzech barwników azowych o właściwościach ciekłokrystalicznych - potencjalnych prekursorów do otrzymywania warstw stosowanych w optyce nieliniowej. Zarejestrowano przebiegi TG, DTG, DTA oraz DSC jak również analizowano skład gazów powstających podczas rozpadu za pomocą przystawki FTIR. Przeprowadzono analizę kinetyki rozkładu, wyznaczając energię aktywacji procesu.
Production of gaseous matrix-free reference materials. Application of thermoanalytical techniques
PublicationMateriały odniesienia są wykorzystywane w każdym laboratorium w celu zapewnienia jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych. Produkcja materiałów odniesienia nie jest zadaniem łatwym, szczególnie w przypadku składników gazowych, toksycznych i o nieprzyjemnym zapachu. Termiczny rozkład związków powierzchniowych jest bardzo dogodnym sposobem sporządzania właśnie tego rodzaju mieszanin. Ważną rolę w procesie termicznego rozkładu związków...
Cadmium complex possessing simultaneously silanethiolato- and dithiocarbamato-ligands. A novel single-source precursor of cadmium sulfide
PublicationThermal decomposition of suitable coordination compounds may be used as efficient route for fabrication of semiconducting layers. A new potential CdS precursor—a cadmium complex with all-sulfur Cd-coordination sphere [Cd{l-SSi(OBut)3}(S2CNC4H8)]2 (1) —has been prepared and its properties are investigated. The complex was obtained in the reaction between dimeric bis(tri-tert-butoxysilanethiolato) cadmium(II) [Cd{SSi(OBut)3}2]2 and...
Structural changes of a simple peptide—Trpzip-1—in aqueous solutions and the corresponding hydration phenomena under the influence of temperature
PublicationTrpzip-1, a simple β-hairpin, is a rare example of peptide with stable secondary structure and can be a convenient model to study temperature-related processes that potential prion or amyloid proteins undergo. Although its sequence is simple, the exact processes which the peptide undergoes in aqueous solutions are quite complex and not well understood. The selection of well-established experimental (DSC, FTIR) and theoretical methods...