Search results for: environmentally adaptable lubricants
An Investigation into Cold Start Emissions from Compression Ignition Engines using EU Legislative Emissions Test Procedures
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Performance of Particle Oxidation Catalyst and Particle Formation Studies with Sulphur Containing Fuels
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Particulate Emissions from European Vehicles Featuring Direct Injection Spark Ignition Engines Tested Under Laboratory Conditions
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Hazard Control in Industrial Environments: A Knowledge-Vision-Based Approach
PublicationThis paper proposes the integration of image processing techniques (such as image segmentation, feature extraction and selection) and a knowledge representation approach in a framework for the development of an automatic system able to identify, in real time, unsafe activities in industrial environments. In this framework, the visual information (feature extraction) acquired from video-camera images and other context based gathered...
Comparative Analysis of Carbon, Ecological, and Water Footprints of Polypropylene-Based Composites Filled with Cotton, Jute and Kenaf Fibers
PublicationComposites containing natural fibers are considered environmentally friendly materials which is related to the reduced use of fossil fuels and the emission of carbon dioxide compared to petroleum-based polymers. Nevertheless, a complete evaluation of their environmental impact requires a broader view. This paper presents a carbon, ecological, and water footprints assessment of polypropylene-based composites filled with cotton,...
Key activities to improve energy management in DC microgrids connected by urban traction
PublicationDC MicroGrids must have Energy Management Systems to guarantee efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly electricity. The application of Model Predictive Control, proved to be helpful due to its adaptability and capacity to use non-linear models. This paper, based on an extensive literature review, identifies and discusses the three key activities to improve the characteristics of DC MicroGrids, i.e.: the use of Energy...
Pro-Ecological Activities in Polish Financial Institutions on the Example of Selected Banks
PublicationThe character of the role that banks play in the economy provides them with an opportunity to positively affect the environment on multiple levels. The article aimed at characterizing and evaluating pro-ecological activities occurring in financial institutions in Poland. It compares pro-ecological activities undertaken by three different banks operating on the Polish market: BOŚ Bank SA, BNP Paribas Bank Polska SA and PKO Bank...
Flexible Knowledge–Vision–Integration Platform for Personal Protective Equipment Detection and Classification Using Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Networks and Active Leaning
PublicationThis work is part of an effort to develop of a Knowledge-Vision Integration Platform for Hazard Control (KVIP-HC) in industrial workplaces, adaptable to a wide range of industrial environments. The paper focuses on hazards resulted from the non-use of personal protective equipment (PPE). The objective is to test the capability of the platform to adapt to different industrial environments by simulating the process of randomly selecting...
Looking for the Optimal Location of an Eco-District within a Metropolitan Area: The Case of Tricity Metropolitan Area
PublicationCompact housing structures located in city centers are considered to be the most energy and environmentally eective, mainly due to the access to services, transport networks and municipal infrastructures. There is the question of why so many of the acknowledged ecological housing complexes are located on the outskirts of cities or suburbs. Numerous cities decide to introduce strategies either to densify city centers, hoping to...
Agnieszka Ubowska dr hab. inż.
PeopleAgnieszka Ubowska, PhD Dsc Eng was born in 1978 in Piła, where she graduated from the Secondary School of Environmental Protection. In the years 1998-2003 she studied at the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering of the Szczecin University of Technology, majoring in environmental protection. She obtained her doctorate in technical sciences in 2008, defending her thesis entitled "Hybrid hydrophilic acrylamide (co)polymers"....
Development and test of fex, a fingers extending exoskeleton for rehabilitation and regaining mobility
PublicationThis paper presents the design process of an exoskeleton for executing human fingers' extension movement for the rehabilitation procedures and as an active orthosis purposes, together with its first clinical usability tests of a robotic exoskeleton. Furthermore, the Fingers Extending eXoskeleton (FEX) is a serial, under-actuated mechanism capable of executing fingers' extension. FEX is based on the state-of-art FingerSpine serial...
Advanced oxidation processes for the removal of mono and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons – A review
PublicationAromatic hydrocarbons (AHs) are toxic environmental contaminants presented in most of the environmental matrices. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for the removal of AHs in the account of complete mineralization from various environmental matrices have been reviewed in this paper. An in-depth discussion on various AOPs for mono (BTEX) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives is presented. Most of the AOPs were...
Methods of ZnO nanoparticles synthesis
PublicationZinc oxide nanostructures are interesting nanomaterials with a wide range of applications. Since the physical and chemical properties of ZnO nanoparticles are influenced both by their shape and size, a control of morphology of ZnO structures is needed for their commercial usage. Different chemical, physical, and biological methods used to produce ZnO nanostructures can be found in the literature. The production of ZnO nanoparticles...
Graph Neural Networks and Structural Information on Ionic Liquids: A Cheminformatics Study on Molecular Physicochemical Property Prediction
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) provide a promising solution in many industrial applications, such as solvents, absorbents, electrolytes, catalysts, lubricants, and many others. However, due to the enormous variety of their structures, uncovering or designing those with optimal attributes requires expensive and exhaustive simulations and experiments. For these reasons, searching for an efficient theoretical tool for finding the relationship...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
PublicationWind power plants are considered as ecologically-clean source of energy. However, manufacturing processes cannot be treated that way. Manufacturing processes consume huge amount of electrical and thermal energy and significant amount of materials, e.g. steel, polymers, oils and lubricants. All of the above could be potentially harmful for environment. There are not many works and publications regarding life-cycle analysis of wind...
Visual content representation and retrieval for Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems
PublicationCognitive Cyber Physical Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decade. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes, which environmental conditions may vary, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior...
Tuning the Adhesive Strength of Functionalized Polyolefin-Based Hot Melt Adhesives: Unexpected Results Leading to New Opportunities
PublicationThe development of lightweight, often multi-component products requires adaptable and robust bondingsolutions. Hot melt adhesives increasingly attract industrial interestas they combine good adhesive strength, facile processability, andcost-efficiency. Recently, our group has reported on the remarkableadhesive performance of hydroxyl-functionalized propylene-basedcopolymers in bonding both polar and nonpolar surfaces. Theobtained...
Niebezpieczeństwo ukryte w żywności-aminy biogenne. Cz. II. Metody oznaczania i wyzwania.
PublicationZe względu na aktywność biologiczną amin biogennych ich oznaczanie zarówno jakościowe, jak i ilościowe w żywności ma istotne znaczenie w celu zapewnienia ochrony zdrowia i życia ludzkiego. Obecnie do monitoringu amin biogennych w żywności najczęściej wykorzystuje się: wysokosprawną chromatografię cieczową (HPLC), chromatografię cienkowarstwową (TLC) oraz absorpcyjną spektrofotometrię cząsteczkową. Są to jednak techniki czasochłonne,...
Asfalteny jako fazy stacjonarne w chromatografii cieczowej w normalnych układach faz
PublicationRozprawa doktorska dotyczy zbadania możliwości wykorzystania asfaltenów wydzielonych z: próżniowej pozostałości ropy naftowej, produktów jej utleniania i naturalnego asfaltu jako fazy stacjonarnej na powierzchni sorpcyjnej żelu krzemionkowego do rozdzielania nisko polarnych organicznych związków chemicznych w warunkach chromatografii cieczowej w normalnych układach faz, w odniesieniu do żelu krzemionkowego jako nośnika. Opracowano...
Towards a Universal Model of Engineering Change Management
PublicationThe paper deals with the issue of engineering change management (ECM). ECM has received much less attention in the literature than general change management. Moreover, due to their specifics (complexity and multifaceted nature), hitherto developed ECM models are difficult to implement in companies. The paper aims to develop a simplified, universal, and hence easily applicable model of ECM. We based our assumptions on a case study...
Contextual Knowledge to Enhance Workplace Hazard Recognition and Interpretation in a Cognitive Vision Platform
PublicationThe combination of vision and sensor data together with the resulting necessity for formal representations builds a central component of an autonomous Cyber Physical System for detection and tracking of laborers in workplaces environments. This system must be adaptable and perceive the environment as automatically as possible, performing in a variety of plants and scenes without the necessity of recoding the application for each...
Boron-doped carbon nanowalls for fast and direct detection of cytochrome C and ricin by matrix-free laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
PublicationDetecting proteins via surface assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (SALDI-MS) method is still highly challenging, and only few examples of nanomaterials have been demonstrated to perform such detection so far. In this study, carbon nanowalls (CNWs), vertically aligned graphene sheet-based materials, presenting specific morphology, dimensions, and boron doping levels have shown improved performances for both qualitative...
Solubility advantage of sulfanilamide and sulfacetamide in natural deep eutectic systems: experimental and theoretical investigations
PublicationObjective: The aim of this study was to explore the possibility of using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) as solvation media for enhancement of solubility of sulfonamides, as well as gaining some thermodynamic characteristics of the analyzed systems. Significance: Low solubility of many active pharmaceutical ingredients is a well-recognized difficulty in pharmaceutical industry, hence the need for different strategies addressing...
Use of Brassica plants in the phytoremediation and biofumigation processes
PublicationIn recent decades, serious contamination of soils by heavy metals has been reported. It is therefore a matter of urgency to develop a new and efficient technology for removing contaminants from soil. Another aspect to this problem is that environmental pollution decreases the biological quality of soil, which is why pesticides and fertilizers are being used in ever-larger quantities. The environmentally friendly solutions to these...
PublicationWater-lubricated bearings are finding increasingly wide use in various branches of industry. As such, they may also be encountered in hydro power industry. They are also increasingly frequently employed in bearing systems of marine shaft propulsions and water pumps [1]. This rising popularity is due to a number of reasons [2]. First of all, their simple construction has direct impact on the level of pricing which is usually quite...
Review and Indication of Key Activities for Energy Management Improvement in DC Microgrids
PublicationDC MicroGrids (MG) must have Energy Management Systems (EMS) to guarantee efficient, dependable, and environmentally friendly electricity. The application of Model Predictive Control (MPC), proved to be helpful due to its adaptability and capacity to use non-linear models. This paper, based on an extensive literature review, identifies and discusses the three key activities to improve the characteristics of DC microgrids, i.e.:...
Recent Advances in Development of Waste-Based Polymer Materials: A Review
PublicationLimited petroleum sources, suitable law regulations, and higher awareness within society has caused sustainable development of manufacturing and recycling of polymer blends and composites to be gaining increasing attention. This work aims to report recent advances in the manufacturing of environmentally friendly and low-cost polymer materials based on post-production and postconsumer wastes. Sustainable development of three groups...
Daniel Chuchała dr hab. inż.
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Microwave treatment in waste rubber recycling – recent advances and limitations
PublicationEnvironmentally-friendly microwave heating is increasingly used in polymer chemistry and technology. The selectivity and highly efficiency in the heat transfer present a huge advantage in systems based on recycling, improving their productivity and economic competitiveness. In case of the industrial recycling of waste rubbers, especially end-of-life tires, microwave-induced devulcanization and pyrolysis are nowadays considered...
The Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost in public works contracts
PublicationAn important goal, implemented by EU countries under the Europe 2020 strategy, is sustainable development, which includes supporting economy that effectively uses natural and environmentally friendly resources. Solutions in this area are also promoted in tender proceedings in the area of public procurement. The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and LCC (Life Cycle Cost) analysis are indicated as the basis for decision-making by awarding...
Power Consumption Optimization in 5G/6G mmWave Networks with User Multi-Connectivity
PublicationIn the fifth generation (5G) and the upcoming sixth generation (6G) millimeter wave (mmWave) networks, the recent emerging ultra-reliable low-latency (URLLC) applications such as telemedicine and self-driven vehicles require strict availability and reliability requirements. Using user multi-connectivity (i.e., connecting each user to multiple base stations (BSs) simultaneously) has emerged as an efficient solution for providing...
Composite GFRP U-shaped footbridge
PublicationThe paper presents proposals for the use of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites for the construction of engineering objects, known and commonly used in the shipbuilding industry. An example of a pedestrian footbridge was used in this case, which, despite the considerable thickness of the structural material, was made using infusion technology in one production cycle. The designed and produced footbridge span is durable, dynamically...
ICT-enabled circular economy: conceptualising the links
PublicationThis chapter sets conceptual backgrounds regarding the potentially emerging causal links between digital technologies and circular economy ideas implementation. We argue that digital technologies may constitute an effective element enabling the transformation from linear to circular and environmentally friendly economic activities. This work draws the general picture at the macro and micro level. The macro perspective shows how...
Green analytical chemistry : theory and practice
PublicationThis tutorial review summarises the current state of green analytical chemistry with special emphasis on environmentally friendly sample preparation techniques. Green analytical chemistry is a part of the sustainable development concept; its history and origins are described. Miniaturisation of analytical devices and shortening the time elapsing between performing analysis and obtaining reliable analytical results are important...
Oznaczanie śladowych ilości związków organicznych w próbkach o złożonych matrycach zgodne z regułami ''zielonej chemii analitycznej''. Krótkołańcuchowe kwasy karboksylowe = Increasingly green approaches to the determination of selected trace organic in complex matrices. Short chain carboxylic acids
PublicationNowadays the great stress is put on environment protection and the activities to minimize the effect of chemical analyses on the environment are discussed. When environmentally friendly methodologies of analytes determination are applied the term "green analytical chemistry" is used. In general, the determination of organic compounds in complex matrices, which is a frequent analytical task, requires separation of sample components...
PublicationThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for the potential methods of their utilization. Nevertheless, it should not be forgotten that recycled plastics are not pure materials, and they still may show an unfavorable environmental impact. They may contain different contaminants...
PublicationRecently, there has been a significant development of ecological propulsion systems, which is in line with the general trend of environmentally friendly “green shipping”. The main aim is to build a safe, low-energy passenger ship with a highly efficient, emission-free propulsion system. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. The article presents the main problems encountered by designers and constructors already at the stage...
Catalysts for advanced oxidation processes: Deep eutectic solvents-assisted synthesis – A review
PublicationNew catalyst synthesis techniques, including green materials, are extensively studied for heterogeneous photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on spotlight of sustainable development. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) started to be used in this field as environmentally friendly alternative to ionic liquids (ILs). During the catalyst synthesis, DESs can act as stabilizers, capping agents, structure directing agents, templates,...
Chemical treatment of crystalline silicon solar cells as a main stage of pv modules recycling = Obróbka chemiczna krzemowych ogniw słonecznych jako najważniejszy etap w recyklingu modułów fotowoltaicznych
PublicationIn recent years, photovoltaic systems have gained worldwide recognition and popularity as a environmentally friendly way of solving energetic problems. However, a problem of utilizing worn out photovoltaic systems, amount of which will rapidly increase in the future, is yet to be solved. Establishing a technology of recycling and reusing obsolete photovoltaic panels is a necessity.Photovoltaic modules in crystalline silicon solar...
Surfactants application in sample preparation techniques: Insights, trends, and perspectives
PublicationSince the implementation of Green Chemistry into analytical practice, significant efforts have been made to improve the sustainability of chemical analysis. These include reducing the use of hazardous chemicals and solvents, minimizing waste, and improving energy efficiency. Surfactants can be applied in chemical analysis as an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional solvents and chemicals. The use of surfactants can...
Microextraction by packed sorbent: Uncommon detection techniques, sorbents, samples and analytes
PublicationAmong sample preparation approaches, the most desirable are procedures that ensure high efficiency and reproducibility, that are cheap, fast and simple, that minimize the number of operational steps and that require a small amount of sample and solvent and are thus environmentally friendly. Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) is a miniaturized form of solid-phase extraction, the use of which has been continuously expanding...
The effect of ionic liquids on the surface and photocatalytic properties of semiconducting materials
PublicationSemiconductor-mediated photocatalysis represents an environmentally friendly technology that could be used for the degradation of different pollutants in the gas and aqueous phases, for hydrogen generation, and for CO2-to-valuable product transformation reactions. Therefore, it is extremely important to accurately design a photocatalyst with the relevant features. In recent years, ionic liquids have often been employed as reagents...
Effect of Compounding Conditions on Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene/Ground Tire Rubber Blends
PublicationSearching for new and cost-effective methods of waste rubber recycling is a subject of research in many scientific centers in the world. In this paper there are presented results of the research of the extrusion process of cheap and environmentally friendly thermoplastic compositions containing 50 % wt. of masses of ground tire rubber (GTR). The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the mixing conditions and...
Pilot study of the influence of thermoplastic starch based polymer packaging material on the growth of diatom population in sea water environment
PublicationNovel polymeric packaging materials susceptible to environmentally friendly decomposition appeared on the global market. The paper is devoted to an investigation of the impact of degradable polymer packaging on marine life. The chosen polymer was a commercial packaging based on thermoplastic starch (TPS over 85%). The microorganism chosen was Phaeodactylum tricornutum diatom (identified in many aquatic reservoirs, with a tendency...
Analytical procedures for quality control of pharmaceuticals in terms of residual solvents content: Challenges and recent developments
PublicationResidual solvents play an important role in the synthesis of drugs and in product formulations. In addition, they pose a serious problem, that is toxicity, as many of them exhibit toxic or environmentally hazardous properties. Therefore, constant monitoring of quality control is needed. In this study, we present an overview of regulatory and general methods described by various pharmacopoeias. Then, the most commonly used methodologies...
Reduced Graphene Oxide Joins Graphene Oxide To Teach Undergraduate Students Core Chemistry and Nanotechnology Concepts
PublicationNovel carbon nanomaterials such as reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and graphene oxide (GO) can be easily incorporated into the undergraduate curriculum to discuss basic chemistry and nanotechnology concepts. This paper describes a laboratory experiment designed to study the differences between GO and rGO regarding their physico-chemical properties (e.g. color, hydrophobicity, type of functional groups, electrical conductivity etc.)....
Effectiveness of toluene separation from gas phase using supported ammonium ionic liquid membrane
PublicationAmmonium ionic liquids (ILs) are relatively cheap in synthesis and environmentally benign and despite that they have been very rarely used in gas separation. In this research we used several ammonium ILs as liquid membranes for removal of residual toluene from gas phase. Ionic liquids used in this study were composed of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anion [Tf2N] and trimethylbutylammonium [N1114], trietylbutylammonium [N2224],...
The Energy Potential of the Lower Vistula River in the Context of the Adaptation of Polish Inland Waterways to the Standards of Routes of International Importance
PublicationBased on new policies of the European Union, green technologies are to be mostly considered for power generation. Hydropower generation is one of the essential elements of sustainable energy production. Therefore, specific attention, both economically and technically, needs to be given to this sector of energy production. The Vistula River in Poland is considered an international waterway. The power production potential of the...
Deep Eutectic Solvents and Their Uses for Air Purification
PublicationChemical compounds released into the air by the activities of industrial plants and emitted from many other sources, including in households (paints, waxes, cosmetics, disinfectants, plastic (PVC) flooring), may affect the environment and human health. Thus, air purification is an important issue in the context of caring for the condition of the environment. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) as liquids with environmentally friendly...
Visual Content Representation for Cognitive Systems: Towards Augmented Intelligence
PublicationCognitive Vision Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes (which environmental conditions may vary), adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination...