Search results for: heat demand
Security Evaluation of IT Systems Underlying Critical Networked Infrastructures
PublicationCritical infrastructures have become highly dependent on information and communication technology (ICT). The drawback of this situation is that the consequences of disturbances of the underlying ICT networks may be serious as cascading effects can occur. This raises a high demand for security assurance, with a high importance assigned to security evaluations. In this paper we present an experiment-centric approach for the characterisation...
Prediction of consumer electricity needs based on Internet weather forecasts
PublicationElectrical energy is considered both as an important driver for producing and transporting goods in companies, as well as a good in itself which requires planning and management for generating and delivering it to consumers in proper time and amounts. Weather information can be considered to convey part of the data on energy delivery needs of consumers. Free meteorological data sources on the Web do not offer consistent data to...
Pier of the future- investigation of green and blue strategies as tools for modernization of Gdynia's public waterfront
PublicationBetween rising water levels and global migration to cities, architects and designers need to critically reimagine the relationship between coastal landscapes and public space. Cities are facing entirely new risks and environmental conditions. Resiliency, infrastructure, and ecology are increasingly common terms, reflecting the growing demand to address the spatial and formal challenges faced by cities worldwide. Rethinking boundaries...
The reduction of auxiliaries power demand: The challenge for electromobility in public transportation
PublicationAn important role in the consumption of electric energy in urban transport are non-traction needs (auxiliaries), the main part of which is heating and air condition (HVAC). Auxiliaries are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption (normal weather conditions) and in the winter (or hot summer) it reaches up to 70% in daily scale. The reduction of energy used for non-traction needs is currently the main challenge related...
The UK's banking system as financial hub for Islamic banking
PublicationThis paper examines the phenomenon of London as "the Islamic banking hub". It contends that London has become not only an international centre for Islamic finance, but also that there is big interest and demand for Islamic banking products. The authors are also positive that Islamic banking may be a certain solution for the problems that Europe has been suffering since 2007 when the global debt crisis started. Our intention is...
PublicationThe appropriate level of treatment during periods of increasing workload in the health care system or a particular hospital is ensured either by changing the organization of the system and the principles of use of resources such as space, staff and consumables or their redistribution, or by financial resources such resources are increased or replenished. This article contributes to improve the concept of resource allocation as...
The Impact of Direct Normal Irradiation on the Solar Tower Power Plant Performance based on Real and Satellite Data: Analysis on Algerian Regions
PublicationThe present paper presents a deep study on the possibility of implementing Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants in Algeria for the production of the electrical energy. Indeed, this paper focusses mainly on the main parameters, which can have an important impact on the choice of the location, the dimension and the available thermal energy storage system. In this study, three main parameters are investigate...
Amperometric sensing of chemical oxygen demand at glassy carbon and silicon electrodes modified with boron-doped diamond
Publication.A boron-doped diamond (BDD) sensor is proposed for effective detection of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by means of amperometric technique. Boron-doped diamond thin films, acting as active sensors, were deposited on both silicon wafer and glassy carbon (GC) substrates by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition. SEM micrographs showed that BDD–Si displays triangle-faceted crystallites ca. 0.5–3 μm in size, while BDD–GC...
Smart skills and education in a future economy
PublicationWhether the role of education is to prepare people for employment or to have meaningful lives in general, it will identify and develop skills and competencies, as well as vocational and personal attributes. Skills, such as critical thinking, novel ideation, and complex cognitive and social skills, are areas where humans continue to outperform smart machines. The purpose of this article is to review the skills and competencies that...
Reliability and efficiency of pollution removal during long-term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a study of the reliability and efficiency of pollutant removal during long term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow. The flow rate of the wastewater treatment plant was 1.2 m3·d-1 during the research period. Physical and chemical analyses of raw wastewater and treated effluent were carried out in the years 1997–2010 (14 years). During this study period, 56 series...
Characterization and Filtration Efficiency of Sustainable PLA Fibers Obtained via a Hybrid 3D-Printed/Electrospinning Technique
PublicationThe enormous world demand for personal protective equipment to face the current SARS-CoV-2 epidemic has revealed two main weaknesses. On one hand, centralized production led to an initial shortage of respirators; on the other hand, the world demand for single-use equipment has had a direct and inevitable effect on the environment. Polylactide (PLA) is a biodegradable, biocompatible, and renewable thermoplastic polyester, mainly...
Quality assessment of high voltage varistors by third harmonic index
PublicationHigh voltage varistors that consist of grained ZnO have to be tested before assembling into a surge arrester. The existing methods demand a usage of high voltages and intensive currents that is inconvenient, destructive and needs extensive power consumption. Additionally, these methods require metallization of the prepared varistor structures that increases costs. We propose another method of varistors quality assessments by a...
The spatial planning of industrial areas in an urbanized area for cargo, in the development of inland waterway transport
PublicationSpatial planning, taking into account the configuration of the surface, i.e. its shape (relief) and the presence and mutual location of objects and points of characteristic water ports, is a derivative of several natural, economic, market, technical, social and political factors. It depends on the destination port, the planned structure of trade in cargo, the forecasted traffic of ships, passageways, the technology of reloading...
Evaluation of Batch Production Processes Based on Seven Criterions
PublicationTo answer growing demand on products adapted to clients’ individual needs, it is required to develop new ways of measurement and rating for batch production processes. The researchers developed method which allows synthetic and complex evaluation, as well as improvement of these processes. Case study with participating observation, non-participating observation, interviews, and the analysis of historical data was conducted in order...
Reliability And Safety As An Objective Of Intelligent Transport Systems In Urban Areas
PublicationTechnologies that use transport telematics offer tools for strengthening urban transport systems. They rationalise the use of the existing infrastructure and transport management systems, increase their reliability and safety and improve the transport behaviour of residents, while reducing the operating costs of transport. The main reason for using Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is the need to implement measures to reduce...
Position in global value chains and wages in Central and Eastern European countries
PublicationThis paper examines the relationship between the relative position of industries in Global Value Chains (GVC) and wages in 10 Central and Eastern European countries. We combine GVC measures of global import intensity of production, upstreamness and the length of the value chain with micro-data on workers. We find that the wages of Central and Eastern European countries workers are higher when their industry is at the beginning...
Convenient Synthesis of Functionalized Unsymmetrical Vinyl Disulfides and Their Inverse Electron-Demand Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction
PublicationThe simple, convenient, and efficient methods for the preparation of unsymmetrical vinyl disulfides with additional functional groups under mild conditions with moderate to high yields were designed. The developed methods include the reaction of S-vinyl phosphorodithioate with thiotosylates or S-vinyl thiotosylate with thiols. The designed methods allow for the synthesis of unsymmetrical vinyl disulfides with additional functionalities...
50’ Sail Catamaran with Hybrid Propulsion, Design, Theoretical and Experimental Studies
PublicationThe development of modern lithium batteries and propulsion systems now allows the use of complex propulsion systems for vessels of various sizes. As part of the research and implementation project, a parallel hybrid drive system was designed, built and then tested in the laboratory. The experimental studies conducted allowed for the measurements of power, fuel consumption and electric power distribution in various operating modes...
Falling accident risk in Poland.
PublicationFor the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, casualty reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...
Falling accident risk in Poland.
PublicationFor the last few years we observe optimistic tendencies in traffic risk development in Poland - the number of fatalities decreases about 10% per year, bringing Poland closer to European Union standards. Nevertheless in 2001 we observed the unexpected, and bigger than forecasted, fatality reduction. The reason was the economic downturn suffered across the country, resulting in reduced demand for transportation. The danger lies in...
Antioxidants: a premature scientific hypothesis that reshuffled the traditional food pyramid
PublicationAntioxidants present in substantial amounts in foods, plant-based products in particular, have been suggested as chemopreventive agents that can curb the development of undesirable health effects caused by oxidative stress simply by enriching diet in such compounds. This idea has been enthusiastically accepted by consumers, as well as food and pharmaceutical industry, and created great demand for products containing antioxidant...
The Impact of Forms of Buildings on the Air Exchange in Their Environment. Based on the Example of Urban Development in Warsaw
PublicationPossibilities for energy-efficient, natural ventilation of buildings in an urban environment depend on the airflow around them. This chapter deals with the issue of dependence of air exchange in urban spaces on the building forms used in them and on relative position of these buildings. The authors focused on the problem of air stagnation in dense urban development. This phenomenon increases the energy demand of buildings. The...
PublicationThis paper presents characteristics and purposefulness of supporting the renewable energy sources (OZE) by means of energy stores. The main emphasis was placed on analysis of virtual energy stores available for implementation in Polish economy conditions. A role which management of Demand Side Response (DSR) may play in balancing Polish electric power system, is discussed. Implementation of such solutions together with conventional...
Studies on Treatment of Bitumen Effluents by Means of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in Basic pH Conditions
PublicationThe paper presents the results of studies on chemical treatment of effluents from production of bitumen of petroleum origin. Due to the presence of sulfide ions, the pH of these effluents is strongly alkaline. Several Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) were studied, including the use of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals oxidants, the hydrodynamic cavitation as well as sonocavitation. The best processes allow to obtain 45% reduction...
Studies on treatment of bitumen effluents by means of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in basic pH conditions
PublicationThe paper presents the results of studies on chemical treatment of effluents from production of bitumen of petroleum origin. Due to the presence of sulfide ions, the pH of these effluents is strongly alkaline. Several Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) were studied, including the use of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals oxidants, the hydrodynamic cavitation as well as sonocavitation. The best processes allow to obtain 45% reduction...
Third harmonic index as a diagnostic tool of high-voltage varistors
PublicationThe recommended methods for standard testing of high-voltage varistors demand application of high voltages and intensive currents that is inconvenient and needs extensive power consumption. These methods require metallization of the prepared ZnO structures that increases costs of testing. Another method of varistor quality and endurance evaluation by the third harmonic index measurement at relatively low voltage range has been...
Assessment of Surface Water Resources Based on Different Growth Scenarios, for Borkena River Sub-basin, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
PublicationThe total annual river flow at the Awash Kombolcha sub-basin of the Borkena river station was estimated to be 4.6 billion cubic meters by 2019-2030. The current average annual flow at the exit measurement station is 544.5Mm3 of the water resources available in the study area. The monthly peak flow of the Borkena River occurs from July to September. In addition, the highest monthly average flow is in August and the lowest is...
Screening of perfluoroalkyl substances and their environmental impact in sequencing batch reactors combined with nature-based solutions
PublicationPerfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a growing problem in the environment. The research indicates that they are present in surface water, groundwater, drinking water sources, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, and landfill leachates. Additionally, the conventional methods of wastewater treatment are ineffective in their removal. This study aimed to indicate the concentration of PFAS in wastewater during treatment processes...
Determinants of trade balance in Polish and Czech manufacturing sectors
PublicationResearch background: A strong industrial base is essential for achieving long-term sustainable economic growth and export competitiveness. In that sense, manufacturing remains a significant contributor to exports in the CEE countries. However, its role and its influence vary between CEE economies and change over time. Purpose of the article: The main objective of this paper is to compare the determinants of the international competitiveness,...
Can Web Search Queries Predict Prices Change on the Real Estate Market?
PublicationThis study aims to explore whether the intensity of internet searches, according to the Google Trends search volume index (SVI), is a predictor of changes in real estate prices. The motivation of this study is the possibility to extend the understanding of the extra predictive power of Google search engine query volume of future housing price change (shift direction) by (i) the introduction of a research approach that combines...
Quantum-state transfer in spin chains via isolated resonance of terminal spins
PublicationWe propose a quantum-state transfer protocol in a spin chain that requires only the control of the spins at the ends of the quantum wire. The protocol is to a large extent insensitive to inhomogeneity caused by local magnetic fields and perturbation of exchange couplings. Moreover, apart from the free evolution regime, it allows one to induce an adiabatic spin transfer, which provides the possibility of performing the transfer...
Improvement of Fingerprinting Method based on Hill Cipher by using Frequency Domain
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to present the advantages of a digital fingerprinting in a frequency domain over a pixel domain, in case of VoD services (Video on Demand). The paper presents basic issues of a multimedia data protection by digital fingerprinting. It also describes threats to embedded fingerprints from both collusion attacks and from a transmission itself. Possible solution was presented on the example of the DCT...
Allergic reactions as a defense of the organism to the influence of implants components made of stainless steel
PublicationDue to the increasing number of cases of hypersensitivity caused by direct contact with metals, as well as the increasing demand for implants in humans all ages numerous studies on the effects of the impact of implant components are being carried out. The paper presents the phenomenon of etiology of allergy in general terms and in relation to the biomaterials used in medicine. There have been characterized in terms of impact on...
Shape Optimisation of Kaplan Turbine Blades Using Genetic Algorithms
PublicationThis monograph is a comprehensive guide to a method of blade profile optimisation for Kaplan-type turbines. This method is based on modelling the interaction between rotor and stator blades. Additionally, the shape of the draft tube is investigated. The influence of the periodic boundary condition vs. full geometry is also discussed. Evolutionary algorithms (EA) are used as an optimisation method together with artificial neural...
Allergic Reactions as a Defense of the Organism to the Influence of Implants Components Made of Stainless Steel
PublicationDue to the increasing number of cases of hypersensitivity caused by direct contact with metals, as well as the increasing demand for implants in humans all ages numerous studies on the effects of the impact of implant components are being carried out. The paper presents the phenomenon of etiology of allergy in general terms and in relation to the biomaterials used in medicine. There have been characterized in terms of impact on...
MARKAL long-term power generation scenarios for Poland - Concept of the model
PublicationIn this paper we have presented the concept of Polish MARKAL optimization model developed for the needs of power generation scenarios in long-term perspective i.e. by 2040. The depiction of Polish MARKAL with Reference Energy System structure was provided. In addition, basic model assumptions, energy technology database, projections of electricity demand and power plant ageing pathways were presented. Our goal is to test MARKAL...
International Competitiveness of Czech Manufacturing: A Sectoral Approach with Error Correction Model
PublicationThe main objective of this paper is to find the determinants of the international competitiveness of the manufacturing sectors of the Czech economy, using the database of 13 manufacturing subsectors in 1995–2011, with the aid of ECM model. The authors research the question of how much foreign and domestic demand, the level of labour costs, the level of sector innovation intensity, the level of sector openness to foreign markets...
Framing the Temporal Dimensions of a Brand
PublicationDrawing on existing research dealing with time in brand and brand management, this paper aims at providing a comprehensive and coherent framework of some time-related concepts, with a special emphasis on what happens when a brand reaches the senescence stage. In addition, it strives to consider what happens when a brand becomes long-lived enough, looking at the brand’s customer base. While undoubtedly time affects customers’ age...
The Efficiency of Post‐Communist Countries’ Health Systems
PublicationHealth‐care costs are a major financial burden for the transition economies, which have experienced rapidly increasing demand for health‐care services. The former communist countries of the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia needed to reform the financing of their health‐care systems and make efforts to strengthen the role of primary care while limiting the role of hospital care. The growing health needs and, consequently,...
Electronic noses in classification and quality control of edible oils: A review
PublicationThe growing demand for wholesome and nutritious food leads to intensification of production, which in turn can have a detrimental effect on quality and well-being of consumers. For that reason, it is important to develop novel methods of food control which would be characterized by a short time of analysis, adequate sensitivity and relatively low cost. One such technique involves the use of multi-sensory devices called electronic...
The Use of Cluster Analysis to Evaluate the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Daily Water Demand Patterns
PublicationProper determination of unitary water demand and diurnal distribution of water consumption (water consumption histogram) provides the basis for designing, dimensioning, and all analyses of water supply networks. It is important in the case of mathematical modelling of flows in the water supply network, particularly during the determination of nodal water demands in the context of Extended Period Simulation (EPS). Considering the...
Effects of Basalt and Carbon Fillers on Fire Hazard, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of EPDM Rubber Composites
PublicationDue to growing restrictions on the use of halogenated flame retardant compounds, there is great research interest in the development of fillers that do not emit toxic compounds during thermal decomposition. Polymeric composite materials with reduced flammability are increasingly in demand. Here, we demonstrate that unmodified graphene and carbon nanotubes as well as basalt fibers or flakes can act as effective flame retardants...
Synergistic effect of TiO2 photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes in the treatment of refinery effluents
PublicationDifferent types of photolytic and photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) were used for treatment of refinery effluents from bitumen production. The treatment efficiency was evaluated by analyzing chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and sulfide ions concentration. The studies revealed a synergistic effect of application of external oxidants (O3, H2O2, O3/H2O2)...
An Overview of Treatment Approaches for Octahydro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetranitro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetrazocine (HMX) Explosive in Soil, Groundwater, and Wastewater
PublicationOctahydro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetranitro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetrazocine (HMX) is extensively exploited in the manufacturing of explosives; therefore, a significant level of HMX contamination can be encountered near explosive production plants. For instance, up to 12 ppm HMX concentrations have been observed in the wastewater effluent of a munitions manufacturing facility, while up to 45,000 mg/kg of HMX has been found in a soil sample taken from...
Elderly persons professional activity - substantive issues and methodological challenges
PublicationPopulation ageing in Europe and mass withdrawal from professional activity leads to a number of adverse phenomena, such as increased public spending, reduced consumer demand and the growing problem of social exclusion. The study focuses on the problems of population ageing in Europe as well as on the feasible steps that may be taken with a view to professional activation of the elderly. The first part is concerned with the trends...
Stanowisko wizualizacji zdarzeń w systemie STRADAR – realizacja i funkcje dla operatora
PublicationIt is crucial for the Border Guard to be equipped with a communication-teleinformatic infrastructure designed to support them in efficient realization of their operational tasks. STRADAR – a system which results are presented in this paper – is such an infrastructure. It is a distributed solution for the maritime division of the border guard. The system, with the use of a network of sensors located in both stationary and mobile...
Global value chains and labour markets – simultaneous analysis of wages and employment
PublicationThis study examines the overall effect of global value chains (GVCs) on wages and labour demand. It exploits the World Input–Output Database to measure GVC involvement via recently developed participation indices (using both backward and forward linkages) and the relative GVC position using three-stage least squares regression. We find that the relative GVC position is negatively correlated with wages and employment and that the...
Finite element modeling of plastic hinges based on ductility demand-capacity method using nonlinear material for dynamic analysis
PublicationThe article discusses modeling plastic hinges in reinforced concrete interme-diate supports using finite elements methods. The ductility demand-capacitymethod was used to determine the geometrical parameters of cross-section plas-ticization zones, their ability to move and rotate, as well as their ductility. Dueto the varied geometry and stiffness of the supports and their nonlinear behav-ior under dynamic load, this method was...
Heuristic scheduling algorithms for uniform load of computer system
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano opracowany heurystyczny algorytm szeregowania zadań UNILO (ang. UNIform LOad - jednakowe obciążenie), umożliwiający redukcję całkowitego zapotrzebowania na moc obliczeniową systemu komputerowego bez pogarszania jego wydajności. Algorytm ten realizuje takie przydzielenie zadań obliczeniowych do poszczególnych jednostek (procesorów), aby zapewnić ich jednakowe obciążenie. Opracowany algorytm został zweryfikowany...
An optimised placement of the hard quality sensors for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration in drinking water distribution systems
PublicationThe problem of an optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in drinking water distribution systemsunder several water demand scenarios for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration is formulatedin this paper. The optimality is understood as achieving a desired trade off between the sensors and theirmaintenance costs and the accuracy of estimation of the chlorine concentration. The contribution of thiswork is a comprehensive...