Search results for: heat transfer
Heat Transfer in Adsorption Chillers with Fluidized Beds of Silica Gel, Zeolite, and Carbon Nanotubes
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Prediction of flow boiling heat transfer coefficient for carbon dioxide in minichannels and conventional channels
PublicationIn the paper presented are the results of calculations using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling of carbon dioxide. The experimental data from various resea rches were collected. Calculations were conducted for a full range of quality variation and a wide range of mass velocity. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of the in-house model. The results show the importance of taking into...
A semi-empirical model for flow boiling heat transfer with account of the reduced pressure effect
PublicationIn the present study the attention was focused on the influence of reduced pressure on the predictions of heat transfer during flow boiling at the extensive range of pressures. The results of calculations were to test the sensitivity of the in-house flow boiling model with respect to the selection of the appropriate two-phase flow multiplier, which is one of the distinctive elements of that model. For this purpose a few two-phase...
Inverse heat transfer problem solution of sounding rocket using moving window optimization
PublicationAn Inverse Heat Transfer Problem is solved for a sounding rocket module given its geometry and measured temperature profile. The solution is obtained via moving window optimization, a technique for solving inverse dynamics. An analysis is performed to modify the method to avoid oscillatory behavior of the resulting heat flux profile. The method parameters are tuned in relation to characteristic phases of the flight. Results are...
Modelling of two-component turbulent mass and heat transfer in air-fed pressurised suits
PublicationIn this paper the modelling of an important industrial problem is addressed, which involves the two-component turbulent flow with heat transfer that takes place inside protective clothing. The geometry of the flow boundaries is reconstructed in a CAD system from photogrammetry scan data. The overall model is sufficiently realistic to allow, after validation, design improvements to be tested. Those presented here allow the reduction...
PublicationThe basis of microjet technology is to produce laminar jets which when impinging the surface have a very high kinetic energy at the stagnation point. Boundary layer is not formed in those conditions, while the area of film cooling has a very high turbulence resulting from a very high heat transfer coefficient. Applied technology of jet production can result with the size of jets ranging from 20 to 500μm in breadth and 20 to 100μm...
Prediction of flow boiling heat transfer coefficient for carbon dioxide in minichannels and conventional channels
PublicationIn the paper are presented the results of calculations using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling for carbon dioxide. The experimental data from various researches were scrutinised conducted for a full range of quality variation and wide range of mass velocity. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of the in-house model. The work shows the importance of taking into account surface...
Implementation of the Boundary Element Method to Two-Dimensional Heat Transfer with Thermal Bridge Effects
PublicationThe work presents an application of the boundary element method applied to a two-dimensional conductive heat transfer. The algorithm of the method is explained and its advantages are outlined. Green's function as a fundamental solution for Poisson's equation in two dimensions was used and the direct approach was applied. The presented results concern building construction elements as typical cases of thermal bridges. Some properties...
Comparison of heat transfer characteristics in surface cooling with boiling microjets of water, ethanol and HFE7100
PublicationThe basis of microjet technology is to produce jets which impinge the surface at the stagnation point with a very high kinetic energy. Main objective of this paper was to investigate the physical phenomena occurring on solid surfaces upon impingement of the single microjet in case of three fluids, namely water, ethanol and HFE7100. Intense heat transfer in the impact zone of microjet has been examined and described with precise...
Heat Transfer Augmentation through Different Jet Impingement Techniques: A State-of-the-Art Review
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The effects of power characteristics on the heat transfer process in various types of motionless mixing devices
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Free convective heat transfer structures as a function of the width of isothermal horizontal rectangular plates
PublicationZaprezentowano rezultaty badań eksperymentalnych konwekcyjnej wymiany ciepła od izotermicznych płyt prostokątnych skierowanych ku górze. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych wizualizacji zaproponowano dwa modele struktur przepływu. Rozwiązania analityczne dla tych modeli przedstawiono w postaci zależności liczb Nusselta Rayleigh'a. Stwierdzono, że przepływ koncentryczny występuje dla małych wartości liczb Ra, szczególnie w przypadku płyt...
Influence of porous coating on heat transfer during flow boiling of R22, R134a and R407C
PublicationPrzedstawiono wpływ pwłoki porowatej w pozionej rurce podczas wrzenia w przepływie i spadku ciśnienia czynników chłodniczych R22, R134a i R407C.
Natural convective heat transfer from isothermal horizontal, vertical and inclined plates - a review
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono przegląd otrzymanych przez różnych badaczy korelacji eksperymentalych, teoretycznych i numerycznych, opisujących wymianę ciepła od izotermicznych płyt o różnym kącie pochylenia. Przedstawiono model matematyczny zjawiska. Opisano stosowane metody badawcze i wskazano przyczyny rozbieżności pomiędzy przedstawionymi przez wielu autorów wynikami.
Intensyfikacja wymiany ciepła przy pomocy mikrostrug = Heat transfer intensification using microjets.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych nad intensyfikacją strumienia ciepła przy pomocy pojedynczej mikrostrugi wody. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dla dysz o średnicy 180 i 280 mikrometrów.
Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer from small horizontal smooth tube bundles
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki pomiarów współczynnika przejmowania ciepła podczas wrzenia wody destylowanej, metanolu i R141b na poziomym pęku rur gładkich, który składał się z 19 rurek, ogrzewanych elektrycznie, w układzie przestawionym i podziałce 1.7d oraz 2.0d. Wyznaczono również wartości współczynnika wpływu pęku. Podano równanie korelacyjne do obliczania średniego współczynnika przejmowania ciepła
Determination of heat transfer coefficient in evaporator of the organic Rankine cycle using the Wilson method.
PublicationW pracy zastosowano metodę Wilsona do wyznaczania współczynnika przejmowania ciepła. Przedmiotem rozważań jest płytowy wymiennik ciepła pracujący jako parownik w laboratoryjnym stanowisku realizującym obieg ORC. Wykorzystana metoda jest metodą wydajną w przypadku wymienników ciepła o złożonej geometrii i dużej liczbie kanałów, dla których pomiar temperatury ścianki jest niemożliwy, a przez to określenie współczynników przejmowania...
The use of liquid crystal thermography and particle image velocimetry in the exploration of heat transfer measurements
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy badań eksperymentalnych wymiany ciepła w modelowym wymienniku ciepła z turbulizatorami przepływu przy użyciu termografii ciekłokrystalicznej i cyfrowej anemometrii obrazowej.
Numerical Investigation of Nuclear Reactor Kinetic and Heat Transfer Fractional Model with Temperature Feedback
PublicationAbstract—In the paper, the numerical results concerning the kinetics and proposed heat exchange models in nuclear reactor based on fractional calculus are presented for typical inputs. Two fractional models are proposed and compared with the model based on ordinary derivative. The first fractional model is based on one of the generalized Cattaneo equations. The second one is based on replacing the ordinary to fractional order of...
Influence of metallic porous microlayer on pressure drop and heat transfer of stainless steel plate heat exchanger
PublicationThe experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of plate heat exchanger has been carried out. On the heat transfer surface of heat exchanger the metallic porous layer was created. The experiment was accomplished in two stages. In the first stage the commercial stainless steel gasketed plate heat exchanger was investigated, while in the second one – the identical heat exchanger but with the modified...
Influence of metallic porous microlayer on pressure drop and heat transfer of stainless steel plate heat exchanger
PublicationThe experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of plate heat exchanger has been carried out. The metallic porous layer was created on the heat transfer surface of analyzed unit. The experiment was accomplished in two stages. In the first stage the commercial stainless steel gasketed plate heat exchanger was investigated, while in the second one – the identical heat exchanger but with the modified...
Experimental study on single phase operation of microjet augmented heat exchanger with enhanced heat transfer surface
PublicationThe article presents experimental investigations on a prototype heat exchanger. Presented research is focused on combined active and passive enhancement techniques of surface modification and microjet impingement. The results were compared to reference plate heat exchanger without microjet impingement. The Wilson plot method was applied to determine the heat transfer coefficients in the single phase operation. The heat exchanger...
Thermodynamic and geometrical characteristics of mixed convection heat transfer in the shell and coil tube heat exchanger with baffles
PublicationThe article presents passive heat transfer enhancement method in the form of baffles to increase the energy efficiency of the shell coil heat exchanger. Conducted literature review shows that, despite numer- ous studies, there is little work on the intensification of heat transfer at the shell side. Most of the work focuses on the impact of geometrical parameters of the coil itself. This article successfully proves that it is possible...
Parametric study of fluid flow and heat transfer over louvered fins of air heat pump evaporator
PublicationTwo-dimensional numerical investigations of the fluid flow and heat transfer have been carried out for the laminar flow of the louvered fin-plate heat exchanger, designed to work as an air-source heat pump evap- orator. The transferred heat and the pressure drop predicted by simulation have been compared with the corresponding experimental data taken from the literature. Two dimensional analyses of the louvered fins with varying...
Experimental and numerical simulations of flow and heat transfer in heat exchanger elements using liquid crystal thermography.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono założenia oraz sposób prowadzenia eksperymentu i obliczeń numerycznych wymiany ciepła w modelu wymiennika ciepła przy użyciu termografii ciekłokrystalicznej.
A new method for determination of flow boiling heat transfer coefficient in conventional diameter channels and minichannels
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rozważania związane z modelowaniem wrzenia w przepływie w kanałach o średnicach konwencjonalnych, małych i minikanałach. Przedstawiono przegląd podejść do modelowania wymiany ciepła i w tym świetle przedstawiono oryginalne podejście autora. W przeciwieństwie do innych podejść metoda autora ma zastosowanie zarówno do kanałów o średnicach konwencjonalnych i minikanałach. Przedstawiono zadowalające porównania...
Influence of nanoparticle concentration on convective heat transfer of water-Al2O3 nanofluids inside horizontal tubes
PublicationNanofluids came to be seen as a new generation of coolants, especially in single-phase systems. Conducted experiments indicate that the increase in thermal conductivity is not the only reason for the intensification of heat transfer when using nanofluids. Preliminary results of the experimental investigation of the forced convection heat transfer of water-Al2O3 nanofluids inside stainless steel tube with 8 mm internal diameter...
Influence of nanoparticle concentration on convective heat transfer of water-Al2O3 nanofluids inside horizontal tubes
PublicationThis work presents preliminary results of the experimental investigation of the forced convection heat transfer of water-Al2O3 nanofluids inside stainless steel tube with 8 mm internal diameter and 2000 mm length. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentrations of 0.01%, 0.1%, 1% and 5% by weight and the Reynolds number range encompasses laminar as well as turbulent flows.
Comparitive study of heat transfer and pressure drop during flow boiling and flow condensation in minichannels
PublicationIn the paper a method developed earlier by authors is applied to calculations of pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient for flow boiling and also flow condensation for some recent data collected from literature for such fluids as R404a, R600a, R290, R32,R134a, R1234yf and other. The modification of interface shear stresses between flow boiling and flow condensation in annular flow structure are considered through incorporation...
PublicationIn the paper presented are the results of calculations using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling of different refrigerants. The experimental data from various research studies from literature were collected. Calculations were conducted for a full range of quality variation and a wide range of mass velocity. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of the in- house developed model....
A semi-empirical method for calculation of heat transfer coefficient in flow boiling for conventional tubes and minichannels
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia które należy uwzględnić podczas modelowania wymiany ciepła z wrzeniem w przepływie w kanałach o małej średnicy. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych.
Implementation of Fluidized Bed Concept to Improve Heat Transfer in Ecological Adsorption Cooling and Desalination Systems
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Influence of wall temperature on heat transfer coefficient during R 22 boiling in microfin tube
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań współczynnika przejmowania ciepła i spadku ciśnienia podczas wrzenia czynnika R 22 w rurze nisko żebrowanej. Opisano stanowisko i procedurę badawczą. Zaobserwowano spadek współczynnika przejmowania. Opisano stanowisko i procedurę badawczą. Zaobserwowano spadek współczynnika przejmowania ciepła wraz ze wzrostem temperatury ścianki rury.
Experimental and numerical simulations of flow and heat transfer in heatexchanger elements using liquid crystal thermography.
PublicationPrzedstawienie koncepcji badań eksperymentalnych i numerycznych oraz ich wyników podczas wymiany ciepła w modelach klasycznych i płytowych wymienników ciepła w warunków przepływów przejściowych i turbulentnych.
A semi-empirical method for calculation of heat transfer coefficient in flow boiling for conventional tubes and minichannels
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia któe należy uwzględnić podczas modelowania wymiany ciepła z wrzeniem w przepływie w kanałach o małej średnicy. Uzyskano dobrą zgodność z wynikami badań eksperymentalnych.
Heat transfer to car engine cooling system - influence of coolant flow through engine block
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych nad wpływem nastawianej wydajności pompy cieczy na strumień odbieranego ciepła w silniku spalinowym. Wykorzystano hamownię silnikową z silnikiem o zapłonie iskrowym o objętości skokowej 1.8 dm^3. Przyjęto obciążenia silnika oporami ruchu samochodu na biegu bezpośrednim.
Experimental investigation of heat transfer enhancement in straight and U-bend double-pipe heat exchanger with wire insert
PublicationIn this paper, the possibility of heat transfer enhancement in the U-bend exchanger was presented. Experimental research has been carried out for four individual heat exchanger constructions i.e. plain tube in tube, turbulized tube in tube, plain U-bend and U-bend with turbulator. Also, heat transfer experiments for various boundary conditions were performed to obtain reference values. In case of U-bend exchanger with and without...
Possibility of thermal imaging use in studies of natural convection heat transfer on the example of an isothermal vertical plate.
PublicationA new method of infrared (IR) camera use in convective heat transfer studies has been presented. Until now, IR cameras were utilized for temperature field visualizations of flat heated surfaces of solid objects only. Because liquids and gasses do not emit radiation in the infrared range of wave lengths, detection of temperature field in the air was conducted with the use of plastic mesh, which, after heating by hot air, emits infrared...
Heat Transfer During Pool Boiling of Water, Methanol and R141b on Porous Coated Horizontal Tube Bundles
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental investigation of water, methanol and R141b refrigerant boiling on horizontal porous coated tube bundles supposed to represent a flooded-type evaporator. Experiments were carried out for a bundle of 19 tubes in triangular layout for two pitch-to-diameter ratio values – 1.7 and 2.0 – in atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressure conditions. Average heat transfer coefficients – both local,...
Numerical model for thin liquid film with evaporation and condensation on solid surfaces in systems with conjugated heat transfer
PublicationCondensation and evaporation processes from wetted surfaces are of utmost importance in many technological or industrial applications. In many devices such as home-appliances and air conditioning systems just to name a few, condensation and evaporation processes greatly impact their performance and energy efficiency; The physics of these processes is quite complex, involving conjugate heat transfer among solid–liquid film-gaseous...
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of heat transfer from densely packed gold nanoparticles to isotropic media
PublicationThis work aims to determine and compare heat generation and propagation of densely packed gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) induced by a resonant laser beam (532 nm) according to the Mie theory. The heat flux propagation is transferred into the materials, which here are: silica glass; soda-lime-silica glass; borosilicate glass; polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA); polycarbonate (PC); and polydimetylosiloxane (PDMS). This analysis aims to...
Promising Nanoparticle-Based Heat Transfer Fluids—Environmental and Techno-Economic Analysis Compared to Conventional Fluids
PublicationProviding optimal operating conditions is one of the major challenges for effective heating or cooling systems. Moreover, proper adjustment of the heat transfer fluid is also important from the viewpoint of the correct operation, maintenance, and cost efficiency of these systems. Therefore, in this paper, a detailed review of recent work on the subject of conventional and novel heat transfer fluid applications is presented. Particular...
Analysis of Organic Rankine Cycle efficiency and vapor generator heat transfer surface in function of the reduced pressure
PublicationIn the paper presented is analysis of the influence of reduced pressure on efficiency and heat transfer area of vapor generator of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in case of subcritical and supercritical parameters of operation. Compared are two cases of subcritical and supercritical ORC featuring a similar arrangement of heat source supply and heat removal, that is featuring the same temperatures of working fluid before the turbine,...
Comparison of heat transfer characteristics in surface cooling using microjets with water, ethanol and HFE7100 as test fluids
PublicationAccurate control of cooling parameters is required in ever wider range of technical applications. It is known that reducing the dimensions of the size of nozzle leads to an increase in the economy of cooling and improves its quality. Present study describes research related to the design and construction of the nozzles and microjet study, which may be applied in many technical applications such as in metallurgy, electronics, etc....
Computational analysis of power-law fluids for convective heat transfer in permeable enclosures using Darcy effects
PublicationNatural convection is a complex environmental phenomenon that typically occurs in engineering settings in porous structures. Shear thinning or shear thickening fuids are characteristics of power-law fuids, which are non-Newtonian in nature and fnd wide-ranging uses in various industrial processes. Non-Newtonian fuid fow in porous media is a difcult problem with important consequences for energy systems and heat transfer. In this...
Modelling of heat transfer during flow condensation of natural refrigerants under conditions of increased saturation pressure
PublicationThe paper presents a modified in-house model for calculating heat transfer coefficients during flow condensation, which can be applied to a variety of working fluids, but natural refrigerants in particular, at full range thermodynamic parameters with a particular focus on increased saturation pressure. The modified model is based on a strong physical basis, namely the hypothesis of analogy between the heat transfer coefficient...
Possibility of thermal imaging use in studies of natural convection heat transfer on the example of an isothermal vertical plate
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Comparison of predictive methods for flow boiling heat transfer in conventional channels and minichannels - the effect of reduced pressure
PublicationIn the paper are presented the results of follow on studies from [1]–[3] using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling. The model has been tested against a large selection of experimental data collected from various researchers to investigate the sensitivity of the in-house developed model. The collected experimental data came from various studies from literature and were conducted for the full...
PublicationIn the paper are presented the results of follow on studies from [1]–[3] using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling. The model has been tested against a large selection of experimental data collected from various researchers to investigate the sensitivity of the in-house developed model. The collected experimental data came from various studies from literature and were conducted for the full...
Experimental Investigations of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer under Near-Critical Pressure for Selected Working Fluids