Search results for: interval graph coloring
Workshop on Graph Theory
EventsThe Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory (GWGT) is an annual, informal workshop whose goal is to provide a forum for scientists to meet, present their work, interact, and establish collaborations in the field of Graph Theory
Interpolation properties of domination parameters of a graph
PublicationAn integer-valued graph function π is an interpolating function if a set π(T(G))={π(T): T∈TT(G)} consists of consecutive integers, where TT(G) is the set of all spanning trees of a connected graph G. We consider the interpolation properties of domination related parameters.
On the Characteristic Graph of a Discrete Symmetric Channel
PublicationWe present some characterizations of characteristic graphs of row and/or column symmetric channels. We also give a polynomial-time algorithm that decides whether there exists a discrete symmetric channel whose characteristic graph is equal to a given input graph. In addition, we show several applications of our results.
A note on mixed tree coloring
PublicationZaproponowano liniowy algorytm dla problemu kolorowania mieszanego w drzewach, uzyskując tym samym poprawę w stosunku do algorytmu o złożoności O(n^2) podanego w pracy [P. Hansen, J. Kuplinsky, D. de Werra, Mixed graph colorings, Math. Methods Oper. Res. 45 (1997) 145-160].
Equitable coloring of graphs. Recent theoretical results and new practical algorithms
PublicationIn this paper we survey recent theoretical results concerning conditions for equitable colorability of some graphs and recent theoretical results concerning the complexity of equitable coloring problem. Next, since the general coloring problem is strongly NP-hard, we report on practical experiments with some efficient polynomial-time algorithms for approximate equitable coloring of general graphs.
Fast collaborative graph exploration
PublicationWe study the following scenario of online graph exploration. A team of k agents is initially located at a distinguished vertex r of an undirected graph. At every time step, each agent can traverse an edge of the graph. All vertices have unique identifiers, and upon entering a vertex, an agent obtains the list of identifiers of all its neighbors. We ask how many time steps are required to complete exploration, i.e., to make sure...
Fast Collaborative Graph Exploration
PublicationWe study the following scenario of online graph exploration. A team of k agents is initially located at a distinguished vertex r of an undirected graph. At every time step, each agent can traverse an edge of the graph. All vertices have unique identifiers, and upon entering a vertex, an agent obtains the list of identifiers of all its neighbors. We ask how many time steps are required to complete exploration, i.e., to make sure...
Generic invariant measures for iterated systems of interval homeomorphisms
PublicationIt is well known that iterated function systems generated by orientation preserving homeomorphisms of the unit interval with positive Lyapunov exponents at its ends admit a unique invariant measure on (0, 1) provided their action is minimal. With the additional requirement of continuous differentiability of maps on a fixed neighbourhood of {0,1} { 0 , 1 } , we present a metric in the space of such systems which renders it complete....
Graph security testing
PublicationSet S ⊂ V is called secure set iff ∀ X ⊂ S | N [ X ] ∩ S | ≥ | N ( X ) \ S | [3]. That means that every subset of a secure set has at least as many friends (neighbour vertices in S) as enemies (neighbour vertices outside S) and will be defended in case of attack. Problem of determining if given set is secure is co −NP -complete, there is no efficient algorithm solving it [3]. Property testers are algorithms that distinguish inputs...
Constructing a map of an anonymous graph: applications of universal sequences
PublicationWe study the problem of mapping an unknown environmentrepresented as an unlabelled undirected graph. A robot (or automaton)starting at a single vertex of the graph G has to traverse the graph and return to its starting point building a map of the graph in the process. We are interested in the cost of achieving this task (whenever possible) in terms of the number of edge traversal made by the robot. Another optimization criteria...
Application of genetic algorithms in graph searching problem
PublicationGraph searching is a common approach to solving a problem of capturing a hostile intruder by a group of mobile agents. We assume that this task is performed in environment which we are able to model as a graph G. The question asked is how many agents are needed to capture an arbitrary fast, invisible and smart intruder. This number is called the (edge) search number of G. The strategy which must be performed by agents is called...
Graph Decomposition for Memoryless Periodic Exploration
PublicationWe consider a general framework in which a memoryless robot periodically explores all the nodes of a connected anonymous graph by following local information available at each vertex. For each vertex v, the endpoints of all edges adjacent to v are assigned unique labels within the range 1 to deg (v) (the degree of v). The generic exploration strategy is implemented using a right-hand-rule transition function: after entering vertex...
A method of Functional Test interval selection with regards to Machinery and Economical aspects
PublicationThis paper discusses the problem of choosing the optimal frequency of functional test, including the reliability calculations and production efficiency, but also the effect of company risk management. The proof test as a part of the functional test interval is well described for the process industry. Unfortunately, this situation is not the case for the machinery safety functions with low demand mode. Afterwards, it is presented...
Coronas and Domination Subdivision Number of a Graph
PublicationIn this paper, for a graph G and a family of partitions P of vertex neighborhoods of G, we define the general corona G ◦P of G. Among several properties of this new operation, we focus on application general coronas to a new kind of characterization of trees with the domination subdivision number equal to 3.
Zero-visibility cops and robber and the pathwidth of a graph
PublicationWe examine the zero-visibility cops and robber graph searching model, which differs from the classical cops and robber game in one way: the robber is invisible. We show that this model is not monotonic. We show that the zero-visibility copnumber of a graph is bounded above by its pathwidth and cannot be bounded below by any nontrivial function of the pathwidth. As well, we define a monotonic version of this game and show that the...
The convex domination subdivision number of a graph
PublicationLet G = (V;E) be a simple graph. A set D\subset V is a dominating set of G if every vertex in V - D has at least one neighbor in D. The distance d_G(u, v) between two vertices u and v is the length of a shortest (u, v)-path in G. An (u, v)-path of length d_G(u; v) is called an (u, v)-geodesic. A set X\subset V is convex in G if vertices from all (a, b)-geodesics belong to X for any two vertices a, b \in X. A set X is a convex dominating...
Non-monotone graph searching models
PublicationGraph searching encompasses a variety of different models, many of which share a property that in optimal strategies fugitive can never access once searched regions. Monotonicity, as it is called, is vital in many established results in the field however its absence significantly impedes the analysis of a given problem. This survey attempts to gather non-monotone models, that are less researched in effort of summarizing the results...
Edge coloring of graphs of signed class 1 and 2
PublicationRecently, Behr (2020) introduced a notion of the chromatic index of signed graphs and proved that for every signed graph (G, σ) it holds that ∆(G) ≤ χ′(G,σ) ≤ ∆(G) + 1, where ∆(G) is the maximum degree of G and χ′ denotes its chromatic index. In general, the chromatic index of (G, σ) depends on both the underlying graph G and the signature σ. In the paper we study graphs G for which χ′(G, σ) does not depend on σ. To this aim we...
Monitoring of Chlorine Concentration in Drinking Water Distribution Systems Using an Interval Estimator
PublicationThis paper describes the design of an interval observer for the estimation of unmeasured quality state variables in drinking water distribution systems. The estimator utilizes a set bounded model of uncertainty to produce robust interval bounds on the estimated state variables of the water quality. The bounds are generated by solving two differential equations. Hence the numerical efficiency is sufficient for on-line monitoring...
Multi-agent graph searching and exploration algorithms
PublicationA team of mobile entities, which we refer to as agents or searchers interchangeably, starting from homebases needs to complete a given task in a graph.The goal is to build a strategy, which allows agents to accomplish their task. We analyze strategies for their effectiveness (e.g., the number of used agents, the total number of performed moves by the agents or the completion time).Currently, the fields of on-line (i.e., agents...
A construction for the hat problem on a directed graph
PublicationA team of n players plays the following game. After a strategy session, each player is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then, without further communication, everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. Visibility is defined by a directed graph; that is, vertices correspond to players, and a player can see each player to whom he is connected by an arc. The...
Product Graph Invariants with Applications in the Theory of Information
PublicationThere are a large number of graph invariants. In the paper, we consider some of them, e.g. the independence and chromatic numbers. It is well know that we cannot efficiently calculate these numbers for arbitrary graphs. In the paper we present relations between these invariants and concepts from the theory of information. Concepts such as source coding and transmission over a noisy channel with zero probability of error are modeled...
New potential functions for greedy independence and coloring
PublicationA potential function $f_G$ of a finite, simple and undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ is an arbitrary function $f_G : V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_0$ that assigns a nonnegative integer to every vertex of a graph $G$. In this paper we define the iterative process of computing the step potential function $q_G$ such that $q_G(v)\leq d_G(v)$ for all $v\in V(G)$. We use this function in the development of new Caro-Wei-type and Brooks-type...
Optimal edge-coloring with edge rate constraints
PublicationWe consider the problem of covering the edges of a graph by a sequence of matchings subject to the constraint that each edge e appears in at least a given fraction r(e) of the matchings. Although it can be determined in polynomial time whether such a sequence of matchings exists or not [Grötschel et al., Combinatorica (1981), 169–197], we show that several questions about the length of the sequence are computationally intractable....
KOALA Graph Theory Internet Service
PublicationKOALA has been created with the idea of C++ library templates, implementing a broad set of procedures in the fields of algorithmic graph theory and network problems in discreate optimization. During the C2NIWA project, a library has been greatly ectended, the code refactored and enclosed with the internet service available in the public repository of thr project. Today it contains interconnected educational materials in the form...
Pawlak's flow graph extensions for video surveillance systems
PublicationThe idea of the Pawlak's flow graphs is applicable to many problems in various fields related to decision algorithms or data mining. The flow graphs can be used also in the video surveillance systems. Especially in distributed multi-camera systems which are problematic to be handled by human operators because of their limited perception. In such systems automated video analysis needs to be implemented. Important part of this analysis...
Zero-Visibility Cops and Robber Game on a Graph
PublicationWe examine the zero-visibility cops and robber graph searching model, which differs from the classical cops & robber game in one way: the robber is invisible. We show that this model is not monotonic. We also provide bounds on both the zero-visibility copnumber and monotonic zero-visibility copnumber in terms of the pathwidth.
Characterizing the Scalability of Graph Convolutional Networks on Intel® PIUMA
PublicationLarge-scale Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) inference on traditional CPU/GPU systems is challenging due to a large memory footprint, sparse computational patterns, and irregular memory accesses with poor locality. Intel’s Programmable Integrated Unffied Memory Architecture (PIUMA) is designed to address these challenges for graph analytics. In this paper, a detailed characterization of GCNs is presented using the Open-Graph Benchmark...
Modeling the impact of surface currents in a harbor using graph theory
PublicationEnsuring security in a harbor requires research into its infrastructure using spatial environmental data. This paper presents a methodology that defines the design of a graph for modeling the interactions between surface currents and moving objects. Combining this graph with port charts that integrate electronic navigation charts with coastal orthophotographs allows us to perform a multidimensional analysis. In addition, the complete...
The Method of Selecting the Interval of Functional Tests Taking into Account Economic Aspects and Legal Requirements
PublicationThe article discusses the problem of choosing the optimal frequency of functional tests, taking into account the reliability and law requirements, but also the impact of business aspects in the company. The subject of functional test interval is well described for purposes of the process industry. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the machinery safety functions with low demand mode. This is followed by a presentation of the...
Minimum vertex ranking spanning tree problem for chordal and proper interval graphs
PublicationW pracy rozważamy problem szukania, dla danego grafu prostego, drzewa spinającego, którego uporządkowana liczba chromatyczna jest minimalna. K.~Miyata i inni dowiedli w [Np-hardness proof and an approximation algorithm for the minimum vertex ranking spanning tree problem,Discrete Appl. Math. 154 (2006) 2402-2410], że odpowiedni problem decyzyjny jest NP-trudny już w przypadku pytania o istnienie uporządkowanego 4-pokolorowania....
Weakly convex domination subdivision number of a graph
PublicationA set X is weakly convex in G if for any two vertices a; b \in X there exists an ab–geodesic such that all of its vertices belong to X. A set X \subset V is a weakly convex dominating set if X is weakly convex and dominating. The weakly convex domination number \gamma_wcon(G) of a graph G equals the minimum cardinality of a weakly convex dominating set in G. The weakly convex domination subdivision number sd_wcon (G) is the minimum...
Distributed graph searching with a sense of direction
PublicationIn this work we consider the edge searching problem for vertex-weighted graphs with arbitrarily fast and invisible fugitive. The weight function w provides for each vertex v the minimum number of searchers required to guard v, i.e., the fugitive may not pass through v without being detected only if at least w(v) searchers are present at v. This problem is a generalization of the classical edge searching problem, in which one has...
An interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and chlorine concentration measurement errors
PublicationThe design of an interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables with application to drinking water distribution systems is described. In particular, the design process of such an observer is considered for estimation of the water quality described by the concentration of free chlorine. The interval observer is derived to produce the robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability...
Graph Representation Integrating Signals for Emotion Recognition and Analysis
PublicationData reusability is an important feature of current research, just in every field of science. Modern research in Affective Computing, often rely on datasets containing experiments-originated data such as biosignals, video clips, or images. Moreover, conducting experiments with a vast number of participants to build datasets for Affective Computing research is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, it is extremely important to...
Rank Coloring of Graphs.
PublicationRozdział jest poświęcony uporządkowanemu kolorowaniu grafów. Przedstawiono jego podstawowe własności oraz zastosowania praktyczne.
T-coloring of graphs.
PublicationNiniejszy rozdział omawia kontrastowe kolorowanie grafów. Podana została jego definicja i podstawowe własności, zastosowania oraz złożoność obliczeniowa problemów rozważanych w ramach tej dziedziny.
Harmonions Coloring of Graphs.
PublicationProblem kolorowania grafów jest motywowany radionawigacją lotniczą, kompresją obrazów i in. W rozdziale podano podstawowe fakty dotyczące tego modelu kolorowania, a wsród nich dolne i górne oszacowania na liczbę harmoniczną i algorytm o złożoności 0 (mm3) dający bardzo dobre pokolorowania przybliżone.
Classical coloring of graphs.
PublicationRozdział obejmuje klasyczne kolorowanie krawędzi i wierzołków w grafach prostych. Oprócz podstawowych definicji podane zostały najczęściej stosowane metody przybliżone oraz ich właściwości. Dodatkowo rozdział zawiera przegląd znanych benczmarków dla podanych metod w kontekście klasycznego modelu kolorowania.
Sum Coloring of Graphs.
PublicationRozdział jest poświęcony sumacyjnemu kolorowaniu grafów. Przedstawiono jego podstawowe własności oraz zastosowania praktyczne.
Nordhaus-Gaddum results for the weakly convex domination number of a graph
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy ograniczenia z góry i z dołu (ze względu na ilość wierzchołków) sumy i iloczynu liczb dominowania wypukłego grafu i jego dopełnienia.
Interval estimator for chlorine monitoring in drinking water distribution systems under uncertain system dynamics, inputs and state measurement errors
PublicationThe design of interval observer for estimation of unmeasured state variables for application to drinking water distribution systems is described in this paper. In particular, it considers the design of such observer for estimation of water quality described by free chlorine concentration. An interval observer is derived to produce robust interval bounds on the estimated water quality state variables. The stability and robustness...
Invariant Measures for Uncountable Random Interval Homeomorphisms
PublicationA necessary and sufficient condition for the iterated function system { f (·, ω) | ω ∈ } with probability P to have exactly one invariant measure μ∗ with μ∗((0, 1)) = 1 is given. The main novelty lies in the fact that we only require the transformations f (·, ω) to be increasing homeomorphims, without any smoothness condition, nei- ther we impose conditions on the cardinality of . In particular, positive Lyapunov exponents conditions...
Efficient list cost coloring of vertices and/or edges of bounded cyclicity graphs
Publication -
Efficient list cost coloring of vertices and/or edges of bounded cyclicity graphs
PublicationW artykule rozważamy listowo-kosztowe kolorowanie wierzchołków i krawędzi grafu w modelu wierzchołkowym, krawędziowym, totalnym i pseudototalnym. Stosujemy programowanie dynamiczne w celu otrzymania algorytmów wielomianowych dla drzew. Następnie uogólniamy to podejście na dowolne grafy z ograniczonymi liczbami cyklomatycznymi i na ich multikolorowania.
A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph
PublicationAn algorithm is introduced for computing the minimum cycle mean in a strongly connected directed graph with n vertices and m arcs that requires O(n) working space. This is a considerable improvement for sparse graphs in comparison to the classical algorithms that require O(n^2) working space. The time complexity of the algorithm is still O(nm). An implementation in C++ is made publicly available at
Scheduling with Complete Multipartite Incompatibility Graph on Parallel Machines
PublicationIn this paper we consider a problem of job scheduling on parallel machines with a presence of incompatibilities between jobs. The incompatibility relation can be modeled as a complete multipartite graph in which each edge denotes a pair of jobs that cannot be scheduled on the same machine. Our research stems from the works of Bodlaender, Jansen, and Woeginger (1994) and Bodlaender and Jansen (1993). In particular, we pursue the...
Comparison of reproduction strategies in genetic algorithm approach to graph searching
Publicationgenetic algorithms (ga) are a well-known tool used to obtain approximate solutions to optimization problems. successful application of genetic algorithm in solving given problem is largely dependant on selecting appropriate genetic operators. selection, mutation and crossover techniques play a fundamental role in both time needed to obtain results and their accuracy. in this paper we focus on applying genetic algorithms in calculating...
Scheduling with Complete Multipartite Incompatibility Graph on Parallel Machines: Complexity and Algorithms
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of scheduling on parallel machines with a presence of incompatibilities between jobs is considered. The incompatibility relation can be modeled as a complete multipartite graph in which each edge denotes a pair of jobs that cannot be scheduled on the same machine. The paper provides several results concerning schedules, optimal or approximate with respect to the two most popular criteria of optimality:...
On efficient coloring of chordless graphs
PublicationArtykuł omawia zagadnienie optymalnego, wielomianowego rozpoznawania i kolorowania grafów bezcięciwowych. Zawiera dowód tego, że takie grafy są zawsze 4-kolorowalne oraz opis wielomianowego algorytmu, który koloruje je minimalną możliwą liczbą kolorów.