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Search results for: natural energy resources
Assessment of the Current Potential of Hydropower for Water Damming in Poland in the Context of Energy Transformation
PublicationThe present paper indicates that hydropower, including small hydropower plants (SHPs), may play a very important role in Poland’s energy transformation in the near future. The development of SHPs may also increase water resources in the steppe Poland. Additionally, the aim of the present research is to conduct the PEST analysis of SHPs in Poland, taking into account the SHP potential. For the first time, maps showing the power...
Kifayat Ullah
PeoplePh.D. Scholar in the department of electrical and control engineering at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. My research interest includes Electric drives, Power Electronics, and Renewable Energy Resources. I hold My Master of Engineering degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering from the Liaoning University of Technology, China, and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from International Islamic University...
Optimizing the parameters of a small standalone hybrid power system
PublicationA hybrid power plant consists of renewable energy resources, an energy storage, a discharge load and an emergency power supply. Power plant parameters are tailored to meet the requirements of continuity of supply, cost minimization, return on investment period and system capacity utilization. The papaer presents the methodology for selecting power plant parameters with a larger number of decision criteria. The task is solved...
Characterization of Sunflower Waste Carbonization: Energy Balance and Water Holding Properties
PublicationThis paper characterizes the carbonization process of biomass wastes, including sunflower husk pellets and sunflower sponge stalk pellets, at carbonization temperatures of 450 and 550 ◦C. These studies are important because of the reductions in wood resources for the preparation of barbecue charcoal, as well as agricultural benefits in terms of soil additives. In terms of energy balance, the obtained pyrolysis ensures the autothermal...
Energy efficient indoor localisation for narrowband internet of things
PublicationThere are an increasing number of Narrow Band IoT devices being manufactured as the technology behind them develops quickly. The high co-channel interference and signal attenuation was seen in edge Narrow Band IoT devices make it challenging to guarantee the service quality of these devices. To maximize the data rate fairness of Narrow Band IoT devices, a multi-dimensional indoor localization model is devised, consisting of...
Changes in the structure of Armenia’s labour resources between 1993 and 2020
PublicationThe article characterises the structure of Armenia’s labour resources in the period between1993 and 2020. It aims to assess the changes on the Armenian labour market by means of a deductive analysis of historical data and observation of changes in the structure of resources based on generally available macroeconomic data. The authors evaluate these processes against the background of demographic and economic changes, by presenting...
Environmental impact and industrial development of biorenewable resources for polyurethanes
PublicationPolyurethanes are among the most developed types of polymers. They are produced from the three primary components, i.e., polyols, low-molecular-weight glycols used as chain extenders, and diisocyanates. Until recently, all these substrates have been obtained via petrochemical processes. A decrease in petroleum-based resources and new ecological trends in chemistry, chemical technology, and materials engineering have generated increasing...
More Just Measure of Fairness for Sharing Network Resources
PublicationA more just measure of resource distribution in computer networks is proposed. Classic functions evaluate fairness only “on average”. The proposed new fairness score function ensures that no node is left without resources while on average everything looks good. It is compared with well-known and widely adopted function proposed by Jain, Chiu and Hawe and another one recently proposed fairness function by Chen and Zhang. The function...
Comparative study of selected fluids for use in supercritical Organic Ranking Cycles
PublicationIn view of increasing interest in improving energy efficiency of energy conversion devices, there is an increasing requirement of combined production of heat and electricity as well as demand for increased implementation of renewable energy resources. The micro cogenerative units utilizing the Organic Rankine Cycle are focusing the attention of many research centres around the world. In the present paper calculations of ORC cycles...
Developing Methods for Building Intelligent Systems of Information Resources Processing Using an Ontological Approach
PublicationThe problem of developing methods of information resource processing is investigated. A formal procedure description of processing text content is developed. A new ontological approach to the implementation of business processes is proposed. Consider that the aim of our work is to develop methods and tools for building intelligent systems of information resource processing, the core of knowledge bases of which are ontology’s, and...
Exact-match Based Wikipedia-WordNet Integration
PublicationAbility to link between WordNet synsets and Wikipedia articles allows usage of those resources by computers during natural language processing. A lot of work was done in this field, however most of the approaches focus on similarity between Wikipedia articles and WordNet synsets rather than creation of perfect matches. In this paper we proposed a set of methods for automatic perfect matching generation. The proposed methods were...
Climate change impact on groundwater resources in sandbar aquifers in southern Baltic coast
PublicationShallow coastal aquifers are vulnerable hydrosystems controlled by many factors, related to climate, seawater‑freshwater interactions and human activity. Given on‑going climate change, sea level rise and increasing human impact, it is especially true for groundwater resources situated in sandbars. We developed numerical models of unsaturated zone water flow for two sandbars in northern Poland: the Vistula Spit and the Hel Spit...
Lateral forces determine dimensional accuracy of the narrow‑kerf sawing of wood
PublicationThe shrinking global forest area limits the supply of industrially usable raw resources. This, in combination with the ever‑increasing consumption of timber due to population growth can lead to the lack of a positive balance between the annual volumetric growth and consumption of wood. An important innovation toward increasing environmental and economic sustainability of timber production is to reduce the volume of wood residues...
Efficiency of the Use of LTE System Radio Resources in Highway Transport Enironment
PublicationThe paper describes the problem of analysis of throughput-coverage characteristics of the LTE system. Simulation results of the efficiency of the use of LTE radio resources are presented. Simulation studies on the basis of original model of the LTE network simulator were carried out. In addition, the evaluation of throughput for a single connection, and available capacity were evaluated in the context of the use of the same...
Social media and efficient computer infrastructure in smart city
PublicationSocial media require an efficient infrastructures of computer and communication systems to support a smart city. In a big city, there are several crucial dilemmas with a home and public space planning, a growing population, a global warming, carbon emissions, a lack of key resources like water and energy, and a traffic congestion. In a smart city, we expect an efficient and sustainable transportation, efficient management of resources...
A prototype information system for managing and pricing e-waste
PublicationThere is no doubt that innovation drives development in all areas of human activity, including electrical and electronic equipment. However, the production of new equipment has a significant impact on the natural environment and a relatively high consumption of natural resources. To address these issues, the circular economy has been implemented in recent years by promoting and introducing numerous measures to facilitate the recycling...
Performance of low-power underwater modem for shallow water communications
PublicationThe low-power underwater acoustic modem is usually an important component of the Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (UWSN). Network nodes have predetermined energy resources that will not be replenished during the life of the node. In shallow waters, multipath propagation is constantly occurring and for the modem to work effectively, solutions to overcome them must be used, which will also meet the important criterion of energy...
Development of Strategies for AOB and NOB Competition Supported by Mathematical Modeling in Terms of Successful Deammonification Implementation for Energy-Efficient WWTPs
PublicationNovel technologies such as partial nitritation (PN) and partial denitritation (PDN) could be combined with the anammox-based process in order to alleviate energy input. The former combination, also noted as deammonification, has been intensively studied in a frame of lab and full-scale wastewater treatment in order to optimize operational costs and process efficiency. For the deammonification process, key functional microbes include...
Inhibition of Polymer Photodegradation by Incorporation of Coffee Silverskin
PublicationOver the last years, the trend associated with the incorporation of materials from renewable resources into polymer technology is getting significantly more vital. Researchers are trying to transfer the properties of natural raw materials into the polymer world. Therefore, different natural materials are more often investigated as potential additives for polymers. Such an effect is noted for the coffee industry by-products, such...
Dynamika bezzałogowego aparatu latającego w układzie czterowirnikowego pionowzlotu
PublicationDziałanie maszyn, w tym również pojazdów latających, jest nieodłącznie związane z przekazywaniem oddziaływań siłowych: statycznych i dynamicznych. Dynamika jest działem mechaniki zajmującym się makroskopowym ruchem ciał przy uwzględnieniu przyczyn wywołujących ten ruch. Pierwszym etapem analizy dynamiki konstrukcji są zwykle obliczenia wartości i postaci drgań własnych modelu konstrukcji. Drgania własne zwykle ulegają szybkiemu...
Recent Progress on Hydrogen Storage and Production Using Chemical Hydrogen Carriers
PublicationDepleting fossil fuel resources and anthropogenic climate changes are the reasons for the intensive development of new, sustainable technologies based on renewable energy sources. One of the most promising strategies is the utilization of hydrogen as an energy vector. However, the limiting issue for large-scale commercialization of hydrogen technologies is a safe, efficient, and economical method of gas storage. In industrial practice,...
Detection of ferromagnetic objects in local magnetic anomaly of the Baltic Sea
PublicationIn geological researches several kinds of methods are applied to discovering the natural resources. Planes, helicopters and UAVs (UnmAnned Vehicle) are used in researches in large areas. The gravity, electromagnetic and magnetic methods, which are used in geological researches, are presented in this paper. The special attention was paid to magnetic systems installed on mobile platforms. The magnetic field of the Earth obtained...
NOAH Holistic planning, real time control and augmented reality in protecting Baltic Sea from untreated wastewater spillages during flood events
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Environmental Engineering Technology according to #R093 agreement from 2019-01-18
The Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost in public works contracts
PublicationAn important goal, implemented by EU countries under the Europe 2020 strategy, is sustainable development, which includes supporting economy that effectively uses natural and environmentally friendly resources. Solutions in this area are also promoted in tender proceedings in the area of public procurement. The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and LCC (Life Cycle Cost) analysis are indicated as the basis for decision-making by awarding...
Application of Doubly Connected Dominating Sets to Safe Rectangular Smart Grids
PublicationSmart grids, together with the Internet of Things, are considered to be the future of the electric energy world. This is possible through a two-way communication between nodes of the grids and computer processing. It is necessary that the communication is easy and safe, and the distance between a point of demand and supply is short, to reduce the electricity loss. All these requirements should be met at the lowest possible cost....
Waste materials assessment for phosphorus adsorption toward sustainable application in circular economy
PublicationPhosphorus is the main determinant of nutrient enrichment in the water bodies. Many resources including nutrients may be shortly exhausted, assuming current consumption. This scenario leads to growing interest in resources recovery and/or reuse, which together with sustainable energy consumption and waste reduction are the main courses of the circular economy. Usage of coagulants in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) does not allow...
Evolution of artificial single-cell organisms foraging for resources in a 3-dimensional environment
PublicationForaging for resources is a simple cognitive task that even one-celled biological organisms can ac- complish. We present an Artificial Life system in which artificial unicellular organisms (animats) forage for food in a 3-dimensional simulated liquid environment. The movement of animats is controlled by evolving artificial gene regulatory networks encoded in linear genomes. When an animat consumes enough food, it produces offspring...
Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects
PublicationIn order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....
Algorithmic Human Resources Management
PublicationThe rapid evolution of Digital Human Resources Management has introduced a transformative era where algorithms play a pivotal role in reshaping the landscape of workforce management. This transformation is encapsulated in the concepts of algorithmic management and algorithmic Human Resource Management (HRM). The integration of advanced analytics, predictive and prescriptive analytics and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
Journals -
Wykorzystanie Web 2.0 oraz architektury informacji w pracy brokera informacji = TAKING ADVANTAGE OF WEB 2.0 AND THE INFORMATION ARCHITECTURE IN THE INFORMATION BROKER’S WORK
PublicationThe development of information and communication technologies, dissemination of access as well as unlimited increase of publications result in the uncontrolled growth of knowledge resources. Looking up for the relevant information becomes increasingly difficult, especially when time plays a role. Such process requires vast knowledge, practical experience in obtaining and providing information and also analytical...
Selected information technology tools supporting for maintenance and operation management electrical grids
PublicationThe paper presents the main issues of management of electrical grids. Selected information technology tools supporting for electrical grids maintenance are presented. In electrical infrastructure maintenance of power companies the geographic information systems are increasingly used to support the management of theirs resources. Their functionalities in terms creating comprehensive databases for electrical infrastructure of power...
Assessment of Surface Water Resources Based on Different Growth Scenarios, for Borkena River Sub-basin, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
PublicationThe total annual river flow at the Awash Kombolcha sub-basin of the Borkena river station was estimated to be 4.6 billion cubic meters by 2019-2030. The current average annual flow at the exit measurement station is 544.5Mm3 of the water resources available in the study area. The monthly peak flow of the Borkena River occurs from July to September. In addition, the highest monthly average flow is in August and the lowest is...
Modeling lignin extraction with ionic liquids using machine learning approach
PublicationLignin, next to cellulose, is the second most common natural biopolymer on Earth, containing a third of the organic carbon in the biosphere. For many years, lignin was perceived as waste when obtaining cellulose and hemicellulose and used as a biofuel for the production of bioenergy. However, recently, lignin has been considered a renewable raw material for the production of chemicals and materials to replace petrochemical resources....
Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of powdered cuttlebone against Klebsiella oxytoca, Staphylococcus aureus, and Aspergillus flavus
PublicationBackground: The presence of medicines in the environment is considered as a serious threat to the human health. The entrance of these substances into the water sources causes soil pollution, which eventually leads to the environmental pollution and it creates some problems for the public health. Also, increasing antibiotic resistant bacteria has attracted the attention of researchers to the use of natural resources such as marine...
Can Communication Power of Separable Correlations Exceed That of Entanglement Resource?
PublicationThe scenario of remote state preparation with a shared correlated quantum state and one bit of forward communication [B. Dakić et al., Nat. Phys. 8, 666 (2012)] is considered. Optimization of the transmission efficiency is extended to include general encoding and decoding strategies. The importance of the use of linear fidelity is recognized. It is shown that separable states cannot exceed the efficiency of entangled states by...
A review on fungal-based biopesticides and biofertilizers production
PublicationThe escalating use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides to boost crop production has led to the depletion of natural resources, contamination of water sources, and environmental crises. In response, the scientific community is exploring eco-friendly alternatives, such as fungal-based biofertilizers and biopesticides, which have proven effectiveness in enhancing plant health and growth while sustainably managing plant diseases...
Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Poly(ester-Urethane-Urea)s Synthesized Using Biobased Diamine
PublicationModern polymer science and technology is focused on the development of partial or fully green polymers. This focus is related to green chemistry trends, which propose using natural and renewable resources as monomers in the synthesis of polymers. In this study, biobased diamine was used as a chain extender of ester-urethane prepolymer. Obtained poly(ester-urethane-urea) contains 16 wt% of biobased diamine. There is mention of an...
Modeling with the Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 for Enhanced Understanding and Application of Anaerobic Treatment Processes
PublicationMathematical model is a valuable tool for prediction and recovery of resources and energy through anaerobic digestion of organic wastes. The International Water Association (IWA) Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) is the most commonly used structured anaerobic digestion model. However, as substrates become more complex and our deeper understanding of the anaerobic digestion mechanism, both systematic and specific modifications...
How to Meet the Green Deal Objectives—Is It Possible to Obtain 100% RES at the Regional Level in the EU?
PublicationThe subject matter discussed in the article concerns the problem of the energy transformation of the European Union (EU) countries. In the case of the EU, the energy transformation has specific characteristics due to formal legal and institutional provisions. This means that the member states are obliged to implement the adopted Community Energy Strategy, which was defined under the European Green Deal. According to the EU policy,...
Wykorzystanie Web 2.0 oraz architektury informacji w pracy brokera informacji.
PublicationThe development of information and communication technologies, dissemination of access as well as unlimited increase of publications result in the uncontrolled growth of knowledge resources. Looking up for the relevant information becomes increasingly difficult, especially when time plays a role. Such process requires vast knowledge, practical experience in obtaining and providing information and also analytical skills that...
Recuperator with microjet technology as a proposal for heat recovery from low-temperature sources
PublicationA tendency to increase the importance of so called dispersed generation, based on the local energy sources and the working systems uti- lizing both the fossil fuels and the renewable energy resources is observed nowadays. Generation of electricity on industrial or domestic scale together with production of heat can be obtained for example through employment of the ORC systems. It is mentioned in the EU directive 2012/27/EU for...
The Fuzzy Analysis of Western Windfarm Transportation Safety
PublicationThe previously completed route planning research of Navigational Transportation Safety in the Taiwan Western wind farm analyzed delves into the expansion of sustainable wind energy and navigation safety together along the Taiwan Western for confronting the challenge of balancing resource coexistence and displacement. Previous studies primarily focused on route planning and vessel traffic density which developed the necessary comprehensive...
Wypalenie zawodowe: czy potrzebne jest leczenie?
PublicationProfessional burnout syndrome is an indicator of a process of health deterioration related to work. According to the Job Demands-Resources Theory, professional burnout develops in the workplace as a result of excessive job demands that are not balanced by personal and organizational resources. Professional burnout can affect employees across various sectors and organizations. The World Health Organization defines burnout as a syndrome...
Towards sustainable catalyst-free biomass-based polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC): From valorization and liquefaction to future generation of biocomposites
PublicationA substantial aspect of materials engineering lies in the responsible process of designing polymer-based materials. Due to environmental pollution, excessive consumption of natural resources, and increasing environmental awareness of society, there is a massive need for polyurethane (PU) materials with reduced environmental impact. To date, research on catalyst-free polyurethane-wood composites (PU-WC) has demonstrated a huge potential...
Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources in a Young Glacial Multi-Aquifer System
PublicationThe aim of this study was to evaluate the trends of climate change on the Kashubian Lake District and to determine the impact of expected trends on groundwater resources. The analysis of trends in temperature and precipitation was conducted for the six-decade history of meteorological measurements at the weather station in Koscierzyna. The analysis shows the trend of temperature increase of +0.0182ºC/year. The highest increase...
Towards Changes of Macro-Economic Structures in Middle Eastern Countries. Empirical Evidence for 1970–2018
PublicationMiddle East countries share a wide bundle of specific structural economic features and one of the latest is a high dependency of these economies on fossil fuels, which is quantitatively demonstrated through the share of oil and gas revenues in total export, but also in gross domestic product composition. This high economic dependency on natural resources on one hand has recently generated a material wealth of Middle Eastern countries...
Evolution of the HVDC Link Connecting Offshore Wind Farms to Onshore Power Systems
PublicationThis paper presents an overview of the DC link development and evolution dedicated to HVDC structure for connecting offshore wind power plants to onshore power systems. The growing demand for the green energy has forced investors in power industry to look for resources further out at sea. Hence, the development of power electronics and industrial engineering has enabled offshore wind farms to be situated further from the shore...
PublicationThe appropriate level of treatment during periods of increasing workload in the health care system or a particular hospital is ensured either by changing the organization of the system and the principles of use of resources such as space, staff and consumables or their redistribution, or by financial resources such resources are increased or replenished. This article contributes to improve the concept of resource allocation as...
The application of environmental issues in designing urban structures – a framework for comprehensive local planning policies
PublicationThe implementation of environmental issues in planning and designing urban structures is becoming a novel approach and a common practice consistent with the paradigm of sustainable development. Maintaining environmental quality in urban areas, managing natural resources and understanding the complexity of urban systems is becoming increasingly challenging. Therefore, it is important to develop strategies for the integration of...