Search results for: radar cross-section (rcs)
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of low voltage copper cables
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of the low voltage copper cables, which were studied in the article discussing the regulatory requirements for checking the electrical resistance of such cables. The cables were cut and studies in cross-section. The full results were published in:
Cross sections calculations for electron scattering from dimethylamine, NH(CH3)2, molecule
PublicationThe total cross section for single electron-impact ionization and the integral elastic cross section for electron scattering from dimethylamine have been calculated using the binary-encounter-Bethe model and the independent atom method, respectively.
Miedzyborz 2021 - video data I - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataMiedzyborz 2021 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Gostyn 2021 - video data I - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataGostyn 2021 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Krotoszyn 2021 - video data I - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataKrotoszyn 2021 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Results of OM examination of acrylic bone cements incorporating various components
Open Research DataThe database contains the images of the microstructure of modified bone cements observed on the cross-section with the optical microscope (OM). The following modifications were evaluated: the addition of biodegradable components (including chitosan, cellulose, tricalcium phosphate, polydioxanone or magnesium), the addition of bioactive components (bioglasses)...
Exemplary SEM images of polished cross sections of symmetrical cell with SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell with SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 12 kV in a high vacuum mode.
Joint experimental and theoretical study on electron scattering from titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) molecule
PublicationAbsolute grand-total cross section for electron scattering from titanium tetrachloride, TiCl4, molecule was measured at electron-impact energies ranging from 0.3 to 300 eV, in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The elastic integral, differential, momentum transfer, and total ionization cross sections for TiCl4 molecule were also calculated for low and intermediate collisional energies at the level of various theories. The...
Impact of maintenance of floodplains of the Vistula River on high water levels on the section from Włocławek to Toruń
PublicationThis article describes the methodology of hydraulic calculations to estimate the water levels in open channels for steady gradually varied flow. The presented method has been used to analyse the water level on the Vistula River from Włocławek cross-section to Toruń cross-section. The HEC-RAS modelling system has been used for parameterization of the river channel and floodplains, as well as for flow simulation. The results obtained...
Electron Scattering from Methyl Formate (HCOOCH3): A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study
PublicationElastic low-energy electron collisions with methyl formate have been studied theoretically at the level of various theories. The elastic integral cross section was calculated using Schwinger multichannel and R-matrix methods, in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization levels of approximations for energies up to 15 eV. The absolute total cross section for electron scattering from methyl formate has been measured...
Measurement of the tram rail profile during a year of operation
Open Research DataThe aim of the work was to analyze the wear of rails during operation and to analyze the supplementation of heavy metals in the soil around the tram route, originating from wearing out rails and tram wheels.The dataset contains measurements of rail head coordinates in 9 research sections made in 8 measurement series. The wear of the rails in selected...
Electron impact ionization and cationic fragmentation of the pyridazine molecules
PublicationElectron impact mass spectroscopy was used to investigate ionization and cationic fragmentation of the pyridazine (1,2 diazine), C4H4N2, molecules in the gas phase. The mass spectra were measured and the observed mass peaks assigned to the corresponding cations. The appearance energies of most of the cationic fragments were determined and the possible fragmentation processes are discussed. The total cross section for electron...
Innovative cold-formed GEB section under compression
PublicationCold-formed steel sections extensively affect the modern steel construction industry. Not only are they used as secondary elements like purlins or sheeting, but also they can serve as primary load-bearing members in fabricated steel panels and trusses. A new cross-section called shortly a GEB may serve as that member. However, its existence of the metal building structures industry depends on the exact, optimal dimensional parameters...
Air flow phenomena in the model of the blind drift
PublicationIn the presented paper, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) has been used to investigate flow pattern and turbulent structure in the model of blind drift. The presented model exist in mining, and has been analyzed to resolve ventilation issues. Blind region is particularly susceptible to unsafe methane accumulation. The measurement system allows us to evaluate all components of the velocity vector in channel cross-section simultaneously....
Permanent traffic counting stations - Expressway S7 in Gdansk, Poland
Open Research DataThe data includes traffic data from permanent traffic count station located on the expressway S7 in the Tri-City Agglomeration area in Poland. The data covers the 2 months of 2015 (May, October) and one direction of traffic (eastbound).
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrode and CGO-20 substrate in function of sintering temperature
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrode and CGO-20 substrate in function of sintering temperature (800 °C, 900°C and 1000 °C) . Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage...
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d electrode and CGO-20 substrate in function of sintering temperature
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d electrode and CGO-20 substrate in function of sintering temperature (800 °C, 900°C and 1000 °C) . Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage...
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d electrode and CGO-20 substrate in function of sintering temperature
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d electrode and CGO-20 substrate in function of sintering temperature (800 °C, 900°C and 1000 °C) . Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage...
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi1-xFexO3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with SrTi1-xFexO3-d (x=0.35; 0.50; 0..70) electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 12 kV in a high vacuum...
Refined theoretical study of radiative association: Cross sections and rate constants for the formation of SiN
PublicationRadiative association of silicon mononitride (SiN) in its two lowest molecular electronic states is studied through quantum and classical dynamics. Special attention is paid to the behavior of the cross section at high collision energies. A modified expression for the semiclassical cross section is presented which excludes transitions to continuum states. This gives improved agreement with quantum mechanical perturbation theory...
On the generalized model of shell structures with functional cross-sections
PublicationIn the present study, a single general formulation has been presented for the analysis of various shell-shaped structures. The proposed model is comprehensive and a variety of theories can be used based on it. The cross-section of the shell structure can be arbitrarily analyzed with the presented equations. In other words, various types of shell structures, including cylindrical, conical, spherical, elliptical, hyperbolic, parabolic,...
Sensitivity analysis of critical loads of I-columns
PublicationThe first order variation of critical buckling load of thin-walled columns with bisymmetric open cross-section due to some variations of the design variables such as: cross-section dimensions, or material characteristics is derived. The influence of the residual welding stresses is taken into account. In the numerical examples dealing with I-column the functions describing the effect of the variation of the dimensions of the flange...
Kowalewo Pomorskie 2021 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Open Research DataKowalewo Pomorskie 2021 - video data - pedestrian, bicycles, vehicles
Sensitivity analysis of a composite footbridge
PublicationThis work include an example of sensitivity analysis for the design of a composite footbridge. A sandwich structure is used, consisting two high-strength skins separated by a core material. The analysis was conducted for two numerical models. The first one is a simple, single-span beam of a composite cross-section (laminate and foam), with different Young’s modulus for each material. Calculations were made by means of a MATLAB-based...
Assessment of Wooden Beams from Historical Buildings Using Ultrasonic Transmission Tomography
PublicationThe main goal of this study was non-destructive evaluation of wooden elements using ultrasonic waves. The inspection was carried out on wooden beams from a historical object. Elastic wave signals were processed by ultrasonic transmission tomography to obtain imaging of the internal structure of tested elements without disturbing their state and integrity. The focus was on the influence of wood anisotropy on the propagation of ultrasonic...
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with Sr1.05Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with Sr1.05Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at three different temperatures 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating...
SEM analysis of the TiO2 layers deposited on a FTO substrates
Open Research DataTitanium dioxide layers were deposited on a FTO conducting glass by sol-gel method. For sol gel synthesis butoxy titanium and ethanol were used as a reagents. Samples were sintered in a furnace at temperature of 600 deg. SEM measurements were performed by FEI Quanta FEG250 microscope. SEM images of a cross-section of samples exhibit a porous structures...
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with Sr1.00Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with Sr1.00Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at three different temperatures 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating...
Stability of an Innovative Cold-Formed GEB Section
PublicationThis paper is focused on the numerical analysis and experimental test of stability of the cold-formed profile with an innovative GEB cross-section. For the shell model of the axially compressed member, the linear buckling analysis and the nonlinear static analysis were carried out. In the numerical research, the buckling load and the limit load for variable section heights were obtained. Some of the results were compared with the...
Sensitivity analysis of free torsional vibration frequencies of thin-walled laminated beams under axial load
PublicationThe paper addresses sensitivity analysis of free torsional vibration frequencies of thin-walled beams of bisymmetric open cross-section made of unidirectional fibre-reinforced laminate. The warping effect and the axial end load are taken into account. The consideration is based upon the classical theory of thin-walled beams of non-deformable cross-section. The first-order sensitivity variation of the frequencies is derived with...
Spatial distribution of CO2, O2, CO, NO and temperature within a biowaste composting pile
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the color-coded isophlets illustrating the spatial distribution of gas concentrations (CO, CO2, O2 and NO) and the temperature in biowaste composting pile during 6 weeks of process. Four cross sections and two longitudinal cross sections (the left and right sides of the pile) were made using Surfer 10 software (Golden Software,...
Experimental tests and numerical simulations of full scale composite sandwich segment of a foot- and cycle- bridge
PublicationIn the paper experimental tests and numerical simulations of a full cross-section segment of ultimately designed foot-and cycle-bridge are presented. The experimental tests were conducted on element with length reduced to 3 m and unchanged (target) cross-section dimensions. The external skin of structure is GFRP laminate while internal core is PET foam. Several quasi-static tests were performed using hydraulic cylinder to generate...
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at three different temperatures 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating...
SEM images of symmetrical cell interface with Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C
Open Research DataThis dataset contains images of polished cross section of symmetrical cell interface with Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d electrodes and CGO-20 substrate sintered at three different temperatures 800 °C, 900 °C and 1000 °C. Images were obtained using a PhenomXL (Thermo Fisher Scientific, the Netherlands) scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating...
Electron scattering cross sections for 1-pentene, H2C=CH-(CH2)2CH3, molecules
PublicationCross sections, both experimental and theoretical, are reported for electron scattering from 1-pentene (C5H10) molecules. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured at electron impact energies ranging from 1 to 300 eV, using a linear electron-transmission technique. The dominant behaviour of the experimental TCS energy function is a distinct asymmetric enhancement with the maximum located around 6.5 eV. Discernible...
Strength analysis of container ship subjected to torsional loading
PublicationThe objective of this work is to investigate the torsional response of a container ship, with particular consideration of the warping effect. Two different models are investigated. In the first case, the full length model of a ship is analyzed and a distributed load is applied with the use of a novel approach. The model is supported in the torsional centre of the cross-section, which is derived analytically. In the second case,...
An Analysis of Cylindrical Posts of Arbitrary Convex Cross Sections Located in Waveguide Junctions with the Use of Field Matching Method
PublicationA problem of electromagnetic wave scattering from cylindrical posts of arbitrary cross section located in waveguide junction is presented. The method of analysis is based on the direct field matching technique. Multimode scattering matrices of every section of waveguide junction are calculated and cascading procedure is utilized to investigate the whole structure. The results are verified by comparing them with those obtained from...
Methylation effect in e−— scattering on methyl-substituted ethylenes
PublicationMethylation effect has been observed and studied in electron-scattering from selected hydrocarbon molecules. In measured total cross section (TCS) functions we have noticed energy shifts and changes in the intensity of observed structures.
PublicationCross sections for electron-impact ionization of purine and pyrimidine molecules have been calculated using binary-encounter-Bethe method for electron energies ranging from the ionization threshold up to 5 keV. Ionization cross section for purine molecules is 1.4 times higher than for pyrimidine molecules. Acceptable agreement between experimental and theoretical ionization data for pyrimidine molecule has been found.
Binary-Encounter Model for Direct Ionization of Molecules by Positron-Impact
PublicationWe introduce two models for the computation of direct ionization cross sections by positron impact over a wide range of collision energies. The models are based on the binary-encounter-Bethe model and take into account an extension of the Wannier theory. The cross sections computed with these models show good agreement with experimental data. The extensions improve the agreement between theory and experiment for collision energies...
Novel method of lung area extraction in chest perfusion computed tomography
PublicationChest perfusion computed tomography (pCT) is a useful technique in the medical diagnosis of how organs function. Perfusion CT scans are used to calculate perfusion parameters. In the case of automated methods of lung perfusion parameters calculation, the prior extraction of the lung area is desired to avoid unnecessary calculation in an area outside the lung cross-section and to avoid wasting time on processing signals of no diagnostic...
Numerical metadata of a microchamber with bacteria
Open Research DataSelected results in the form of graphs and a diagram of the analysed system. The metadata shows in sequence: 1) Temperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiationTemperature distribution inside fluidic chamber (=0.8, h=100) after 190s of irradiation; 2) Maximum temperature profile in the fluidic chamber during the...
Positron scattering on molecular hydrogen: Analysis of experimental and theoretical uncertainties
PublicationExperiments performed in recent years on positron scattering from molecular hydrogen indicated a rise of the total cross section in the limit of zero energy, but essentially disagree on the amplitude of this rise. Mitroy and collaborators [J.-Y. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 223202 (2009)] predicted a scattering length somewhat different from values deduced experimentally. Using a Markov chain Monte Carlo modified effective...
Evaluation of the impact of geometry and plastic deformation on the stray magnetic field around the bone shaped sample
PublicationInfluence of two factors: the variable cross-section and the localized plastic deformation, which affect the stray magnetic field profile of a ferromagnetic sample have been studied. Evaluation of an effect size is based on the analysis of the stray magnetic field component which is tangential to the longest dimension of a sample. However, in order to describe the nature of the stray magnetic field, the normal component (perpendicular...
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublicationA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...
SEM images of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell interface with Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrodes sintered at 800 °C before and after test
Open Research DataThis dataset contains cross section SEM images of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell interface with Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d oxygen electrode sintered at 800 °C before and after test. The cell was tested using Open Flanges™ test Set-up at 700 °C. During the test, the cell was aged for approximately 120 hours at a load of 0.5 A/cm^2. Images were obtained using a FEI...
SEM images of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell interface with La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ oxygen electrodes sintered at 1050 °C before and after test
Open Research DataThis dataset contains cross section SEM images of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell interface with La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ oxygen electrode sintered at 1050 °C before and after test. The cell was tested using Open Flanges™ test Set-up at 700 °C. During the test, the cell was aged for approximately 120 hours at a load of 0.5 A/cm^2. Images were obtained using...
Low-energy electron scattering from molecular hydrogen: Excitation of the X1Σg+ to b3Σu+ transition
PublicationWe present time-of-flight differential cross-section measurements and convergent close-coupling calculations of differential cross sections for the electron-impact excitation of the X 1 g + → b 3 u + transition in molecular hydrogen. A part of this work was recently published [M. Zawadzki et al., Phys. Rev. A 97, 050702(R) (2018)]. In this work, agreement between theory and experiment is excellent overall, and marks a transition...
Scattering of electrons by a 1,2-butadiene (C4H6) molecule: measurements and calculations
PublicationWe present the results of experimental and theoretical study on electron collisions with a 1,2-butadiene (H2C=C=CHCH3) molecule. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured using a linear electron-transmission method for collision energies in the 0.5–300 eV range. Two distinct features in the TCS energy curve were detected: a narrow peak located at 2.3 eV and a broad enhancement centered around 9 eV. We attributed...
Experimental Testing of Innovative Cold-Formed "GEB" Section / Badania Eksperymentalne Innowacyjnego Kształtownika Giętego Na Zimno Typu „Geb“
PublicationOne of the major advantages of light gauge steel structures made of cold-formed steel sections is their low weight, so manufacturers are increasingly using the possibilities of those sections for the production of typical single-storey steel structures systems. Well known profiles, such as Z, C and the so called hat sections that have been studied and described in the literature, are used mainly as purlins or truss components....