Search results for: relationship between human and the urban environment
Justyna Kucińska-Lipka dr hab. inż.
People -
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Nowy Port district case study, March 2020
Open Research DataThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Stary Nowy Port district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions, population...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study, Matejki street, Wajdeloty street, Saperów street, March 2020
Open Research DataThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study,Matejki street, Wajdeloty street, Saperów street, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood,...
Studies on the building typology, Gdynia-Wzgórze św. Maksymiliana district case study, March 2020
Open Research DataThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdynia-Wzgórze św. Maksymiliana district case study, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions,...
Studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study, Kościuszki street, March 2020
Open Research DataThe data presents results of work within the studies on the building typology, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz district case study, Kościuszki street, study proposal from March 2020. The goal of the process was to identify the basic types of urban structure of the area and to analyse them in terms of location, connections with the neighbourhood, basic and social functions,...
Healthier and Environmentally Responsible Sustainable Cities and Communities. A New Design Framework and Planning Approach for Urban Illumination
PublicationAlthough sustainability and sustainable development are both considered necessary practices in various fields today, a recent analysis showed that the Sustainable Development Goal SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities established by the United Nations does not address urban illumination and its impact. This oversight is of concern because research carried out in the last 20+ years indicates artificial light at night (ALAN)...
Fundamentals of Company Functioning, Energy Technologies, lato 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesThe scope of the subject is to present the foundations of company functioning to enable to overall understanding of how company is active in the environment and enhance the understanding of internal and external relationship evident in organizations.
Fundamentals of Company Functioning, Energy Technologies, sem.2,1st degree, stationery course, summer 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe scope of the subject is to present the foundations of company functioning to enable to overall understanding of how company is active in the environment and enhance the understanding of internal and external relationship evident in organizations.
Street Art and Architecture
PublicationThe paper explores both the areas of conflict as well as agreement between architecture and Street Art. The conflict arises from the fact that urban environment has always been a background for street art, which unavoidably jeopardizes the conceptual integrity of the building understood as a work of architecture. However, there are strong interrelations between these two domains of human creativity. Both street art and architecture...
Concept of 'Good Urban Governance' and Its Application in Sustainable Urban Planning
PublicationContemporary urban theory and practice in the post-industrial era is increasingly often turning towards an approach based on sustainable development. That concept bearing the traits of a paradigm has grown on the ground of broad quest for an alternative to the existing development model of the industrial civilisation. It has gained wide social acceptance and is the basis for many development and environmental programmes at the...
Robert Piotrowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleRobert Piotrowski jest absolwentem Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki (2001r., kierunek: Automatyka i Robotyka) oraz Wydziału Zarządzania i Ekonomii (2002r., kierunek: Organizacja Systemów Produkcyjnych) Politechniki Gdańskiej. Od 2005 roku jest zatrudniony na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki, aktualnie w Katedrze Inteligentnych Systemów Sterowania i Wspomagania Decyzji. W 2005 roku obronił rozprawę doktorską (Automatyka...
A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThere is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...
A case study of odour nuisance evaluation in the context of integrated urban planning
PublicationOdour nuisance poses a serious problem in many urban areas, yet its evaluation and mitigation is often omitted in the urban planning process. By identifying its range and spatio-temporal variations, it could be taken into consideration by planners in urban development strategies and land use decisions. The aim of the study was to present the application of odour evaluation techniques in the improvement of the quality of life in...
Variability of relationship between cities and nature in landscape architecture= Zmienność relacji miedzy miastem a naturą na przykładzie architektury krajobrazu miast
PublicationInterpreting and creating the relations between nature and city are the process of learning which is a subject of permanent conceptualization. It is characterized by the culutrality due to human nature and own ability to perceive oneself in the context of the relationship between own environmental and cultural nature. The way of interpreting the nature and providing it with different features affected significantly the development...
Architectural & Urban Heritage | 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe Architectural and Urban Heritage course is designed to enhance proficiency in architectural design while considering historical influences. It explores the evolution of Polish and European architecture throughout the 20th century, fostering an appreciation for the preservation and safeguarding of the cultural, historical, and technical essence of 20th-century architecture. Additionally, the course emphasizes the importance...
Integrating modelling, simulation and data management tools to create a planning support system for the improvement of air quality by urban planning solutions
PublicationThe urbanization pressure requires urban planners, designers, and policy makers to be more responsive to the challenges related to improving the quality of the urban environment and the living conditions of the inhabitants. One of the many environmental issues that need to be taken into account is urban air pollution. As the process of urban ventilation and air pollution dis-persion is significantly affected by the urban layout,...
The impact of lipophilicity on environmental processes, drug delivery and bioavailability of food components
PublicationLipophilic properties of the compound allow to predict its fate in living organisms and to propose the models of chemicals transport and accumulation in the ecosystem. Lipophilicity is also useful as the characteristic of chemicals in respect to their optimal attributes for specific biological and non-biological tasks. The lipophilicity descriptors define the potency of endo- and xenobiotics to metabolic transformations and their...
Designing digital displays and interactive media in today’s cities by night. Do we know enough about attracting attention to do so?
PublicationWith the huge transformation in the development of digital screen technology and its consistently decreasing cost, digital billboards are progressively replacing traditional static, two-dimensional poster advertisements in our cities1. Previously, due to the substantial expenditure involved, they were only available to major international brands with vast promotional resources to build their brand fame. Today, however, they are...
Factors Shaping the Working Environment, Living Conditions and Recreation on Board Ship
PublicationA seagoing ship is a working place, an accommodation space and a recreation area at the same time. Being exposed to harsh physical conditions, it must satisfy different requirements. The human organism and its qualities become a point of reference here; consequently, the functions and spatial arrangement and interiors of a ship must be subordinated to its needs. The organisation of the space in contemporary ships meant for human...
MSRL and the Real-Life Processes of Capturing and Implementing the "Urban Innovation"
PublicationResult of the MSRL workshop, five research projects, reflect on a broader process of exchange of the ideas between the cities, that is occurring in the real life and became one of the driving factors of the urban development nowadays. The objective of the MSRL research - concepts, which help to advance the development of the cities, support the improvement of the quality of urban environment or meet the future challenges, can be...
Piotr Zawadzki dr inż.
PeoplePiotr Zawadzki graduated from the Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice in 2018. He currently works at the Department of Water Protection in Laboratory of Water and Sewage Technologies, Central Mining Institute in Poland. His research interests include the elimination of micropollutants from the human environment with use of visible-light-driven advanced oxidation processes...
Public spaces connecting cities. Green and Blue Infrastructures potential.
PublicationA city fragmentation causes a lot of negative effects in urban environment such as: disconnecting the environmental, functional and compositional relations, a loss of urban compactness, chaotic development, visual chaos, a domination of technical landscape, reduction of security. This is why one of main challenges for urban planners is to connect the fragmented structures by creating friendly, attractive and safe public space....
α-Pinene, 3-carene and d-limonene in indoor air of Polish apartments: The impact on air quality and human exposure
PublicationMonoterpenes are among most ubiquitous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to be detected in indoor air. Since the quality of indoor air is considered important for inhabitants' well-being, the present study aimed at investigating impact of human activity on levels of selected monoterpenes applying passive sampling technique followed by thermal desorption and gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry. One of the objectives of...
Teaching Architecture – contemporary challenges and threats in the complexity of built environment
PublicationThe complexity of the modern built environment is a problem n ot only of architectural and urban issues. This issue extends to many othe r disciplines as well as covering a wide range of social engagements. The idea of writing this pa per is generally initiated by the debate which took place in Gdańs k on 22.01.2016, and was prepar ed in order to meet representatives of the four circles of interest...
The Impact of urban Localizations on the Growth Possibilities for Small Firms
PublicationThe purpose of this study was to identify the differences in the profiles of firms and their owners in urban and non-urban locations and also to asses the impact of those differences on the possibilities of growth for firms from both types of locations. Findings: urban entrepreneurs are better educated, more experienced and more positively motivated. Their firms are more innovative, with more qualified employeesadn better access...
Study on the student's perception of marketing activities undertaken by Gdansk and Mangalore
Open Research DataNowadays, the urban areas very often attract the poor and the unemployed, leading to the creation of neighbourhoods of poverty (slums) and other economic and social problems. All over the World cities include sustainable goals in their development strategies but the question is, whether the city development strategies foresee activities devoted also...
Measurement of complex refractive index of human blood by low-coherence interferometry
PublicationIn this article, the usefulness of the optical technique for measurements of blood complex refractive index has been examined. Measurement of optical properties of human blood is difficult to perform because of its nonuniform nature. However, results of my investigation have shown the usefulness of low-coherencei nterferometry for measurement complex refractive index of human blood. Furthermore, mathematical analysis of spectrum...
Mosleh Ahmadi PhD Candidate
PeopleMosleh Ahmadi has received his bachelor's and master's degrees from 2011-2015 and 2015-2017, respectively, at Islamic Azad University. He is a member of Iran Construction Engineering Organization in Kurdistan as architectural designer since 2020. His pervious publications are focused on the human perception and experience of movement in the built environment. Currently, he is interested in the impact of the daylight on the built...
Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion
PublicationRapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal...
A Systematic Review for Establishing Relevant Environmental Parameters for Urban Lighting: Translating Research into Practice
PublicationThe application of lighting technologies developed in the 20th century has increased the brightness and changed the spectral composition of nocturnal night-time habitats and night skies across urban, peri-urban, rural, and pristine landscapes, and subsequently, researchers have observed the disturbance of biological rhythms of flora and fauna. To reduce these impacts, it is essential to translate relevant knowledge about the potential...
Agnieszka Szuta dr inż. arch.
PeopleAgnieszka Szuta jest absolwentką Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej. Tytuł inżyniera architekta uzyskała w 2016 roku. W czasie studiów pracowała jako inżynier budowy obiektu wielofunkcyjnego w Gdańsku i zespołu zabytkowych kamienic w Toruniu. Pracę magisterską obroniła w 2017 roku jednocześnie rozpoczynając studia doktoranckie.Wśród jej głównych zainteresowań naukowych znajdują się zagadnienia związane z tematyką...
Breastfeeding as a regulating factor of the development of the intestinal microbiome in the early stages of life
PublicationSince the first bacterial inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal tract were identified, a lot of research into the study of the human microbiome and its effects on health has been conducted. Currently, it is accepted that humans have a symbiotic relationship with the gut microbiome, though the specifics of this relationship are not well understood. The microbiome of neonates constantly changes and appears to influence many facets...
The Use of Big Data in Regenerative Planning
PublicationWith the increasing significance of Big Data sources and their reliability for studying current urban development processes, new possibilities have appeared for analyzing the urban planning of contemporary cities. At the same time, the new urban development paradigm related to regenerative sustainability requires a new approach and hence a better understanding of the processes changing cities today, which will allow more efficient...
Contemporary multifunctional buildings towards a sustainable development of the housing environment
PublicationDevelopment of contemporary urban centers depends on the basis that buildings present more and more complex structures in terms of size and purpose. They are referred to as multifunctional buildings. This aspiration has its origins in the development of urban centers and in the desire to optimize the built-up areas. The article presents the theory of the approach to the design of multifunctional buildings with a focus on the residential...
Definition of urban regeneration projects in Russian cities
PublicationUrban regeneration is extremely important process for Russian cities, which faced to the challenges of post-industrial economy. In an attempt, to explain needs of urban regeneration in Russian megacities author analyzed the social and economic trends and some historic features of Russian cities development. The article identified the key areas for regeneration such as the regeneration of historic core, the regeneration of the urban...
Exploring the Institutional and Bottom-Up Actions for Urban Air Quality Improvement: Case Studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThe article presents the results of qualitative studies concerning the presence of air quality management in the process of urban planning and in the public discourse in Antwerp, Belgium, and Gdańsk, Poland. We focused on the way urban planners, environmental experts, and stakeholders perceive the problem of air pollution, especially with respect to urban development policy, and whether they consider it one of the major factors...
Employee Well-Being and its Potential Link With Human Knowledge Risks
PublicationEmployee well-being is an essential component of any organisation organisation. Conscious companies make every effort to create a healthy work environment. The well-being of employees and their overall emotional, physical and economic health is affected by various internal and external factors. When employees feel well, they tend to perform better. Therefore, the impact of employee well-being on the organisation is a fact and has...
In search for new urban planning education and research formulas
PublicationThis paper shows research and educational urban planning projects based on international and mutlicultural cooperation including innovative elements to conduct research on built environment. Their common aim is to search for a new perspective on the city development and challenges resulting from changing conditions.
The essence of marine and coastal space – an interdisciplinary perspective
PublicationSea space has been undergoing a profound transformation. Although it retains its inspirational function in arts, literature and philosophy, it has been gaining new anthropogenic dimensions in eco-nomics and urban planning as a source of satisfying human needs i.e. the provision of harmony, beauty, off-shore energy, and biotech substances. Therefore, in this paper marine space is analyzed from a mul-tidimensional perspective of...
Performance Analysis and Quantification of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3)
PublicationPositioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) information play a vital role in everyday life of common persons. People greatly rely on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)-enabled applications for navigation to reach their desired destination. However, GNSS navigation performance is highly degraded in urban environments due to the high probability of signal interruption, multipath (MP), and/or non-line-of-sight (NLOS) signal...
Forecasting risks and challenges of digital innovations
PublicationForecasting and assessment of societal risks related to digital innovation systems and services is an urgent problem, because these solutions usually contain artificial intelligence algorithms which learn using data from the environment and modify their behaviour much beyond human control. Digital innovation solutions are increasingly deployed in transport, business and administrative domains, and therefore, if abused by a malicious...
PUBLIC SPACES FOR LOCAL LIFE / Shared values in diversified urban communities as a foundation for participatory provision of local public spaces, 23-27 May 2017, Ljubljana Slovenia
PublicationThe Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (UIRS) and partners hosted a 5-day international event addressing participatory planning of local urban public space in socially, economically and ethnically diverse communities. The event was structured in three interrelated activities: a seminar, a workshop and a field-trip. Special emphasis was given to the means of revealing shared values that local inhabitants and other...
Skłonność do rywalizacji a intencje przedsiębiorcze – o różnicach międzypłciowych
PublicationAccording to the person-environment fit model people are more inclined to choose particular careers paths over other depending on their individual characteristics. They are also more likely to be satisfied with a career path that matches their characteristics and less likely to experience negative consequences including strain. In previous research several characteristics of entrepreneurs which differentiate them from non-entrepreneurs...
Applying a Mesoscopic Transport Model to Analyse the Effects of Urban Freight Regulatory Measures on Transport Emissions—An Assessment
PublicationSustainable urban freight management is a growing challenge for local authorities due to social pressures and increasingly more stringent environmental protection requirements. Freight and its adverse impacts, which include emissions and noise, considerably influence the urban environment. This calls for a reliable assessment of what can be done to improve urban freight and meet stakeholders’ requirements. While changes in a transport...
The Impact of Decommissioning Cemeteries on the Urban Ecosystem
PublicationThe decommissioning of cemeteries noticeably transforms the urban fabric. The purpose of this article was to determine what impact the decommissioning of cemeteries has on the urban ecosystem. For this purpose, it was necessary to assess the value of cemeteries within the urban ecosystem. Cemeteries are classified as urban green spaces, and their value as preservers of flora and fauna in local ecosystems has been proven. However,...
The (over)touristification of European historic cities: a relation between urban heritage and short-term rental market demand
PublicationIn this chapter, I wish to highlight the critical relationship between heritage management issues and building environment transformation. I argue that such a relationship is directly expressed through the tourism phenomenon, and it should be measured through the economic dimension of the short-term rental market, which introduces this rule of thumb: if there is a lack of demand, the brand of the city is weak; if there is too much...
Transformacja tożsamości miejsca jako efekt interwencji artystycznych w przestrzeni publicznej
PublicationThe subject of a paper is connected with art in public space as an element of shaping identity of a place. This issue is related to finding out new and effective urban regeneration’s tools, rebuilding the identity of degraded areas by art. In the article, the idea of an American “creative placemaking” is presented and compared with polish urban regeneration case study. The specific issues discussed in the article are: the role...
Nicole Nawrot dr inż.
PeopleDr. Eng. Nicole Nawrot has been employed at the Department of Sanitary Engineering since 2016. In 2021, she obtained a PhD in the field of engineering and technical sciences in the discipline of environmental engineering, mining and energy. Doctoral thesis entitled "Heavy metals in urban retention tanks bottom sediments: distribution, source tracking, and evaluation of phytostabilization adaptability and performance of P. australis...
Joanna Bach-Głowińska dr inż. arch.
PeopleI am an architect by education (M.Sc. Arch 1994) and practice (1994-2011), a Town Planner by practice (1999-2017, Ministerial Entitlements 1655/2002), and a Researcher (Ph.D.2012, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Glasgow School of Art 2013 - 2015, also teaching on Gdansk University of Technology since 2014). I have been the Principal Investigator of Era Net Urban Transformation Capacities EmbedterLabs: Better Embedded Labs for More...
Typology of the Black Tents Architecture between Iranian nomad tribes
PublicationEvidence of the past shows variation in human settlements. Nomadic house the” Black Tent” shows relationship between humans and the natural environment surrounding them. Black Tents are made of natural materials consistant with environmental conditions. This paper discusses nomadic living space of some Iranian tribes located in different regions to show their unique architecture and culture. Rediscovering different architecture...