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Monitoring the Efficiency of Equilibrium Reactions During Therapy in Children With Postural Disorders
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Assessment of sleep disorders and use of psychoactive drugs among Polish students
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Adverse Childhood Experiences and Methylation of the FKBP5 Gene in Patients with Psychotic Disorders
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Titin and dystrophin serum concentration changes in patients affected by thyroid disorders
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Dynamic analysis of the impact of the wind spectrum according to the theory of Davenport for lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall Czyzyna in Cracow.
PublicationThe main aim of this analysis is to characterize numerical simulations connected with modeling dynamic influence of wind on the lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall – “Czyżyna”. This hall is built in Cracow. The article also involves the proposals of the solutions connected with dynamic influence of the wind – Davenport’s method has been used. These proposals have not been taken into consideration at the detailed engineering...
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
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Journal of Movement Disorders
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Journal of Eating Disorders
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Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment
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BMC Endocrine Disorders
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Communication Disorders Quarterly
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Skin Appendage Disorders
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Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
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Annals of Movement Disorders
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Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
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Journal of Attention Disorders
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Journal of Fluency Disorders
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Reviews in Gastroenterological Disorders
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Journal of Affective Disorders
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Application of Pierson-Moskowitz wave spectrum to solution differential equations of multihull vessel
PublicationMotion of a dynamic system can be generated by different external or internal factors. At mathematical modelling external excitation factors of the most significant effect on the system, are selected. Such external factors are usually called excitations. Response of the system to given excitations is mathematically characterized by a definite transformation called operator of a system. For a broad class of dynamic systems the...
<title>Spectrum analysis of measuring signals in sensor circuits with frequency outputs</title>
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Spectrum of Bacterial Pathogens from Urinary Infections Associated with Struvite and Metabolic Stones
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From limits of quantum operations to multicopy entanglement witnesses and state spectrum estimation.
PublicationBadano ograniczenia na nieliniowe transformacje stanu kwantowego. Wprowadzono strukturalne fizyczne przybliżenia niefizycznych odwzorowań liniowych.Zdefiniowano świadków splątania działających na wielu kopiach danego stanu.Pokazano zastosowanie obserwabli kwantowych w detekcji entropii Tsallisa.
Accelerated impedance spectrum measurement via multisine perturbationand digital filter banks
PublicationPrzedstawiono przyspieszoną metodę pomiaru widma impedancyjnego, zorientowaną na pomiary jakości powłok przeciwkorozyjnych, modelowanych liniowymi obwodami zastępczymi. Metoda polega na pobudzeniu układu wielosinusoidalnym sygnałem popudzającym oraz analizie pobudzenia i odpowiedzi obiektu przez bank filtrów cyfrowych. Przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne metody oraz propozycję metodologii pomiaru. Przeanalizowano wyniki symulacji...
Genetic Determinants of Vitamin D-Related Disorders; Focus on Vitamin D Receptor
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Abnormal Sphingolipid World in Inflammation Specific for Lysosomal Storage Diseases and Skin Disorders
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Mortality in people with mental disorders in Poland: A nationwide, register-based cohort study
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Prepubic Minilaparotomy as the Surgical Approach in Treatment of Prostate Disorders in Dogs. A Cadaver Study
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Type 1 diabetes in an adolescent with social problems and mental disorders – case report
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Intra-Articular Local Anesthetics in Temporomandibular Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in treatment of psychiatric disorders – review of current studies
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Importance of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and monitoring of patients with neuropsychiatric disorders, a review
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Depression as is Seen by Molecular Spectroscopy. Phospholipid- Protein Balance in Affective Disorders and Dementia
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Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublicationThe underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS...
Carnivorous plants used for green synthesis of silver nanoparticles with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity
PublicationIn this study, we exploit the anti-oxidative potential of four carnivorous plants to produce uniform and biologically active silver nanoparticles. The use of polyvinylpyrrolidone promoted syn-thesis of quasi-spherical nanoparticles characterized by stability and high uniformity. Their activity was tested against three human pathogens and three species of plant pathogenic bacteria. The study demonstrates the influence of synthesis...
Influence of the Phenomenon of Spectrum Leakage on the Evaluation Process of Metrological Properties of Power Quality Analyser
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Opportunistic tri-band carrier aggregation in licensed spectrum for multi-operator 5G hetnet
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Modified methods of impulse radio spectrum shaping to improve electromagnetic environment in UWB systems
PublicationW publikacji zamieszczono opis metod kształtowania widma ultraszerokopasmowego radia impulsowego w zakresie eliminacji niepożądanych składowych widma. Opisano sposób adaptacji tych metod do zwiększenia odporności transmisji ultraszerokopasmowych na zakłócenia wąskopasmowe i przedstawiono wyniki symulacji komputerowych jakości transmisji w łączu UWB.
Conducted EMI mitigation in switched mode DC-DC converters by spread spectrum techniques
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono skuteczność technik rozpraszania widma do ograniczenia emisji przewodzonej EMI dla szeregowego przerywacza napięcia. Badania porównawcze zostały wykonane laboratoryjnie za pomocą generatora funkcyjnego, miernika zaburzeń i sieci sztucznej. Analiza otrzymanych wyników wykazała, szczególnie korzystne do 20 dB, ograniczenie charakterystyki napięcia emisji przewodzonej dla losowej modulacji częstotliuwości...
Mutual Relationship Between Sleep Disorders, Quality of Life and Psychosocial Aspects in Patients With Psoriasis
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Stage of liver fibrosis in patients with congenital bleeding disorders and infected with hepatitis C virus
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Evaluation of the Functional Status of the Posture Control System in Children with Detected Disorders in Body Posture
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Evaluation of the Functional Status of the Posture Control System in Children with Detected Disorders in Body Posture
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Analysis of occurrence of guided disorders in selected railway equipment — impact of load on measurement results
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Rehabilitacja dzieci autystycznych oraz z zespołem Downa a poczucie obciążenia opiekunów / Rehabilitation of children with Down Syndrome and autism, and caregivers burden
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Lattice filter based autoregressive spectrum estimation with joint model order and estimation bandwidth adaptation
PublicationThe problem of parametric, autoregressive model based estimation of a time-varying spectral density function of a nonstationary process is considered. It is shown that estimation results can be considerably improved if identification of the autoregressive model is carried out using the two-sided doubly exponentially weighted lattice algorithm which combines results yielded by two one-sided lattice algorithms running forward in...