Search results for: BADANIA ON-LINE
Influence of finishing colour on the efficiency of automated production line for wooden doors
PublicationPorta KMI Poland S.A. company has implemented a fully automated intelligent technological line TechnoPORTA for customized mass-production of technical door leaves. Each door leaf is provided with a unique QR code. It allows the line modules to individually adjust the machining parameters to the currently processed element according to the IT controlling system. Before en-tering the TechnoPorta line, the door leaves are not sorted,...
Investigations of nonreciprocal devices employing cylindrical ferrite coupled line junction
PublicationArtykuł opisuje wykorzystanie cylindrycznej sekcji ferrytowych linii sprzężonych do realizacji układów niewzajemnych. W artykule opisano proces projektowy izolatora ferrytowego wykorzystującego badaną sekcję oraz planarne układy zasilające. Uzyskane z symulacji wyniki zostały zweryfikowane eksperymentalnie.
Optimization of using recuperative braking energy on a double-track railway line
PublicationIn the introduction, possible ways of reusing energy from recuperation are presented. Next, the paper investigates the possibility of using regenerative braking in the range allowed by the detailed timetable by adopting the method of transferring the recovered electric energy directly to the catenary and immediate use of this energy by another train at the same power section. In the main part of the work, it is shown, that the...
Voltage Source Power Line Conditioner for Applications in Local Supply Systems
PublicationThe paper presents the basic principles of operation of voltage source power line conditioners (VSPLC) as well as their energy and filtration properties. A 4-level cascade based Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is used as a voltage source. The advantages of this topology is relatively simple construction and simple way of balancing DC link voltages. Results of the theoretical and experimental investigations confirm good energetic...
Energy losses reduction in the medium voltage cable line – case study
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of energy losses in a power cable system, which is composed of two 30 kV cable lines. This cable system is located at the seaside holiday area, so the load profile during a year is specific. Energy losses related to reactive power transmission, as well as to currents induced in the sheaths of the cables, are subject to analysis. Measurements were made in the system in order to prepare a computer model...
Surpassing the Line: Urban-Oriented Strategies in the Development of Business Complexes in Poland
PublicationDevelopment trends regarding the business-related urban complexes seem to evolve from the “big-box” towards the more “multi-use” types of structures. Within it, the special role is reserved for places, which—due to economic, political, and geographical reasons—have not been previously considered as major business hubs. Only recently, places like cities in Central and Eastern Europe have become attractive locations for business...
Modelling of mutual coupling in microstrip antenna arrays fed by microstrip line.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki modelowania sprzężenia pomiędzy prostokątnymi radiatorami mikropaskowymi w szyku liniowym anten zasilanych przez linie mikropaskowe. Zaproponowano schemat zastępczy sprzężenia w postaci kombinacji linii transmisyjnych wraz z sękami zwartymi i rozwartymi. Pokazano, że schemat taki dobrze modeluje sprzężenie w wąskim pasmie częstotliwości ok. 4%. Wyniki modelowania sprawdzono eksperymentalnie poprzez pomiary...
Simulation studies of process flow with in-line part inspection in machining cells
PublicationRozwinięto koncepcję zintegrowanego planowania i sterowania przebiegiem procesu w zrobotyzowanym elastycznym gnieździe obróbkowym (EGO)z maszyną współrzędnościową, realizującą funkcje pomiaru i kontroli wytwarzanych przedmiotów. Analizowano współzależności heurystycznych planów kontroli oraz stosowanych algorytmów szeregowania operacji procesów technologicznych wg określonych scenariuszy, z zastosowaniem programowalnych modeli...
Application of hybrid radiation modes of microstrip line in rectangular patch antenna design
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę wykorzystania hybrydowych rodzajów promieniujących linii mikropaskowej do projektowania anten mikropaskowych. Pokazano,że pojedynczy rodzaj promieniujący można wykorzystać do przybliżonego opisu pola promieniowania anteny mikropaskowej. Zamieszczono wyniki symulacji potwierdzające zadowalającą dokładność przybliżenia w przypadku obliczeń częstotliwości środkowych pracy anteny oraz rezystancji promieniowania...
Volunteering in the front line of the Ukrainian refugee crisis. A brief report from Poland
PublicationThis study aims to analyse the experiences and motivations of volunteers who supported Ukrainian refugees who fled to Poland. Our study was conducted among 196 volunteers in Poznan, Poland who answered questions regarding their experiences with voluntary service during the current refugee crisis and the reasons they became involved in volunteer efforts.We found that although the Polish state had no prior experience in welcoming...
Fast Machine Vision Line Detection for Mobile Robot Navigation in Dark Environments
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3d point-cloud spatial expansion by total least-squares line fitting
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Volunteering in the front line of the Ukrainian refugee crisis: A brief report from Poland
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Expression of cyclin D1 after treatment with doxorubicin in the HL-60 cell line
PublicationIncreased levels of cyclin D1 and amplification of CCND1 gene occur in many types of cancers. We have followed the expression of cyclin D1 after treatment with doxorubicin with reference to cell death and other possible therapeutic implications. The effect of the treatment on the cell cycle, survival, intracellular level (flow cytometry), and intracellular localization of cyclin D1 (fluorescence microscopy) and expression of...
Digital Cartographic Generalization – Study of Its Thresholds and Stages in Example of Cartographic Line
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Saliva as a first-line diagnostic tool: A spectral challenge for identification of cancer biomarkers
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Wpływ usług on-line na budowanie pozytywnych relacji i lojalności klienta
PublicationW artykule omówiono wybrane problemy projektowe dotyczące współczesnych usług on-line w kontekście budowania trwałej lojalności klienta. Przedstawiono model warstwowego rozwoju usług on-line wraz z zaleceniami projektowymi zorientowanymi na budowanie i wzmacnianie lojalności klienta. Przedstawiono przykłady scenariuszy rozwoju usług e-zdrowia online. Przedstawiono możliwości dalszego rozwoju prezentowanego podejścia i plany dalszych...
Methods of mapping out the route contour of a railway line on the measured rail irregularities
PublicationStosowane obecnie toromierze elektroniczne wykorzystywane są przede wszystkim do pomiaru geometrii toru. Dane z pomiarów nierówności mogą być również wykorzystane w procesie projektowania regulacji toru (np. podczas usuwania dołków). W mongrafii przedstawiono metodę wyznaczenie profilu podłużnego linii kolejowej na podstawie pomierzonych nierówności pionowych. Wyznaczony w ten sposób profil w dalszym etapie wykorzystany by był...
Automotive Validation Functions for On-line Test Evaluation of Hybrid Real-time Systems
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present the means of black-box on-line test evaluation for hybrid real-time systems. The described procedures can be used for the model-based testing process so as to improve its effectiveness. In particular, intelligent automotive validation functions are considered, which are divided into different types depending on the nature of the evaluated issue. All provided definitions are specified on the meta-model...
EHV transmission lines wires location on line operation issues - case studies
PublicationTransmission lines towers construction affects the line parameters and influences on its operation in the future. Misguided design of the tower can lead to serious problems such as overvoltages, electric arc extinction difficulties, voltage asymmetry, resonance phenomena or increasing of magnetic field near the line. The paper points out those threats on example of 400 kV double circuit overhead transmission line with shunt reactors....
Investigations of four-port circulator utilizing cylindrical ferrite coupled line junction
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wykorzystanie pojedynczej cylindrycznej sekcji ferrytowych linii sprzężonych do realizacji układu cyrkulatora czterowrotowego. Opisany został proces projektowy sekcji FCL oraz planarnych układów zasilające. Otrzymane z symulacji wyniki zostały zweryfikowane eksperymentalnie.
Application of Regression Line to Obtain Specified Number of Points in Reduced Large Datasets
PublicationModern measurement techniques like scanning technology or sonar measurements, provide large datasets, which are a reliable source of information about measured object, however such datasets are sometimes difficult to develop. Therefore, the algorithms for reducing the number of such sets are incorporated into their processing. In the reduction algorithms based on the...
Study of Soil Temperature and Moisture Changes in a Physical Model of an Underground Cable Line
PublicationThe ampacity of power cables is highly dependent on the thermal resistivity of the soil in which they are laid. The lower it is, the higher this ampacity. The thermal resistivity of the soil decreases as its moisture increases. Therefore, it is preferable that the soil around the cables has high moisture. Unfortunately, the heat generated in heavily loaded cables causes the migration of moisture from the surrounding soil, which...
Design of Frequency-Reconfigurable Branch-Line Crossover Using Rectangular Dielectric Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient yet straightforward passive reconfiguration technique to tune the operating frequency of a branch-line crossover (BLCO). The underlying principle is to fill rectangular dielectric channels (RDCs) prepared beforehand with either air or materials of different relative permittivity. Two configurations (one RDC and three RDCs in each arm) of the branch-line crossover are employed to estimate the tunability...
Slow-wave resonant structures in branch-line coupler miniaturization: a case study
PublicationA case study of novel slow-wave resonant structures dedicated to efficient microstrip branch-line coupler size reduction has been presented. A compact 3-dB branch-line coupler has been designed to mimic the performance of its conventional counterpart, simultaneously demonstrating a substantial 88% surface area reduction. The vital usefulness of the approach in the process of microstrip line abbreviation has been experimentally...
Wastes from Agricultural Silage Film Recycling Line as a Potential Polymer Materials
PublicationThe recycling of plastics is currently one of the most significant industrial challenges. Due to the enormous amounts of plastic wastes generated by various industry branches, it is essential to look for potential methods for their utilization. In the presented work, we investigated the recycling potential of wastes originated from the agricultural films recycling line. Their structure and properties were analyzed, and they were...
A Compact and Lightweight Microwave Tilt Sensor Based on an SRR-Loaded Microstrip Line
PublicationIn this paper, the symmetry property of split ring resonators (SRRs) is exploited to develop a tilt sensor. The sensor is composed of an SRR-loaded microstrip line operating at microwave frequencies. It is shown that the depth of notch in the reflection characteristic of the microstrip is a function of the tilt angle of the SRR. Thus, it can be used for sensing inclination. The sensor benefits from very compact size and light weight....
PublicationPoint-cloud spatial expansion (PCSE) allows the creation of a new pointcloud form that presents an alternative geometry of an entire object in a single spatial view. Spatial expansion facilitates the analysis process and introduces an additional spatial parameter describing the point cloud. An important element of the PCSE method is determining the position of the axis of symmetry of a symmetrical object: the procedure for determining...
Analysis of Corrugated Coaxial Line with the Use of Body of Revolution and Finite Element Method
PublicationA combination of the body-of-revolution and finite element methods is utilized to the analysis of coaxial lines with corrugated rod and wall. Both periodic and non-periodic structures can be investigated. As the structure is axially symmetrical the two dimensional scalar-vector finite element method can be used, which allows for the investigation of complex geometries and is computationally efficient. A generalized impedance matrix...
Hyperfine structure and isotope shifts in 733.2 nm mixed forbidden line of Pb I
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Zero-pole approach to computer aided design of in-line siw filters with transmission zeros
PublicationThis paper presents a design of a new type of in-line pseudo-elliptic filters implemented in substrate integrated waveguide(SIW) technology. To realize transmission zeros in in-line topology,frequency-dependent couplings were used. Such dispersive couplingswere implemented as shorted stubs. The design process startswith the generation of a suitable starting point. To this end, anapproximation of SIW as a rectangular waveguide is...
Metabolomics analysis of the effect of time and oxygen on the fibrosarcoma cell line (HT1080) - model studies
PublicationOxygen molecular effect on cancer cells metabolism has been a concern for decades,at the beginning with Louis Pasteur’s and his understanding of glucose fermentation.In the 1930s, Otto Warburg came with his new understanding of cancer biology by introducingthe alteration of cancer cells' metabolism in the presence or absence of oxygen moleculesby increasing glucose uptake and producing lactate through...
Possibility of exact determination of thermal and flow degradation symptoms in on-line power objects diagnostics
PublicationPrzedyskutowano problem dokładności tworzenia symptomów degradacji dotyczących sprawności urządzeń składowych dużych obiektów energetycznych. W referacie zajęto się szczególnie metodami tworzenia wzorców sprawnej pracy w przypadku określania sprawności w układzie on-line i porównano ją z określeniem w systemie off-line. Do odtwarzania stanu referencyjnego zastosowano sieć neuronową statystyczną (SSN, ang. ANN) o nieskokowych funkcjach...
Lysosome Alterations in the Human Epithelial Cell Line HaCaT and Skin Specimens: Relevance to Psoriasis
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The K x-ray line structures of the 3d-transition metals in warm dense plasma
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Experimental investigation and process parameter optimization of sheet metal bending by line heating method
PublicationThe present study is concerned with the experimental investigation of sheet metal deforming by line heating method that incorporates the combined effect of traverse speed of the torch, thickness of the sheet metal, and the number of passes of the torch. For the numerical analysis of metal bending by line heating, the
Beta‐blockers as sub‐optimal treatment for hypertension: Time for first‐line therapy revision?
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Drug transporter expression profiling in chemoresistant variants of the A2780 ovarian cancer cell line
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Cross-border transmission line configuration influence on the electrical power and energy billing process
PublicationIn 2015 a connection between the Polish and Lithuanian power systems become fully operational. The connection consists of a 400 kV double circuit transmission line and a back-to-back HVDC substation located on the Lithuanian side. A magnetic couplings between the circuits of the transmission line cause that during power transmission a different values of active power losses are observed in both circuits. This situation may cause...
Four-Port Circulator Using Reduced Ground Plane Ferrite Coupled Line Junction
PublicationIn this paper the investigations of four-port circula-tor using longitudinally magnetized ferrite coupled line section are presented. The device is designed by cascading ferrite section with magic-T junction ensuring its even and odd mode excitation. The scattering parameters of ferrite coupled line junction are calculated using own software and verified with the use of commercial software. The even and odd excitation of ferrite...
Longitudinally magnetized left-handed cylindrical ferrite coupled line junction for nonreciprocal devices
PublicationThis paper presents investigations of longitudinally magnetized left-handed cylindrical ferrite coupled line junction for nonreciprocal devices. The proposed junction is formed as a quasi periodic arrangement of N unit cells. Each unit cell is realized as a cascade of short cylindrical ferrite coupled lines with reactance circuit composed of series capacitors and parallel inductors. The left-handed cylindrical junction with π/4...
Design considerations for compact microstrip resonant cells dedicated to efficient branch-line miniaturization
PublicationA conventional compact microstrip resonant cell (CMRC)has been thoroughly investigated to enhance its slow-wave properties and subsequently ensure an efficient miniaturization of a microstrip circuit. The geometry of a classic CMRC has been improved in terms of slowwave effect in two progressive steps: (i) a single-element topology has been replaced with a double-element one and (ii) a high-impedance section has been refined by...
Design of a compact planar transmission line for miniaturized rat-race coupler with harmonics suppression
PublicationThis paper presents an elegant yet straightforward design procedure for a compact rat-race coupler (RRC) with an extended harmonic suppression. The coupler’s conventional λ/4 transmission lines (TLs) are replaced by a specialized TL that offers significant size reduction and harmonic elimination capabilities in the proposed approach. The design procedure is verified through the theoretical, circuit, and electromagnetic (EM) analyses,...
Overheating of underground power cable line due to its partial exposition to solar radiation
PublicationCurrent-carrying capacity of underground power cable lines depends, among others, on thermal resistivity of the soil and cables layout: trefoil formation, flat formation with or without spacing. If conditions for heat transfer in the ground are favorable, the current-carrying capacity is relatively high. Therefore, it generates risk of the power cables overheating, if part of the cable line is located vertically in the air, to...
Using On-line Measurement by Electronic Nose and Computer Simulations for Real-time Control at WWTP
PublicationContinuous investigation of wastewater quality can be carried out by a device called an e-nose. One important feature of the proposed real-time control system for WWTP is that using on-line measurements by e-nose together (Figure 1) with technological sets picked on this basis by means of computer models, it is possible to change treatment process parameters, depending on the current quality of wastewater. It can be used for the...
Wykrywanie on-line anomalii w odebranym sygnale PSK za pomocą zespolonej pulsacji chwilowej
PublicationJednym z głównych problemów w analizie sygnałów PSK (ang. Phase Shift Keying) jest wykrywanie anomalii występujących w sygnale odebranym. Większość urządzeń stosowanych do analizy sygnałów PSK (np. oscyloskopy cyfrowe, analizatory widma) w celu wykrycia anomalii wykorzystuje algorytm EVM (ang. Error Vector Magnitude) w którym bada się, on-line, różnicę między konstelacją PSK, a skupieniami odebranych symboli zespolonych. W związku...
Application of a commercially available derivatization instrument and commonly used reagents to HPLC on-line determination of antioxidants
PublicationThis study demonstrates the potential of a commercially available derivatization instrument coupled with HPLC for separation and on-line determination of antioxidants detected with widely used screening reagents - DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) or FCR (Folin-Ciocalteu's phenol reagent ). As the result of optimization, key parameters of the analytical procedure,...
Framework for extracting rails and setting-out railway line axis based on UAV photogrammetric measurements
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A Study on Deformation According to Steel Constraints During Thick-Plate Fillet Welding and Line Heating
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Haloperidol, but not olanzapine, may affect expression of PER1 and CRY1 genes in human glioblastoma cell line