Search results for: BENDING CAPACITY
PublicationThis paper presents a modelling of accumulation and dissipation energy in simple drive system. The simple drive system is presented by laboratory stand designed for calculate fatigue life of material for bending and rotation tests pieces. The laboratory stand was prepared to diagnosis of fatigue life of material by use energetic methods. This idea was submitted as utility model to Polish Patent Office. This laboratory stand gives...
Impact of Tensile and Compressive Stress on Classical and Acoustic Barkhausen Effects in Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel
PublicationIn this paper, we present the results of the investigation of impact of tensile and compressive stress on the classical Barkhausen effect, magnetoacoustic emission (MAE) signal properties, and B(H) hysteresis loops for grain-oriented (GO) electrical steel. Samples have been glued to a nonmagnetic steel bar and stressed within elastic range (±800 μdef) by means of four-point bending method. The samples were cut out in two directions...
Correlation between Fractal Dimension and Areal Surface Parameters for Fracture Analysis after Bending-Torsion Fatigue
PublicationThis paper investigates the fracture surface topography of two steel and aluminum alloys subject to bending-torsion fatigue loadings, as well as their susceptibility to fatigue performance and failure mechanisms. Using fracture surface topography data analysis, elements with different geometries were elaborated. A correlation between the fractal dimension, other selected parameters of surface topography such as areal Sx, and...
Textile reinforced concrete members subjected to tension, bending, and in-plane loads: Experimental study and numerical analyses
PublicationTextile reinforced concrete has raised increasing research interest during the last years, mainly due to its potential to be used for freeform shell structures involving complex load situations. Yet, most experimental work has focused on test setups with primarily uniaxial loading. In the current work, such setups are complemented with a novel test setup of deep beams, including in-plane bending and shear. Further, nonlinear finite...
Topography measurement methods evaluation for entire bending-fatigued fracture surfaces of specimens obtained by explosive welding
PublicationIn this paper, the methods of compensation of differences in the results of entire bending-fatigued fracture surface topographies were presented. The roughness evaluation was performed with a focus variation microscope and confocal surface topography measurement techniques. The differences in the ISO 25178 roughness parameters were investigated and procedures for their compensation were studied. It was found that various types...
Multiaxial Fatigue Behaviour of SLM 18Ni300 Steel
PublicationFatigue behaviour of SLM 18Ni300 steel under proportional bending-torsion loading is studied. The fatigue tests are conducted under pulsating loading conditions using tubular specimens with a transversal circular hole. Three ratios of the normal stress to shear stress are considered, namely σ/τ=4,σ/τ=2 and σ/τ = 4/3. Crack initiation sites were found for two diametrically opposite points around the hole, whose locations are governed...
Application of linear buckling sensitivity analysis to economic design of cylindrical steel silos composed of corrugated sheets and columns
PublicationThe paper deals with global stability of steel cylindrical silos composed of corrugated walls and vertical columns with loads imposed by a bulk solid following Eurocode 1. The optimum silo design with respect to the steel weight was based on a sensitivity analysis method. The changes of silo column profiles at each design step were performed by means of influence lines for the buckling load factor due to the unit column bending...
Reducing the seismic failure potential of reinforced concrete frames
PublicationNowadays, there is an extreme need for buildings with seismic resistance capability in rural areas, in which, it is possible to increase the floor number of buildings. In this study, the effects of number of bays and story levels on the seismic performance level of Reinforced Concrete (RC) frames were investigated. The 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-story RC frames were modeled using ETABS software. In order to collapse state analysis, Incremental...
Application of the Optimization Methods to the Search of Marine Propulsion Shafting Global Equilibrium in Running Condition
PublicationFull film hydrodynamic lubrication of marine propulsion shafting journal bearings in running condition is discussed. Considerable computational difficulties in non-linear determining the quasi-static equilibrium of the shafting are highlighted. The approach using two optimization methods (the particle swarm method and the interior point method) in combination with the specially developed relaxation technique is proposed to overcome...
Failure mode prediction for composite structural insulated panels with MgO board facings
PublicationSandwich panels are readily used in civil engineering due to their high strength to weight ratio and the ease and speed of assembly. The idea of a sandwich section is to combine thin and durable facings with a light-weight core and the choice of materials used allows obtaining the desired behaviour. Panels in consideration consist of MgO (magnesium oxide) board facings and expanded polystyrene core and are characterized by immunity...
Mechanical behaviour of the implant used in human hernia repair under physiological loads
PublicationIn laparoscopic operations of abdominal hernias some recurrences still take place, even when applying a surgical mesh. This is usually caused by a failure of the connection between the tissue and the implant. The study deals with the influence of an implant’s orientation on forces in joints, which connect the mesh to human tissues. In the paper, the implant is modelled as a membrane structure within framework of the Finite Element...
Structural Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Beams Incorporating Waste Plastic Straws
PublicationThe behavior of reinforced concrete beams containing fibers made of waste plastic straws (WPSs) under the three point bending test is examined. The effect of WPS fiber addition on the compressive and split tensile strength is reported. Four concrete mixes were prepared. The control mix PS-0 had a proportion of 1 cement: 1 sand: 2 coarse aggregate and a water cement ratio of 0.4. In the other three mixes PS-0.5, PS-1.5 and PS-3,...
Material Identification of the Human Abdominal Wall Based On the Isogeometric Shell Model
PublicationThe human abdominal wall is an object of interest to the research community in the context of ventral hernia repair. Computer models require a priori knowledge of constitutive parameters in order to establish its mechanical response. In this work, the Finite Element Model Updating (FEMU) method is used to identify an heterogeneous shear modulus distribution for a human abdominal wall model, which is based on nonlinear isogeometric...
Comparison of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches in multiaxial fatigue life assessment of notched components
PublicationThis paper aims to compare the predictive capabilities of different one-parameter damage laws and local stress-strain approaches to assess the fatigue lifetime in notched components subjected to proportional bending-torsion loading. The tested fatigue damage parameters are defined using well-known stress-based, strain-based, SWT-based and energy-based relationships. Multiaxial cyclic plasticity at the notch-controlled process zone...
Examination of advanced isotropic constitutive laws under complex stress states in plain and reinforced concrete specimens
PublicationThe performance of advanced isotropic constitutive laws under complex stress states in plain and reinforced concrete specimens is investigated. Three different formulations are chosen: original Mazars model, Mazars mi model and model proposed by Pereira and coworkers. The degradation of the material in all formulations is described via a single variable, but a strain/stress state is taken into account via quite sophisticated relationships....
A constitutive law for concrete with smooth transition from continuous into discontinuous cracks’ description
PublicationPaper presents a constitutive model for concrete that combines a continuous and discontinuous crack’s description to simulate the concrete under tensile dominated loads. In a continuum regime, two different constitutive laws were used. First, a plasticity model with the Rankine failure criterion and an associated flow rule was used. Second, a constitutive law based on isotropic damage mechanics was formulated. Both model alternatives...
Crack monitoring in concrete beams under bending using ultrasonic waves and coda wave interferometry: the effect of excitation frequency on coda
PublicationConcrete is one of the most widely used construction materials in the world. In recent years, various non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) techniques have been investigated to improve the safety and control of the current condition of concrete structures. This study focuses on micro-crack monitoring in concrete beams. The experimental analysis was carried out on concrete elements subjected to three-point...
Deformation mitigation and twisting moment control in space frames
PublicationOver the last five decades, space frames have centered on the modernization of touristic zones in view of architectural attractions. Although attempts to control joint movement and minimize axial force and bending moment in such structures were made sufficiently, twisting moments in space frames have been underestimated so far. In space frames, external load or restoring the misshapen shape may cause twisting in members. We herein...
The use of a two-phase Monte Carlo material model to reflect the dispersion of asphalt concrete fracture parameters
PublicationThe work covers comprehensive laboratory tests of semi-circular bending (SCB) of asphalt concrete samples. The results of two test series, including four and 32 SCB specimens, indicate a substantial scatter of force–deflection (F-d) histories. The numerical analysis is aimed to reflect the maximum breaking load and fracture energy of the samples, pointing out their random character. The original simulation-based fictitious Monte...
Experimental study on the behaviour of steel columns under seismic-induced axial impact load
PublicationIt has been observed during major earthquakes that the so called soft-storey failure of an upper floor of a structure results in large impact load acting on structural members of the lower storeys. It may further lead to progressive collapse of the whole structure substantially intensifying human and material losses. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate experimentally the behaviour of columns under bending (observed...
Comparison of calculated and measured thermal stresses in asphalt concrete
PublicationThe paper presents the comparison of calculated and measured thermal stresses induced in restrained asphalt concrete specimens by cooling. Thermal stresses were measured in the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test. The calculations of thermal stresses were performed with the use of a theoretical formula based on the temperature dependent stiffness modulus. The novel approach applied in this paper was that the stiffness modulus...
On local buckling of cold-formed channel members
PublicationThe paper deals with local buckling of the compressed flanges of cold-formed thin-walled channel beams subjected to pure bending or axially compressed columns. Arbitrarily shaped flanges of open cross-sections and the web-flange interactions are taken into account. Buckling deformation of a beam flange is described by displacement related to torsion of the flange about the line of its connection with the web. Total potential energy...
Fracture surface formation of notched 2017A-T4 aluminium alloy under bending fatigue
PublicationThe effect of cyclic loading on facture surface topology in notched components made by aluminium alloys is not completely clear. Fractogra-phy and fracture mechanics can help to understand this interdependency. This paper aims to study the distribution of the fracture surface roughness of notched 2017A-T4 aluminium alloy after bending fatigue using an optical focus-variation surface measurement technique by applying the fracture...
Fracture Areas Quantitative Investigating of Bending-Torsion Fatigued Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel
PublicationIn this study, the impact of pseudo-random non-proportional bending-torsion fatigue loadings proportion on the fatigue life and the fracture surface topography was analyzed. Investigation was carried out for 24 specimens made of S355J2 steel with 11 different ratios of maximum stresses λ. For these cases, after the fatigue tests, the surface topography measurements were carried out using an optical profilometer, using the focus...
Effect of surface on the flexomagnetic response of ferroic composite nanostructures; nonlinear bending analysis
PublicationOur analysis incorporates the geometrically nonlinear bending of the Euler-Bernoulli ferromagnetic nanobeam accounting for a size-dependent model through assuming surface effects. In the framework of the flexomagnetic phenomenon, the large deflections are investigated referring to von-Kármán nonlinearity. Employing the nonlocal effects of stress coupled to the gradient of strain generates a scale-dependent Hookean stress-strain...
An isogeometric finite element formulation for boundary and shell viscoelasticity based on a multiplicative surface deformation split
PublicationThis work presents a numerical formulation to model isotropic viscoelastic material behavior for membranes and thin shells. The surface and the shell theory are formulated within a curvilinear coordinate system,which allows the representation of general surfaces and deformations. The kinematics follow from Kirchhoff–Love theory and the discretization makes use of isogeometric shape functions. A multiplicative split of the surface...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part II: Experimental
PublicationThis paper describes an experimental arrangement to evaluate stress/strain fields in the process zone of asymmetric adhesively bonded joints. A transparent polycarbonate flexible beam was bonded to an aluminium alloy rigid block with an epoxy adhesive in a Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) configuration. The flexible adherend was loaded in the direction parallel to the initial crack front at constant rate. To monitor strains induced...
On some problems in determining tensile parameters of concrete model from size effect tests
PublicationThe paper presents results of numerical simulations of size effect phenomenon in concrete specimens. The behaviour of in-plane geometrically similar notched and unnotched beams under three-point bending is investigated. In total 18 beams are analysed. Concrete beams of four different sizes and five different notch to depth ratios are simulated. Two methods are applied to describe cracks. First, an elasto-plastic constitutive law...
Mechanical and fracture properties of concrete reinforced with recycled and industrial steel fibers using Digital Image Correlation technique and X-ray micro computed tomography
PublicationPaper presents investigation of fracture phenomenon in plain concrete and in concrete reinforced with both recycled steel fibers (RSF) and industrial steel fibers (ISF). The wedge splitting test (WST), which enables stable crack propagation for quasi-brittle materials, was carried out on 75 75 75 mm cube samples. Initially, fracture process zone development was investigated only on the surface of samples using Digital Image Correlation...
Biomechanical testing of bioactive bone cements – a comparison of the impact of modifiers: antibiotics and nanometals
PublicationApart from its bone filler and fracture stabilizing function, bone cement can be used as a carrier of bioactive substances, and such modified bone cement can protect the implant against microorganisms, treat local infections and combat bacteria introduced during the surgical procedure. In this paper, the effects of modifying antibiotics and nanosilver on the biomechanical properties of bone cement were examined. The following tests...
Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in diagnostics of concrete structures
PublicationRecently laser scanning technologies become widely used in many areas of the modern economy. In the following paper authors show a potential spectrum of use Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements. Based on modes of failure analysis of reinforcement concrete beam authors describe downsides and advantages of adaptation of terrestrial laser scanning to this purpose, moreover reveal under which...
Mechanical analysis of eccentric defected bilayer graphene sheets considering the van der Waals force
PublicationIn this article, we have tried to simulate nonlinear bending analysis of a double-layered graphene sheet which contains a geometrical imperfection based on an eccentric hole. The first-order shear deformation theory is considered to obtain the governing equations. Also, the nonlinear von Kármán strain field has been assumed in order to obtain large deformations. Whereas the double-layered graphene sheet has been considered, the...
Investigations of size effect in concrete at aggregate level - experiments and calculations results using discrete element method
PublicationSize effect is a fundamental phenomenon in concrete. It is characterised by decreasing strength and increasing brittleness of concrete with increasing size. The thesis includes experimental and theoretical elements. The main goal of the thesis were investigations of a size effect at the aggregate level by taking fracture into account with the discrete element method (DEM) for various failure modes. Comprehensive experiments on...
Quantitative assessment of the influence of tensile softening of concrete in beams under bending by numerical simulations with XFEM and cohesive cracks
PublicationResults of the numerical simulations of the size effect phenomenon for concrete in comparison with experimental data are presented. In-plane geometrically similar notched and unnotched beams under three-point bending are analyzed. EXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) with a cohesive softening law is used. Comprehensive parametric study with the respect to the tensile strength and the initial fracture energy is performed. Sensitivity...
Analysis of Modal Parameters Using a Statistical Approach for Condition Monitoring of the Wind Turbine Blade
PublicationThe primary objective of the presented paper is the numerical and experimental investigation related to developing a useful diagnostic method, which can be used for determining the site and size of damage in laminated shells of wind turbine blades. The described detection technique is based on the analysis of low frequencies bending vibrations mode shapes of rotor blades. The authors used the commonly applied statistics methods...
Screw displacement pile shaft deformations measured by vibrating wire and fiber optic systems during a static load test
PublicationThis paper describes a full scale static load test performed on a 400 mm diameter screw displacement pile equipped with four different strain measuring systems. Three types of vibrating wire strain gauges (VWSG) were used: global - retrievable, local attached to steel pipe and local concrete embedded. The fourth system was distributed fiber optic sensors based on Rayleigh back scattering (DFOS) - three in the pile cross section....
Effect of water salinity on properties of multipass underwater wet manual metal arc welded joints
PublicationThe weldability of steel under the water is limited due to the influence of the environment. Water causes limited visibility, presence of the residual stresses, increasing the cooling rate, and increasing the diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal, leading to the formation of brittle microstructures in heat-affected zone (HAZ). The paper presents the results of mechanical properties testing of S420G2+M steel welded joints...
Material characterisation of biaxial glass-fibre non-crimp fabrics as a function of ply orientation, stitch pattern, stitch length and stitch tension
PublicationDue to their high density-specific stiffnesses and strength, fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) composites are particularly interesting for mobility and transport applications. Warp-knitted non-crimp fabrics (NCF) are one possible way to produce such FRP composites. They are advantageous because of their low production costs and the ability to tailor the properties of the textile to the reinforcement and drape requirements of the application....
Robust four-node elements based on Hu–Washizu principle for nonlinear analysis of Cosserat shells
PublicationMixed 4-node shell elements with the drilling rotation and Cosserat-type strain measures based onthe three-field Hu–Washizu principle are proposed. In the formulation, apart from displacement and rotationfields, both strain and stress resultant fields are treated as independent. The elements are derived in the frame-work of a general nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells.The...
A coupled constitutive model for fracture in plain concrete based on continuum theory with non-local softening and eXtended Finite Element Method
PublicationThe paper presents a constitutive model for concrete which combines a continuous and discontinuous fracture description. In a continuum regime, two different constitutive laws were used. First, a plasticity model with a Rankine failure criterion and an associated fl ow rule was used. Second, a constitutive law based on isotropic damage mechanics was formulated. In order to capture the width of a localized zone and to obtain mesh-independent...
Fracture surface topography measurements analysis of low-alloyed corrosion resistant steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests
PublicationIn this paper, an assessment of a topography measurement method for fracture surfaces of 10HNAP steel after bending-torsion fatigue tests was performed. Surface roughness was measured by using a non-contact Focus Variation Microscopy (FVM) technique in which the non-measured points (NMPs) and outliers (spikes) were removed by the application of general methods. The results revealed, that the optical measurement method introduced...
Instrumented end notched flexure - Crack propagation and process zonemonitoring Part II: Data reduction and experimental
PublicationA mode II instrumented end notched flexure three point bending (ENF) adhesion test is described. The adhesive joint consists of two aluminium alloy (AW7075-T6) plates bonded with a structural epoxy adhesive (Hysol EA 9395™). Strain gauges are attached to the outer surface (backface) of the substrates in the lengthwise direction to measure local surface strain during crack propagation. Simultaneously, load/displacement measurements...
4-Point beam tensile test on a soft adhesive
PublicationAn adhesive butt joint with a soft bondline has been studied. A series of experiments was conducted on test pieces constituted of aluminium adherends bonded with a low modulus epoxy adhesive, ScotchWeld™ 2216. The joint was subjected to four point bending, in tension/compression loading, under constant deflection rate, with the bondline being parallel to the applied load. The objective was to examine and evaluate crack nucleation...
Investigation on Mode I Fracture Behavior of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites
PublicationRecent reports in the literature have shown that fber-reinforced geopolymer composites (FRGC) made with monofbers exhibit a signifcant enhancement in fracture energy. However, many aspects of the fracture performance of hybrid fberreinforced geopolymer composites (HFRGC) remain largely unexploited, and these are predominant for the structures. For the frst time, the mode I fracture energy of HFRGC is investigated. The mode I behavior...
Assembly of 1D Granular Structures from Sulfonated Polystyrene Microparticles
PublicationBeing able to systematically modify the electric properties of nano- and microparticles opens up new possibilities for the bottom-up fabrication of advanced materials such as the fabrication of one-dimensional (1D) colloidal and granular materials. Fabricating 1D structures from individual particles offers plenty of applications ranging from electronic sensors and photovoltaics to artificial flagella for hydrodynamic propulsion....
Comparison of strain results at a laser weld notch obtained by numerical calculations and experimental measurements
PublicationIn the development of ship structures applying new materials and it’s purposeful placement play an important role. During the last years, especially in a construction of ro-ro type vessels, the usage of novel sandwich structures in cargo decks is profitable. Steel sandwich panel is an innovative solution which at a todays state of development can be used for the construction of any members not taking part in a global bending of...
Mechanical characteristics of welded joints between different stainless steels grades
Publicationnvestigation of mechanical characteristics of welded joints is one of the most important tasks that allow determining their functional properties. Due to the very high, still rising, cost of some stainless steels it is justified, on economic grounds, welding austenitic stainless steel with steels that are corrosion-resistant like duplex ones. According to forecasts the price of...
SFEM Analysis of Beams with Scaled Lengths including Spatially Varying and Cross-Correlated Concrete Properties
PublicationThis paper presents the results obtained for plain concrete beams under four-point bending with spatially varying material properties. Beams of increasing length but constant depth were analyzed using the stochastic finite element method. Spatial fluctuation of a uniaxial tensile strength, fracture energy and elastic modulus was defined within cross-correlated random fields. The symmetrical Gauss probability distribution function...
On Nonlinear Bending Study of a Piezo-Flexomagnetic Nanobeam Based on an Analytical-Numerical Solution
PublicationAmong various magneto-elastic phenomena, flexomagnetic (FM) coupling can be defined as a dependence between strain gradient and magnetic polarization and, contrariwise, elastic strain and magnetic field gradient. This feature is a higher-order one than piezomagnetic, which is the magnetic response to strain. At the nanoscale, where large strain gradients are expected, the FM effect is significant and could be even dominant. In...
In vivo performance of intraperitoneal onlay mesh after ventral hernia repair
PublicationBackground: Ventral hernia repair needs to be improved since recurrence, postoperative pain and other complications are still reported in many patients. The behavior of implants in vivo is not sufficiently understood to design a surgical mesh mechanically compatible with the human abdominal wall. Methods: This analysis was based on radiological pictures of patients who underwent laparoscopic ventral hernia repair. The pictures...