Search results for: CONTROL THEORY
Application of the Regional Security Complex Theory for Security Analysis in the Persian Gulf
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Theory and Practice of Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics of Biologically Important Systems
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Superconducting Energy Gap in Hole-Doped Graphene Beyond the Migdal's Theory
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Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Poland in the View of Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour
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Salience theory and the cross-section of stock returns: International and further evidence
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PublicationThe increase of seakeeping performance is of particular importance for car and passenger ferries, service ships in the gas and oil extraction industry and offshore wind power farm industry, as well as for special purpose ships (including military applications). In the water areas of the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and Mediterranean Sea, which are characterised by a short and steep wave, the hull shape has a substantial impact on the...
Strategic aspects in spatial planning - theory and practice in largest cities of Poland
PublicationThe rate of changes and the growing uncertainty rise to the need for a strategic approach to development planning, which is active and flexible in relation to the changing reality. Strategic planning, occurring in companies, was adapted by the social-economic development planning of self-government units. However, there are difficulties in applying the strategic planning in the spatial planning and integration of the two forms...
Some accelerationist remarks on Marcuse’s drives theory and his dialectics of civilization
PublicationMarcuse’s theory of civilization offers a promising Freud-Marx synthesis. His approach, best articulated in Eros and Civilization, aims at a thorough reformulation of the Freudian drive doctrine to render it more historical and concatenate it to the problem of structural violence and the institutionalized (and internalized) mechanism of repression. I claim that the said reformulation provides a cornerstone for Marcuse’s highly...
Spatial Evolution of the European Container Ports’ System in Perspective of the Location Theory
PublicationThe maritime container terminal is nowadays a spatially incoherent object. From the functional point of view it ends, where their most external components are located. The process of location splitting of container terminals is a new phase of their discrete growth. The external container facilities are being built to improve effectivness of the logistic chain in the hinterland. The new components of container terminals have very...
On mixed states entanglement and quantum communication: aspects of quantum channels theory
PublicationDokonano przeglądu związków miedzy stanami kwantowymi oraz kwantowymi kanałami. Wykazano, że istnienie nietypowych korelacji kwantowych (splątanie związane typu NPT) w pewnych sytuacjach pociąga za sobą nieaddytywność pojemności kanałów kwantowych.
Appendix E
PublicationThe advance of variable speed drives systems (VSDs) engineering highlights the need of specific technical guidance provision by electrical machines and drives manufacturers, so that such applications can be properly designed to present advantages in terms of both energy efficiency and expenditure. This book presents problems and solutions related to inverter-fed electrical motors. Practically orientated, the book describes the...
Variable Speed AC Drives with Inverter Output Filters
PublicationThe advance of variable speed drives systems (VSDs) engineering highlights the need of specific technical guidance provision by electrical machines and drives manufacturers, so that such applications can be properly designed to present advantages in terms of both energy efficiency and expenditure. This book presents problems and solutions related to inverter-fed electrical motors. Practically orientated, the book describes the...
The outline of percolation theory in reference to Solid Oxide Fuel Cell composite anodes
PublicationPrzedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne dotyczące zjawiska perkolacji w układach nieuporządkowanych. Zaprezentowano obecny stan wiedzy na temat wykorzystania teorii perkolacji w materiałach elektrodowych dla tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych.
Modeling of Composite Shells in 6-Parameter Nonlinear Theory with Drilling Degree of Freedom
PublicationWithin the framework of a 6-parameter nonlinear shell theory, with strain measures of Cosserat type, constitutive relations are proposed for thin elastic composite shells. The material law is expressed in terms of five engineering constants of classical anisotropic continuum plus an additional parameter accounting for drilling stiffness. The theory allows for unlimited displacements and rotations. A number of examples are presented...
Structure Analysis of the Modified Cast Metal Matrix Composites by Use of the Rve Theory
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The exponential law for partial, local and proper maps and its application to otopy theory
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Application of the information theory to the description of the phosphorus compounds reduction at a sewage treatment plant
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Gauge-invariant theory of the Meissner effect in the lattice model of a superconductor with local pairing
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Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior in Academic Cheating Research–Cross-Cultural Comparison
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P3F-6 Characterization of Human Cancellous Bone Specimens in Terms of Biot's Theory
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Piecewise continuous distribution function method in the theory of wave disturbances of inhomogeneous gas
PublicationUkład równań typu hydrodynamicznego dla warstwowych gazów w polu grawitacyjnym pochodzi od równania BGK metodą częściowej ciągłej funkcji dystrybucji. Otrzymany system równań uogólnia układ Naviera-Stokesa w dowolnych liczbach Knudsena.
System identification theory-based estimation of underwater acoustic channel for broadband communications.
PublicationPłytki kanał podwodny jest niestacjonarny z powodu wielokrotnych odbić fal dźwiękowych od powierzchni wody oraz ruchu nadajnika i odbiornika systemu komunikacyjnego. Dla zapewnienia szybkiej transmisji danych niezbędna jest estymacja kanału oparta na equalizacji adaptacyjnej. W systemach komunikacji podwodnej stosowane są zazwyczaj equalizery DFE z zaimplementowanymi algorytmami najmniejszych kwadratów: LMS oraz RLS.W artykule...
Heating caused by a non periodic ultrasound. Theory and calculations on pulse and stationary sources.
PublicationPrzedstawiono teorię ewolucji ogrzewania na skutek przejścia fali akustycznej każdego typu. Przedyskutowano obliczenia na podstawie nowych wzorów dla fali impulsowej i uderzeniowej. Wzory zgadzają się z klasycznymi w wypadku fal okresowych.
Dynamics based on six-field theory of shells in the context of energy-conserving scheme
PublicationPraca dotyczy zaproponowanego algorytmu zachowującego energię w całkowaniu równań ruchu powłok sprężystych sformułowanych w ramach teorii sześcioparametrowej. Zawiera podstawowe założenia konieczne do formułowania schematów i podstawowe testy numeryczne. Aproksymacja przestrzenna zagadnienia oparta jest o Metodę Elementów Skończonych zaś aproksymacja w czasie wykorzystuje regułę punktu środkowego. Przykłady analizy dynamicznej...
Progressive failure analysis of laminates in the framework of 6-field nonlinear shell theory
PublicationThe paper presents the model of progressive failure analysis of laminates incorporated into the 6-field non-linear shell theory with non-symmetrical strain measures of Cosserat type. Such a theory is specially recommended in the analysis of shells with intersections due to its specific kinematics including the so-called drilling rotation. As a consequence of asymmetry of strain measures, modified laminates failure criteria must...
A tetragonal polymorph of SrMn2P2 made under high pressure – theory and experiment in harmony
PublicationFollowing the predictions of total energy calculations, a tetragonal SrMn2P2 phase is proposed and successfully formed under high pressure. At ambient pressure, SrMn2P2 adopts the primitive trigonal La2O3 structure type (space group P[3 with combining macron]m1). However, the results of total energy calculations indicate that SrMn2P2 should be more stable in the tetragonal ThCr2Si2 structure type (space group I4/mmm) than in its...
Structural and Temporal Topic Models of Feedbacks on Service Quality – A Path to Theory Development?
PublicationThere is growing interest in applying computational methods in analysing large amount of data without sacrificing rigour in Information Systems research. In this paper, we demonstrate how the use of structural and temporal topic modelling can be employed to produce insights of both theoretical and practical importance from the analysis of textual comments on the quality of services in hospitals. As a first step, we revealed the...
A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions
PublicationA pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...
FEM analysis of composite materials failure in nonlinear six field shell theory
PublicationThe monography deals with the problem of failure initiation in thin laminated composites. Known techniques of laminate structures modelling are briefly characterised. Eventually, shell based approach is chosen for the purpose of the description of the composite structures behaviour, as it predicts their deformation and states of stress effectively in a global sense. The nonlinear six parameter shell theory (6p theory) with asymmetric...
Theory of recognition in a historical perspective. Axel Honneth's Anerkennung: Eine europäische Ideengeschichte
PublicationThe article discusses Honneth excursion into the realm of the history of ideas. This time Honneth decides to laser it on the notion of "recognition" in three different cultural areas and three different traditions: French, English, and German. The article discusses Honneth's persepctive and attempts at finding the common thread that would link three aforementioned traditions.
Scattering in a section of ferrite coupled microstrip lines: theory and application in nonreciprocal devices
PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizę pełnofalową sekcji sprzężonych ferrytowych linii mikropaskowych wykorzystującą w rozwinięciu pola em fale prowadzone w izotropowych złączach wejściowych sekcji oraz jej fajl ferrytowych. W wyniku określono macierz S sekcji. Przeprowadzono modelowanie własności rozproszenia układu oraz symulację parametrów transmisyjnych układów niewzajemnych projektowanych z wykorzystaniem proponowanego układu ferrytowego.
The large rotations theory of elasto-viscoplastic shells subjected to thedynamic and thermal loads.
PublicationPrzedstawiono problemy sprężysto- lepkoplastycznej analizy geometrycznie nieliniowych płyt i powłok poddanych obciążeniom dynamicznym w różnych temperaturach. W obliczeniach zastosowano teorię ścinania pierwszego rzędu i konstytutywne prawo Chaboche´a w wariantach z uwzględnieniem wpływu temperatury na stałe materiałowe. Do całkowania równań ruchu użyto metody różnic centralnych, a do całkowania równań konstytutywnych regułę...
A chemo-mechano-thermodynamical contact theory for adhesion, friction, and (de)bonding reactions
PublicationThis work presents a self-contained continuum formulation for coupled chemical, mechanical, and thermal contact interactions. The formulation is very general and, hence, admits arbitrary geometry, deformation, and material behavior. All model equations are derived rigorously from the balance laws of mass, momentum, energy, and entropy in the framework of irreversible thermodynamics, thus exposing all the coupling present in the...
On the Buckling Response of Axially Pressurized Nanotubes Based on a Novel Nonlocal Beam Theory
PublicationIn the present study, the buckling analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) on the basis of a new refined beam theory is analyzed. The SWCNT is modeled as an elastic beam subjected to unidirectional compressive loads. To achieve this aim, the new proposed beam theory has only one unknown variable which leads to one equation similar to Euler beam theory and is also free from any shear correction factors. The equilibrium...
Electromagnetic forced vibrations of composite nanoplates using nonlocal strain gradient theory
PublicationThis article is intended to analyze forced vibrations of a piezoelectric-piezomagnetic ceramic nanoplate by a new refined shear deformation plate theory in conjunction with higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory. As both stress nonlocality and strain gradient size-dependent effects are taken into account using the higher-order nonlocal strain gradient theory, the governing equations of the composite nanoplate are formulated....
A general theory for anisotropic Kirchhoff–Love shells with in-plane bending of embedded fibers
PublicationThis work presents a generalized Kirchhoff–Love shell theory that can explicitly capture fiber-induced anisotropy not only in stretching and out-of-plane bending, but also in in-plane bending. This setup is particularly suitable for heterogeneous and fibrous materials such as textiles, biomaterials, composites and pantographic structures. The presented theory is a direct extension of classical Kirchhoff–Love shell theory to incorporate...
Strong ellipticity within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory
PublicationWe discuss the strong ellipticity (SE) condition within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory. SE condition is closely related to certain material instabilities and describes mathematical properties of corresponding boundary-value problems. For isotropic solids, SE condition transforms into two inequalities in terms of five gradient-elastic moduli.
Min-max optimization of node‐targeted attacks in service networks
PublicationThis article considers resilience of service networks that are composed of service and control nodes to node-targeted attacks. Two complementary problems of selecting attacked nodes and placing control nodes reflect the interaction between the network operator and the network attacker. This interaction can be analyzed within the framework of game theory. Considering the limited performance of the previously introduced iterative...
Decision-Making Models of the Human-Operator as an Element of the Socio-Technical Systems
PublicationThe authors of the chapter proved that the fundamental intellectual processes, which lie on the basis of decision-making behavior of the human-operator, could be identified on the bases on the analogies with the devices (elements). The basic intellectual processes of the Rational decision-making models can be adequately identified by the transient processes of the PID-controller; the intellectual processes of the Bounded Rationality...
Exact resultant equilibrium conditions in the non-linear theory of branching and self-intersecting shells
PublicationWe formulate the exact, resultant equilibrium conditions for the non-linear theory of branching and self-intersecting shells. The conditions are derived by performing direct through-the-thickness integration in the global equilibrium conditions of continuum mechanics. At each regular internal and boundary point of the base surface our exact, local equilibrium equations and dynamic boundary conditions are equivalent, as expected,...
Dempster-shafer theory-based trust and selfishness evaluation in mobile ad hoc networks
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of selfishness detec-tion in mobile ad hoc networks. It describes an approach based on Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. Special attention is paid to trust evaluation and using it as a metric for coping with (weighted) recommendations from third-party nodes. Efficiency and robustness of the pre-sented solution is discussed with an emphasis on resil-iency to false recommendations.
The potential of imogolite nanotubes as (co-)photocatalysts: a linear-scaling density functional theory study
PublicationWe report a linear-scaling density functional theory (DFT) study of the structure, wall-polarization absolute band-alignment and optical absorption of several, recently synthesized, open-ended imogolite (Imo) nanotubes (NTs), namely single-walled (SW) aluminosilicate (AlSi), SW aluminogermanate (AlGe), SW methylated aluminosilicate (AlSi-Me), and double-walled (DW) AlGe NTs. Simulations with three different semi-local and dispersion-corrected...
Necessity for and possibility of application of the theory of semi-markov processes to determine reliability of diagnising systems
PublicationW opracowaniu uzasadniono konieczność określenia niezawodności systemów diagnozujących (SDG) do sformułowania diagnozy o stanie dowolnego urządzenia technicznego jako systemu diagnozowanego (SDN). Wykazano, że znajomość niezawodności SDG umożliwia określenie wiarygodności diagnozy. Przyjęto, że wiarygodność diagnozy może być określona jako właściwość diagnozy określająca stopień rozpoznania przez system diagnozujący (SDG) rzeczywistego...
Application of Graph Theory Algorithms in Non-disjoint Functional Decomposition of Specific Boolean Functions
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Psychometric assessment of the Internet Gaming Disorder diagnostic criteria: An Item Response Theory study
PublicationInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a tentative disorder in the latest fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). In order to advance research on IGD, the APA has suggested that further research on the nine IGD criteria to investigate its clinical and empirical feasibility is necessary. The aim of the present study was to...
Urban Food Self-Production in the Perspective of Social Learning Theory: Empowering Self-Sustainability
PublicationUrban food production is becoming an increasingly significant topic in the context of climate change and food security. Conducting research on this subject is becoming an essential element of urban development, deepening knowledge regarding the benefits, challenges, and potential for the development of urban agriculture as an alternative form of food production. Responding to this need, this monograph presents the results of...
Ab initio and density functional theory calculations of proton affinities for volatile organic compounds
PublicationThe Hatree-Fock method with 6-311G** split-valence molecular orbitals basis sets and the density function theory-B3LYP have been applied to geometrical optimizations and calculations of total electronic, zero point vibrational energies and proton affinities at 298 K for volatile organic compounds. Calculated values of proton affinities are compared with experimental data.
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Structural response of existing spatial truss roof construction based on Cosserat rod theory
PublicationPaper presents the application of the Cosserat rod theory and newly developed associated finite elements code as the tools that support in the expert-designing engineering practice. Mechanical principles of the 3D spatially curved rods, dynamics (statics) laws, principle of virtual work are discussed. Corresponding FEM approach with interpolation and accumulation techniques of state variables are shown that enable the formulation...