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Search results for: D-XYLOSE REDUCTASE
Higginsianins D and E, Cytotoxic Diterpenoids Produced by Colletotrichum higginsianum
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Dwufazowy, termosyfonowy wymiennik ciepła - R&D. Cz. 1
PublicationPrzedstawiono podział i zasadę działania termosyfonów dwufazowych. Wyróżniono termosyfony rurowe, pętlowe i rurowo-pętlowe. Podano również przykłady termosyfonowych wymienników ciepła.
Mapping the Transglycosylation Relevant Sites of Cold-Adapted β-D-Galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB
PublicationB-Galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB (ArthbetaDG) is a cold-adapted enzyme able to catalyze hydrolysis of beta-D-galactosides and transglycosylation reaction, where galactosyl moiety is being transferred onto an acceptor larger than a water molecule. Mutants of ArthbetaDG D207A and E517Q were designed to determine the significance of specific residues and to enable formation of complexes with lactulose and sucrose and to...
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) fot SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00 and 1.05). The TGA experiments were carried out using a microbalance (CI Precision MK5) in the temperature range between 900 °C and 200 °C. During the whole measurement procedure, air was fed to the furnace chamber at a flow rate of...
Low-Power Receivers for Wireless Capacitive Coupling Transmission in 3-D-Integrated Massively Parallel CMOS Imager
PublicationThe paper presents pixel receivers for massively parallel transmission of video signal between capacitive coupled integrated circuits (ICs). The receivers meet the key requirements for massively parallel transmission, namely low-power consumption below a single μW, small area of less than 205 μm2, high sensitivity better than 160 mV, and good immunity to crosstalk. The receivers were implemented and measured in a 3-D IC (two face-to-face...
Marek Czachor prof. dr hab.
People -
The level of Knowledge and use of tax exemptions for R&D activities
Open Research DataThe following research data contains the answers of 259 entrepreneurs to questions regarding tax reliefs and exemptions for research and development activities. As part of the study answers to the following questions were obtained:Have you ever used the tax relief for new technologies / R&D?Has your company acquired a license / software (intangible...
D. Zalewska 11, Inżynieria D, I st, 2 s 2023/24l
e-Learning Courses -
Knowledge and level of use of tax exemptions for R&D activities
Open Research DataThe research results contain answers to questions about the level of knowledge and skills in using concessions and exemptions for research and development (R&D) activities in Poland.
Anthra[1,2-d][1,2,3]triazine-4,7,12(3H)-triones as a New Class of Antistaphylococcal Agents: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation
PublicationThe development and spread of resistance of human pathogenic bacteria to the action of commonly used antibacterial drugs is one of the key problems in modern medicine. One of the especially dangerous and easily developing antibiotic resistant bacterial species is Staphylococcus aureus. Anthra[1,2-d][1,2,3]triazine-4,7,12(3H)-triones 22–38 have been developed as novel effective antistaphylococcal agents. These compounds have been...
The essence of marine and coastal space – an interdisciplinary perspective
PublicationSea space has been undergoing a profound transformation. Although it retains its inspirational function in arts, literature and philosophy, it has been gaining new anthropogenic dimensions in eco-nomics and urban planning as a source of satisfying human needs i.e. the provision of harmony, beauty, off-shore energy, and biotech substances. Therefore, in this paper marine space is analyzed from a mul-tidimensional perspective of...
Journals -
Share of enterprises' expenditure in total R&D expenditure (2009-2011)
Open Research DataThe countries with the highest share of enterprises in R&D expenditure are: Finåandia (67%), Germany (65.6%) and Slovenia (61.2%). On the opposite pole are Cyprus (11%), Bulgaria (16.9%) and Latvia (24.8%). The average result for the Member States in 2011 was 54.9%. It is worth noting that the countries that significantly increased the ratio of...
Abscisic Acid Regulates the 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA Reductase Gene Promoter and Ginsenoside Production in Panax quinquefolium Hairy Root Cultures
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Pasternak H., Hoch H.-U., Fug D>: Stahltragwerke in industriebau
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R&D in a post centrally-planned economy: The macroeconomic effects in Poland
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Differential antitumor effects of vitamin D analogues on colorectal carcinoma in culture
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On the role of classical and novel forms of vitamin D in melanoma progression and management
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Vitamin D Metabolism Gene Polymorphisms and Their Associated Disorders: A Literature Review
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Ship weather routing featuring w-MOEA/D and uncertainty handling
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Idiomatic Expressions in Translation: The Case of J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye
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Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrFeO3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrFeO3-d (SFO) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of SFO were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 40...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d (STF35) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF35 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d (STF70) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF70 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d (STF90) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF90 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d (STF50) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF50 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
X-ray diffractometry results of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d powder
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of X-ray diffractometry mesurement (XRD) of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d (STF70) powder after ball milling. The phase composition of the investigated STF70 powder was analyzed by XRD at room temperature. The X-ray diffractometry (XRD) technique was used to determine the phase composition of the fabricated powder. Measurements...
X-ray diffractometry results of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d powder
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of X-ray diffractometry mesurement (XRD) of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d (STF50) powder after ball milling. The phase composition of the investigated STF50 powder was analyzed by XRD at room temperature. The X-ray diffractometry (XRD) technique was used to determine the phase composition of the fabricated powder. Measurements...
X-ray diffractometry results of the SrTi0.35Fe0.65O3-d powder
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of X-ray diffractometry mesurement (XRD) of the SrTi0.35Fe0.65O3-d (STF35) powder after ball milling. The phase composition of the investigated STF35 powder was analyzed by XRD at room temperature. The X-ray diffractometry (XRD) technique was used to determine the phase composition of the fabricated powder. Measurements...
Intercalation complex of imidazoacridinone C-1311, a potential anticancer drug, with DNA helix d(CGATCG)2: stereostructural studies by 2D NMR spectroscopy.
PublicationImidazoacridinone C-1311 (Symadex®) is a powerful antitumor agent, which successfully made its way through the Phase I clinical trials and has been recommended for Phase II few a years ago. It has been shown experimentally that during the initial stage of its action C-1311 forms a relatively stable intercalation complex with DNA, yet it has shown no base-sequence specificity while binding to DNA. In this paper, the d(CGATCG)2:C-1311...
Synthesis and structure of selected quaternary N-(1,4-anhydro-5-deoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-D,L-ribitol-5-yl)ammonium salts.
PublicationOpracowano metody otrzymywania czwartorzędowych soli amoniowych, pochodnych rybitolu, zawierających reszty: pirydyny, 2-metylopirydyny, 3-karbamoilopirydyny, 4-(N,N-dimetyloamino)pirydyny, chinoliny oraz dwóch amin alifatycznych trimetyloaminy i trietyloaminy. Związki te powstają w reakcji 1,4-anhydro-2,3-O-izopropylideno-5-O-tozylo-D,L-rybitolu z odpowiednimi zasadami azotowymi.
Efficient and robust quadratures for isogeometric analysis: Reduced Gauss and Gauss–Greville rules
PublicationThis work proposes two efficient quadrature rules, reduced Gauss quadrature and Gauss–Greville quadrature, for isogeometric analysis. The rules are constructed to exactly integrate one-dimensional B-spline basis functions of degree p, and continuity class C^{p−k}, where k is the highest order of derivatives appearing in the Galerkin formulation of the problem under consideration. This is the same idea we utilized in Zou et al....
Active Site Architecture and Reaction Mechanism Determination of Cold Adapted beta-D-galactosidase from Arthrobacter sp. 32cB
PublicationArthbetaDG is a dimeric, cold-adapted beta-D-galactosidase that exhibits high hydrolytic and transglycosylation activity. A series of crystal structures of its wild form, as well as its ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein complexes with ligands were obtained in order to describe the mode of its action. The ArthbetaDG_E441Q mutein is an inactive form of the enzyme designed to enable observation of enzyme interaction with its substrate. The...
Differential ability of cytostatics from anthraquinone group to generatefree radicals in three enzymatic systems: NADH dehydrogenase, NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase, and xantine oxidase.
PublicationZbadano szereg cytostatyków z grupy antrachinonu pod względem ich zdolności do pośredniczenia w przeniesieniu jednoelektronowym i generowaniu wolnych rodników tlenowych pod wpływem trzech oksydoreduktaz. Zdefiniowano czynniki strukturalne związków odpowiedzialne za ten proces katalizowany przez poszczególne enzymy.
INFRO@D Roadside safety management
e-Learning Courses -
INFRO@D Road pavement management
e-Learning Courses -
H2-TPR and O2-TPD results for Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of H2-TPR (temperature programmed reduction) and O2-TPD (temperature programmed desorption) measuremnt fot Sr0.90Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d material. Experiment was performed using an apparatus equipped with a TCD detector (Buck Scientific, USA), cold trap, and heated gas transfer line. The profiles were collected using the PeakSimple...
H2-TPR and O2-TPD results for Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of H2-TPR (temperature programmed reduction) and O2-TPD (temperature programmed desorption) measuremnt fot Sr0.95Ti0.30Fe0.70O3-d material. Experiment was performed using an apparatus equipped with a TCD detector (Buck Scientific, USA), cold trap, and heated gas transfer line. The profiles were collected using the PeakSimple...
Iwona D licencjat
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X D Phd
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The efficiency comparison of ramentaceone isolation from Drosera aliciae plants using normal and reversed phase preparative liquid chromatography technique
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano optymalne warunki otrzymywania ramentaceonu z chloroformowego ekstraktu z rośliny D. muscipula. Opracowano i przedstawiono dwie procedury otrzymywania ramantaceonu z wykorzystaniem NP-PLC i RP-PLC. Dla produktu o określonej czystości, porównano maksymalny stopień przeładowania kolumny, efektywność procesu wyrażoną jako ilość substancji otrzymanej w jednostce czasu oraz produktywność kolumny, wyrażoną jako...
Electrical conductivity of the SrTi1-xFexO3-d pellets at 20% pO2
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi1-xFexO3-d (x=0.35, 0.50, 0.70) pellets. DC electrical conductivity measurements were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 900 °C and 200 °C. Studies were performed at 20% of oxygen partial pressure under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 50 ml min -1.
D-loop sequences retrieved from Canis lupus familiaris mitochondrial genome
Open Research DataCanine mitochondrial genome is built of 16727 bp. Non-coding control region (mtCR), called also D-loop, begins with 15458 nucleotide and ends with 16727 nucleotide. The length of this fragment is 1270 bp (Kim et al., 1998). D-loop region is responsible for replication and transcription of mitochondrial DNA. Mutations that occur within it may cause irregularity...
Comparative in vitro studies on liposomal formulations of amphotericin Band its derivative, N-methyl-N-D-fructosyl amphotericin B methyl ester (MFAME)
PublicationMFAME, ester metylowy N-metylo-N-D-fruktozylo amfoterycyny B jest półsyntetyczną pochodną antybiotyku przeciwgrzybowego amfoterycyny B (AMB). W przeciwieństwie do wyjściowego antybiotyku pochodna ta jest nietoksyczna dla komórek zwierzęcych oraz tworzy rozpuszczalne sole rozpuszczalne w wodzie. Przeprowadzono badania porównawcze aktywności biologicznej wolnego antybiotyku i wolnej pochodnej oraz ich preparatów liposomalnych. Stosowano...
New oryginal generic technologies: A Polish R&D strategic implementation programme
PublicationPolands's pharmaceutical industry is of great significance to the whole economy. According to Forbs (2 October 2012), the cost of launching a new drug varies from USD 1 to 11 bilion. There is little Chance of a Polish pharmaceutical company developing an original drug due to financial reason.Many research teams in Poland take up research projects aimed at new biologically active compounds. But such an objective has no broader perspective,...
Vitamin D derivatives enhance cytotoxic effects of H2O2 or cisplatin on human keratinocytes
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Exploring the structure–property schemes in anion–π systems of d-block metalates
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Research Trends of Vitamin D Metabolism Gene Polymorphisms Based on a Bibliometric Investigation
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Fibrinogen and d-dimer in contrasting relation with measures of wave reflection and arterial stiffness
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Vitamin D kinetics in the acute phase of critical illness: A prospective observational study