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Search results for: DYNAMIC NOISE MAP
Impact of Spatial Noise Correlation on Bearing Accuracy in DIFAR Systems
PublicationDIFAR type underwater passive systems are one of the more commonly used tools for detecting submarines. At the design stage, which usually uses computer simulations, it is necessary to generate acoustic noise of the sea. It has been shown that correlating noise significantly reduces these errors compared to the assumption that noise is uncorrelated. In addition, bearing errors have been shown to be the same in systems with a commonly...
Intelligent system for environmental noise monitoring.
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono projekt i realizację automatycznej stacji monitorowania hałasu środowiskowego. Stanowi ona jeden z elementów tworzonego w Katedrze Systemów Multimedialnych Politechniki Gdańskiej Multimedialnego Systemu Monitorowania Hałasu. Przedstawiono ogólną budowę stacji pomiarowej oraz omówiono jej podstawową funkcjonalność. Obszerniej opisano dodatkowe możliwości stacji, do których należą: komunikacja z wykorzystaniem...
Analysis of the Usefulness of Cheap Audio Recorders for Spectral Measurement of Environmental Noise
PublicationEnvironmental noise pollution is nowadays one of the most serious health threats. The impact of noise on the human body depends not only on the sound level but also on its spectral distribution. Reliable measurements of the environmental noise spectrum are often hampered by the very high price of top quality measuring devices. This paper explores the possibility of using much cheaper audio recorders for the frequency analysis....
Dynamic charging of electric buses
PublicationDespite the continuous development of electrochemical battery technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still not possible to exploit electric buses in urban transport on an all-day basis without the necessity of charging them. It is therefore necessary to build point-to-point contact charging stations or induction charging stations at the terminals. This results in substantial financial outlays connected with...
Solving the Problem of Dynamic Adaptability of Artificial Intelligence Systems that Control Dynamic Technical Objects
PublicationThis paper investigates the increase in the response speed and stability of artificial intelligence systems that control dynamic technical objects. The problem of calculating the optimal time of switching an artificial intelligence system between software classes by the criterion of the rigidity degree of the model of a control object is considered. The solution of this problem is proposed for the general case of the control object...
Estimating and Forecasting GDP in Poland with Dynamic Factor Model
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Multimedia System for Environmental Noise Monitoring. [Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu Środowiskowego]
PublicationIntroductionNumerous reports relating to noise threats in Poland indicate that they occur commonly. The noise has an enormous impact on the health and life quality of the human beings. Noise pollution in Poland is greater than in others UE countries, moreover it has been increased recently. Taking into account 2002/49/WE directive related to the control and assessment of environmental noise a necessity of monitoring these threats...
Marek Szelągowski dr
PeopleMarek Szelągowski has participated in the creation and implementation of IT solutions in the fields of accounting, human resources management, production, IT infrastructure management, etc. As the CIO of the BUDIMEX Group in 2000–2008 he was responsible for the accommodation of informatization strategies to the changing needs of the business sector. He was managing and participating in analyses and optimizations of business processes...
Study of Noise Propagation for Small Vessels
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the noise propagation analysis in ship structures tested in a number of AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply) vessels. Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) based on numerical model developed specially for the purpose of this numerical investigation were conducted. This numerical model enabled the analysis of both the structural elements and the acoustic spaces. For the detailed studies 47 points fixed...
Quality assessment of ZnO-based varistors by 1/f noise
PublicationNoise has been used as a diagnostic tool of surge arrester varistor structures comprising of ZnO grains of various type and size. The physical and electrical properties of the measured samples have been described. In the experimental study, the applied measurement system and the results of noise measurements for the selected structures of varistors designed for the continuous working voltage 280 V, 440 V and 660 V have been presented....
Fast clutter cancellation for noise radars via waveform design
PublicationCanceling clutter is an important, but very expensive part of signal processing in noise radars. It is shown that considerable improvements can be made to a simple least squares canceler if minor constraints are imposed onto noise waveform. Using a combination of FPGA and CPU, the proposed scheme is capable of canceling both stationary clutter and moving targets in real-time, even for high sampling rates.
Noise and Electro-Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Conducting PolymerThick Films
PublicationThick conducting films based on conducting polymer are characterized by DC conductivity and noise in temperature range 10 to 300 K. Conducting polymers could be used e.g. for the top electrode (cathode) in the solid tantalum or niobium capacitors. On the conducting polymer layer the top layer of carbon/graphite and/or silver polymer based pastes is applied in the capacitor technology. Our samples structure consists of conducting...
Iterative learning approach to active noise control of highly autocorrelated signals with applications to machinery noise
PublicationThis paper discusses the design and application of iterative learning control (ILC) and repetitive control (RC) for high modal density systems. Typical examples of these systems are structural and acoustical systems considered in active structural acoustic control (ASAC) and active noise control (ANC) applications. The application of traditional ILC and RC design techniques, which are based on a parametric system model, on systems...
PublicationPoroelastic road surfaces are characterized by low noise of tires running on them.Road pavements of this type are promising solution to problems related to traffic noise in cities and on rural roads. Some technical problems still have to be solved, in particular regarding durability and skid resistance on wet surface. Ongoing and planned works are to contribute to create a quiet, durable and safe road surface, which will become...
Usability attributes revisited: a time-framed knowledge map
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Chatter surveillance with the creation of a map of optimal spindle speeds
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę nadzorowania drgań samowzbudnych typu chatter. Wyznaczono wartości optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona dla poszczególnych punktów na powierzchni przedmiotu obrabianego, wykorzystując rożne techniki analizy modalnej. Badania eksperymentalne wykazały, że otrzymana w ten sposób mapa optymalnych prędkości obrotowych wrzeciona jest skutecznym narzędziem do eliminacji drgań chatter w procesie obróbki...
A review of design approaches for the implementation of low-frequency noise measurement systems
PublicationElectronic noise has its roots in the fundamental physical interactions between matter and charged particles, carrying information about the phenomena that occur at the microscopic level. Therefore, Low-Frequency Noise Measurements (LFNM) are a well-established technique for the characterization of electron devices and materials and, compared to other techniques, they offer the advantage of being non-destructive and of providing...
ROSANNE Project: New Procedure for Noise Characterisation of Road Surfaces in Europe
PublicationROSANNE is a collaborative project in the 7th EU Framework Programme which aims at harmonising measurement methods for skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements as a preparation for standardization. The project started in November 2013 and is developing and improving standards in the field of working group CEN/TC 227/WG 5. Regarding the influence of the pavement on the road traffic noise emission,...
the assessment of the noise-induced harmful effects based on the properties of human hearing system
PublicationA new way of assessment of noise-induced harmful effects on human hearing system is presented in the paper. The method takes into consideration properties of the human hearing system. The pro-posed method determines the cumulative impact on hearing system produced by the excessive noise. Based on the predicted effects of the noise exposure, the new types of noise indicators were developed. The evaluation of these indicators was...
The noise-induced harmful effect assessment based on the properties of the human hearing system
PublicationA new way of assessment of noise-induced harmful effects on human hearing system is presented in the paper. The method takes into consideration properties of the human hearing system. The pro-posed method determines the cumulative impact on hearing system produced by the excessive noise. Based on the predicted effects of the noise exposure, the new types of noise indicators were developed. The evaluation of these indicators was...
Comparison of road and laboratory measurements of tyre/road noise
PublicationTyre/road noise is one of the major environmental problems related to road traffic. There are several measuring methods of tyre/road noise that may be carried out on the road (for example Coast-down and Close Proximity Method) or in the laboratory (Drum Method). Road measurements are preferred for evaluations of pavement properties while laboratory methods are mostly used to evaluate tyres. One of the biggest problems associated...
Directivity of tire/road noise emission for selected tires and pavements
PublicationPraca pośwoęcona jest kierunkowości emisji hałasu opon i nawierzchni drogowych. Opony są dominującym źródłem haasu w pojaździe poruszającym się w typowych warunkach ruchu drogowego. Hałas ten nie jest bezkierunkowy jak to przyjmuje się w modelach obliczeniowych hałasu. Takie założenia wynikają z ograniczonej dostępności danych dotyczących kierunkowości i mogą prowadzić do niedokładności przy prognozowaniu hałasu drogowego. Praca...
Noise spectral density computation based on finite element model of piezoceramic sensor
PublicationThe high sensitivity with wide bandwidth is required for sensor applications in non-destructive testing (NDT). The sensitivity of piezoceramic sensors demands to minimize their noise especially thermal noise, polarisation noise and low frequency 1/f noise,which are the main sources of voltage or current fluctuation in this sort of sensors. For simplicity, only the piezoceramic part of sensor was under study. the theoretical and...
Low noise poroelastic road pavements based on modified asphalt binder
PublicationTire/road noise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. As the most effective way to fight noise is reduction of sound emission from the source, a lot of work is being done to improve tire and road surfaces construction. This paper describes the first “road” results obtained within the SEPOR project, which is focused on developing a low noise poroelastic road surface based on bituminous binder....
Assessment of Fuel Cells’ State of Health by Low-Frequency Noise Measurements
PublicationWe proposed applying low-frequency (flicker) noise in proton-exchange membrane fuel cells under selected loads to assess their state of health. The measurement set-up comprised a precise data acquisition board and was able to record the DC voltage and its random component at the output. The set-up estimated the voltage noise power spectral density at frequencies up to a few hundred mHz. We observed the evolution of the electrical...
Footbridges. Dynamic Design – Selected Problems
PublicationModern footbridges create challenge in esthetic and structural design. Breaking the proven canons is a recipe for architectural success. However esthetic form has to be also a functional pedestrian bridge. Therefore a good FEM modeling is a key element in engineering part of design. The paper presents selected problems related to the modeling of the dynamic construction of footbridges. Several basic dynamic problems concerning...
Investigating Noise Interference on Speech Towards Applying the Lombard Effect Automatically
PublicationThe aim of this study is two-fold. First, we perform a series of experiments to examine the interference of different noises on speech processing. For that purpose, we concentrate on the Lombard effect, an involuntary tendency to raise speech level in the presence of background noise. Then, we apply this knowledge to detecting speech with the Lombard effect. This is for preparing a dataset for training a machine learning-based...
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials
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Dynamic Relationships Management Journal
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ISO test track influence on the EU tyre label noise value
PublicationIn 2009, the European Union (EU) introduced a directive governing the labelling of tyres, which underwent revision in 2020. This labelling system encompasses three key parameters related to tyre performance: wet grip (safety), rolling resistance (energy consumption), and external rolling noise (environmental impact). These label values serve as crucial information for customers seeking to purchase replacement tyres for their vehicles....
Contribution of dynamic vehicle loads to pavement failure
PublicationPavement surfaces are not ideally even, which causes dynamic loads of vehicle axles. Distribution of dynamic loads of a given axle is similar to normal distribution and can be described by static load and dynamic load coefficient. The dynamic load coefficient depends on road profile, vehicle speed, properties of suspensions and static load of axle. While for a given road section road profile remains constant, vehicle speed and...
Modeling the effect of electric vehicles on noise levels in the vicinity of rural road sections
PublicationNumerous European countries experience a steady increase in the share of electric (EV) and hybrid electric (HEV) vehicles in the traffic stream. These vehicles, often referred to as low- or zero-emission vehicles, significantly reduce air pollution in the road environment. They also have a positive effect on noise levels in city centers and in the surroundings of low-speed roads. Nevertheless, issues related to modeling noise from...
Tyre/road noise measurements on ISO tracks using the modified CPX method
PublicationTyre rolling noise test method specified in the UNECE Regulation 117 is directly used in the Tyre Labelling Directive. Noise level specified on EU Tyre Label of each new tyre available on the European market was determined based on vehicle coast-by noise measurements performed on the standard reference road surface proscribed in the ISO 10844:2014. Available data from investigations by the vehicle and tyre industry and results...
Tracking of the broadband source of the underwater noise in the very shallow water conditions
PublicationThe paper contains the result s, both theoretical and experimental , connected with the tracking of the underwater noise source as small ships, pontoon , diver and so on. The pro blem of security in the shallow water area is the challenge for underwater acousticians. In this paper there is take n into account the detection of the sources that move on the surface of the sea or underwater in shallow...
Tire/Road Noise On Poroelastic Road Surfaces - Results Of Laboratory Measurements
PublicationTire/road noise is the most important part of traffic noise for medium and high speed driving both in the case of passenger cars and trucks. The potential to make modification of tires that significantly reduce tire/road noise in nearly over, at least for conventional tires so the only promising action is to improve road pavements. One of the innovative solutions is poroelastic road pavement (PERS) that reduces airflow related...
Reduction of noise and rolling resistance by horizontal grinding of asphalt pavements
PublicationGrinding of cement concrete pavements to reduce unevenness and noise is common since a long time. Grinding is then made with wheels equipped with diamond blades rotating in the vertical plane. This creates narrow vertical/longitudinal grooves in the pavement. It is not applied to asphalt pavements. In this paper an alternative type of grinding is studied. In this case plates with diamond heads rotate in the same plane as the pavement,...
The importance of the bottom layer in double-layer porous asphalt for noise reduction
PublicationDouble-layer porous asphalt concrete (DPAC) surfaces are generally considered to be the acoustically most effective low noise road surfaces ready for implementation. While DPAC used on highways in warm climates may have an average life of around 8 years, in Scandinavia with severe winter climate DPAC usually survive only about 3 years; partly due to wear of studded tyres. An ongoing project in Sweden, applying DPAC and single-layer...
Dynamic Content Internationalization in Web Applications
PublicationThis paper shows a concept for providing dynamic internationalization to web applications. Presented work is based on the Java Web Platform but described concepts can be successfully implemented on other platforms. It shows how textual data being part of web pages static and dynamic content can be localized dynamically during application runtime. All concepts presented were or are still being developed in an existing conference...
Dynamic Research of Masonry Vault in a Technical Scale
PublicationThe paper presents preliminary results of dynamic tests of the masonry barrel vault in a technical scale. Experimental studies are intended to identify material properties of homogenized masonry vaults under dynamic loads. The aim of the work is to create numerical models to analyse vault’s dynamic response to dynamic loads in a simplest and accurate way. The process of building the vault in a technical scale is presented in the...
Performance Analysis of the "Intelligent" Kirchhoff-Law–Johnson-Noise Secure Key Exchange
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Wpływ nadmiarowych danych wejściowych na jakość map rozbieżności pozyskanych za pomocą układu pięciu kamer w konfiguracji EBMCS
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy zastosowania układu kamer typu EBMCS (Equal Baseline Multiple Camera Set) składającego się z kamery centralnej oraz kamer bocznych. Na podstawie zdjęć wykonanych za pomocą tego układu można otrzymać mapy rozbieżności (ang. disparity map), które pozwalają na określenie odległości od kamer do obiektów znajdujących się w ich polu widzenia. Mapy te są wyższej jakości niż mapy otrzymane za pomocą kamery stereoskopowej....
PublicationBy means of a special simulation tool, the noise emission of a high-capacity heavy vehicle (11 axles) was compared to that of a classic heavy vehicle (a truck-dolly-semitrailer with 8 axles). The two cases are designated “Extended vehicle” versus “Classic vehicle” in this study, having total lengths of 34 and 25 m, respectively. The Classic vehicle represents the most common articulated heavy vehicle configuration for transport...
Separability Assessment of Selected Types of Vehicle-Associated Noise
PublicationMusic Information Retrieval (MIR) area as well as development of speech and environmental information recognition techniques brought various tools in-tended for recognizing low-level features of acoustic signals based on a set of calculated parameters. In this study, the MIRtoolbox MATLAB tool, designed for music parameter extraction, is used to obtain a vector of parameters to check whether they are suitable for separation of...
Signal conditioning for examination of shallow-water acoustic noise correlation properties
PublicationThe article describes the process of signal conditioning for examination of acoustic noise correlation properties in shallow water. Knowledge of these properties is very important for the design processes of passive and active hydroacoustic systems. This paper focuses on the above issue from the point of view of passive sonar. In sonar systems, signal processing algorithms operate on both useful acoustic signals, and accompanying...
Road noise mapping in the city area: measurements compared to model-based estimations
PublicationThe paper presents an approach to the verification of noise prediction models in selected localization in the city of Gdansk. The experiments described include a comparison between environmentalmeasurement results performed in the terrain and the noise level prediction results. The NMPB-96 (Nouvelle Méthode de Prévision du Bruit) and Harmonoise models outcomes provide the subject ofthe analysis. The proposed solution of continuous...
Low-frequency noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons
PublicationWe report the results of the investigation of low-frequency electronic noise in ZrS3 van der Waals semiconductor nanoribbons. The test structures were of the back-gated field-effect-transistor type with a normally off n-channel and an on-to-off ratio of up to four orders of magnitude. The current–voltage transfer characteristics revealed significant hysteresis owing to the presence of deep levels. The noise in ZrS3 nanoribbons...
Application of autoencoder to traffic noise analysis
PublicationThe aim of an autoencoder neural network is to transform the input data into a lower-dimensional code and then to reconstruct the output from this code representation. Applications of autoencoders to classifying sound events in the road traffic have not been found in the literature. The presented research aims to determine whether such an unsupervised learning method may be used for deploying classification algorithms applied to...
Dynamic ranking of cloud providers
PublicationThe paper focuses on how to create an effective dynamic ranking service for IaaS,PaaS and SaaS cloud providers. It considers building of a quality model for thispurpose along with definition of quality measurement procedures. The paper discussesseveral techniques known from already existing price comparison engines that couldbe modified and adopted for comparison of cloud providers. Furthermore, a tech-nique for filtering measured...
Certification of vehicles used for tire/road noise evaluation by CPX method
PublicationJednym ze sposobów oceny hałasu opon i nawierzchni drogowych jest metda CPX polegająca na pomiarze hałasu w polu bliskim miejsca współpracy opony z nawierzchnią. Aby uzyskać wysoką dokładność pomiarów niezbędne jest ustanowienie procedur ustanowienie procedur certyfikacyjnych sprzętu pomiarowego a więc głównie pojazdu badawczego. Praca dotyczy procedur certyfikacyjnych wypracowanych przez Grupę Roboczą WG33 ISO/TC43/SC1 oraz w...
Visual Traffic Noise Monitoring in Urban Areas
PublicationThe paper presents an advanced system for railway and road traffic noise monitoring in metropolitan areas. This system is a functional part of a more complex solution designed for environmental monitoring in cities utilizing analyses of sound, vision and air pollution, based on a ubiquitous computing approach. The system consists of many autonomous, universal measuring units and a multimedia server, which gathers, processes and...