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Search results for: EARLY STAGE OF INJECTION
High-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine with flow bleeding in a novel thermodynamic cycle for decarbonizing power generation
PublicationIn the global pursuit of sustainable energy and reduced carbon footprints, advances in power generation techniques play a crucial role, not only in meeting the ever-increasing energy demands but also in ensuring that environmental standards are maintained and that the health of our planet is prioritized for future generations. In the ongoing quest for sustainable energy solutions, novel high-speed multi-stage gas-steam turbine...
Minute and diverse in fossil sticky stuff: Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae) from early Eocene Indian Cambay amber
PublicationWe here present a pioneering systematic review of fossil dipterans of the tribe Tanytarsini (family Chironomidae) discovered in Indian amber from Cambay. The specimens examined belong to five species: Gujaratomyia miripes, Stempellina stebneri sp. nov., Stempellinella pollex sp. nov., Tanytarsus forfex sp. nov. and Tanytarsus ramus sp. nov., which are described. All species belong to the oldest known Tanytarsini and come from the...
Overactive bladder treatment: application of methylene blue to improve the injection technique of onabotulinum toxin A
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Photocatalysis Involving a Visible Light-Induced Hole Injection in a Chromate(VI)–TiO2 System
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Update on Evidence and Directions in Temporomandibular Joint Injection Techniques: A Rapid Review of Primary Research
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Sensorless Field Oriented Control of Five Phase Induction Motor with Third Harmonic Injection
PublicationIn this paper, a sensorless field oriented control system of five-phase induction machine with the 3rd harmonic rotor flux is presented. Two vector models, α1-β1 and α3-β3, were transformed into d1-q1, d3-q3 models oriented in rotating frames, which correspond to the 1st and 3rd harmonic plane respectively. The authors proposed the linearization of the model in d-q coordinate frames by introducing a new variable “x” which is proportional...
Higher Absorption of Vitamin C from Food than from Supplements by Breastfeeding Mothers at Early Stages of Lactation
PublicationThe aim of the present study was to determine the effect of vitamin C supply in the diet of lactating women on vitamin C concentra¬tions in human milk (n = 97) sampled at different stages of lactation. Vitamin C levels were measured by liquid chromatography. Dietary intake of vitamin C was determined based on 3-day food dairies kept by breastfeeding mothers. Maternal dietary intakes of vitamin C from natural sources on lactation...
Design and experimental validation of a single-stage PV string inverter with optimal number of interleaved buck-boost cells.
PublicationIncreasing converter power density is a problem of topical interest. This paper discusses an interleaved approach of the efficiency increase in the buck-boost stage of an inverter with unfolding circuit in terms of losses in semiconductors, output voltage ripples and power density. Main trends in the power converter development are reviewed. A losses model was designed and used for the proposed solution to find an optimal number...
Tetrapod trackways from the early Middle Devonian period of Poland
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Man in Early Islamic Philosophy: Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi
PublicationMan was, neither for Al-Kindi, nor for Al-Farabi, a clearly isolated object of philosophical reflection. This does not mean, however, that both Islamic philosophers were not at all concerned with the uniqueness of man, his nature or the purpose of his existence. In order to understand and analyze in depth the philosophies of man voiced by Al-Kindi and Al-Farabi, one must focus primarily on their epistemologies, on their philosophical...
The activity of superoxide dismutases (SODs) at the early stages of wheat deetiolation
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Dynamics of Oxidative Damage at Early Stages of Estrogen-dependant Carcinogenesis
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Characterization of the natural chemical and osmotic environment of early wheat embryogenesis
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Early Oceanographical Data Collected by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk
PublicationThree data sets entitled Water currents in Głębinka Passage in late spring of 1975, Hydrometeorological and hydrochemical conditions in the Gulf of Gdańsk in the vicinity of Vistula river mouth in July of 1977, and Gulf of Gdańsk monitoring conducted by the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, in 1981–1994 contain archival field measurement results from the Gulf of Gdańsk (the southern Baltic). The data can be used...
A Translational Model to Improve Early Detection of Epithelial Ovarian Cancers
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Supply current spectrum estimation of digital cores at early design
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową aproksymacyjną metodę obliczania widma prądu zasilania układów cyfrowych. Metoda oparta jest na charakterystyce impulsów prądowych w kategoriach ich czasu narastania, opadania i długości impulsu. Górną granicę widma (obwiednię) można obliczyć posługując się gęstością prawdopodobieństwa zmian stanu sygnałów w węzłach układu cyfrowego. W odróżnieniu od znanych metod, metoda proponowana wykorzystuje ograniczoną...
Serum mass profile signature as a biomarker of early lung cancer
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Application of social relation graphs for early detection of transient spammers
PublicationWczesne wykrywanie społecznych zagrożeń i anomalii jest prawdziwym wyzwaniem w dzisiejszch, dynamicznych społeczeństwach. Ludzie tworzą skoplikowane relacje społeczne, które mogą być przedstawione za pomocą różnych typów grafów, których wierzchołki reprezentować mogą aktorów sieci (konkretne osoby lub organizacje) a krawędzie relacje pomiędzy nimi. Analiza tych dynamicznie zmieniających się relacji może wskazywać na niektóre nadciągające...
The Analysis of Patients' Airflow with Respect to Early Detection of Sleep Apnea
PublicationThe paper discusses the analysis of the respiratory events of sleep apnea patients. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the patient's airflow. As a result of the conducted analysis we proposed an algorithm which establishes an individual respiratory pattern for each subject. The algorithm could be implemented in the measurement - control system which manages the prosthetic device applying positive airway pressure. Its...
Two-stage method of impulsive noise detection for audio signals
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowa dwuetapową metodę detekcji zakłóceń impulsowych opartą na analizie funkcji gęstości rozkładu prawdopodobieństwa zakłóconego sygnału. Opisano algorytm określania poziomu wyzwalania detektora progowego.
Multi-stage freezing of HEUR polymer networks with magnetite nanoparticles
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Brentuximab Vedotin with Chemotherapy for Stage III or IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
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Stress strain relations and modulus of elascity of two stage concrete.
PublicationOmówiono badania doświadczalne przeprowadzone dla betonu dwuetapowego. Beton wykonano z trzech różnych kruszyw przy zastosowaniu trzech różnych proporcji w/c i c/p. Wyznaczono związki pomiędzy naprężeniami i odkształceniami. Na drodze statystycznej opracowano wzory umożliwiające wstępne szacowanie wartości siecznego modułu Younga. Ponieważ metoda dwuetapowa pozwala na zachowanie kontaktu pomiędzy poszczególnymi elementami kamiennego...
Influence of grout proportions on modulus of elascity of two-stage concrete
PublicationOmówiono badania doświadczalne przeprowadzone dla betonu dwuetapowego. Beton wykonano z kruszywa otoczakowego przy zastosowaniu trzech różnych proporcji w/c i c/p. Na drodze statystycznej opracowano prosty wzór umożliwiający wstępne szacowanie wartości siecznego modułu Younga. Ponieważ metoda dwuetapowa pozwala na zachowanie kontaktu pomiędzy poszczególnymi elementami kamiennego szkieletu wypełniającego formę, wytrzymałość uzyskanego...
PublicationThis paper shortly presents the issue of utilization of ships after their withdrawal from service. Information on number of floating units liquidated in previous years was presented. Hazards to the environment , health and life of workers employed in the Far East ship scrapping yards operating on the beaches, were indicated. Then, the most important rules which have to make the ship recycling process safe were referred to. This...
Reliability and efficiency of pollution removal during long-term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a study of the reliability and efficiency of pollutant removal during long term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with horizontal flow. The flow rate of the wastewater treatment plant was 1.2 m3·d-1 during the research period. Physical and chemical analyses of raw wastewater and treated effluent were carried out in the years 1997–2010 (14 years). During this study period, 56 series...
Sprawozdanie z udziału w ,,Stage technique international d’archives” we Francji, Paryż, Lyon 25 III–26 IV 2019 r.
PublicationSprawozdanie z udziału w stażu technicznym dla archiwistów - Stage technique international d'archives w 2019 r.
Variable‐fidelity modeling of antenna input characteristics using domain confinement and two‐stage Gaussian process regression surrogates
PublicationThe major bottleneck of electromagnetic (EM)-driven antenna design is the high CPU cost of massive simulations required by parametric optimization, uncertainty quantification, or robust design procedures. Fast surrogate models may be employed to mitigate this issue to a certain extent. Unfortunately, the curse of dimensionality is a serious limiting factor, hindering the construction of conventional data-driven models valid over...
Double-stage ORC system based on various temperature waste heat sources of the negative CO2 power plant
PublicationAnalysed is the modification of the thermodynamic cycle with the negative CO2 power plant concept by its combination with the organic Rankine cycle. The analysed power plant operates on a gas produced from the gasification of sewage sludge. The negative emission term comes from the aggregated CO2 balance resulting from the capture of the CO2, while the sewage sludge is one of the inevitable environmental sources of CO2 to be avoided....
Impact response of novel layered two stage fibrous composite slabs with different support type
PublicationThe performance of novel Layered Two Stage Fibrous Composite slabs (LTSFC) was pioneered under falling mass collisions using a combined experimental and numerical study. Such LTSFC slabs consist of three layers with and without the insertion of glass fibre mesh between the layers. LTSFC techniques were used to fabricate the composite slabs with three layers including 3%, 1.5%, and 3% of fibre content for the top, middle, and...
Influence of the Multiple Injection Moulding and Composting Time on the Properties of Selected Packaging and Furan-Based Polyesters
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Injection of charge into the archetype organics hole transporting material TPD at the electrical contacts with ITO and Al
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano dokładną analizę charakterystyk polowo-prądowych jednowarstwowych układów kwarc/ITO/TPD/Al oraz kwarc/Al1/TPD/Al2, zawierających próżniowo naparowane warstwy pochodnej diaminy (TPD) używane powszechnie jako materiał przewodzący dziury w organicznych diodach elektroluminescencyjnych. Prądy są zdominowane przez iniekcję dziur niezależnie od polaryzacji kontaktów elektrycznych. Oprócz oczywistej asymetrii w...
Injection of charge into the archetype organic hole transporting material TPD at the electrical contacts with ITO and Al
PublicationW pracy opisano mechanizm przewodnictwa ciemnego w układzie ITO/warstwa TPD/Al oraz Al/warstwa TPD/Al, gdzie TPD oznacza dwaminę powszechne stosowaną jako transporter dziur w organicznych diodach EL.
Development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace
PublicationThis research is focused on the development and experimental validation of a novel double-stage yield steel slit damper-buckling restrained brace (SSD-DYB) system designed for seismic resistance of steel structures. The SSD-DYB integrates the energy dissipation capability of a steel slit damper (SSD) in its initial segment, enhancing performance in the case of lower seismic intensities levels while employing a larger segment for...
Origin of bitumen fractions in the Jurassic-early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation in Argentina: insights from organic petrography and geochemical techniques
PublicationThis paper investigates chemical functional groups of the two extracted bitumen fractions in shales of the Jurassic to early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation of the Neuquén Basin in Argentina, South America. The results indicate that Bitumen I is strongly aliphatic and appears to be genetically related to fluorescent amorphous organic matter. In contrast, Bitumen II consists of highly condensed, aromatic hydrocarbons, and has some...
K-ras gene mutation as an early prognostic marker of colon cancer
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Chemometric Evaluation of THz Spectral Similarity for the Selection of Early Drug Candidates
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The usefulness of nasopharyngoscopy in the diagnostics and treatment planning for patients with early glottic cancer
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Regulation of the switch from early to late bacteriophage λ DNA replication
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Pathologies of a horse skeleton from the early medieval stronghold in Gdańsk (Poland)
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The Utility of Novel Kidney Injury Biomarkers in Early Detection of CSA-AKI
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Multi-Criteria Early Warning System Against Enteprise Bankruptcy Risk
PublicationW artykule tym autor porównuje skuteczność opracowanego przez niego wielokryterialnego systemu wczesnego ostrzegania firm z tradycyjnym modelem analizy dyskryminacyjnej prognozowania upadłości. System wczesnego ostrzegania oparty został na metodzie logiki rozmytej. Badania te są jedną z pierwszych prób na świecie wykorzystania logiki rozmytej w prognozowaniu zagrożenia bankructwem firm. Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o dużym potencjale...
The Influence of Cement Type on Early Properties of Cold In-Place Recycled Mixtures
PublicationCold in-place recycling is a commonly used maintenance treatment in rehabilitation of low and medium volume roads in Poland. Typically, two types of binding agents are used—cement and bituminous emulsion (or foamed bitumen).Due to the harsh Polish climate with many freeze/thaw cycles and frequent occurrence of saturated conditions, the used amounts of cement are higher than those commonly used in warmer parts of Europe. While there...
Breastfeeding as a regulating factor of the development of the intestinal microbiome in the early stages of life
PublicationSince the first bacterial inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal tract were identified, a lot of research into the study of the human microbiome and its effects on health has been conducted. Currently, it is accepted that humans have a symbiotic relationship with the gut microbiome, though the specifics of this relationship are not well understood. The microbiome of neonates constantly changes and appears to influence many facets...
Early prediction of macrocrack location in concrete and other granular composite materials
PublicationHeterogeniczne kruche kompozyty, takie jak beton, ceramika i skały składają się z ziaren połączonych wiązaniami. Pytanie, czy ścieżka pęknięcia, która prowadzi do zniszczenia może być przewidziania na podstawie znanych cech mikrostrukturalnych, a mianowicie łączności wiązań, rozmiaru, energii pękania, wytrzymałości pozostają otwarte. Istnieje wiele kryteriów pęknięć. Najczęściej używane są oparte na postulowanym ekstremum naprężenia...
Experimental ORC micro-power plant for CHP application Part B: Radial and Multi-stage axial turbines
PublicationThe co-generative micro-power plant with the HFE7100 applied as a working medium was designed and built for experimental investigations. Special attention is paid to a micro-turbine which was built and tested in two variants: a radial turbine and an axial turbine. A concept of a radial turbine with 2 centripetal and 2 centrifugal stages is shown. This prototype was equipped with an aerostatic gas bearing and, alternatively, with...
Global dynamics in a stage-structured discrete-time population model with harvesting
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Compact scheduling of zero–one time operations in multi-stage systems
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Modeling of a re-heat two-stage adsorption chiller by AI approach