Search results for: ENTREPRENEURS
Manager competency assessment model in the conditions of industry 4.0
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Perception of 'Green Shipping' in the contemporary conditions
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Klauzula obejścia prawa podatkowego a zasada in dubio pro tributario: zależności i kontrowersje,
PublicationOd stycznia 2016 r. do przepisów Ordynacji podatkowej wprowadzono zasadę rozstrzygania wątpliwości na korzyść podatnika. Oczekuje się, że w I kwartale tego roku wprowadzona zostanie również kontrowersyjna zasada określana mianem klauzuli obejścia prawa podatkowego. Celem opracowania jest wykazanie, w jaki sposób mogłyby obok siebie egzystować zupełnie skrajne dwa rozwiązania: zasady in dubio pro tributario, stawiające w sprawach...
Development of proximity in cluster organizations
PublicationSustainable development in cluster organizations (COs) is most fully manifested in the synergy effect. In turn, the synergy effect is achieved thanks to the development of proximity among cluster entities. The purpose of the paper is to test two conceptual models reflecting relations between selected dimensions of proximity in cluster organizations. The author reports the findings of a quantitative study conducted in four COs....
The role of resilience in explaining hotel growth: A fuzzy-set QCA approach
PublicationPurpose: Due to the detrimental effects of the recent pandemic on the hotel sector, hotel resilience research and its impact on hotel recovery have received lots of academic attention. However, a sustainable perspective on hotel resilience, as an approach for investigating its impact on long-term hotel growth, has been largely overlooked in the hospitality resilience literature. Therefore, this paper aims to address the research...
Becoming a Learning Organization Through Dynamic Business Process Management
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Innovations in Polish family firms. Exploring employee creativity and management practices that stimulate innovative thinking
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New Public Governance as a new wave of the public policy: theoretical approach and conceptualization of the trend
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Relationships between Trust and Collaborative Culture in The Context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing
PublicationThe literature review presents a lot of theoretical and empirical evidence that Trust affects Collaborative Culture. The opposite also proves to be true: Collaborative Culture influences Trust. The main hypothesis presented in this paper says that both these factors are strongly correlated and modify each other. This study examines the mutual relationship of the said variables in the context of Tacit Knowledge Sharing based on...
Responsive and proactive market orientation and hospital financial performance: The mediating effect of service program innovativeness
PublicationPURPOSE: The study aims to investigate the direct and indirect relationships among market orientation, service program innovativeness, and the financial performance of hospitals. Two types of market orientation – responsive and proactive – were considered, along with two dimensions of service program innovativeness: meaningfulness and novelty. METHODOLOGY: T he study gathered data through a survey conducted on a random sample of...
Entrepreneurial intentions of students from Latvia, Poland, and Ukraine: The role of perceived entrepreneurial education results
PublicationOur main aim is to establish which factors influence entrepreneurial intentions, with a particular focus on the role of entrepreneurial education and university support in Central and Eastern European countries (CEE). To verify hypotheses quantitative research was conducted using surveys among 2,085 first-year undergraduate students from three technical universities in three countries: Latvia, Poland and Ukraine. The results of...
Testing Students’ Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy as an Early Predictor of Entrepreneurial Activities. Evidence From the SEAS Project
PublicationOver the last forty years, since Bandura (1977) introduced the concept of self-efficacy, there have been a constantly growing number of research publications using this concept. Its early development resulted in the creation of a new construct of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) proposed for the first time by (Chen et al. 1998). Since then, many different groups of research concerning ESE have emerged - one of them is the study...
The Perception of an Entrepreneur’s Structural, Relational and Cognitive Social Capital among Young People in Poland - An Exploratory Study
PublicationThe goal of the current paper is to verify how an entrepreneur’s structural, relational and cognitive social capital levels are perceived by young people in Poland. The research involved a group of 374 undergraduate business students from a Polish university as participants. Participants completed a survey on entrepreneurial cognitions. It was found that participants assess the level of an entrepreneur’s social capital as relatively...
The managerial role in organizational culture as perceived by management students
PublicationThis paper aims at illustrating the multidimensional role of the manager and its mutual influence on organizational culture from amanagement students’ perspective. The main part of the text was based on own qualitative research – interviews, a questionnaire, and a narrative collage – which was conducted over a 10 year period among management students. Ninety-seven students from the Jagiellonian University and the Gdańsk University...
The congruence of mental models in entrepreneurial teams – implications for performance and satisfaction in teams operating in an emerging economy
PublicationPurpose – The paper aims to explore the relationship between the congruence of mental models held by the members of entrepreneurial teams operating in an emerging economy (Poland) and entrepreneurial outcomes (performance and satisfaction). Design/methodology/approach – The data obtained from 18 nascent and 20 established entrepreneurial teams was analysed to answer hypotheses. The research was quantitative and was conducted using...
Use of structural equation modeling in quantitative research in the field of management and economics: A bibliometric analysis in the systematic literature review
PublicationPURPOSE: This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of scholarly research focusing on using quantitative methods and particularly structural equation modeling (SEM) in management and economics studies, as well as provide a bibliometric agenda including the time horizon of individual publications, the highest citation rate, geographic and industry areas, methodological context, and keywords. METHODOLOGY: A systematic literature...
Paid work activity and entrepreneurial cognitions of students – evidence from European emerging economies
PublicationPurpose – This paper aims to investigate whether paid work activity (PWA) experience of students from five emerging economies is related to academic results and self-assessment of possessed entrepreneurial traits. Additionally, the authors verify the relationship between obtaining work experience and the willingness to start own business among students. Design/methodology/approach – Participants included 3,631 students of the first...
Proximity and Innovation in Clusters: How Close, How Far?
PublicationThe concept of proximity, whilst attractive cognitively, is still a poorly explored area in management sciences. The earliest publications on proximity were published at the end of the twentieth century and the development of this concept was strongly influenced by The French School of Proximity (Kirat & Lung, 1999; Rallet & Torre, 1999; Torre & Gilly, 2000; Carrincazeaux et al., 2001; Torre & Rallet, 2005). However, the most influential...
Innovation by proxy – clusters as ecosystems facilitating open innovation
PublicationOpen innovation is a concept, whose attributes can be perceived as naturally complementing the proximity-based offer of clusters. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the potential role of clusters as intermediaries of open innovation for cluster members. A literature review and an exploratory study were performed, involving in-depth interviews with experts in the field of innovation and clusters in Poland. This article...
A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions
PublicationA pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...
Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.
PeopleBorn on 5th of April, 1965 in Gdansk. In 1987-1991 studied the economics of transport, at the University of Gdansk. At 1993 she started to work at the Faculty of Management and Economics. In 1997 received a PhD at the faculty, in 2006 habilitation at the Faculty of Management, University of Gdansk. Since 2009 Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. In 2010-2012 Associate Professor of Humanistic High School at Gdansk. The...
Tax system in Poland - current situation and direction of changes
Open Research DataThe study conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs from various regions of Poland concerns the opinions of business owners on the current tax situation, as well as potential changes in the tax system.
Use of tax incentives and exemptions - study results
Open Research DataThe study was conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs from various regions of Poland. Tha analysis is concerned on aspects related to the level of use of tax incentives in companies. The results contain the following aspects: how often entrepreneurs benefit from tax breaks and exemptions and why are they reluctant to take economic and business advantage...
Potential direction of changes in tax incentives
Open Research DataThe study conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs concerned exploring the potential direction of changes in the scope of the tax incentive system in Poland. The results of the study include answers to questions about the mechanisms of tax reliefs used so far, as well as the potentialn direction of changes in this respect.
Angelica Pegani mgr
PeopleShe has several years of professional experience in the private and non-governmental sectors and in State Treasury companies. In the years 2020-2024 she was associated with companies from the PKN ORLEN Group. She was the author and co-author of several monographs, a chapter in a monograph, and articles published in peer-reviewed scientific materials during her doctoral studies. During her education she participated in several dozen...
The Structure of Entrepreneurial Team Members’ Competencies: Between Effectuation and Causation
PublicationA conscious shaping of entrepreneurial competence is a relevant element of entrepreneurial education. In order to recognize which of the competencies regarded as entrepreneurial are characteristic of members of entrepreneurial teams, which is crucial for the work of those teams, it is necessary to identify the structure of those competencies. This quantitative study was conducted with the use of a survey method and involved 111...
The Impact of EU Funds on the Development of Business Environment Institutions – Research Results in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland
PublicationThe paper presents the main findings of the research conducted to assess the impact of EU funds on development of business environment infrastructure in Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland, and – indirectly – on the growth of the innovation capacity of Pomeranian entrepreneurs. The research shows that support of ROP PV 2007-2013 contributed to the creation of multifunctional business infrastructure throughout the Pomorskie Voivodship,...
The level of Knowledge and use of tax exemptions for R&D activities
Open Research DataThe following research data contains the answers of 259 entrepreneurs to questions regarding tax reliefs and exemptions for research and development activities. As part of the study answers to the following questions were obtained:Have you ever used the tax relief for new technologies / R&D?Has your company acquired a license / software (intangible...
Tax system in Poland - current situation and direction of changes
Open Research DataThe study conducted on a group of 259 entrepreneurs from various regions of Poland concerns the opinions of business owners on the current tax situation, as well as potential changes in the tax system.
Smart Innovation Engineering System - A Tool for Facilitating Product Innovation Process
PublicationFor the survival and prosperity of the manufacturing unit, entrepreneurs need to find out new ideas that can be implemented in the products leading to innovation. The current study employs a systematic approach for product innovation. In this approach past experiences based on innovation decisions are stored and recalled during the innovation problem solving process. Implementing this system in the process of product innovation...
Entrepreneurial Education and Attitude among Young Generations in a Gender perspective: the Case of Polish Education System
PublicationThis article is an attempt to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of young people: male and female students of Polish high schools and universities. The author makes an effort to verify the impact of the exposure to the business education and entrepreneurs on the decision to start-up. Special emphasis will be placed on the gender differences when discussing a respective factors’...
Entrepreneurial education and attitudes among young generations in a gender perspective: the case of Polish educational system
PublicationThis paper is an attempt to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of young people: male and female students of Polish high schools and universities. The author makes an effort to verify the impact of the exposure to the business education and entrepreneurs on the decision to start-up. Special emphasis will be placed on the gender differences when discussing a respective factors’...
Wojciech Wyrzykowski dr hab.
PeopleWojciech Wyrzykowski is an employee of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. He is the author of 70 scientific publications, including 5 monographs, and co-author of 7 monographs. The most important of them reflecting the author's scientific interests include: Tax conditions for the development of entrepreneurship in Poland, Taxes in Poland - outline of the...
Business applications of geolocation - modern solutions and trends
PublicationThe technological development of geolocation systems has resulted in the utilization of physical location of users by a growing number of entrepreneurs. As mobile technology develops, the use of geolocation in business is becoming widespread with a new range of geomarketing techniques. Entrepreneurs therefore more often utilize geolocation in their promotional and operational activities. In this article mobile-based geolocation...
Attitude and self-esteem versus entrepreneurial intention among young in Poland
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is to present the relation between intentions to become an entrepreneurs among young polish people and the two factors with possible influence on it: self-efficacy and attitude towards entrepreneurship. Two groups of young people were examined: students enrolling the Management Faculty at Gdańsk University of Technology, and pupil from high schools, attending "Entrepreneurship" classes. It appeared that...
Małgorzata Gawrycka dr hab.
PeopleMałgorzata Gawrycka, a graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk, PhD in economics. From 2012-2020, deputy dean for teaching at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Currently Dean of the Faculty. Scientific interests focus on issues related to the macroeconomic policy of the state. In particular, the problems of the situation on the labour market, demographic changes,...
Growth Orientation of Women and Men Owners of Micro Firms in the Pomerianian Region
PublicationDespite the fact that research on women’s entrepreneurship has been conducted for many years, still many clear answers to questions about the differences between entrepreneurs of both genders are missing. One of the unresolved issues is the performance of women in entrepreneurship. The aim of the study is to investigate the growth orientation of microenterprises operating in the Pomeranian region in Poland and to compare its level...
CSR and small business from the international and national perspective
PublicationCorporate and social responsibility is nowadays quite a popular topic among large companies but thanks to numerous popularization activities undertaken by national and international institutions, also small entrepreneurs become more and more interested in exploring this fairly new approach. This paper outlines the main differences between the implementation of the CSR approach in large companies and in SMEs, which are not able...
CSR in Polish SMEs from the Women Perspective
PublicationThis paper presents the implementation of the CSR approach among Polish small and medium enterprises, taking into account gender issues. It offers also a kind of evaluation of the national context of women entrepreneurship combined with a wider and deeper analysis of the CSR solutions that may be adressed to both, women, workers and women entrepreneurs.
PublicationSmart City Concept in the Context of Enterpreneurship Development in Suburban Areas. Supporting innovation and knowledge within economic development, these are the goals of public managers, enthusiasts of the Smart City concept. It is questioned whether this concept is the best solution for regional development and efficient support to local entrepreneurship based on SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Moreover, the results of...
Mariusz Zaborowski dr
PeopleMariusz Zaborowski is an assistant professor in the Department of Entrepreneurship at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2016, he obtained a doctoral degree in economics in the field of management sciences. His interests focus on the issues of entrepreneurs on the public procurement market, the issues of barriers to public procurement, and the organization of public procurement and...
Programmes to Combat the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kazakhstan and Ukraine and Unemployment
PublicationThe following article presents economic programmes to combat the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysed programmes were undertaken by the governments of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. They contributed to reducing unemployment in both countries. The findings of Ukrainian researchers focused mainly on estimating losses in the SME sector, especially in the hotel, tourism and transport sectors. Scientific literature in Kazakhstan...
Zasady efektuacji w działaniach początkujących przedsiębiorców
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy efektuacyjnego, dynamicznego modelu przedsiębiorczości stanowiącego odpowiedź na wymagania zmiennego, niepewnego otoczenia biznesowego, w którym funkcjonują współcześni przedsiębiorcy. We wcześniejszych badaniach, obejmujących stosowanie pięciu zasad efektuacji w prowadzeniu firm, różni autorzy odnosili się głównie do dojrzałych przedsiębiorców, charakteryzujących się doświadczeniem w zakładaniu i prowadzeniu własnego...
Employees 55+ - valuable resource in SMEs
PublicationThe article relates to the problem of exploiting the potential of workers aged 55 years or more to build the competitiveness of the SME sector. The aim of the study was an attempt to formulate an answer to the question whether entrepreneurs and managers are able to identify the potential of older workers and whether they use this potential to build the competitiveness of their enterprises. The article is based on the results of...
Skłonność do rywalizacji a intencje przedsiębiorcze – o różnicach międzypłciowych
PublicationAccording to the person-environment fit model people are more inclined to choose particular careers paths over other depending on their individual characteristics. They are also more likely to be satisfied with a career path that matches their characteristics and less likely to experience negative consequences including strain. In previous research several characteristics of entrepreneurs which differentiate them from non-entrepreneurs...
Regenarative tourism – between theory and practice
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this article is to present a shift in thinking in terms of implementing the systems and practices needed to transition to a regenerative approach in tourism. The article aims to provide concrete ways to change thinking and move towards a regenerative paradigm in the tourism industry. Design/methodology/approach: This viewpoint paper defines regenerative tourism and explores its principles and the possibilities...
A Semiautomatic Experience-Based Tool for Solving Product Innovation Problem
PublicationIn this paper we present the idea of Smart Innovation Engineering (SIE) System and its implementation methodology. The SIE system is semi-automatic system that helps in carrying the process of product innovation. It collects the experiential knowledge from the formal decisional events. This experiential knowledge is collected from the group of similar products having some common functions and features. The SIE system behaves like...
Effective Collaboration of Entrepreneurial Teams—Implications for Entrepreneurial Education
PublicationIn the situation of a permanent change and increased competition, business ventures are more and more often undertaken not by individuals but by entrepreneurial teams. The main aim of this paper is to examine the team principles implemented by eective entrepreneurial teams and how they dier in nascent and established teams. We also focused on the relationship between the implementation of these rules by entrepreneurial team members...
Beyond Finance: Enhancing Support for New Technology Start-up Founders
PublicationThe article addresses a gap in the literature by examining the stressors and challenges specific to new technology start-up founders, an under-researched group of entrepreneurs operating at the intersection of innovation and business. The study’s novelty lies in applying the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model to the venture capitalist-founder relationship, highlighting the importance of balancing high job demands with adequate...
PublicationPoniższy artykuł wskazuje na rosnącą liczbę przedsiębiorców w wieku okołoemerytalnym, tak w krajach europejskich, w tym w Polsce, jak i w USA. Wzrost ten wynika zarówno z rosnącej liczby osób w tej grupie wiekowej, które zakładają swoje firmy, jak i z rosnącej liczby osób, które prowadząc od wielu lat swoje firmy, nie zamierzają przejść na emeryturę. Z nielicznych badań wśród osób starszych prowadzących własne firmy wynika, że...