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Search results for: FLAT BAND POTENTIAL
Tests for lapping of flat surfaces of ceramic elements with forced dosing of abrasive slurry
PublicationPrzedstawiono zagadnienia dotyczące systemu wymuszonego dawkowania zawiesiny ściernej w docieraniu jednotarczowym powierzchni płaskich. Opisano zalety takiego systemu dozowania płynnej zawiesiny ściernej. Omówiono wybrane wyniki badań docierania elementów z ceramiki technicznej. Analizowano wpływ podstawowych warunków dawkowania zawiesiny na ubytek liniowy próbek.
Exploring the cocrystallization potential of urea and benzamide
PublicationThe cocrystallization landscape of benzamide and urea interacting with aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids was studied both experimentally and theoretically. Ten new cocrystals of benzamide were synthesized using an oriented samples approach via a fast dropped evaporation technique. Information about types of known bi-component cocrystals augmented with knowledge of simple binary eutectic mixtures was used for the analysis...
Antiviral and cell protective potential of bee bread samples
Open Research DataBee bread (BB) is a product of fermentation of bee-collected pollen and revealed a high nutritional value. Other bee products, such as honey and propolis, are known for their antiviral activity, but bee bread is still under investigation, thus its antiviral potential is still unspecified.
Surface-dependent biological potential of spherical silver nanoparticles
Open Research DataThe growing interest in silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is largely driven by their significant antimicrobial potential. As carriers of reactive silver ions on a nanoscale, AgNPs are considered excellent candidates for specific antibacterial strategies. Numerous scientific studies have highlighted that AgNPs are broad-spectrum antimicrobials, with their...
Cost‐efficient performance‐driven modelling of multi‐band antennas by variable‐fidelity electromagnetic simulations and customized space mapping
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM) simulations have become an indispensable tool in the design of contemporary antennas. EM‐driven tasks, for example, parametric optimization, entail considerable computational efforts, which may be reduced by employing surrogate models. Yet, data‐driven modelling of antenna characteristics is largely hindered by the curse of dimensionality. This may be addressed using the recently reported domain‐confinement...
Assessment of thermal and electrical performance of flat plate air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile – experimental and numerical studies
PublicationThe current state of development of the solar energy sector necessitates a new form of incentive for entities to invest in photovoltaic (PV) installations. Building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. Effective methods for heat recovery from BIPV/T collectors are searched for. Presented research experimentally and numerically considered the influence of cooling conditions on the electrical...
New potential functions for greedy independence and coloring
PublicationA potential function $f_G$ of a finite, simple and undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ is an arbitrary function $f_G : V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_0$ that assigns a nonnegative integer to every vertex of a graph $G$. In this paper we define the iterative process of computing the step potential function $q_G$ such that $q_G(v)\leq d_G(v)$ for all $v\in V(G)$. We use this function in the development of new Caro-Wei-type and Brooks-type...
Determination of terpene profiles in potential superfruits
PublicationThe aim of this work was to characterize and compare the profiles of volatile terpenes in four potential superfruits. These profiles were determined using headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography linked to time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The proposed technique allowed the separation and identification of 79 terpenes present in cape gooseberry, crabapple, cherry silver...
Global EM-Driven Optimization of Multi-Band Antennas Using Knowledge-Based Inverse Response-Feature Surrogates
PublicationElectromagnetic simulation tools have been playing an increasing role in the design of contemporary antenna structures. The employment of electromagnetic analysis ensures reliability of evaluating antenna characteristics but also incurs considerable computational expenses whenever massive simulations are involved (e.g., parametric optimization, uncertainty quantification). This high cost is the most serious bottleneck of simulation-driven...
Does the low optical band gap of yellow Bi3YO6 guarantee the photocatalytical activity under visible light illumination?
PublicationBi3YO6, which is known as an ionic conductor, was tested here as an electrode and photoanode in contact with aqueous electrolytes. Bi3YO6 was deposited onto the Pt substrate and the such prepared electrode was polarized in various aqueous electrolytes. The optical energy band gap of the material equal to 1.89 eV was determined using the Kubelka-Munk function resulting from the UV-Vis spectrum (allowed indirect transition) and also...
Born-Oppenheimer potential energy curves of the NaK molecule
Open Research DataAdiabatic potential energy curves (APEC) of the singlet (s) and triplet (t) Sigma+, Pi, and Delta electronic states have been calculated for the NaK molecule. All results of the presented molecular states have been obtained by the nonrelativistic multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) method used with pseudopotentials describing the interaction...
Effect of band gap on power conversion efficiency of single-junction semiconductor photovoltaic cells under white light phosphor-based LED illumination
PublicationOn the basis of the detailed balance principle, curves of efficiency limit of single-junction photovoltaic cells at warm and cool white light phosphor-based LED bulbs with luminous efficacy exceeding 100 lm/W have been simulated. The effect of energy band gap and illuminance on the efficiencies at warm and cool light is discussed. The simulations carried out show that maximum power conversion efficiency at 1000 lx reaches 52.0%...
The potential of web awareness as a determinant of dually defined customer value
PublicationIn the conditions of increasing demand barrier, the enterprise’s basic capital is customers. From an enterprise point of view, this means the need to create a dual perceived and defined customer value which remains related to market value (income and development potential) and customer resource value (reference, information and cooperative potential). The progressing digitisation process transfers business processes, and thus relationships, into...
Spin-Resolved Band Structure of Hoffman Clathrate [Fe(pz)2Pt(CN)4] as an Essential Tool to Predict Optical Spectra of Metal–Organic Frameworks
PublicationParamount spin-crossover properties of the 3D-Hoffman metalorganic framework (MOF) [Fe(pz)2Pt(CN)4] are generally described on the basis of the ligand field theory, which provides adequate insight into theoretical and simulation analysis of spintronic complexes. However, the ligand field approximation does not take into account the 3D periodicity of the actual complex lattice and surface effects and therefore cannot predict a full-scale...
On the Role of Polarimetric Decomposition and Speckle Filtering Methods for C-Band SAR Wetland Classification Purposes
PublicationPrevious wetlands studies have thoroughly verified the usefulness of data from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors in various acquisition modes. However, the effect of the processing parameters in wetland classification remains poorly explored. In this study, we investigated the influence of speckle filters and decomposition methods with different combinations of filter and decomposition windows sizes on classification accuracy....
Design-oriented computationally-efficient feature-based surrogate modelling of multi-band antennas with nested kriging
PublicationDesign of modern antenna structures heavily depends on electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. EM analysis provides reliable evaluation of increasingly complex designs but tends to be CPU intensive. When multiple simulations are needed (e.g., for parameters tuning), the aggregated simulation cost may become a serious bottleneck. As one possible way of mitigating the issue, the recent literature fosters utilization of faster representations,...
Optimizing Ni–Cr patterned boron-doped diamond band electrodes: Doping effects on electrochemical efficiency and posaconazole sensing performance
PublicationThere is growing interest in developing diamond electrodes with defined geometries such as, for example, micrometer-sized electrode arrays to acquire signals for electroanalysis. For electroanalytical sensing applications, it is essential to achieve precise conductive patterns on the insulating surface. This work provides a novel approach to boron-doped diamond patterning using nichrome masking for selective seeding on an oxidized...
RSS-Based DoA Estimation Using ESPAR Antenna for V2X Applications in 802.11p Frequency Band
PublicationIn this paper, we have proposed direction-of arrival (DoA) estimation of incoming signals for V2X applications in 802. 11p frequency band, based on recording of received signal strength (RSS) at electronically steerable parasitic array radiator (ESPAR) antenna's output port. The motivation of the work was to prove that ESPAR antenna used to increase connectivity and security in V2X communication can...
Reduced-cost surrogate modeling of input characteristics and design optimization of dual-band antennas using response features
PublicationIn this article, a procedure for low-cost surrogate modeling of input characteristics of dual-band antennas has been discussed. The number of training data required for construction of an accurate model has been reduced by representing the antenna reflection response to the level of suitably defined feature points. The points are allocated to capture the critical features of the reflection characteristic, such as the frequencies...
Expedited Feature-Based Quasi-Global Optimization of Multi-Band Antenna Input Characteristics with Jacobian Variability Tracking
PublicationDesign of modern antennas relies—for reliability reasons—on full-wave electromagnetic simulation tools. In addition, increasingly stringent specifications pertaining to electrical and field performance, growing complexity of antenna topologies, along with the necessity for handling multiple objectives, make numerical optimization of antenna geometry parameters a highly recommended design procedure. Conventional algorithms, particularly...
Band misplacement: a rare complication of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding
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Development of HFB with the Use of 2nd Order Pass-Band Filters
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Radio wave propagation conditions for terrestrial radiocommunications in the EHF band
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The regional energy transformation in the context of renewable energy sources potential
PublicationThe topics addressed in the article concern the problem of exploiting the potential of renewable energy sources (RES) at the regional level and the problem of the course of regional energy transition processes. Throughout the world, energy transition proceeds in a specific way for each country, due to the different potential of the selected RES and political, institutional and socio-economic conditions. Energy transition processes...
Significant Parameters Identification for Optimal Modelling of the Harp-Type Flat-Plate Solar Collector
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Changes in Muscle Pattern Activity during the Asymmetric Flat Bench Press (Offset Training)
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Investigations of hydraulic jump configured by a two phase air water jetimpinging on a flat plate.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych uskoku hydraulicznego powstającego przy napływie strugi uderzającej na powierzchnię płaskiej płyty.
Postępy w technologii docierania powierzchni płaskich = Development of flat surfaces lapping technology
PublicationPrzedstawiono stan badań docierania powierzchni płaskich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obróbki narzędziami spojonymi. Omówiono wyniki badań elementów ceramicznych docieranych narzędziami ścierno-metalowymi na bazie węglika boru. Analizowano ubytek liniowy elementów oraz parametry chropowatości powierzchni po docieraniu.
Intensification of thermal convection near electric devices using flat screens – computer modelling
PublicationIntensification of natural thermal convection near electric devices is possible by application of additional elements as screens creating convection canals close to the device. In the earlier authors paper the results of the analysis of thermal convection with the use of only one additional screen close to the electric device were presented. This paper presents computer modelling of thermal convection when two screens near the...
Problems associated with the up of actuating system of a single-disc lapping machine for flat surfaces
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań nagrzewania się podstawowych elementów układu wykonawczego docierarki jednotarczowej o standardowej kinematyce do obróbki powierzchni płaskich. Analizowano przyrost temperatury zespołu napędowego, rolek i pierścieni prowadzących separatory oraz tarczy docierającej i obrabianych elementów. Badano nagrzewanie się układu obróbkowego podczas wyrównywania żeliwnego narzędzia i docierania powierzchni płaskich....
Simulation of buckling process of cylindrical metal silos with flat sheets containing bulk solids.
PublicationW artykule symulowano proces wyboczenia w cylindrycznych metalowych silosach z płaskich blach wypełnionych materiałem sypkim. Wykonano analizy nieliniowe stosując MES dla silosów pustych i napełnionych. Zbadano wpływ wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych na nośność wyboczeniowo. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi w Uniwersytecie Karlsruhe.
A Novel Versatile Decoupling Structure and Expedited Inverse-Model-Based Re-Design Procedure for Compact Single-and Dual-Band MIMO Antennas
PublicationMultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas are considered to be the key components of fifth generation (5G) mobile communications. One of the challenges pertinent to the design of highly integrated MIMO structures is to minimize the mutual coupling among the antenna elements. The latter arises from two sources, the coupling in the free space and the coupling currents propagating on a ground plane. In this paper, an array of...
Quasirelativistic potential energy curves and transition dipole moments of NaRb
PublicationWe report on extensive calculations of quasi-relativistic potential energy curves and, for the first time, transition dipole moments including spin-orbit and scalar-relativistic effects of the NaRb molecule. The calculated curves of the 0+, 0-, 1, 2 and 3 molecular states correlate for large internuclear separation with the fourteen lowest atomic energies up to the Na(3s ^2S_{1/2}) + Rb(7s ^2S_{1/2}) atomic limit. Several new features...
Potential Energy Curves of Diatomic Alkali Molecules Datasets
PublicationThe datasets described in this article contain potential energy curves for several diatomic systems. The data was obtained via high-performance computing using MOLPRO, a system of ab initio programs for advanced molecular electronic structure calculations. The datasets allow to model bond lengths, energy levels, spectra and time-evolution of molecular dimers for which the data are presented.
Personal Entrepreneurial Potential in the Opinion of Young Women Entering the Labor Market
PublicationIn the current economic situation in Europe the need to stimulate entrepreneurship, with the special attention to develop the entrepreneurship among women, is clearly emphasized. The action is mostly taken to encourage the use of internal potential of possible future entrepreneurs. Do we know what the potential really is ? The presented article deals with the issues of women's entrepreneurship, demonstrating results of self assessment...
Potential energy curves, transition and permanent dipole moments of KRb
PublicationWe present extensive calculations of 48 adiabatic potential energy curves of the KRb molecule. Efforts have been focused on preparing the appropriate basis sets. Compared to previous approaches, the set of new potential energy curves is extended to higher excitations, including the single-excited K(4s2S)+Rb(5d2D) and double-excited K(4p2P)+Rb(5p2P) atomic limits. Larger distances between nuclei are also taken into account. New...
Phospholipids as potential prevention factor in carcinogenesis
PublicationPhospholipids are a group of complex lipids, which can be used in cancer chemoprevention. Glicerophospholipids are composed of fatty acids esterified to a glycerol backbone, a phosphate group and a hydrophilic residue such as: cho- line, ethanoloamine, serine or inositol. In the sn-2 position of glicerophospholipid usually there are unsaturated fatty acids, i.e. linolenic acid, while in the sn-1 position more typi- cal are saturated...
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-Based Dual-Band 28/38 GHz 5G MIMO Antenna with Modified Ground for Isolation and Bandwidth Improvement
PublicationThis letter presents a high-isolation dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna based on the ground plane modification and optimized metamaterials (MMs) for 5G millimeter-wave applications. The antenna is a monopole providing a dual-band response at 5G 28/38 bands with a small physical size (4.8 × 2.9 × 0.762 mm3, excluding the feeding line). The MIMO consists of two symmetric radiating elements arranged adjacently...
Therapeutic Potential of Multifunctional Derivatives of Cholinesterase Inhibitors
PublicationThe aim of this work is review of tacrine analogues from the last three years, which were not included in the latest review work, donepezil and galantamine hybrids from 2015 and rivastigmine derivatives from 2014. In this account we summarize the efforts toward the development and characterization of non-toxic inhibitors of cholinesterases based on mentioned drugs with various interesting additional properties such as antioxidant,...
Study of the Anti-Staphylococcal Potential of Honeys Produced in Northern Poland
PublicationThe antimicrobial activity of 144 samples of honeys including 95 products from apiaries located in Northern Poland was evaluated. The antibacterial activity of those natural products, their thermal stability, and activity in the presence of catalase was investigated by microdilution assays in titration plates. The MTT assay was performed for the determination of anti-biofilm activity. Spectrophotometric assays were used for the...
The Anti-Staphylococcal Potential of Ethanolic Polish Propolis Extracts
PublicationAbstract: The principal objective of this study was to determine the anti-staphylococcal potential of ethanol extracts of propolis (EEPs). A total of 20 samples of propolis collected from apiaries located in different regions of Poland were used in the study. The two-fold broth microdilution method revealed some important differences in the antimicrobial activity of investigated EEPs. Up to the concentration of 4096 µg/mL no activity...
Rapid Design Centering of Multi-Band Antennas Using Knowledge-Based Inverse Models and Response Features
PublicationAccounting for manufacturing tolerances as well as uncertainties concerning operating conditions and material parameters is one of the important yet often neglected aspects of antenna development. Appropriate quantification of uncertainties allows for estimating the fabrication yield but also to carry out robust design (e.g., yield maximization). For reliability reasons, statistical analysis should be executed at the accuracy level...
Essential oils as potential anti-staphylococcal agents
PublicationAntibiotic therapy of staphylococcal mastitis is characterized by significantly lower cure rates compared to infections caused by other microorganisms. Thus, it is necessary to search for new, alternative, non-antibiotic agents that are effective in the eradication of these bacteria. The aim of our research was to investigate the antimicrobial, especially anti-staphylococcal potential of a large collection (n=36) of essential oils...
The potential of urban agriculture in the revitalisation of a metropolis
PublicationIn Poland, the topic addressing urban areas of agricultural production and gardening activity is still viewed in two main blocks: 1) a shift of the urbanized zone’s boundaries, causing dispersion of suburban buildings as well as creates conflict zone between the residential area and the production and post-production zones; 2) a socially contentious issue of restructuring the inner-city complexes of former employee allotments....
Metrological characteristics of the flat voltammetric electrode in time domain with a reversible electrochemical reaction running on the surface
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono właściwości metrologiczne płaskich elektrod woltamperometrycznych. Omówiono wpływ napięcia polaryzującego na wartości parametrów charakteryzujących te elektrody.
Analysis of Roughness, the Material Removal Rate, and the Acoustic Emission Signal Obtained in Flat Grinding Processes
PublicationIn this work, the analysis of the acoustic emission (AE) signal in grinding processes is addressed. The proposed analysis method decomposes the acoustic signal into three frequency ranges. The total energy of each range is determined, as well as the highest frequency. Different grinding experiments were carried out, according to a full factorial design of experiments (DOE), in which feed speed, depth of cut, and transversal step...
Receiver block of antenna amplifier for WLAN systems in 5 GHz band
PublicationDwukierunkowe wzmacniacze antenowe (BDA) są często stosowane do zwiększania zasięgu łączności w sieciach bezprzewodowych WLAN. W artykule przedstawiono teorię, procedurę projektową oraz realizację części odbiorczej dwukierunkowego wzmacniacza do systemów WLAN na pasma 5GHz w standardach 802.11a i HiperLAN-2. Analizowano tylko te bloki, które wpływają na parametry toru odbiorczego. Aby ograniczyć koszt wzmacniacza wszystkie obwody...
A Study on Dual-band Microstrip Rectangular Patch Antenna for Wi-Fi
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A low-band gap, nitrogen-modified titania visible-light photocatalyst
PublicationFotokatalizatory tlenku tytanu(IV) zmodyfikowanego azotem zostały zsyntetyzowane poprzez ogrzewanie wodorotlenku tytanu i mocznika w temperaturze 400ºC. Otrzymane fotokatalizatory charakteryzują się silną absorpcją w zakresie promieniowania widzialnego (400-500 nm) odznaczając się niskimi wartościami energii pasma wzbronionego (2,20 i 2,46 eV). Aktywność fotokatalityczną w świetle widzialnym potwierdzono przeprowadzając reakcję...
PbGa2GeS6 crystal as a novel nonlinear optical material: Band structure aspects