total: 510
Search results for: HYBRID PROCESSING
PublicationAccurate control of cooling parameters is required in ever wider range of technical applications. It is known that reducing the flow hydraulic diameter to an increase in the economy of cooling and improves its quality (Mikielewicz and Muszyński 2009). Present study describes research results related to the design and construction of the test stand for hybrid microjet- microchannel cooling modules study, which may be applied in...
Utilisation of waste heat from the power plant by use of the ORC aided with bleed steam and extra source of heat
PublicationUtilization of waste heat recovered from the exhaust gases of the power generation unit by means of ORC (organic Rankine cycles) installation is considered. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water having temperature of 90 stC in the amount of 200 MWt. To increase evaporation temperaturę of ORC working fluid the heat of steam from the extraction points from the low-pressure part of steam turbine is used....
Energy Demand of Short-Range Inland Ferry with Series Hybrid Propulsion Depending on the Navigation Strategy
PublicationInterest in hybrid propulsion systems that can be used on small vessels has increased significantly in recent years. They can replace inefficient and environmentally burdensome conventional systems based on diesel engines. Hybrid propulsion has many advantages such as high energy efficiency and virtually noiseless operation, and therefore it fits well with the current trends of “green shipping” and “zero emission”. The aim of the...
Submicron inorganic particles as an additional filler in hybrid epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres
PublicationIn this study, the effect of selected submicron metal oxide (zinc oxide, titanium oxide) or non-metal oxide (silicon dioxide) particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites was investigated. The applied epoxy resin was a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cured with triethylenetetramine. As a reinforcement twill weave E-glass fabric was used. Hybrid composites (contained particulate and fibrous...
Analysis of an Energy Management System of a Small Plant Connected to the Rural Power System
PublicationThis paper presents the analysis of an energy management system (EMS) implemented to fulfill the requirements of a microgrid (MG) power supply owned by a small industrial company and connected to the rural power system. The main goal of this system is to ensure connection with the existing rural power system in terms of energy exchange, as well as to perform islanding mode operation of the microgrid based on the energy demand of...
Comparison of the Physical and Sensory Properties of Hybrid Citrus Fruit Jaffa® Sweetie in Relation to the Parent Fruits
PublicationIn the presented study, an overall Jaffa sweetie evaluation was made to find a correlation between Citrus grandis Osbeck × Citrus paradisi Macf. and its parent fruits’ (Citrus grandis Osbeck, Citrus paradisi Macf.) properties. Based on the sensory analysis, it was found that the taste and aroma of the new hybrid fruit are close to pummelo. By the use of chromatographic analysis, the selected monoterpenes present in the fruits were...
Modal Reduction and Analysis of Gyroscopic Systems
PublicationThe paper introduces the method of the modal reduction of systems that experience the Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect component. In such cases corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve the problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are included by application of any lumping technique. Hence, the final reduced model...
Hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with ferrite posts
PublicationThis study presents a hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with axially symmetrical ferrite posts of irregular shape. The method is based on a combination of the finite-difference frequency- domain technique with a mode-matching technique. The proposed approach is validated by comparing the presented results with numerical ones obtained from commercial software. The application of a cylindrical...
Hybrid approach to ontology specification and development
PublicationIn this chapter a first draft of a hybrid ontology development approach is presented. The context of this method encompasses the multi-agent system equipped with knowledge bases and inferring engine. The process of ontology engineering appears as a complex issue, as it addresses different point-views of both, a client and a modeler with a requirements/system analyst. Regarding this, an approach based on the knowledge preprocessing...
Clean gas technologies - towards zero-emission repowering of Pomerania.
PublicationThe main aim this work is to show the different thermodynamic cycles which improve efficiency and/or decrease emission like: Cheng cycle, Szewalski cycle, LOTHECO cycle, hybrid pSOFC/GT cycle, inverse Brayton cycle, low-emission cycle and zero-emission cycle. For that purpose, cycles and results of analysis are first studied and, secondly, new concept is presented. The role of coupled analysis 0D and 3D in cycle’s devices is also...
Hybrid Approach to Networked Control System
PublicationEffcient control of Networked Control System (NCS) is a challenge, as the control methods need to deal with non-deterministic variable delays and data loss. This paper presents a novel hybrid approach to NCS where Model Predictive Control (MPC) is applied as a main controller and implicit switching MPC is used for data transmission control in event-driven shared communication medium, leading to complex control system with active...
PublicationIn the paper a hybrid model of rotating beam is presented. It was obtained by using two methods: modal decomposition and spatial discretization. Reduced modal model was built for the system without the load related to inertia forces that occur during beam rotation. This inertia load was next modeled by using the method of simply spatial discretization and combined with reduced modal model. This approach allows to obtain accurate...
Study of the effect of adiabatic heating on the operation of the electrodynamic actuator
PublicationElectrodynamic actuators are used in hybrid switching systems where a very quick contact separation as well as operation repeatability and long-term reliability are required. The article presents selected results of thermal studies in the electrodynamic drive system. Study was carried out on the basis of the 3D electromagneto-thermal model implemented in the Ansys_Maxwell environment. The present model allows to determine the critical...
PublicationHybrid nanocomposites consisting of inorganic component and organic conducting polymer are promising materials, which can be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis. Titanium(IV) oxide is widely used photocatalysts due to its non-toxicity, low cost and chemical stability. The main disadvantage of TiO2 is low photocatalytic activity under visible light. Conducting polymers, also known as conjugated polymers are polymer materials...
Multiscaled Hybrid Features Generation for AdaBoost Object Detection
PublicationThis work presents the multiscaled version of modified census features in graphical objects detection with AdaBoost cascade training algorithm. Several experiments with face detector training process demonstrate better performance of such features over ordinal census and Haar-like approaches. The possibilities to join multiscaled census and Haar features in single hybrid cascade of strong classifiers are also elaborated and tested....
Hybrid Analysis of Structures Composed of Axially Symmetric Objects
Publication— A hybrid method for the scattering problems in shielded and open structures is presented. The procedure is based on the combination of body-of-revolution involving finite-element methods with impedance matrix formulation and the mode-matching technique, which can be utilized for the analysis of structures with axially symmetrical scatterers. In order to confirm the validity and efficiency of the proposed approach, a few examples...
Hierarchical dissolved oxygen control for activated sludge processes
PublicationA hierarchical controller for tracking the dissolved oxygen reference trajectory in activated sludge processes is proposed and investigated. The removal of nitrogen and phosphorous from wastewater is considered. Typically, an aeration system itself is a complicated hybrid nonlinear dynamical system with faster dynamics compared to the internal dynamics of the dissolved oxygen in a biological reactor. It is a common approach to...
Rapid assessment of the authenticity of limequat fruit using the electronic nose and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
PublicationCitrus fruits are very popular food products. There are many species and varieties of them. There are also documented cases of some citrus fruits causing a severe allergic reaction. Some species of the citrus fruits, especially hybrid ones show a reduced allergenic effect due to the lack of seeds. There is a need for rapid methods for evaluation of citrus’ botanical origin. During research, the headspace of three citrus fruits...
Asking Data in a Controlled Way with Ask Data Anything NQL
PublicationWhile to collect data, it is necessary to store it, to understand its structure it is necessary to do data-mining. Business Intelligence (BI) enables us to make intelligent, data-driven decisions by the mean of a set of tools that allows the creation of a potentially unlimited number of machine-generated, data-driven reports, which are calculated by a machine as a response to queries specified by humans. Natural Query Languages...
The influence of core material on strength properties of hybrid sandwich panels
PublicationAlong with high prices of fuels and more restrictive safety and environmental regulations (including environment protection) increased interest in sandwich structures is being observed. One of the solution having growing application potential is steel sandwich panel. The construction consist of very thin steel plates (about 2mm) and stiffeners between them. The main advantage of using such solution is very high strength to weight...
PublicationLow Emission Vehicles that are hybrid and electric cars may benefit from specially designed tires that are optimized for driving conditions typical for such vehicles. It is possible that in the future Low Emission Vehicles, especially passenger cars, will substitute conventional vehicles in all applications, however for the time being they are mostly used in urban and suburban areas. Urban traffic has a rather low demand for grip...
PublicationTraffic noise is one of the most important environmental problems in densely populated urban areas. At low speeds the tyre/road interaction dominates all other sources. It is anticipated that when electric and hybrid vehicles gain dominance in city traffic, the importance of tyre/road noise will still increase as electric engines are much less noisy than combustion engines. On the other hand, electric and hybrid urban vehicles...
Hybrid‐mode single‐slope ADC with improved linearity and reduced conversion time for CMOS image sensors
PublicationIn the paper, a single‐slope analog‐to‐digital converter (ADC) for integrated CMOS image sensor applications with an improved technique of conversion has been proposed. The proposed hybrid‐mode ADC automatically uses one of the following conversion techniques: time based (i.e. PWM) or voltage based (i.e. single‐slope). During the ADC operation, the clock frequency and reference voltage are modified in order to reduce the conversion...
The effect of PEDOT morphology on hexavalent chromium reduction over 2D TiO2/PEDOT photocatalyst under UV–vis light
PublicationThe present study represents an approach to apply organic-inorganic hybrid materials for photocatalytic removal of heavy metals from the aqueous environment. The photocatalytic activity of the semiconductor modified with the conjugated polymer may depends on the conjugated polymer type, its amount and morphology. Therefore, in the present study the effect of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) morphology on adsorption and photoreduction...
New hybrid quadrature schemes for weakly singular kernels applied to isogeometric boundary elements for 3D Stokes flow
PublicationThis work proposes four novel hybrid quadrature schemes for the efficient and accurate evaluation of weakly singular boundary integrals (1/r kernel) on arbitrary smooth surfaces. Such integrals appear in boundary element analysis for several partial differential equations including the Stokes equation for viscous flow and the Helmholtz equation for acoustics. The proposed quadrature schemes apply a Duffy transform-based quadrature...
Resonance Frequency Calculation of Spherical Microstrip Structure Using Hybrid Technique
PublicationIn this paper the spherical microstrip structure is considered. The structure is composed of a metallic patch with an arbitrary shape placed on a dielectric coated metallic sphere. In the analysis the hybrid technique is utilized. In this approach the finite-difference technique is applied in a cavity model to determine the current basis functions on the patch. Next, using method of moments, the resonance frequency of the structure...
A diplexer design method using an augmented channel filter approach
PublicationContinuous development in RFID andmicrocontrollers technologies gives new possibilities to createsystems that are able to integrate a lot of sensors based ondifferent technologies. This integration brings us closer to realizethe Ubiquitous Network Society vision. However, many problemsmust be addressed before we will benefit from such systems. Inthis paper we describe concept of integrating RFID technologywith other sensors technologies...
Communication Model Order Reduction in Hybrid Methods Involving Generalized Impedance Matrix
PublicationA novel strategy for the efficient analysis of frequency-domain scattering electromagnetic problems in open and closed domains is presented. A fully automatic model-order reduction technique, called the enhanced reduced-basis method, is applied to increase the efficiency of the hybrid approach, which combines the finite-element and mode-matching methods. Numerical tests show that the proposed algorithm yields reliable and highly...
PublicationThe article presents the development of author’s concept of a diesel/hydraulic propulsion system for inland watercraft. Due to specific nature of vessel navigation on rivers, classical propulsion systems with shaft lines can be effectively replaced by systems with hydraulic power transmission. A solution is also presented of a hybrid design with extra electric port having the form of a pumping system driven from a battery of accumulators....
Optimizing the parameters of a small standalone hybrid power system
PublicationA hybrid power plant consists of renewable energy resources, an energy storage, a discharge load and an emergency power supply. Power plant parameters are tailored to meet the requirements of continuity of supply, cost minimization, return on investment period and system capacity utilization. The papaer presents the methodology for selecting power plant parameters with a larger number of decision criteria. The task is solved...
Autonomous Battery Drive in Trolleybuses: an Overview of Practical Examples
PublicationBattery electric buses are believed to be means of transportation of the future. However, despite the continuous development of electrochemical batteries technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still no proved solutions that can be widely used. Charging is the one of the weakness point of the electric buses. Trolleybuses are alternative for them. Especially, trolleybuses equipment with traction batteries...
Wireless multimodal localization sensor for industrial applications
PublicationThis paper presents the concept and design of a wireless multimodal localization sensor for hybrid localization systems combining vision-based, radio-based and inertial techniques in order to alleviate problems in harsh and complex industrial environments. It supports two radio technologies, 868 MHz UHF RFID and 2.4 GHz WSN, for positioning purposes and communications. The sensor includes LED light transmitters for vision-based...
Aggregation of Rhodamine 6G in titanium dioxide nanolayers and bulk xerogels
PublicationNanolayers and bulk xerogels of Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) in titanium dioxide (Rh6G/TiO2) were prepared using the sol–gel method. The spectroscopic and structural properties of these two types of hybrid matrices were studied as a function of dye concentration. In both cases absorption, fluorescence and time resolved emission spectra show the formation of fluorescent aggregates. The observed stronger changes in characteristics of bulk...
Potential reduction of traffic noise by the means of increased fleet of electric vehicles using a combination of low-noise tyres and low-noise road surfaces
PublicationIn the future, the number of zero-emission vehicles like electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles (in electric mode) is expected to be a substantial part of the vehicle fleet. In Norway, such vehicles already account for approximately 20 % of all new cars sold. Since these vehicles emit negligible noise related to the power-train, the tyre/road noise is the dominating noise source. In the LEO project, tyres designed for such cars have...
Silica-Based Ionogels: Nanoconfined Ionic Liquid-Rich Fibers for Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography–Barrier Discharge Ionization Detection
PublicationIn this work, hybrid silica-based materials with immobilized ionic liquids (ILs) were prepared by sol–gel technology and evaluated as solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fiber coatings. High loadings of the IL 1-methyl-3-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C4MIM][TFSI]) were confined within the hybrid network. Coatings composition and morphology were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive...
Comparison of Properties of the Hybrid and Bilayer MWCNTs—Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Ti Alloy
PublicationCarbon nanotubes are proposed for reinforcement of the hydroxyapatite coatings to improve their adhesion, resistance to mechanical loads, biocompatibility, bioactivity, corrosion resistance, and antibacterial protection. So far, research has shown that all these properties are highly susceptible to the composition and microstructure of coatings. The present research is aimed at studies of multi-wall carbon nanotubes in three different...
Wild oscillations in a nonlinear neuron model with resets: (II) Mixed-mode oscillations
PublicationThis work continues the analysis of complex dynamics in a class of bidimensional nonlinear hybrid dynamical systems with resets modeling neuronal voltage dynamics with adaptation and spike emission. We show that these models can generically display a form of mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs), which are trajectories featuring an alternation of small oscillations with spikes or bursts (multiple consecutive spikes). The mechanism by...
Lessons learned during SRAD hybrid motor development
PublicationStudent Researched and Developed (SRAD) hybrid rocket motor H-15 with total impulse of 15 $kNs$ was built. First version of the engine has average thrust of 3 $kN$, the second, improved one is prepared with an aim to have average thrust of 5 $kN$. Engine development was started from scratch and went through phases of: definition of design assumptions and constraints, numerical modelling to predict engine performance, CAD and CAM...
Solar Photovoltaic Energy Optimization and Challenges
PublicationThe study paper focuses on solar energy optimization approaches, as well as the obstacles and concerns that come with them. This study discusses the most current advancements in solar power generation devices in order to provide a reference for decision-makers in the field of solar plant construction throughout the world. These technologies are divided into three groups: photovoltaic, thermal, and hybrid (thermal/photovoltaic)....
Evaluation of respiration capacity of VF in hybrid constructed wetland systems.
PublicationThree VF-beds operating in hybrid constructed wetlands in configuration HF-VF-HF were analysed. These hybrid constructed wetlands provide the II stage biological treatment. They are located in Pommerania voivodship, in Sarbsk, Wiklino and Wieszyno, and their capacities are 29.5, 14.2 and 21.6 m3/d, respectively. The article focuses on performance and operation of VF-CW plants during one year. Based on removal of organic matter...
Hybrid, Approximate Models of Distributed-Parameter Systems
PublicationThe paper introduces the method of distributed-parameter systems modelling. It enables to obtain low order modal model of the system that experiences Coriolis acceleration component and gyroscopic effect. In such cases, corresponding system equations are non-self-adjoined. To solve this problem modal reduced model is built up for the system without Coriolis acceleration or gyroscopic effect terms. These phenomena are next included...
Hybrid Reduced Model of Continuous System
PublicationThe paper introduces an alternative method of modelling and modal reduction of continuous systems. Presented method is a hybrid one. It combines the advantages of modal decomposition method and the rigid finite element method. In the proposed method continuous structure is divided into one-dimensional continuous elements. For each 1D element modal decomposition and reduction is applied. Interactions between substructures are...
Blended Learning Model for Computer Techniques for Students of Architecture
PublicationAbstract: The article summarizes two-year experience of implementing hybrid formula for teaching Computer Techniques at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology. Original educational e-materials, consisting of video clips, text and graphics instructions, as well as links to online resources are embedded in the university e-learning educational platform. The author discusses technical constraints associated...
Calculation of Resonance in Planar and Cylindrical Microstrip Structures Using a Hybrid Technique
PublicationA hybrid technique was employed for the analysis of the resonance frequency of thin planar and cylindrical microstrip structures with the patches of arbitrary geometry. The proposed technique utilizes a combination of Galerkin’s moment method and a finite-element method (FEM). In this approach, an FEM is adopted to calculate the patch surface current densities, and a method of moments is utilized to calculate the resonance frequencies...
The Efficiency of Polish Stock Market: Ordinal Patterns Approach
PublicationZunino et al. analyzed the problem of discrimination of developed and emergent markets by the use of ordinal patterns methods: number of forbidden patterns and ordinal pattern probability distribution as a basis for entropy and statistical measure of complexity. In this paper we apply the same methodology for the analysis of Polish stock market (index WIG). The results indicate that Polish market belongs neither to developed, nor...
Koncepcja i symulacja polowa generatora o zmiennej częstotliwości. Zastosowanie w autonomicznych systemach elektroenergetycznych = Conception and field simulations of a variable frequency generator. Application for autonomous power generation system
PublicationStreszczenie angielskie: This paper covers a conception and simulation results for a brushless synchronous generator working with variable speed in an autonomous energy generation system (e.g. airplane power grid, hybrid vehicle, micro-CHP). The papers has two parts: presentation of the generator conception used in modern autonomous energy generation systems, and simulation results using filed model elaborated in Flux2D software....
Service Recommendation on WIKI-WS Platform
PublicationThe article presents the issues of recaommendation services for users. The commonly used solutions include known classes of recommendation systems and information about their area of use and the most frequently used algorithms. the issue of choosing the services has been described based on the Wiki-WS platform including a model of cooperation with the recommendation system. The conclusion from the analysis of the proposed model...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Mixed 4-node shell element with assumed strain and stress in 6-parameter theory
PublicationWe propose a mixed hybrid 4-node shell elements based on Hu-Washizu principle. Apart from displacements both strains and stress fields are treated as independent fields. The element is derived in the framework of a general nonlinear 6-field shell theory with drilling rotation which is dedicated to the analysis of multifold irregular shells with intersections. The novelty of the presented results stems from the fact that the measures...
Multiple jets impingement – numerical analysis by the ζ-f and hybrid VLES turbulence models
PublicationPresented paper summarizes the Authors findings referring to the numerical analyses of the jet impinging phenomena in the case of complex jets configurations in various applications e.g. in the heat exchangers. Multiple jets interference resulting in the cross-flow and the surface curvature are the factors which impose the need of advanced turbulence models utilization. The outcome of the research based on the ζ-f turbulence model...