Search results for: MEGA SPORTS EVENTS
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International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
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Procedure based proactive functional safety management for the risk mitigation of hazardous events in the oil port installations including insurance aspects
PublicationThis article addresses selected technical and organization aspects of risk mitigation in the oil port installations with regard to functional safety requirements specified in standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. The procedure for functional safety management includes the hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safety requirements and definition of safety functions. Based on risk assessment results...
Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminium Alloy AA6063-T5 by Vanadates: Local Surface Chemical Events Elucidated by Confocal Raman Micro-Spectroscopy
PublicationChemical interactions between aqueous vanadium species and aluminium alloy AA6063-T5 were investigated in vanadate-containing NaCl solutions. Confocal Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy experiments were utilised to gain insight into the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by vanadates. A greenish-grey coloured surface layer, consisting of V+4 and V+5 polymerized species, was seen to form on the alloy surface, especially on...
Polish Journal of Sports Medicine
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Sea spray as a secondary source of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants? - Conclusions from a comparison of seven fresh snowfall events in 2019 and 2021
PublicationSecondary sources of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) gain in importance worldwide as primary sources decline. In this work, we aim to determine whether sea spray may be a secondary source of chlorinated POPs to the terrestrial Arctic, since a similar mechanism was proposed there only for the more water-soluble POPs. To this end, we have determined polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides concentrations in fresh...
Movement and Sports Sciences - Science et Motricite
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International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences
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International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences
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Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
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Viral infection-oxidative stress/DNA damage-aberrant DNA methylation: separate or interrelated events responsible for genetic instability and childhood ALL development?
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Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
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A brief note on monotonic and fatigue fracture events investigation of thin-walled tubular austenitic steel specimens via fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA)
PublicationThe main objective of this short communication is to show the fracture progression in each loading case and complement knowledge about fracture mechanisms underpinning the tensile and fatigue performance of thin-walled tubes. For this purpose, the fracture surface topography analysis (FRASTA) method was used in the thin-walled tubular austenitic stainless-steel specimens. Two cases were analyzed: monotonic tension, and uniaxial...
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism Leisure and Events
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Kazimierz Rozwadowski mgr
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Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
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Sports Biomechanics
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Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports
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Effects of interactions between variation in dopaminergic genes, traumatic life events, and anomalous self-experiences on psychosis proneness: Results from a cross-sectional study in a nonclinical sample
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A study of episodic events in the Baltic Sea – combined in situ and satellite observations**The project was financed by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) of Poland as contract No. 14-0004-04.
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Jakub Pankowski mgr
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Ryszard Mikołajewski dr
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Elevated Levels of Renalase, the β-NAD(P)H Isomerase, Can Be Used as Risk Factors of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events and All-Cause Death in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
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Comments to the article by Ramos et al. ‘Collision avoidance on maritime autonomous surface ships: Operators’ tasks and human failure events’ (Safety Science Vol. 116, July 2019, pp. 33–44)
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Research in Sports Medicine
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Journal of Sports Economics
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Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła mgr
PeopleKamila Kokot-Kanikuła is a digital media senior librarian at Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT) Library. She works in Digital Archive and Multimedia Creation Department and her main areas of interests include early printed books, digital libraries, Open Access and Open Science. In the Pomeranian Digital Library (PDL) Project she is responsible for creating annual digital plans, transferring files on digital platform, and promoting...
Krzysztof Wilde prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleKrzysztof Wilde (born January 11th, 1966 in Gdańsk) – expert in bridge structures, structural mechanics and diagnostics of civil structures. He conducted research on vibration reduction systems for bridges exposed to dynamic loads from winds and earthquakes. At present he is interested in the field of nondestructive testing of materials and structural health monitoring systems. Hi is author or coauthor of over 200 publications...
Tomasz Dziubich dr inż.
PeopleScientific projects and grants Internet platform for data integration and collaboration of medical research teams for the stroke treatment centers 2013 - 2016 MAYDAY EURO 2012 Supercomputer Platform for Context Analysis of Data Streams in Identification of Specified Objects or Hazardous Events – task 4.2 (Development of algorithms and applications supporting medical diagnosis), 2008-2012 Other GrandPrix on trade show ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part P-Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology
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Survey for newly built sport facilities
PublicationThe article presents selected surveying and construction problem on two newly built sports facilities in Gdańsk. The papers contains selected results of surveying.
Students receiving scholarships in 1990-2011
Open Research DataSince 2005, the financial support system for students has been operating on the basis of on the Act of 27 July 2005, the Law on Higher Education (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365), as amended, and detailed regulations for determining the amount, awarding and payment of financial assistance benefits for students determined by rectors in consultation...
Effects of Flywheel vs. Free-Weight Squats and Split Squats on Jumping Performance and Change of Direction Speed in Soccer Players
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Effects of Complex Training on Jumping and Change of Direction Performance, and Post-Activation Performance Enhancement Response in Basketball Players
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Acute Effects of Supra- and High-Loaded Front Squats on Mechanical Properties of Lower-Limb Muscles
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Journal of Combat Sports and Martial Arts
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International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
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Andrzej Bussler mgr
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Jarosław Przewłócki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJarosław Przewłócki jest profesorem na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej, zastępca kierownika Katedry Technicznych Podstaw Projektowania Architektonicznego. Podstawowym kierunkiem jego działalności naukowej są badania zjawisk losowych i zastosowanie metod probabilistycznych oraz teorii niezawodności w budownictwie, a w szczególności w geotechnice. Autor i współautor około stu publikacji naukowych, w tym szeregu książek...
Biofouling UF car wash
Open Research DataPolyethersulfone (PES) membranes were used to separate wastewater from car washes containing bacteria.After the separation was completed, the UF installations were washed with chemical agents.The study examined how effectively these chemical agents remove bacterial contamination from the installation.P3 Ultrasil 11 alkaline solutions (pH = 12) were...
PublicationWith 27 million people playing League of Legends every day, e-sports became more and more important part of our everyday life. Rise of its popularity builds a demand for better understanding e-sports mechanics on a deeper level. In the article, we test a hypothesis that it is possible to predict an outcome of Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game based on topological clues only (such as area of polygon where vertices are players...
A Novel Approach to the Assessment of Cough Incidence
PublicationIn this paper we consider the problem of identication of cough events in patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases. The information about frequency of cough events is necessary to medical treatment. The proposed approach is based on bidirectional processing of a measured vibration signal - cough events are localized by combining the results of forward-time and backward-time analysis. The signal is at rst transformed...
Marcin Niedopytalski Ekspert ds. Ochrony Osób, Strzelectwa i Prawa Konstytucyjnego
PeopleMarcin Niedopytalski is a recognized expert with 25 years of experience in the field of protection and security, author of many specialized books, scientist, as well as researcher and observer in the broadly understood sphere of security. His extensive competences cover many key areas such as crisis management, VIP protection, self-defense,shooting, as well as medical rescue. Marcin started his career in security very early, starting...