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Search results for: SHIP POWER PLANTS
Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I S2020/21
e-Learning CoursesLectures and exercises from the course "Stability & Dynamics of Ship and Offshore Structures I"
Charakterystyka eksploatacyjna pomp ciepła zainstalowanych w oczyszczalni ścieków
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę eksploatacyjną sprężarkowych pomp ciepła zainstalowanych w oczyszczalni komunalnej i wykorzystujących ścieki oczyszczone jako dolne źródło ciepła. Zastosowanie ścieków oczyszczonych jest uzasadnione ich dostępnością oraz stosunkowo wysoką temperaturą (10-25°C). Prawidłowa eksploatacja układu wymaga zastosowania pośredniego obiegu parowacza oraz regularnych zabiegów czyszczenia wymiennika...
Methodology for implementing power plant efficiency standards for power generation: potential emission reduction
PublicationSome methods of generating power such as power generation through coal, natural gas, oil result in inevitable emissions of greenhouse gases. While power generation is necessary due to its increasing demand, it is important for power companies to generate their power in an efcient manner to reduce its efect on the environment. One of the most efective ways of tackling inefciency issues is through the implementation of efciency standard....
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublicationThe paper describes an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an expert...
Mathematical Models in Design Process of Ship Bow Thrusters
PublicationThe presentation is about an application of simulation models for computer-aided design of ship bow thrusters. Generation of simulation models of ship bow thruster requires development and verifying of mathematical models of system component elements. Using the results of simulation the expert system is able to determine, that the rules of classification societies are met. Design procedures and mathematical models are part of an...
Marek Adamowicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleStopień naukowy doktora uzyskał w 2008 r. na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2005 – 2011 pracował na Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni. W 2010 r. jako laureat programu NCBR LIDER wybrał Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej jako jednostkę realizującą swój projekt z zakresu szerokopasmowych przyrządów półprzewodnikowych i ich zastosowań w elektrowniach wiatrowych. Od 2011 roku...
A simplified method to assess the impact of ship-to-ship collision on the risk of tanker ship hull girder breaking accounting for the effect of ageing
PublicationOne of the most critical structural failures is the exceedance of the ship hull girder’s ultimate strength, which may result in hull breaking, and subsequent severe consequences, including loss of life and property as well as environmental damage in case of an oil spill. A cause for such loss of structural continuity can be triggered by a collision with another vessel. In addition, the ageing mechanisms of the hull structure could...
New Concept of Numerical Ship Motion Modelling for Total Ship Operability Analysis by Integrating Ship and Environment Under One Overall System
PublicationThe paper presents a new concept of overall ship motion modelling for application to total ship operability. The delivered model is a multi-phase and includes both submerged part of ship’s hull and the surrounding water as a unique body. The Discrete Finite Element Method is applied. The model is successfully examined and illustrated for a selected AHTS.
Janusz Nieznański prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJanusz Nieznański born in 1957 in Gdańsk. He received the M.Sc. degree in 1981, the Ph.D. degree in 1990, and the D.Sc. (‘habilitation’) degree in 1999, all from the Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 1981 he has been with the above university, where he is currently Professor of Electrical Engineering. His research and teaching interests include control, diagnostics, modeling and simulation of power electronic converters and...
Modelowanie systemów energetycznych wytwarzania energii elektrycznej i ciepła do celów planowania rozwoju - wybrane zagadnienia
PublicationSystemy energetyczne wymagają przemian technologicznych w kierunku neutralności klimatycznej. W Polsce, w której systemie elektroenergetycznym i systemach ciepłowniczych dominują przestarzałe elektrownie i ciepłownie węglowe, dążenie do minimalizacji wpływu na środowisko wiąże się z wysokimi kosztami. Dlatego należy szukać optymalnych ścieżek roz-woju energetyki, aby osiągnąć ambitne długoterminowe cele strategiczne, przy minimalizacji...
Automation of ship and control
PublicationSummaryThe article presents the problem of automation of ship and control. This paper will discuss the basic tasks of the track ship control, collision avoidance and automatic dynamic positioning. The following subjects will be presented: the general structure of the ship's control, methods and control algorithms for the above mentioned tasks..StreszczenieArtykuł przedstawia zagadnienia automatyzacji i sterowania statkiem. W pracy...
Power System Dynamics. Stability and Control. 3rd edition
PublicationComprehensive, state-of-the-art review of information on the electric power system dynamics and stability. It places the emphasis first on understanding the underlying physical principles before proceeding to more complex models and algorithms. The book explores the influence of classical sources of energy, wind farms and virtual power plants, power plants inertia and control strategy on power system stability. The book cover...
Janusz Kozak prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJanusz KOZAK Born 04.07.1953 Puck, Poland Intermediate school” Technikum Budowy Okrętów „Conradinum” Gdansk, 1973. Graduated on Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, 1978. Employed: From 1978 - Gdynia Shipyard 1978 as designer, from 1980 as a specialist in Chair of Technology in Faculty of Shipbuilding of Gdańsk University of Technology, 1993 as assistant, PhD (1993), “Method for assessment...
Interior Point Method Evaluation for Reactive Power Flow Optimization in the Power System
PublicationThe paper verifies the performance of an interior point method in reactive power flow optimization in the power system. The study was conducted on a 28 node CIGRE system, using the interior point method optimization procedures implemented in Power Factory software.
Ship Technology Reaearch
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Ship Building of China
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Centralized and Distributed Structures of Intelligent Systems for Aided Design of Ship Automation
PublicationA design process and accepted solutions made during this process, often base on non-formalized knowledge, obtained from designer (expert) intuition and practice. There are no formalized rules assuring the correctness of design solutions. The analysis of design process of ship automation, including ship power system, shows that this process can be supported by application of the artificial intelligence elements. The article presents...
Energy neutrality versus carbon footprint minimization in municipal wastewater treatment plants
PublicationThis work aimed to compare the carbon footprint (CF) of six full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The CF was estimated in the range of 23–100 kg CO2e per population equivalent. In the total CF, the direct emissions held the highest share (62–74%) for the plants with energy recovery from biogas. In the plants depending entirely on the power grid, the indirect emissions due to energy consumption dominated the total CF (69–72%)....
ANALYSIS OF IMPACT of SHIP model parameters on changes of control quality index in ship dynamic positioning system
PublicationIn this work there is presented an analysis of impact of ship model parameters on changes of control quality index in a ship dynamic positioning system designed with the use of a backstepping adaptive controller. Assessment of the impact of ship model parameters was performed on the basis of Pareto-Lorentz curves and ABC method in order to determine sets of the parameters which have either crucial, moderate or low impact on objective...
AoB Plants
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Nature Plants
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In Silico Plants
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Estimation of the Maximum Permissible PV Power to be Connected to the MV Grid
PublicationIn recent decades, a significant increase in the share of renewable energy sources in power grids at various voltage levels has been observed. A number of articles have been published highlighting emerging problems in low-voltage grids with a large share of prosumers and in medium- and high-voltage grids to which photovoltaic (PV) plants are connected. The article analyzes the medium-voltage grid in terms of the possibility of...
PublicationThe ship operability can be understood and analysed in different manners, and its quality is described using different indexes by different authors. Practically, there is no general and widely accepted description of total ship operability in the literature, nor in the rules of classification societies, which would include both seakeeping and manoeuvrability characteristics of a ship, and simultaneously take into account all ship...
Multisource model of ship electric field
PublicationA steel-hulled ship in sea water produces an electric field around itself. The source of this field are electrochemical processes and ship's cathodic protection. The analysis of the electric field around the ship is important by the reason of the ship's identification and counter-mine protection. The paper presents a simplified model of the ship's multisource electric field, which allows to calculate the electric field distribution...
Supporting development of the smart ship technology by CFD simulation of ship behavior in close to real operational conditions
PublicationThe shipping industry is at the milestone of technological development – autonomous ships. Involving smart technologies accelerates development of green and safe shipping. Also IMO regulations, especially EEDI en-hanced application of new technologies. Meeting economic and ecological requirements future ships need to be designed with respect to increased reliability and operational performance. Design process of ships may be improved...
PublicationThis paper presents characteristics of the Biovac® wastewater treatment plants operating in the mountain areas of the Polish national parks (NP): Tatrzanski NP and Babiogórski NP as well as in the West Spitsbergen NP. On the basis of the laboratory tests performed on raw sewage and the final effluent the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plants was evaluated. It was found that high COD values and rather high COD / BOD5 ratios...
PublicationThis paper shortly presents the issue of utilization of ships after their withdrawal from service. Information on number of floating units liquidated in previous years was presented. Hazards to the environment , health and life of workers employed in the Far East ship scrapping yards operating on the beaches, were indicated. Then, the most important rules which have to make the ship recycling process safe were referred to. This...
Identification of hydroacoustic wave sources of ship in motion
PublicationThis paper deals with results of identification tests of acoustic field spectrum of underwater noise generated by ship in motion. The field is connected with acoustic activity of ship mechanisms and devices in operation. Vibration energy generated by the mechanisms and devices is transferred through ship structural elements to surrounding water where it propagates in the form of acoustic waves of a broad band of frequencies. In...
Biotechnological Potential of LSD1, EDS1, and PAD4 in the Improvement of Crops and Industrial Plants
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Review of ship safety domains: Models and applications
PublicationShip safety domain is a term which is widely used in research on collision avoidance and traffic engineering among others. Classic ship domains have been compared in multiple reports. However, up till now there has been no work summing up contemporary research in this field. The paper offers a systematic and critical review of the newer ship domain models and related research. It discusses multiple differences in approach to ship...
Ship model resistance - KCS
Open Research DataShip model instantaneous resistance, velocity, pitch and heave measured data for a KCS built and tested in the towing tank of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology of Gdansk University of Technology under regular head waves.
The structure of the control system for a dynamically positioned ship
PublicationThe article discusses functions and tasks of dynamic positioning (DP) systems for ships. The analysed issues include ship steering, in particular stabilisation of ship position and direction of motion (real course) at low manoeuvring speeds, and commonly used DP ship models. Requirements imposed by classification societies on DP ships are quoted. A multi-layer structure of the DP control system is presented, with special attention...
Modern Light Sources on the Ship
PublicationThe paper deals with studies on light flicker in selected modern light sources used on ships. The authors present and discuss the relationship between the hostile ship environment affecting the ship light systems and the extreme working conditions of the ship's crew manifested by health problems and a reduction in their manual abilities. These limitations result from the flicker phenomena provoked by both fluorescent lamps and...
PublicationOperating in crowded waterways pose a risk of accidents and disasters due to maneuvering limitations of the ship. In order to predict ship’s maneuvering characteristics at the design stage, model tests are often executed as the most accurate prediction tool. Two approaches can be distinguished here: free running model tests and numerical simulations based on planar motion model with the use of hydrodynamic derivatives obtained...
An application of multi-agent system for ship’s power systems design
PublicationDesign process of transport ship power system consists of structure (topology) and component elements selection. Compliance with the requirements for static components does not guarantee optimal dynamic characteristics of entire power system. Design steps are difficult to formalize and as a consequence to this reason expert and multi-agent systems are used for solving selected design issues. In the paper distributed multi-agent...
Wojciech Litwin prof. dr hab. inż.
People1992÷1996 - study on Mechanical Department at Gdansk University of Technology1996 – employed in the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology at the Gdansk University of Technology2004 – PhD2014 – habilitation2016 - vice dean for science at Faculty of Ocean Engineering2020 - dean of the Faculty of Ocean Engineering2021 - head of Institute of Naval Architecture He participated in a number of designing and research programs...
Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Approach In Power System Development
PublicationThe main objective of the research is the verification of the Power Hardware-In-The-Loop (PHIL) approach in power system analysis and design. The premise of the article is that using PHIL approach the performance of the power system in steady and transient state conditions can be analysed in real power system conditions. Models of induction machine were developed and real time simulations were performed. Simulation variables were...
Investigation of the thrust generated by active isolated hydrofoils via wave-induced ship motion
PublicationWave Augmented Hydrofoil Technology (WAHT) aims to convert hydrofoil movement, induced by ship motion, into thrust force, and ship's resistance reduction in waves. Despite the growing interest in WAHT, a significant research gap remains in understanding the complex interactions between hydrofoil design parameters and wave-induced thrust generation. A hydrofoil attached to a ship serves dual roles; reducing the ship resistance in...
Introduction to Ship Design O:114009 20232024
e-Learning Courses -
Michał Michna dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichal Michna received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Gdansk, Poland, in 1998 and 2005, respectively. Since 2004, he was employed at the Department of Power Electronics and Electrical Machines of the Gdańsk University of Technology (assistant, assistant professor, senior lecturer). In 2010-2015 he was a deputy of head of the Department of Power Electronics and...
Parametric method for evaluating optimal ship deadweight
PublicationThe paper presents a method of choosing the optimal value of the cargo ships deadweight. The method may be useful at the stage of establishing the main owners requirements concerning the ship design parameters as well as for choosing a proper ship for a given transportation task. The deadweight is determined on the basis of a selected economic measure of the transport effectiveness of ship – the Required Freight Rate (RFR). The...
Security Information Sharing for the Polish Power System
PublicationThe Polish Power System is becoming increasingly more dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to cyberattacks, including the evolved and highly sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats or Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The most exposed components are SCADA systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. When addressing this situation...
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Nuclear power plant as a source of electrical energy and heat
PublicationIn this paper certain issues concerning usage of nuclear power plants as sources of not only electric power but also thermal energy will be discussed. For such a solution appeals most of all the need to limit harmful emissions of gases (including CO2) and ashes, which come from the process of burning fossil fuels, as well as the raising demand for network heat and chill. Additionally combined heat and power production brings measurable...
Towards Improving Optimised Ship Weather Routing
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to outline a project focusing on the development of a new type of ship weather routing solution with improved uncertainty handling, through better estimation of ship performance and responses to sea conditions. Ensemble forecasting is considered to take into account the uncertainty levels that are typical of operations in a stochastic environment. Increased accuracy of weather prediction is achieved through...
Dynamic Positioning Capability Assessment for Ship Design Purposes
PublicationThe article focuses on solving a problem of optimal thrust distribution over the actuators in a ship Dynamic Positioning, according to DNV-ST-0111 standard, Level 1. The classic Quadratic Programming approach is combined with the numerical solusion used to handle the propeller with the rudder constraints in the optimization task and the influence between thrusters and skeg. It is presented as an efficient method of minimizing the...
A Simulative Comparison of Ship Domains and Their Polygonal Approximations
PublicationThe paper investigates the impact of a precise ship domain shape on the size of collision avoidance manoeuvres. The considered collision avoidance manoeuvres include both course and speed alterations. Various ship domains are compared with their polygonal approximations, which vary in the number of points of a domain contour and placement of these points. The best of all considered approximations is determined in the course of...
Managing the security vulnerabilities of critical systems and hazardous plants
PublicationRozdział poświęcono aktualnym problemom zarządzania ochroną obiektów podwyższonego ryzyka jako ważnych systemów infrastruktury krytycznej. Zarządzanie odpornością na ataki takich obiektów jest oparte na ocenach ryzyka. Podkreśla się, że występują ważne instalacje i systemy wymagające specjalnej uwagi i zabezpieczeń, szczególnie systemy kontroli dostępu do sterowni i urządzeń komunikacji. Opisuje się przykładowe technologie ochrony....
Efficient three-dimensional fluorescence measurements for characterization of binding properties in some plants
PublicationThe main aim of this research was to characterize some plants and to determine their similarities and differences, using spectroscopic methods. The interactions of soluble polyphenols of different plants with human serum albumin (HSA) were investigated by 3D-fluorescence. The obtained fluorescence results allow to classify the investigated plants according to their binding properties. The HSA-binding capacities of these plants...