total: 858
- Publications 606 available results
- Journals 36 available results
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- e-Learning Courses 10 available results
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- Open Research Data 190 available results
Search results for: VAN ATTA ARRAY
Profiling of polar ionogenic metabolites in Polish wines by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry
PublicationThe composition of wine is determined by a complex interaction between environmental factors, genetic factors (i.e., grape varieties), and winemaking practices (including technology and storage). Metabolomics using NMR spec-troscopy, GC-MS, and/or LC-MS has shown to be a useful approach for assessing the origin, authenticity, and quality of various wines. Nonetheless, the use of additional analytical techniques with complementary...
Assessment of potentially cutting GHG emissions from shipping in relation to energy consumption trends using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Publication -
Zastosowanie metod neuronowo-rozmytych i drzew decyzyjnych do rozpoznawaniatypu dna morskiego z przetwarzanych sygnałów echa.**2002, 113 s. 77 rys. 5 tab. bibliogr. 49 poz. maszyn. Rozprawa doktorska /2002.12.17/ WETI Promotor: prof. dr hab.inż. A. Stepnowski.
PublicationPrzedmiotem pracy było opracowanie klasyfikatorów neuronowo-rozmytych dorozpoznawania typu dna morskiego z przetwarzanych sygnałów echa wraz z im-plementacją tych klasyfikatorów w systemie przenośnym.
Application of high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet diode array detection and refractive index detection to the determination of class composition and the analysis of gasoline.
PublicationZaprezentowano nową metodę HPLC oznaczania składu grupowego benzyn i komponentów benzyn tj. oznaczania zawartości olefin, węglowodorów aromatycznych i parafinowo-naftenowych.
Folio: Shakespeare-Genootschap van Nederland en Vlaanderen
Journals -
Handelingen van de koninklijke commissie voor toponymie
Journals -
Bulletin van de Koninklijke Nederlandse oudheidkundige bond
Journals -
Handelingen van de Koninklijke commissie voor geschiedenis
Journals -
Arabesken. Tijdschrift van het Louis Couperus genootschap
Journals -
Influence of Added Water Mass on Ship Structure Vibration Parameters in Virtual and Real Conditions
PublicationModelling of ship structures in a virtual environment is now standard practice. Unfortunately, many engineers forget to consideri the influence of added water on the frequency values and the amplitude of natural vibrations. The article presents the effect of water damping on the frequency values of the individual natural vibration modes. The tests were carried out in two stages. First, the mentioned values were determined using...
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 53 - Tissue image [1300630017389231]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 56 - Tissue image [1300630017386451]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 56 - Tissue image [1300630017389521]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 61 - Tissue image [1300630017383491]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 61 - Tissue image [1300630017385891]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 53 - Tissue image [1300630017383251]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 61 - Tissue image [130063001738381]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Male, 56 - Tissue image [130063001738721]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Development of spatial structures, PG_00053620
e-Learning Courses -
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 22 - Tissue image [1300630017389981]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 22 - Tissue image [3300730069457391]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Dissection of aorta [any part] - Female, 22 - Tissue image [1300630017386351]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of CONNECTIVE, SUBCUTANEOUS AND OTHER SOFT TISSUES tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Handelingen van het Genootschap voor geschiedenis, gesticht onder de benaming 'Société d'Émulation' te Brugge: driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor de studie van geschiedenis en oudheden van Vlaanderen
Journals -
Handelingen van het Genootschap voor geschiedenis, gesticht onder de benaming 'Société d'Émulation' te Brugge: driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor de studie van geschiedenis en oudheden van Vlaanderen
Journals -
Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Schone Kunsten
Journals -
Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis
Journals -
Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten
Journals -
Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis van techniek en industriële cultuur
Journals -
Journals -
Urban Design Project III 2021/22
e-Learning CoursesNOWY - Nowy Świat 2.0 – BUILDING THE HEART OF AN ACTIVE NEIGHBORHOOD Friday 13.15-16.00 dr hab. inż. arch. J. Martyniuk – Pęczek, prof. uczelni arch. Rana Rizi
Finite automata for compact representation of tuple dictionaries.
PublicationOpisane zostaje uogólnienie struktury danych - słownika, zwane słownikiem n-tek. Słownik n-tek przedstawia odwzorowanie n-tek łańcuchów znaków na pewne wartości. Motywacją dla powstania tej struktury danych są praktyczne zastosowania w przetwarzaniu języka i mowy, w których obszerne słowniki n-tek używane są do przedstawiania modeli języka. Przedstawiona zostaje technika oszczędnej reprezentacji słowników n-tek. Ta technika...
Finite automata for compact representation of language models in NLP
PublicationPrzedstawiona zostaje technika reprezentacji modeli języka w przetwarzaniu języka naturalnego wymagająca mało pamięci. Po krótkim omówieniu przyczyn poszukiwania oszczędnej reprezentacji takich modeli języka, pokazane jest, jak automaty skończone mogą być użyte w tym celu. Technika może być postrzegana jako zastosowanie i rozszerzenie doskonałej funkcji mieszającej z wykorzystaniem automatów skończonych. Pierwsze doświadczenia...
A decision-making module for aiding ship system automation design; A knowledge-based approach
PublicationZastosowanie elementów sztucznej inteligencji, w tym systemów z bazą wiedzy staje się coraz bardziej powszechne przy komputerowo wspomaganym projektowaniu. Proces projektowy związany jest z wieloma problemami decyzyjnymi, jak: wybór struktury podsystemu, podzespołów czy też elementów składowych. Z tego względu zdecydowano się opracować system z bazą wiedzy z modułem wspirającym proces podejmowania decyzji.W artykule przedstawiono...
International Conference on Apps for Specific Array Processors
Conferences -
High temperature (nano)thermometers based on LiLuF4:Er3+,Yb3+ nano- and microcrystals. Confounded results for core–shell nanocrystals
Publication -
Understanding Fuel Saving and Clean Fuel Strategies Towards Green Maritime
PublicationDue to recent emission-associated regulations imposed on marine fuel, ship owners have been forced to seek alternate fuels, in order to meet the new limits. The aim of achieving low-carbon shipping by the year 2050, has meant that alternative marine fuels, as well as various technological and operational initiatives, need to be taken into account. This article evaluates and examines recent clean fuels and novel clean technologies...
Brood & Rozen. Tijdschrift voor de Geschiedenis van Sociale Bewegingen.
Journals -
Bulletin van de Koninklijke musea voor kunst en geschiedenis
Journals -
Jaarboek van de maatschappij der Nederlandse letterkunde te Leiden
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Studies over de Sociaal-Economische Geschiedenis van Limburg (SSEG)
Journals -
Jaarboek van het Koninklijk museum voor schone kunsten Antwerpen
Journals -
Er3+-to-Yb3+ and Pr3+-to-Yb3+ energy transfer for highly efficient near-infrared cryogenic optical temperature sensing
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TeSen – tool for determining thermometric parameters in ratiometric optical thermometry
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Kyria Van Soelen
People -
Intracranial electrophysiological recordings from the human brain during memory tasks with pupillometry
PublicationData comprise intracranial EEG (iEEG) brain activity represented by stereo EEG (sEEG) signals, recorded from over 100 electrode channels implanted in any one patient across various brain regions. The iEEG signals were recorded in epilepsy patients (N=10) undergoing invasive monitoring and localization of seizures when they were performing a battery of four memory tasks lasting approx. 1 hour in total. Gaze tracking on the task...
Development of advanced machine learning for prognostic analysis of drying parameters for banana slices using indirect solar dryer
PublicationIn this study, eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) and Light Gradient Boosting (LightGBM) algorithms were used to model-predict the drying characteristics of banana slices with an indirect solar drier. The relationships between independent variables (temperature, moisture, product type, water flow rate, and mass of product) and dependent variables (energy consumption and size reduction) were established. For energy consumption,...
A review on application of artificial neural network (ANN) for performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with biodiesel-based fuels
PublicationBiodiesel has been emerging as a potential and promising biofuel for the strategy of reducing toxic emissions and improving engine performance. Computational methods aiming to offer numerical solutions were inevitable as a study methodology which was sometimes considered the only practical method. Artificial neural networks (ANN) were data-processing systems, which were used to tackle many issues in engineering and science, especially...
PublicationIn marine vessel operations, fuel costs are major operating costs which affect the overall profitability of the maritime transport industry. The effective enhancement of using ship fuel will increase ship operation efficiency. Since ship fuel consumption depends on different factors, such as weather, cruising condition, cargo load, and engine condition, it is difficult to assess the fuel consumption pattern for various types...
Convenient identification of desulfoglucosinolates on the basis of mass spectra obtained during liquid chromatography-diode array-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry analysis: Method verification for sprouts of different Brassicaceae species extracts
PublicationOver the past decade, glucosinolates (GLs) present in different tissues of Brassicaceae and their breakdown products, especially isothiocyanates formed after myrosinase catalyzed hydrolysis, have been regarded as not only environment friendly biopesticides for controlling soilborne pathogens, but most importantly as promising anticarcinogenic compounds. For these reasons, the identification and quantitative determination of the...
Chemical Reduction of 2,4,6-Tricyano-1,3,5-triazine and 1,3,5-Tricyanobenzene. Formation of Novel 4,4‘,6,6‘-Tetracyano-2,2‘-bitriazine and Its Radical Anion