total: 388
Search results for: WEAK SOLUTION
Ellipsometric monitoring during the polarization studies of Mg corrosion in alkaline environment
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the ellipsometric results from the Mg polarization studies aiming at understanding the Mg(OH)2 passive layer formation mechanism and conditions. The single-wavelength ellipsometer ELX-02C from Dr Riss GmbH was utilized, operating He-Ne laser at 632.8 nm. The polarization conditions for the experiment are depicted in the related...
The XRD diffraction patterns of annealed Ce0.9M0.1O2 powders prepared using the reverse microemulsion method
Open Research DataThe dataset includes XRD patterns of Ce0.9M0.1O2 (where M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) nanopowders prepared using the reverse microemulsion method. The powders were precipitated from organic-based solution of nitrates using TMAOH. The sediment was cetrifuged and rinsed with alcohol several times. Powders were dried and calcinated at 500 degrees for 2 h, followed...
The effect of zinc oxide concentration on dry matter content of chitosan gels in carbonic acid.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains results determining the effect of zinc oxide addition at different concentrations on the dry matter content of chitosan gels in carbonic acid after a specified time. Zinc oxide at concentrations of 0.5 and 1% was added as a powder to a 1% solution of chitosan in carbonic acid and then homogenized. Differences were observed in the...
A novel method for drop in drop edible oils encapsulation with chitosan using a coaxial technique
Open Research DataThe dataset present a novel one step method for oil encapsulation. In this coaxial system the oil constitutes the core of the capsule, while the chitosan solution is the polymer shell surrounding the core to provide separation of the core from the external environment. In comparison to other encapsulation methods, the presented technique is much simpler...
Parametric analysis of Istanbul's Ring Road viaduct for three levels of seismic load
PublicationThe paper presents a parametric analysis of the Istanbul's ring road viaduct that is currently under construction within the Northern Marmara Highway project. The structure, due to its location on seismic prone areas is exposed to seismic loads of different strengths and different return periods. The study is focused on concrete bridge supports that are design to work in nonlinear range. The parametric study, conducted in MATLAB...
Magnetic-field-induced electric quadrupole moments for relativistic hydrogenlike atoms: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe consider a Dirac one-electron atom placed in a weak, static, uniform magnetic field. We show that, to the first order in the strength of the external field, the only electric multipole moments, which are induced by the perturbation in the atom, are those of an even order. Using the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function we derive a closed-form expression for the electric quadrupole moment induced...
PublicationThe paper covers basics of the vortex model used for propeller-stator systems. The outline of the design algorithm is given and the results of its application are shown. The designed propeller-stator system was the subject of model tests run at the CTO model basin and cavitation tunnel. Stator’s influence on the delivered power required by the propeller and its revolution rate has been examined by conducting self-propulsion...
Quantum randomness protected against detection loophole attacks
PublicationDevice and semi-device-independent private quantum randomness generators are crucial for applications requiring private randomness. However, they are vulnerable to detection inefficiency attacks and this limits severely their usage for practical purposes. Here, we present a method for protecting semi-device-independent private quantum randomness generators in prepare-and-measure scenarios against detection inefficiency attacks....
PublicationPhoton emission arising during tetrahydrofuran (C4H8O, THF) fragmentation initiated by H3 + ion impact has been studied experimentally. Luminescence fragmentation spectra and the relative emission cross-sections of the excited fragments have been measured using collision-induced emission spectroscopy in the 20–1000 eV energy range. The main features in the spectra are the H Balmer series lines, whose intensities decrease with increasing...
Evolution of Physical Properties of RE 3 Ni 5 Al 19 Family (RE = Y, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er)
PublicationSingle crystals of RE3Ni5Al19 series (RE = Y, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) are grown using the Al self-flux method. The crystal structure is examined by both single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction. Physical properties are studied for the first time for RE3Ni5Al19 (RE = Y, Nd, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) by means of magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and heat capacity measurements. Complex magnetic behaviors, with...
Influence of the presence of rhamnolipids and ionic cross-linking conditions on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of determination the effect of rhamnolipids concentration, calcium chloride concentration and ionic cross-linking time on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels prepared by immersing the alginate mixture limited by the dialysis membrane in an appropriate cross-linking solution containing calcium ions. The mechanical...
Powder x-ray diffraction pattern of polycrystalline Cu(IO3)2*xH2O
Open Research DataHydrated copper(II) iodate sample was prepared in water solution by reacting copper(II) sulfate and potassium iodate, following the method described by Peterson (J. Chem. Educ. 1957, 34, 12, 612). The sample was subsequently dried at various temperatures in order to produce an anhydrous Cu(IO3)2:
Test of the antimicrobial properties against Staphylococcus aureus of the innovative CS-2a preservative.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a single series of determinations of the antimicrobial properties against Staphylococcus aureus of the innovative CS-2 a preservative in the solution of model fluids.During the test, the infected product is inoculated (on Baird-Parker Agar) at specified intervals (0 min. and after 1 day-24 h of incubation ). This...
Test of the antimicrobial properties against Listeria monocytogenes of the innovative CS-2b preservative.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a single series of determinations of the antimicrobial properties against Listeria monocytogenes of the innovative CS-2 b preservative in the solution of model fluids.During the test, the infected product is inoculated (on Oxford Agar) at specified intervals (0 min. [Listeria cs2b 0] and after 1 day-24 h of incubation...
The equations for interactions of polarization modes in optical fibres including the kerr effect
PublicationWe have derived coupled nonlinear Schro¨ dinger equations (CNLSE) for arbitrary polarized light propagation in a single-mode fibre employing electromagnetic field complete description. We used a basis of transverse eigenmodes with appropriate projecting; hence, the nonlinear constants depend on the waveguide geometry. Accounting for a weak nonlinearity, which is connected to the Kerr effect, we have given explicit expressions for...
Impact of interface heterogeneity on joint fracture
PublicationThe effects of heterogeneities (weak zones in particular) inadhesive joints and their importance on overall fracture propertiesare relatively unknown, but doubtlessly they may be crucial inmany applications. Using a model heterogeneous adhesive bond,represented by a given mixture of regions of strong and weakadhesion, we have studied the influence of interface variabilityon overall fracture energy (global energy release rate)....
Nano-adsorbent Modification by Deep Eutectic Solvents for Wastewater Treatment Applications
PublicationThe Greek “εύ” and “τήξις” term is the root of the “eutectic” word that refers to the low melting of mixture. Generally, an eutectic solvent depicts a mixture of components (at least one is in solid phase) that under particular ratios weak molecular interactions allow to obtain a mixture having melting point at a much lower temperature than that of each component (García-Álvarez 2019). Although A. P. Abbott et al. discovered the...
Closed-form expression for the magnetic shielding constant of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac–Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe present analytical derivation of the closed-form expression for the dipole magnetic shielding constant of a Dirac one-electron atom being in an arbitrary discrete energy eigenstate. The external magnetic field, by which the atomic state is perturbed, is assumed to be weak, uniform, and time independent. With respect to the atomic nucleus we assume that it is pointlike, spinless, motionless, and of charge Ze. Calculations are...
Graph classes generated by Mycielskians
PublicationIn this paper we use the classical notion of weak Mycielskian M'(G) of a graph G and the following sequence: M'_{0}(G) =G, M'_{1}(G)=M'(G), and M'_{n}(G)=M'(M'_{n−1}(G)), to show that if G is a complete graph oforder p, then the above sequence is a generator of the class of p-colorable graphs. Similarly, using Mycielskian M(G) we show that analogously defined sequence is a generator of the class consisting of graphs for which the...
Particle size distributions (PSD) and the specific surface area (BET) results for SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of particle size distributions (PSD) and BET measuremnt fot SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d materials (x=0.90, 0.95, 1.00 and 1.05). The PSD of the powders were obtained using a Zetasizer Nano dynamic light scattering analyser (Malvern Panalytica). Measurements of the STF70-x solution in ethanol using backscattering mode .
Determination of viscosity changes in dietary supplement solutions depending on temperature.
Open Research DataThe rheological characteristics of dietary supplement solutions were made based on viscosity measurement using a Brookfield viscometer, using the LV SC4 - 18 spindle and a shear rate of 53 s-1 (Fig.1).
XRD and electrochemical results for MoO3 films deposited using pulsed laser deposition system
Open Research DataThe attached data contains XRD and electrochemical results for MoO3 films deposited on fluorine-doped tin oxide glasses. Films were deposited using a pulsed laser deposition system at different conditions. Part of the samples was deposited at room temperature and then annealed at 575°C for given times (samples labeled PLD_RT_575C_xmin, where x stands...
Test of the antimicrobial properties against E. coli of the innovative CS-2a preservative.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a single series of determinations of the antimicrobial properties against E. coli of the innovative CS-2 a preservative in the solution of model fluids.During the test, the infected product is inoculated (on chromogenic Coliform Agar) at specified intervals (0 min. [cs2a 0] and after 1 day-24 h of incubation [cs2a...
The AFM micrographs and impedance study of epoxy coatings after exposure in corrosive media
Open Research DataThe dataset contains Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images and local impedance measurements of epoxy organic coating used as anti-corrosion protection, before and after 2-month exposure to sodium chloride solution. Additionally, there two local impedance spectra recorded after the coating exposure. The first one was recorded on intact coating surface,...
Stochastic resonance in measurements
PublicationNoise is usually associated with the negative phenomenon, hampering the measurements data and their analysis. This view has been broken in the '80s when the phenomenon of stochastic resonance (Stochastic Resonance - SR) was discovered. It is a phenomenon that occurs in nonlinear dynamic measurement systems when the selected input noise can optimize system performance. SR became a way to improve efficiency of weak signals detection....
Sorption of Chlorinated Solvents on Pine and Oak sawdust
PublicationThe article presents assessment of pine and oak sawdusts as sorbents for removal of chlorinated solvents from water. Sawdusts as potential sorbents were characterized with elemental analysis and BET analyses. Sorption capacity was determined for both pine and oak sawdust towards 1,1,2-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethene and 1,1,1,2-tetrachloroethane. Pine sawdust was able to adsorb greater amounts of chlorinated solvents compared...
Relations between magnetosonic perturbations as an indicator of a magnetosonic exciter and equilibrium parameters of a plasma
PublicationThe thermodynamic relations between perturbation of pressure and pertur- bation of mass density and between components of velocity which specify a magnetosonic wave are theoretically studied. A planar flow with the wave vec- tor forming a constant angle with the equilibrium magnetic field is investigated. The theory considers deviation from the adiabaticity of a flow due to some kind of heating–cooling function and thermal conduction...
Glutathione conjugation of the antitumor-active 1-nitroacridine derivatives compounds C-857 and C-1748 – the major role of glutathione S-transferase M1-1
Open Research DataObjectives: C-857 and C-1748 are antitumor-active agents, monomers of unsymmetrical bisacridine derivatives. The aim of this study was to analyze their glutathione (GSH) conjugation in vitro in the presence of glutathione S-transferase (GST) M1-1.
Temperture-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) of Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo2Ga2C and Ni-Mo2CTx_Mo3AlC2 catalysts
Open Research DataThe dataset includes the data for the preparation of plots illustrating the reduction peaks versus the temperature of the catalyst sample.
Cyclic voltammetry curves for FTO/PANI:WO3 nanocomposite
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of kinetic electrochemical studies, carried out with cyclic voltammetry (CV) of FTO/PANI:WO3 nanocomposite at various scan rates: 10, 20, 50, 75, 100 and 200 mV/s. The electrolyte was 1M H2SO4 solution. The measurements were performed in a three electrode setup, and with Ag|AgCl|3M KCl as the reference electrode and...
Test of the antimicrobial properties against E. coli of the innovative CS-2b preservative.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a single series of determinations of the antimicrobial properties against E. coli of the innovative CS-2 b preservative in the solution of model fluids.During the test, the infected product is inoculated (on chromogenic Coliform Agar) at specified intervals (0 min. [cs2b 0] and after 1 day-24 h of incubation [cs2b...
Test of the antimicrobial properties against Listeria monocytogenes of the innovative CS-2a preservative.
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of a single series of determinations of the antimicrobial properties against Listeria monocytogenes of the innovative CS-2 a preservative in the solution of model fluids.During the test, the infected product is inoculated (on Oxford Agar) at specified intervals (0 min. [Listeria cs2a 0] and after 1 day-24 h of incubation...
Number of active users of the mobile banking application (only a mobile phone) - 2017
Open Research DataCustomers using mobile devices can use their bank account via the bank's website or a separate application. Such a solution allows for easier logging in (usually no customer number is required, but only a password) and a number of additional functions (from a more extensive interface to a larger number of possible operations - making a transfer, opening...
Stripe order and magnetic anisotropy in the S=1 antiferromagnet BaMoP2O8
PublicationMagnetic behavior of yavapaiite-type BaMoP2O8 with the spatially anisotropic triangular arrangement of the S=1Mo4+ ions is explored using thermodynamic measurements, neutron diffraction, and density-functional band-structure calculations. A broad maximum in the magnetic susceptibility around 46 K is followed by the stripe antiferromagnetic order with the propagation vector k=(12,12,12) formed below TN≃21 K. This stripe phase is...
ortho-Fluorobenzanilides and ortho-fluorothiobenzanilides: Molecular conformations and crystal packing
PublicationSeries of 2-fluoro and 2,6-difluorobenzanilides and their thiobenzanilide analogs have been synthesized to investigate the influence of the fluorine atom on their crystal structures and self-assembly in the crystal lattice. The X-ray analysis of the single crystal revealed that the synthesized molecules adopt a geometry being deflected from planarity. The deflection was investigated by analysis of dihedral angles between mean planes...
Weakly Hydrated Solute of Mixed Hydrophobic–Hydrophilic Nature
PublicationInfrared (IR) spectroscopy is a commonly used and invaluable tool in studies of solvation phenomena in aqueous solutions. Concurrently, density functional theory calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations deliver the solvation shell picture at the molecular detail level. The mentioned techniques allowed us to gain insights into the structure and energy of the hydrogen bonding network of water molecules around methylsulfonylmethane...
Dirac fermions and possible weak antilocalization in LaCuSb2
PublicationLayered heavy-metal square-lattice compounds have recently emerged as potential Dirac fermion materials due to bonding within those sublattices. We report quantum transport and spectroscopic data on the layered Sb square-lattice material LaCuSb2. Linearly dispersing band crossings, necessary to generate Dirac fermions, are experimentally observed in the electronic band structure observed using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy,...
The effect of cobalt addition on the corrosion behavior of near equiatomic NiTi shape memory alloy in normal saline solution, impedance and microscopic studies
Open Research DataThe electrochemical and corrosion (uniform and localized) behavior of a binary Ni52Ti48 shape memory alloy (SMA) and two ternary Ni52Ti48-xCox (x = 1.5 and 4.0 wt.%) SMAs were studied. Measurements were conducted in 0.9% NaCl solution at 37 oC. This dataset contains the results of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies done on daily basis...
SEM micrographs of cavitation erosion-corrosion of aluminium alloy 2024 with anodic polarization
Open Research DataThe dataset contains Scanning Electron Micrographs of aluminium alloy 2024 samples made after cavitation erosion-corrosion exposure using a vibratory transducer (in accordance with ASTM G32). The experiment duration was 240 min, with cyclic cavitation exposure in on/off cycles 30s:30s. The electrolyte was 0.1 M KNO3 solution. Some samples were anodically...
SiC coating in ring-on-ring sliding with saline solution (0.9%) lubrication 5MPa, 0.1m/s specimn. #B37/#A35
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of SiC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, SiC over SiC . Mean contact stress: 5MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: SALINE SOLUTION (0.9%). Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time till coating penetration 3 min.Secimen...
TiC coating in ring-on-ring sliding with saline solution (0.9%) lubrication 5MPa, 0.1m/s specimn. #A39/#B41
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of TiC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, TiC over TiC . Mean contact stress: 5MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: SALINE SOLUTION (0.9%). Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time till coating penetration 3 min.Secimen...
SiC coating in ring-on-ring sliding with saline solution (0.9%) lubrication 5MPa, 0.1m/s specimn. #A35/#B37
Open Research DataWear tests in sliding friction of SiC coating on 1.4021 (EN 10088-1) heat treated stainless steel. Ring - on - ring contact in unidirectional sliding, SiC over SiC . Mean contact stress: 5MPa. Sliding velocity: 0,1 m/s. Mean friction radius: 9.5mm. Lubricant: SALINE SOLUTION (0.9%). Tribometer: PT-3. Overall test time till coating penetration 3 min.Secimen...
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance of some FTO/MoS2/SnO2 electrodes
Open Research DataTo demonstrate the electrochemical performance of the FTO/MoS2/SnO2 for HER (hydrogen evolution reaction), the LSV (linear sweep voltammetry) was performed. The polarization curves of the obtained composite were measured in 1 M H2SO4 at room temperature with a scan rate 10 mV/s. For comparison, the LSV for the FTO, pure MoS2 and Pt plate electrode were...
Examples of AFM applications in liquid environment
Open Research DataImportant advantage of atomic force microscopy (also tunneling microscopy) is the ability to work in different environments (vacuum, controlled atmosphere, liquid environment). The last one, open interesting possibilities, such as imaging of delicate biological materials in their natural state. The use of electrochemical mode allows for the modification...
Preparation and X-ray structures of selected aminium thiosulfates
PublicationVarious types of aminium thiosulfates (1–6), including hydrates and mixed salts, have been obtained by the reaction of ammonium thiosulfate with amines. Tertbutylamine, cyclo-hexylamine and 1,6-diaminohexane gave crystals of (t-BuNH3)2S2O3·H2O (1), (c-C6H11NH3)2S2O3 (3) and {(NH4)2(H3NC6H12NH3)(S2O3)2} (6), respectively, which were investigated by X-ray structural analysis. Extensive hydrogen bonding of the N-H…O and N-H…S type...
Lattice-commensurate skyrmion texture in a centrosymmetric breathing kagome magnet
PublicationSkyrmion lattices (SkL) in centrosymmetric materials typically have a magnetic period on the nanometer-scale, so that the coupling between magnetic superstructures and the underlying crystal lattice cannot be neglected. We reveal the commensurate locking of a SkL to the atomic lattice in Gd3Ru4Al12 via high-resolution resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS). Weak easy-plane magnetic anisotropy, demonstrated here by a combination...
The Perception of an Entrepreneur’s Structural, Relational and Cognitive Social Capital among Young People in Poland - An Exploratory Study
PublicationThe goal of the current paper is to verify how an entrepreneur’s structural, relational and cognitive social capital levels are perceived by young people in Poland. The research involved a group of 374 undergraduate business students from a Polish university as participants. Participants completed a survey on entrepreneurial cognitions. It was found that participants assess the level of an entrepreneur’s social capital as relatively...
Detailed investigation of the phase transition inKxP4W8O32and experimental arguments for a charge density wave due to hidden nesting
PublicationDetailed structural and magnetotransport properties of monophosphate tungsten bronze Kx(PO2)4(WO3)8 single crystals are reported. Both galvanomagnetic and thermal properties are shown to be consistent with a charge density wave electronic transition due to hidden nesting of the quasi-1D portion of the Fermi surface. We also observe the enhancement of electronic anisotropy due to reconstruction of the Fermi surface at the Peierls...
Comparison of the coordination geometries of Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions in complexes with water, methanol and bulky aryloxysilanethiolate ligands
PublicationZinc and cadmium complexes containing silanethiolate anions and methanol or water were synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction, FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. Contrary to zinc, the cadmium ion utilizes very weak donors to complete its coordination sphere; it forms contacts to phenyl rings of the silanethiolate ligand. Two zinc analogs of the general formula [Zn{SSi(OAr)3}2(L)2] where L = CH3OH (2)...
PublicationIt has been shown that by creating a network of small airports, it is possible to increase the communication accessibility of large population groups and the country's security, including safety at sea. The airports mentioned above may also be located on land considered to be weak from an engineering point of view. These include, for example, wetlands, swamps, flood embankments, poor coastal belt grounds, and reclaimed land. A...