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Search results for: WEATHER%20ROUTING
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education
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Journal of Science Teacher Education
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European Journal of Teacher Education
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Journal of Music Teacher Education
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Teacher Education and Special Education
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Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability
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Mathematics Teacher Education and Development
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Journal of Teacher Education and Educators
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Impact of the Cultivation System and Pre-Sprouting of Selected Potato Cultivars on the Physico-Chemical Properties and Enzymatic Activity of Soil in the Conditions of Central-Eastern Poland
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Data on bicycle traffic in Gdansk paired with weather and air quality data
Open Research DataThe file contains data on bicycle traffic registered by counting stations loacted in Gdańsk in the years 2013-2020. The data are paired with weather and air quality data from Gdansk collected for the same period. The data is described below:
Optimizing FSO networks resilient to adverse weather conditions by means of enhanced uncertainty sets
PublicationThis work deals with dimensioning of wireless mesh networks (WMN) composed of FSO (free space optics) links. Although FSO links realize broadband transmission at low cost, their drawback is sensitivity to adverse weather conditions causing transmission degradation on multiple links. Hence, designing such FSO networks requires an optimization model to find the cheapest configuration of link capacities that will be able to carry...
Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms as Space Weather I nfluence on Atmospheric Electric Field Variations
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The occurrence of hot weather in the Lublin-Felin and Czesławice in relation to atmospheric circulation (1966–2010)
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On the estimation of the design loads on container stacks due to excessive acceleration in adverse weather conditions
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Operational Enhancement of Numerical Weather Prediction with Data from Real-time Satellite Images
PublicationNumerical weather prediction (NWP) is a rapidly expanding field of science, which is related to meteorology, remote sensing and computer science. Authors present methods of enhancing WRF EMS (Weather Research and Forecast Environmental Modeling System) weather prediction system using data from satellites equipped with AMSU sensor (Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit). The data is acquired with Department of Geoinformatics’ ground...
High-resolution fire danger forecast for Poland based on the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
PublicationDue to climate change and associated longer and more frequent droughts, the risk of forest fires increases. To address this, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management implemented a system for forecasting fire weather in Poland. The Fire Weather Index (FWI) system, developed in Canada, has been adapted to work with meteorological fields derived from the high-resolution (2.5 km) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model....
Water Alternatives-An Interdisciplinary Journal on Water Politics and Development
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Water hammer analysis in water supply systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę analizy zjawiska uderzenia hydraulicznego w sieci pierścieniowej. Model matematyczny opisano za pomocą układu równań różniczkowych cząstkowych I stopnia, które przekształcono do układu równań zwyczajnych. Dla rozwiązania układu równań zastosowano metodę predykator-korektor. Podano odpowiednie równania różnicowe dla węzłów złożonych. Przedstawiono przykład obliczeniowy sieci wodociągowej pierścieniowej, składającej...
The Influence of Weather Anomalies on Mercury Cycling in the Marine Coastal Zone of the Southern Baltic—Future Perspective
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Geographic Information System for Flood Hazard Analysis and Early Warning Using Numerical Weather Predictions
PublicationFloods are a phenomenon which causes significant losses of lives as well as property damage, which in turn severely impact the local economy. The nature of a flooding has been well researched, and several methods of flood hazard simulation have been established over the last decades. The current legislation in the European Union requires the Member States to create, maintain and update flood risk and hazard maps, as well as identify...
Weather Climate and Society
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PublicationThe goal of the present work was the experimental determination of the contact angle of droplets of three nanofluids on various substrates. Of particular interest was effect of nanoparticle concentration on droplet contact angle.
Sessile droplet contact angle of water–Al2O3, water–TiO2 and water–Cu nanofluids
PublicationThis work presents measurements of the contact angle of sessile droplets for three nanofluids, i.e. water–Al2O3, water–TiO2 and water–Cu. The plates made of glass, anodized aluminium and stainless steel of different roughness served as substrates. Ultrasonic vibration was used for 30–60 min in order to stabilise the dispersion of the nanoparticles. Nanoparticles were tested at the concentration of 0.01%, 0.1%, and 1% by weight....
PublicationThe main aim of the proposed study is therefore recognition of the phenomena accompanying nucleate boiling crisis of selected nanofluids during boiling on horizontal tubes of various outside diameters. Of particular interest is impact of contact angle and tube diameter on the value of critical heat flux. The results obtained should give more light on the nature of nucleate boiling crisis and will serve as a basis for future theoretical...
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Paddy and Water Environment
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Water Science and Engineering
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Soil and Water Research
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Water and Wastes Digest
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Inland Water Biology
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Water Resources and Economics
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Taiwan Water Conservancy
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Water and Energy International
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Water Economics and Policy
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International Journal of Water
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npj Clean Water
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Water Biology and Security
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Water and Energy International
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Water Conservation and Management
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Journal of Water Law
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Water Research X
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World Water Policy
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Texas Water Journal
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Water Resources Protection
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AWWA Water Science
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Data on bicycle traffic in Lodz (Poland) paired with weather and air quality data
Open Research DataThe file contains data on bicycle traffic registered by counting stations loacted in Lodz in the years 2016-2019. The data are paired with weather and air quality data from Lodz collected for the same period. The data is described below:
Małgorzata Szopińska dr inż.
PeopleMałgorzata Szopińska rozwój naukowy rozpoczęła realizując pracę doktorską pod kierunkiem prof. dr hab. inż. Żanety Polkowskiej (Politechnika Gdańska, PG) oraz dr hab. Danuty Szumińskiej (Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy) w Katedrze Chemii Analitycznej, kierowanej wówczas przez prof. dr hab. inż. Jacka Namieśnika. Pracę doktorską pt. „Charakterystyka czynników modyfikujących skład wód powierzchniowych na obszarach...
Extreme weather layer method for implementation of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation: Case study Słupsk
PublicationOne of the most severe climate risks that is expected to affect all regions is related to stormwater. Climate models, constructed based on long-term trends, show that extreme weather events such as storms, cloudbursts and a large rise in sea level will be significant in the coming decades. Moreover, even the frequency and intensity of “normal” rainfall events, such as microbursts, are expected to be remarkably higher than today...