Search results for: analytical methods
Analytical design method of reverse curves
PublicationThe paper deals with a new approach relating to the design of the region of railway track direction alteration adapted to Mobile Satellite Measurements technique. The method may be particularly useful in situations when both the straights of the route directions cannot be connected in an elementary way using a circular arc with transition curves; this also refers to the application of a compound curve. Thus the only solution becomes...
Teaching of Analytical Chemistry in Polisch Universities
PublicationChemia Analityczna zajmuje się poszukiwaniem i opracowywaniem optymalnych strategii (metod i urządzeń) pozwalających na uzyskiwanie miarodajnych informacji dotyczących chemicznej natury różnych obiektów znajdujących się w naszym otoczeniu i przebiegających w nich procesach. Wykorzystanie informacji analitycznej jest bardzo szerokie. Otrzymany wynik jest towarem, tym droższym im jest bardziej miarodajny. Chemik analityk odpowiada...
Green analytical chemistry : theory and practice
PublicationThis tutorial review summarises the current state of green analytical chemistry with special emphasis on environmentally friendly sample preparation techniques. Green analytical chemistry is a part of the sustainable development concept; its history and origins are described. Miniaturisation of analytical devices and shortening the time elapsing between performing analysis and obtaining reliable analytical results are important...
History and Milestones of Green Analytical Chemistry
PublicationDue to the increased environmental consciousness, Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is an important concept steadily gaining popularity, as its implementation facilitates the decrease the detrimental effect analytical chemistry methodologies may have on the environment. In this chapter, a brief overview of the history of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) and its milestones was given. Emphasis has been put on the beginnings of green...
The role of analytical chemistry in the study of the Anthropocene
PublicationThe term “Anthropocene” refers to not yet formalized epoch of geologic time during which geologic processes have been dominated by the human impact. This impact takes on many forms. Biological, physical and chemical changes to the Earth System caused by anthropogenic activity are recorded in natural archives either as new fossil assemblages (neobiota), anthropogenic deposits or a wide variety of pollutants emitted to the environment....
Green analytical chemistry metrics: A review
PublicationGreen analytical chemistry encourages reducing the use of toxic chemicals/reagents, using energy-efficient equipment, and generating minimal waste. The recent trends in analytical method development focus on the miniaturization of the sample preparation devices, the development of solventless or solvent-minimized extraction techniques, and the utilization of less toxic solvents. The twelve principles of GAC serve as a basic guideline...
Analytical procedure for the determination of chlorobenzenes in sediments
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania nad opracowaniem procedury oznaczania chlorobenzenów w próbkach osadów dennych. Składa się ona z następujących etapów: ekstrakcji za pomocą rozpuszczalnika (wytrząsanie); oczyszczanie ekstraktu; odparowanie rozpuszczalnika (redukcja objętości ekstraktu); analiza z wykorzystaniem techniki GC-MS. Przeprowadzono badania stopnia odzysku z wykorzystaniem wzorca wewnętrznego (deuterowany 1,2-dibromobenzen).
A derivatisation agent selection guide
PublicationThe development of new tools for providing high quality information in a cost-effective and expeditious way is one of the main aims of analytical chemistry. Remarkably, the introduc- tion of the 12 principles of green chemistry paved the way forward for the development of analytical methodologies that are, ideally, inherently safe for the operator and the environ- ment, with the least possible consumption of energy and chemicals,...
Blue applicability grade index (BAGI) and software: a new tool for the evaluation of method practicality
PublicationIn this work, blue applicability grade index (BAGI) is proposed as a new metric tool for evaluating the practicality of an analytical method. BAGI can be considered complementary to the well-established green metrics, and it is mainly focused on the practical aspects of White Analytical Chemistry. This tool evaluates ten main attributes including the type of analysis, the number of analytes that are simultaneously determined, the...
Calculation methods of interaction of electromagnetic waves with objects of complex geometries
PublicationModeling of the electromagnetic interaction with different homogeneous or inhomo-geneous objects is a fundamental and important problem. It is relatively easy to solve Maxwellequations analytically when the scattering object is spherical or cylindrical, for example. How-ever, when it loses these properties all that is left for us is to useapproximation models, to ac-quire the solution we need. Modeling of complex, non-spherical,...
Analytical procedures for the determination of surfactants in environmental samples
PublicationBecause of their specific physical and chemical properties (amphiphilicity, solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles, adsorption at phase boundaries, low toxicity) surfactants (surface-active compounds) are widely applied in industry and in the household. As their applications are on a very large scale, it has become necessary to acquire a more detailed understanding of their environmental fate.In the...
Metal–Organic Frameworks in Green Analytical Chemistry
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AGREE—Analytical GREEnness Metric Approach and Software
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Anthelmintics in the Aquatic Environment: A New Analytical Approach
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Extending transition curve in analytical design method
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of extending the transitional curves, using for this purpose an analytical design method. The basis for the analysis of numerical calculations were carried out for a wide set of parameters characterizing the standard geometric system. We considered an importance of the size of radius of the circular arc and return angle of route on the obtained results after the formulation of appropriate theoretical...
Analytical design method for widening the intertrack space
PublicationThe paper involved the issue of arching of the railway turnouts. This is an issue which is given relatively less attention to scientific and research activities. Reference has been made to the book by Wladyslaw Rzepka, under the title „Curved turnouts in plan and profile”, which has been used in Poland for more than 50 years as the main source of information relating to the turnouts on the curve. The book is a compilation of elaborations...
Green analytical chemistry: Social dimension and teaching
PublicationGreen Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is the idea which every analytical chemist should be familiar of. Due to continuous improvement in the subject both from the aspects of theory and experimentation, the dynamic way analytical chemistry studies are evolving in the frame of chemistry degrees should not be surprising. Recently, many efforts have been made in order to include Green Chemistry principles to Education, also in the field...
Introduction to MIP synthesis, characteristics and analytical application
PublicationOne of the trends in analytical chemistry is associated with designing and developing new types of sample preparation techniques, which might significantly increase the efficiency and selectivity of the analytes isolation or/and preconcentration process. One of the most widely employed solutions are selective sorption materials, defined as molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), as well as the sorbents with the molecular fingerprint....
Preparation of samples for analysis: the key to analytical success
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono informacje literaturowe o nowych rozwiązaniach metodycznych w zakresie:-izolacji i/lub wzbogacania śladowych składników z próbek środowiskowych-mineralizacji próbek.Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na wykorzystanie w procesie przygotowania próbek nowych typów rozpuszczalników i mediów reakcyjnych spełniających wymogi związane z koncepcją zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Analytical applications of smartphones for agricultural soil analysis
PublicationSoil is one of the most important farming resources. Appropriate managing of its quality promotes productive and sustainable agriculture. The valuable farm practice in soil quality managing is based on regular soil analysis with the aim to determine the exact amount of nutrients or other chemical, physical and biological soil properties. Soil analysis usually requires samples collection at desired sampling depth following by samples...
Green Analytical Chemistry Approaches in Sample Preparation
PublicationThis chapter presents environmentally friendly solutions for sample preparation. Attention is focused on extraction techniques and the minimization of organic solvent consumption, as the large quantitiesused in analytical laboratories are a pressing environmental problem. Solventless sample preparation techniques, alternative solvents, mediated extractions are discussed. The principle of each technique isbriefly described, together...
Arching of railway turnouts by analytical design method
PublicationThe paper involved the issue of arching of the railway turnouts. This is an issue which is given relatively less attention to scientific and research activities. Reference has been made to the book by Wladyslaw Rzepka, under the title „Curved turnouts in plan and profile”, which has been used in Poland for more than 50 years as the main source of information relating to the turnouts on the curve. The book is a compilation of elaborations...
Mass Spectrometry-Based Direct Analytical Techniques
PublicationDirect analysis of samples is considered as one of the most environmentally sustainable solutions in analytical chemistry. In the ideal case, such solutions do not require sample preparation and analytes separation steps, therefore do not consumpt harmful substances (or consumpt only minimum amounts of them) and do not generate hazardous waste. Technical solutions for direct analysis also offer miniaturized and field-portable analyzers...
Numerical and Analytical Investigation of Aluminium Bracket Strengthening
PublicationThis paper focuses on an analytical and numerical investigation of aluminium brackets used to fasten light-weight curtain walls to building facilities. The authors propose a solution to increase the load capacity of aluminium brackets by means of additional cover plates (straps). This paper also includes a short survey of literature and material properties concerning the EN AW-6060 T6 aluminium alloy. This paper suggests an initiation...
Nanoconfined Ionic Liquids. Properties and analytical applications
PublicationThe synergistic combination of ionic liquids (ILs) and solid‐like matrices involves a powerful coupling towards the development of new sustainable analytical methodologies. Here we survey the literature regarding such ionic liquid‐based hybrid materials, including a database on relevant physicochemical properties of ionic liquids confined in a solid network. Furthermore, this chapter presents the strategies implemented to combine...
AGREE—Analytical GREEnness Metric Approach and Software
PublicationGreen analytical chemistry focuses on making analytical procedures more environmentally benign and safer to humans. The amounts and toxicity of reagents, generated waste, energy requirements, the number of procedural steps, miniaturization, and automation are just a few of the multitude of criteria considered when assessing an analytical methodology’s greenness. The use of greenness assessment criteria requires dedicated tools. We...
‘Green’ multi - residue methods for the determination of high importance currently used pesticides in environmental samples
PublicationThe purpose of the research has been to develop and apply ‘green’ analytical methodologies to control and monitor the level of currently used pesticides from different chemical groups in aqueous samples. For extraction of analytes solid - phase microextraction (SPME) and dispersive liquid - liquid microextraction (DLLME) have been applied and compared. For SPME, commonly used materials for coating fibers include: polydimethylsiloxane...
Analysis of pesticide residue in fruits and vegetables using analytical analytical protocol based on application of QuEChERS technique and GC-ECD system
PublicationQuEChERS sample preparation method was used for the determination of 10 pesticides and their metabolites in fruits (apple, grape) and vegetables (tomato, paprika), coupled to gas chromatography with electron capture detector (GC-ECD). The experimental parameters including amount of the sample, types of solvents, extraction time and types of sorbent at the purification stage were optimized. The GC-ECD method was validated in terms...
Bioassays as one of the Green Chemistry tools for assessing environmental quality: A review
PublicationFor centuries, mankind has contributed to irreversible environmental changes, but due to the modern science of recent decades, scientists are able to assess the scale of this impact. The introduction of laws and standards to ensure environmental cleanliness requires comprehensive environmental monitoring, which should also meet the requirements of Green Chemistry. The broad spectrum of Green Chemistry principle applications should...
Estimating uncertainty in analytical procedures based on chromatographic techniques
PublicationTechniki chromatograficzne są bardzo często wykorzystywane w procedurach analitycznych na etapie rozdzielania i oznaczania oraz identyfikacji szerokiego spektrum analitów występujących w próbkach charakteryzujących się złożonym a niekiedy także zmiennym matryce. Bardzo często są jednak sytuacje, że przy oszacowywaniu niepewności wyników oznaczeń końcowych pomija się niepewności związane z procesem chromatograficznym. W efekcie...
Peer Reviewed: A Practical Guide to Analytical Method Validation
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Analytical characteristics of a new amperometric sulfur dioxide sensor
PublicationZaprojektowano i skonstruowano wyposażony w układ trójelektrodowy amperometryczny czujnik ditlenku siarki. Elektroda pracująca czujnika była napylona bezpośrednio na powierzchnię membrany. Zbadano charakterystyki czujnika z membranami z mikroporowatego Teflonu oraz Nafionu. Porównano parametry statyczne i dynamiczne tych czujników wypełnionych roztworami elektrolitów wewnętrznych, zawierających dodatek dimetylosulfotlenku.
Consolidation analysis of clayey soils using analytical tools
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Analytical Steady-State Model of the Pipeline Flow Process
PublicationThe paper addresses the issue of modeling the flow process in transmission pipelines. A base model used for numerical simulation is introduced. Under certain assumptions concerning steady state analysis, the differential equations describing the process are solved analytically for two cases: zero and nonzero inclination angle α. These equations describe a constant flow rate and a corresponding distribution of the pressure along...
“Green” nature of the process of derivatization in analytical sample preparation
PublicationNowadays, the idea of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) is of high importance what impacts on the rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on sample preparation simplification, miniaturization, and automation. Because the derivatization process is often an essential element of the analytical procedure, it should be important to focus on this issue from GAC perspective and conduct a series of experiments...
Some analytical assays for the determination of bioactivity of exotic fruits
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były próbki owoców egzotycznych (mango, durian, gruszka adwokacka) zebrane w 2008 roku w Tajlandii i w Izraelu (po etapie liofilizacji). W próbkach oznaczano zawartość:- białek, - tłuszczów,- węglowodanów,- flawonoidów,- tanin- polifenoli stosując zarówno zaawansowane techniki instrumentalne jak i proste testy spektrofotometryczne (FRAP, ABTS, DPPH, CUPRAC). Uzyskana wieloparametrowa baza danych pomiarowych została...
Analytical method of modelling the geometric system of communication route
PublicationThe paper presents a new analytical approach to modelling the curvature of a communication route by making use of differential equations. The method makes it possible to identify both linear and nonlinear curvature. It enables us to join curves of the same or opposite signs of curvature. Solutions of problems for linear change of curvature and selected variants of nonlinear curvature in polynomial and trigonometric form were analyzed....
Analytical fluctuation enhanced sensing by resistive gas sensors
PublicationResistance fluctuations across polarised resistive gas sensors were studied in detail to evaluate sensor working conditions for detecting methane and ammonia at various concentrations. The 1/f noise component typically dominates other noise sources up to a few kHz and can be utilised to improve gas selectivity when compared with measurements of the sensor DC resistance. The Arrhenius plot was created and the activation energy for...
Chemometrics approaches to green analytical chemistry procedure development
PublicationChemometric tools are widely used in analytical chemistry for the reduction of data dimensionality, grouping of variables and processing of analytical signals. They have also the potential to be applied in analytical procedure development with the aim of minimizing the procedure’s environmental impact. The design of experiment gives the possibility to obtain much better information on the system response than in case of “changing...
Mineral Composition of Dietary Supplements-Analytical and Chemometric Approach
PublicationThere is a lack of data on the actual composition and effectiveness of beetroot-based dietary supplements. The research aimed to determine the profile of 22 elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, As, Se, Zn, Cu, Ag, Co, Ni, Mo, Al, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ba, Li, Pb, Cd) in beetroot and its supplements by the microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) method. The analytical procedure was optimised and validated. The composition of both...
Complementary green analytical procedure index (ComplexGAPI) and software
PublicationIt is not easy to find appropriate tools for the evaluation of the “green”nature of analytical methodologies which involve the use of compounds, materials, or chemicals manufactured prior to the analytical step. Here, we propose a new metric for the evaluation of analytical procedures based on the GAC attributes. The proposed solution expands on the well-known green analytical procedure index by adding additional fields pertaining...
Analytical procedures used in examining human urine samples.
PublicationŹródłem informacji o stanie środowiska mogą być zarówno wyniki badań próbek części nieożywionej (woda, gleba, powietrze) jak i części biotycznej, w tym także tkanek i płynów ustrojowych człowieka, który jest nieustannie narażony na działanie szerokiego spektrum ksenobiotyków. Badanie płynów ustrojowych człowieka (głównie krwi i moczu) może być bardzo użyteczną i interesującą drogą do uzyskania informacji o stanie środowiska....
Analytical and numerical solution of a coupled KdV - MKdV system.
PublicationTransformację Darboux zastosowano do całkowania układów równań KdV - MKdV.Reprezentacja Laxa używa 2x2 macierzowe zagadnienie spektralne drugiego rzędu. Numeryczną metodę wprowadzono razem z dowodem zbieżności.
Analytical and numerical solution of a coupled KdV-MKdV system.
PublicationTransformacje Darboux zostały użyte do rozwiązania układu równań KdV-MKdV.
Pathways and analytical tools in degradation studies of organic pollutants
PublicationWszystkie substancje chemiczne podlegają różnym procesom w wyniku wielu reakcji chemicznych, biochemicznych czy też fotochemicznych. W zależności od elementu środowiska w jakim znajduje się analit (np.: gleba, sedymenty, wody powierzchniowe i podziemne), może on ulegać powolnym przemianom w wyniku różnych procesów. W pracy przedstawiono niektóre drogi degradacji wybranych substancji w różnych warunkach. Omówiono problem identyfikacji...
Analytical techniques used in monitoring of atmospheric air pollutants
PublicationW artykule opisano najczęściej spotykane zanieczyszczenia powietrza atmosferycznego, ich interakcje i wpływ na środowisko. Przedstawiono klasyfikację technik i metodyk stosowanych w badaniach zanieczyszczeń powietrza. Przeprowadzono przegląd technik pobierania i dozowania próbek gazowych. Zaprezentowano także przykłady typowych systemów służących do analizy zanieczyszczeń powietrza.
A total scoring system and software for complex modified GAPI (ComplexMoGAPI) application in the assessment of method greenness
PublicationEvaluating analytical methods with innovative metrics is essential to ensure the effectiveness of analytical procedures. Various approaches have been proposed to assess the performance of an analytical method and its environmental consequences, as sustainable environment and green chemistry ideology are of high importance nowadays. Considering greenness evaluation of developed analytical procedures, Green Analytical Procedure Index...
Developments in Green Chromatography
PublicationGreen analytical chemistry is a widely recognized concept that has led to the development of new analytical methods with reduced environmental impact and minimized analyst occupational exposure. Achievements include the development of microextraction, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) techniques. Research towards greener separation processes focuses on the elimination of toxic solvents...
PublicationDevelopment of the domestic grape wine market has been presented. The number of grape wine producing entities, acreage, and volume of production over last five years are presented. The composition of red grape wine has been discussed involving health promoting aspects. Two methods of wine quality determination: analytical and sensory meth ods have been described. Physicochemical parameters influencing wine quali ty (acidity, sweetness)...
Opportunities and shortcomings of ionic liquids in single-drop microextraction
PublicationThe synergistic combination of ionic liquids (ILs) and single-drop microextraction (SDME) involves a powerful coupling toward the development of sustainable analytical methodologies. This overview provides a survey of the literature regarding the IL-SDME, including a database on relevant physicochemical properties of ILs for their application in SDME, the strategies implemented to combine IL-based SDME methods efficiently with...