Search results for: antioxidant activity
The effects of nordic walking training on blood antioxidant defence in patients with intermittent claudication
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Edible Flowers Extracts as a Source of Bioactive Compounds with Antioxidant Properties—In Vitro Studies
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Characterization of white cabbages from different cultivations by isothiocynates content and antioxidant activities
PublicationBadania epidemiologiczne wskazują, że wraz z zwiększeniem spożywania kapusty maleje ryzyko zachorowania na niektóre nowotwory. Mechanizmy przeciwrakotwórczego działania nie są do końca wyjaśnione, jednak wiele badań przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem zwierząt i ludzi sugeruje, że substancje występujące w tych roślinach, szczególnie izotiocyjaniany (ITC) modulują aktywność enzymów I i II fazy. Aktywność przeciwutleniająca jest innym...
A Comparison of ABTS and DPPH methods for assessing the total antioxidant capacity of human milk
PublicationCałkowitą zdolność przeciwutleniająca (TAC) mleka ludzkiego odzwierciedla zawartość i aktywność w mleku składników, które zapobiegają degradacji tłuszczów i białek na drodze utlenienia. Celem badania było porównuje testu ABTS i DPPH w odniesieniu do odzysku, precyzji i czułości (granica wykrywalności i oznaczalności) obu metod służących do oznaczania wartości TAC mleka ludzkiego. Wartości TAC zostały określone dla dwudziestu pięciu...
Organic and conventional kiwifruit myths versus reality: antioxidant, antiproliferative and health effects
PublicationComparison between organic and conventional kiwifruit cultivars ''Hayward'' and ''Bidan'', which was done by four redical scavenging assays, ESI-MS, and DSC measurements, showed significant differences between cultivars. Such results were not estimated in kiwifruit growing under organic and conventional conditions. The extraction of bioactive compounds was done by two different methods: sequential extraction with ethyl acetate...
Elucidation of chemical compounds in different extracts of two Lavandula taxa and their biological potentials: Walking with versatile agents on the road from nature to functional applications
PublicationDue to their health-promoting and nutraceutical properties, lavenders are frequently employed in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Here, we focused on investigate the chemical profile of hexane, MeOH, and water extracts of leaf, flower, and root of L. pedunculata and L. stoechas and to assess their antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory, and antibacterial properties. The highest total polyphenolic and flavonoids contents were recorded...
A case study on the rotomolding behavior of black tea waste and bio-based high-density polyethylene composites: Do active compounds in the filler degrade during processing?
PublicationThis study verified the possibility of using waste material from the food industry (black tea) as functional filler of rotomolded biobased high-density polyethylene-based composites. As part of the experimental work, the influence of the materials preparation, i.e., dry blending versus twin-screw extrusion, on the effectiveness of the stabilizing antioxidant effect of the black tea was analyzed. The aim of the work was to verify...
How the Dimensions of Plant Filler Particles Affect the Oxidation-Resistant Characteristics of Polyethylene-Based Composite Materials
PublicationThis study analyzed the possibility of using plant-originated waste materials (black and green tea dust) as functional polyethylene fillers. The dependence between the size of the filler particles and their antioxidant potential is discussed. Six fractions were selected: below 50 µm, 50–100 µm, 100–200 µm, 200–400 µm, 400–630 µm and 630–800 µm. Significant differences between the effect of particle size and the antioxidant properties...
The influence of selenium addition during seeds' germination on the biological properties of obtained sprouts
PublicationSelenium plays a vital role in human body, because in the form of aminoacids (Se-methionine, Se-cysteine) it is found in the active centres of over 25 enzymes, including those regarded as 'cytoprotective'. Unfortunatelly, its daily intake in Poland and other European countries is lower than predicted by dietary recommendations. The consequences of selenium deficiency in diet might be severe, including higher susceptibility to cardio-vascular...
The relationship between standard reduction potentials of catechins and biological activities involved in redox control
PublicationRedox homeostasis involves factors that ensure proper function of cells. The excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to oxidative stress and increased risk of oxidative damage to cellular components. In contrast, upon reductive stress, insufficient ROS abundance may result in faulty cell signalling. It may be expected that dietary antioxidants, depending on their standard reduction potentials (E°), will affect both scenarios....
Rapana venosa consumption improves the lipid profiles and antioxidant capacities in serum of rats fed an atherogenic diet
PublicationIn the recent years, the consumption of seafood has increased. There are no results on the studies of Rapana venosa (Rv) as a supplementation to the diets. We hypothesized that Rv would increase antioxidant capacity and reduce blood lipids, based on the composition of bioactive compounds and fatty acids. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo actions of Rv from contaminated (C) and non-C (NC)...
The impact of interactions between polyphenolic antioxidants on the redox-related chemical and biological properties of their mixtures – the extension of food synergy concept.
PublicationThe results of studies indicate that chemopreventive efficiency of isolated phytochemicals is lower than that of polyphenol-rich foods. This discrepancy has been ascribed to the food synergy concept that assumes additive or even synergistic influence of different food ingredients on human health. The results presented in the dissertation made it possible to propose an alternative and innovative explanation of these observations. The...
Impact of postharvest processing on the health benefits of durian-derived products
PublicationDurian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) is a seasonal fruit with a short harvesting period, requiring postharvest processing such as cutting, peeling, freeze-drying, cooking, and frying to enhance its shelf life and nutritional quality. In this study, fresh Monthong durian (MTD), MTD Sticks, MTD Cake, and MTD Chips were analyzed for polyphenols, phenolic acids, tannins, flavonoids and thermal stability. Antioxidant activity was assessed...
Investigation of antifungal and antibacterial potential of green extracts of propolis
PublicationPropolis extracts have been used in traditional medicines since ages due to its advantageous complex chemical composition. However, the antibacterial and antifungal activity of poplar propolis extracts prepared in Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent (NADES) are seldom studied. This study investigates suitable alternate for ethanol as a solvent for extraction for Polish poplar propolis. It also attempts to identify suitable extraction...
A comparative study of phenolic compounds and antioxidant and antiproliferative activities in frequently consumed raw vegetables
PublicationCelem badań było oszacowanie właściwości przeciwutleniających wybranych warzyw spożywczych w stanie surowym: czosnek (Allium sativum L), biała, żółta i czerwona cebula (Allium cepa L), czerwony i zielony pieprz (Capsicum annuum L.) oraz biała kapusta (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) zbieranych w ciągu tego samego roku z różnych regionów geograficznych i stref klimatycznych. W badaniach odpowiednich ekstraktów metanolowych...
Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Properties of Powders Obtained from Different Plum Juice Formulations
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EDS1-Dependent Cell Death and the Antioxidant System in Arabidopsis Leaves is Deregulated by the Mammalian Bax
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Comparison of bioactive compounds, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of Mon Thong durian during ripening
PublicationCelem przeprowadzonych badań było oszacowanie zmian zawartości związków odżywczych, związków bioaktywnych, kwasów tłuszczowych oraz przeciwutleniaczy w owocach duriana w trakcie różnych etapów procesu dojrzewania. W badaniach wykorzystano testy CURRAC, DPPH, ABTS i FRAP. Stwierdzono, że całkowita zawartość polifenoli, flawonoidów, kwasu askorbimowego, tanin oraz poziom aktywności przeciwutleniającej jest dla owoców niedojrzałych,...
Lipid mediators involved in the oxidative stress and antioxidant defence of human lung cancer cells
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Structural, physico-chemical and antioxidant characteristics of 2,2′-bipyridyl(iminodiacetato)oxidovanadium(IV) dihydrate
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CEACAM6 as a Novel Therapeutic Target to Boost HO-1—mediated Antioxidant Defense in COPD
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Role of Litsea cubeba Essential Oil in Agricultural Products Safety: Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Applications
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Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Cinnamomum cassia essential oil and its application in food preservation
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Analysis of antioxidant capacity and polyphenol content of Goji fruit products available on the European market
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Ginsenoside and phenolic compounds in hydromethanolic extracts of American ginseng cell cultures and their antioxidant properties
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In vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activities and acetylcholinesterase inhibition properties of selected plant extracts
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In Vitro Antiproliferative and Antioxidant Effects of Extracts from Rubus caesius Leaves and Their Quality Evaluation
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Determination of phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity of 22 old apple cultivars grown in Poland
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Identification of antioxidant polyphenolics from Jasione montana based on a preliminary LC-MS profiling
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Effect of roasting time of buckwheat groats on the formation of Maillard reaction products and antioxidant capacity
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Effect of liquid-state fermentation on the antioxidant and functional properties of raw and roasted buckwheat flours
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Supplementation with antioxidant vitamins prevents oxidative modification of DNA in lymphocytes of HIV-infected patients
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Sperm Antioxidant Biomarkers and Their Correlation with Clinical Condition and Lifestyle with Regard to Male Reproductive Potential
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Mineral Composition and Antioxidant Potential in the Common Poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) Petal Infusions
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Selenium and mercury concentrations, Se:Hg molar ratios and their effect on the antioxidant system in wild mammals
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The Action Mechanisms, Anti-Cancer and Antibiotic-Modulation Potential of Vaccinium myrtillus L. Extract
PublicationHerbal medicinal products containing Vaccinium myrtillus L. (bilberry) fruits and fruit extracts are widely available in the market. Although bilberry leaves and stems are considered as bio-waste, they contain much higher levels of phenolic compounds than fruits. The study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial and anticancer potential of aerial part extracts from Vaccinium myrtillus L. (V. myrtillus, VM) plants harvested at high...
The correlation between nutritional and health potential and antioxidant properties of raw edible oils from cultivated and wild plants
PublicationThe nutritional properties and health potential of oils from 15 various cultivated and wild plants were investigated on the basis of the fatty acids profiles, total carotenoids and tocopherols content, antioxidant properties and health potential indexes such as atherogenicity index (AI). The oil contents of the plants varied between 0.9 g/100 g for lychee seeds and 29.7 g/100 g for borage seeds. The tocopherol content in oils ranged...
Possibility of Using Tea Fungus for Fermentation of Beetroot and Carrot Pomace Beverages
PublicationFermented beverages obtained from plant-based raw materials are becoming more popular due to their beneficial effects on human health. These include kombucha beverages, which are obtained by fermenting tea brew using the so-called tea fungus, which includes acetic acid bacteria and osmophilic yeast. A consortium of these microorganisms could also be used to prepare functional fermented beverages obtained from extracts of vegetable...
The Physicochemical, Antioxidant, and Color Properties of Thin Films Based on Chitosan Modified by Different Phenolic Acids
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The Antioxidant Properties of Selected Varieties of Pumpkin Fortified with Iodine in the Form of Potassium Iodide and Potassium Iodate
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Biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant and photocatalytic activities by the endophytic Alternaria tenuissima
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Effect of Marination Time on the Antioxidant Properties of Peptides Extracted from Organic Dry-Fermented Beef
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In Vitro Screening for Anti-Acetylcholinesterase and Antioxidant Activities of Hottonia palustris L. Extracts and Their Unusual Flavonoids
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The Influence of Time and Storage Conditions on the Antioxidant Potential and Total Phenolic Content in Homemade Grape Vinegars
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Fermented Tea as a Food with Functional Value—Its Microbiological Profile, Antioxidant Potential and Phytochemical Composition
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Analysis of Antioxidant Capacity and Antimicrobial Properties of Selected Polish Grape Vinegars Obtained by Spontaneous Fermentation
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Validated HPTLC method for determination of ledol and alloaromadendrene in the essential oil fractions of Rhododendron tomentosum plants and in vitro cultures and bioautography for their activity screening
PublicationRhododendron tomentosum (Ledum palustre) is a bog shrub used in traditional medicine for treatment of respiratory and rheumatic diseases. Due to the large variability of the chemical composition of its essential oil, depending on the habitat, the in vitro cultures were established as the alternative source of the volatile fraction. There is a need to monitor a quality of the field grown as well as in vitro plant material, especially...
Bioavailability of Tannins and Other Oligomeric Polyphenols: a Still to Be Studied Phenomenon
PublicationPurpose of Review Polyphenols are a group of plant secondary metabolites characterized with the presence ofmultiples of phenol structural units. Tannins are plant originated phenolic substances, which play an important role in plant defense system as well as have found applications in medicine, industry, and other fields of human activity. Despite these, the mechanisms of bioavailability of these substances are poorly studied and...
Chemical and biological characterization of Ocimum basilicum L. phenolic extract and essential oil derived through ultrasound and microwave-assisted extraction techniques
PublicationPlant-derived bioactive molecules are increasingly utilized in food processing as natural additives, driven by a growing interest in healthier lifestyles. This trend has spurred industries to reformulate products to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers. This study investigates the phenolic extract and essential oil of O. basilicum L. obtained via ultrasound-assisted extraction and microwave-assisted extraction, respectively. Characterization...
Multidirectional Characterization of Phytochemical Profile and Health-Promoting Effects of Ziziphora bungeana Juz. Extracts
PublicationZiziphora species (Lamiaceae) have been used in traditional medicine as sedatives, anti-septics, carminatives, or expectorants. Despite their common applications in phytotherapy, there is still lack of evidence about the composition of their extracts and its impact on biological properties of the plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the content of Ziziphora bungeana, a less studied species growing in Kazakhstan, using...